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5912000 No.5912000 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I buy rolexes

>> No.5912557

a gold rolex is like 20 eth bro, why bother, girls dont even notice them anymore. get some nice tailored designer clothes instead and the latest phone

>> No.5912578

You don't, it's a waste of money.

>> No.5912588

Rolex holds its value.

>> No.5912645

Wait until VEN is fully functional to buy a Rolex that you can know for sure not to be fake.

>> No.5912663

Pajeet reply

>> No.5912705

There's no mistake in my grammar, lad

>> No.5912717
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le store of value

>> No.5912723

Ya just buy an iPhone X and the new Galaxy. Take them both out on a date so the girl sees then. That'll get your more points than a Rolex and you'll be able to build a goof conversion off it if you're creative.

>> No.5912772

Omega Speedmaster looks better and is more affordable

>> No.5912855


>> No.5912878

You can buy used ones on overstock with crypto

>> No.5913471

idk, ask rich people and not basement neets that happen to be rich.

>> No.5913654

If it’s over 10k will that be an issue?

>> No.5913846


>> No.5914146

but will the internals be the same? or will they be gutted...

>> No.5915009
