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5911530 No.5911530 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best crypto to start trading in New Zealand? Any advice from New Zealand anons appreciated, also general Pacific countries crypto thread I guess

>> No.5911668

Chch anon here. Obviously LINK.

Other notables,

>> No.5911750

..and XLM

>> No.5911864

>Buying the 8th largest mc that 10x'd in the last month.

No thanks.

>> No.5911880

Chch here too

LINK, OMG, REQ are my long-term holds.

Getting fiat in is tricky, Token Room good but no deposits until 9th. Localetherum is also nice.

>> No.5911950

Jafa anon here, Im holding mostly Vechain and Icon with a bit of REQ

>> No.5911972

I've use crytopia for bank transfer into NZDT. Pretty shit buying any big coins to send to binance, usually have to pay a ~5% premium.

>> No.5912107

XLM is already being used for bank transfers across the south pacific, so you might want to look into that

>> No.5912155

LINK seems a bit high to be getting into right now. That said, it is only dollarydoo per so its not much to get into

>> No.5912332

Consider that we aren't even at BTC or ETH ATH yet, so if your portfolio has keep up or beaten the market overall since late October, you're still not even buying LINK at ATH. Also it's worth mentioning that this pump is not based off of any news or dev posts. If we can nearly 3x in 7 days from nothing, then you're not going to want to miss out when we actually start seeing partnership announcements.

>> No.5912408

Why do New Zealanders come to Australia and king hit people?

>> No.5912434

protip: if you are not using localbitcoins to get cash in and out you are doing it wrong

just buy the meme coins that are shilled the most on biz. its never failed me. right now im in LINK TRX (not sure on longterm, got in for PnD) OMG XRB VEN

>> No.5912472

>Implying its New Zealanders and not just poly's with nz citizenship


>> No.5912573

Im feeling RDD, ICX, XVG and XBY. I also think now's our time to make money on cryptos before Taxinda wakes up and hits us hard with capital gains tax.

Also does anyone here use bitprime???
I've had a cryptopia account but signed up with bitprime just before Christmas because I wanted in on XPR an TRX.
Nearly two weeks later my account still hasn't been registered. Also heard from a mate who went to register with them 2 days ago. Their home page says 'we are overwhelmed by people signing on and arent taking any new accounts until further notice'
So I'm still waiting on my account to be verified meanwhile both XPR and TRX have fucking mooned. Shit I am salty AF about this.

>> No.5912580

Because we have a garbage culture and also you deserve it.

TRX is literally the posterchild for insanely over bloated shitcoins and brain dead money.

>> No.5912637

The fucking drunks from New Zealand are here. Now I know we are in a bubble. Call bitfinex and tell them to crash tether now

>> No.5912656

yeah im pretty sure im going to dump it. i havent even looked into it yet.

>> No.5912674

> XPR???
Why does my phone autocorrect XRP to that??

Also forgot to mention Siacoin and Vechain.

>> No.5912743


This, NZ is light years behind in terms of crypto currency adoption and awareness, must be something in the water desu.

>> No.5912747

If you've made good money I'd start taking profits. No point having the rug taken out from under you and end up holding garbage.

>> No.5912840
File: 171 KB, 1152x800, 21v27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most exchanges are turned new registrations off because of network congestion issues that they are facing with the large volumes being traded.

Try KuCoin - it's a Chinese exchange that has a lot of coins and tends to get the new coins before the bigger ones do.

Sign up using this referral ID: 21v27

Picture relevant: would you rather a 21 or a 27 yro?

My Shilled Coins: TRX, XLM, DBC, NEO

>> No.5912853

Don't DENT your ghost chip bags Anon

>> No.5913532

Any fellow kiwi anons made mint??? I did good last year, six figures. Don't wanna be a dick about it but am struggling to get my head around it. None of my friends or family even know about it. My dad has worked shithouse jobs all his life and I feel guilty for having made more in the six months than he has made in the last five years.
Have started cashing out but not sure how I'm gonna even tell my old I have enough to buy a house outright while they're still paying a mortgage. Should I help them pay it off? Or just look after myself? Anyone else in similar situations?

>> No.5913833


I've got about 300k ADA and heaps of other shit coins, still on the benefit, started with $3000 in march, went all into ADA at 0.04 cents, never looked back.

Life is too short to care about others or worry about right/wrongs, just do what floats your boat,

>> No.5913883

Nice, what was your percent return?

>> No.5914087


As of my holdings, 15000%

Doesn't count what I could of had if I didn't buy so much stuff with my BTC.

Never really understood how people get so conflicted, tell your family but if they kick a stink drop their asses and go travelling the world.

>> No.5914325

>Life is too short to care about others or worry about right/wrongs, just do what floats your boat,
Yeah I like this attitude. After all we are the one who stuck our necks out while others fucked around. Also, love that you are sticking it to winz
Started with $500 on BTC in 2014. Only other in because all the threads on /b/. I gotta thank 4chan for this. Back then was speaking a with friend
> Tell him 'ive decided im gonna put $500 on BTC because why the fuck not'
> He says, 'idiot, it's dodgy af, you might as well throw your money in the gutter, only a fool would invest'
> Really.? Why?
> Oh I dunno, just stuff I heard
> Lol, ok man. Decided to go ahead and never mention it to him again
> Now have $350k.
Like i said don't wanna be a dick about it, no skill involved on my part. Also most that money was made in the last couple months.
Still nice to know I made the right choice while he's still poor.
But now it's all consuming me. It's becoming my job, my life almost.
Trying to figure out strategies, do I get into XLM, ADA, TRX? Do I hodl my BTC and ETH? I can't ask my friends or family, they havent got a clue about cryptos. I've tried to get some into it but all I get is a thousand yard stare. Or a comment like, 'oh yeah, I've heard of the bitcoins, I reckon it's gonna crash'. Yeah cool, thx Einstein. But I think we all have that.
Couple days ago I was visiting my parents for lunch, in the two hours I was there I made about $6k on XRP. I couldnt even share that with them. I think they thought I was on fb. Dad got pussy wanting me to get off my phone, but I couldn't really say 'hold on dad, I'll check out why you can't download that app in a minute, ive just gotta pump more fiat into xrp, ffs no it can't wait, price is going up about a cent minute, I'm losing money here.'

So yeah I'm rambling but can't really talk about this to anyone irl.

>> No.5914454

>Doesn't count what I could of had if I didn't buy so much stuff with my BTC.
Haha lol. Don't we all know it.
>tell your family but if they kick a stink drop their asses and go travelling the world.
Yeah I know first world problems eh. It's just I know my dad's gonna be fucked off. He's worked his arse off his whole life and made real struggle of it. Maybe I'm over thinking it, he might just be happy for me. As for friends I'm genuinely worried they're gonna want my money, or loan them so they can buy some wheels or some shit. Am going to the States in a couple weeks, just by myself. Doin it in style. Want to live up large for a couple weeks, staying in some top hotels, eat well, fly at the front of the plane- stuff like that. Probably gonna post lies on fb saying I'm slumming it at some skodey backpackers and eating Subway every day.

>> No.5914479

Pls don't introduce CGT you fags

>> No.5914561

Can anyone legitimately explain tax for crypto for NZ?
If we provide evidence that we held something for 1 year there is no tax?

>> No.5914682

Read a post on Reddit a while ago that was supposedly made by a chartered accountant who was into crypto and even he wasn't 100% on how NZ tax legislation applies to crypto gains.

>> No.5914713

If they've still got a mortgage you could help them out? I'm sure they'd be happy for you ultimately.

As for friends, yeah. I'd be very cautious giving out any information. Get a property sorted and keep quiet would be my advice.

I have nothing near your amount but am already cautious. Only gf and one close friend knows anything of substance.

>> No.5914749

IRD still haven't released formal advice. No-one knows at this point.

>> No.5914764

Yeah I don't think anyone knows t b h. So for the time being we are ok. I do think new government is going to 'clarify the issue' in the coming months. And by that I mean hit us where it hurts and they're gonna do it brutally.

>> No.5914783

Yeah that's what I've gathered, is that even IRD is fucking about (maybe some higher-ups have some money in it and are intentially obsfuscating???) Who knows

>> No.5915023

>What is the best crypto to start trading in New Zealand?
Australian welfare payments. Free money, kiwi anon.

>> No.5915256

Chch here.
Siacoin, Tron, Ripple, Neo definitely gonna make you money.
Xtrabytes, Nexus, Aelf, Obsidian are small ones I think will do well long term as well, or at least worth a gamble. Am thinking I need to get in on Funfair but I'm just not sure about that one.

>> No.5915261

I started signing up to Coinspot but they required some fucking ID. Is there some way to trade in New Zealand?

>> No.5915277
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>> No.5915406

Binance and Cryptopia. Also Localbitcoins

>> No.5915494

Thanks, but Binance has disabled new registrations for some indeterminate time. Guess i have to commit to Cryptopia

>> No.5915557


>> No.5915634

What he said. Also everyone wants your ID now.

You all seen bitcoins back over $us16k in the last couple hours. I've got a couple grand due in two weeks because my Nan died. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out where I'll invest it. Something telling me I need to build my Bitcoin because it's gonna hit $30 by end of Jan. Still reckon there's life in it yet and it will be $100k by Xmas.

>Only gf and one close friend knows
Wise move anon. It's not a subject anyone I know talks about, and I'm happy to keep this shit to myself. I think if I told people, they would just be jealous and secretly hope it all crashes and I lose my modest portfolio. Us kiwis can be total cunts like that.

>> No.5915643

Even without CGT in NZ, you will be charged income tax rates. Not sure why you all focus on CGT. Must be NEETS who have never paid any tax.

>> No.5915720

> KuCoin
I just don't trust em. Easy interface, probably safe as fuck and all that. But I think coz they're Chinese I don't feel comfortable using them.

>> No.5915729

Yep, Cryptopia also wants my ID as well. This sounds totally opposite to le epic decentralization maymay which crypto was based on. I am also mildly annoyed because I have something like 100 dogecoin floating somewhere on an old laptop hard drive from a few years ago

>> No.5915807

Ausfags not allowed ITT....go watch some men in singlets and tight shorts run around an oval shaped field.

>> No.5915837

Awww skux uce ay bro cherr cherrrrrr cuzzy bro

>> No.5915866

I do this too. If it's any consolation Americans have to pay a premium on coinbase too so we're basically in the same waka as the majority

>> No.5915905

I hear you brother. But the world's changing and they're clamping down on stuff.
> 100 dogecoin lost
Top kek. And here I am feeling sorry for people who lost their keys and can't access the 50 btc they mined back in 2012.
I'll find you and give you the $2 if I makes you feel better mate.

>> No.5916070

100 doge might be worth $2e89576398476 in the future mate, watch yerself

>> No.5916172

> Cryptopia
Shit sucks you can't buy ripple from them
Lol.Well I've got about 60 of them so I'll be ordering a red Maserati and a black lambo

>> No.5916179

I work for the NZ Govt, and keep my ear to the ground about this sort of thing.
There is no specific CGT in NZ (nor is it likely).
That being said, if you derive an income from trading, it would be liable for tax.
However, crypto is pretty new to the IRD (though they do have a team working on understanding it more). Typically they are about 10 years behind anything techie.
Also worth noting that unless the exchanges start feeding them data, they will have no idea how much crypto you have.
Of course, they can track any bank payments you've made to exchanges, and can always adopt a "guilty until you prove otherwise" position.

>> No.5916219

It's true there's nothing formal. I'll post something when I find out.

>> No.5916255

This anon is right, to an extent.

>> No.5916321


Where did this meme come from?
In NZ cryptocurrency gains are taxed the same as gains made from trading foreign currencies.
If you're only cashing out small amounts nobody will notice but >10k and you should pay CGT or get butthumped by Tupulao in Mt Eden.

>> No.5916326

What do you guys think about the following coins


>> No.5916327

RCN ripio
Great utility and is on binance + bittrex

>> No.5916421

Oh and for those of you wondering about how to avoid tax, you can by gold and silver from MyGold or NZmint (I think) with bitcoin.

Just take that gold and sell it to another gold dealer, the difference will only end up about 3% loss

>> No.5916437

All pretty high risk. By that I mean trash.
Buy SKY if you want high risk. At least it's got decent memes.
Hopefully Cindy doesn't get any data from Cryptopia because I signed up with the same email address I use for RealMe like a dribbling retard.

>> No.5916452

Not exactly, see:

>> No.5916455

Aeternity and Ripio for the win. I don't know enough about the others to comment.

>> No.5916470

>3% loss
Try 10%, conservatively
t. gold bagholder who looked into trading it for crypto

>> No.5916478
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> I signed up with the same email address I use for RealMe like a dribbling retard


>> No.5916487

7 figures deep in christchurch yo

8 EOY no doubt

>> No.5916520

I need to go to bed, will read this tomorrow. Thanks anon.

>> No.5916529

Fuck me. They keep shilling that realme but I will not touch it.

t. Literal conspiracy freak

>> No.5916553

You need it for student loan and general student gibsmedats
t. degenerate couch burner

>> No.5916594

I wouldn't worry about it. It doesn't really make things any worst - Cryptopia has your ID etc, right?
Under S17 of the TAA, IRD can request all records from any NZ business - they'd have every detail anyway.

>> No.5916610

If you're dropping in fiat from your bank account then it makes no difference really.
That is not how I got my BTC in there, hence I should be sterilised.

>> No.5916653

I won’t to get more Aeternity but it’s not on bittrex which lead to...

Has anyone done full verification on bittrex? I can’t get shit out due to their zero-withdrawl policy

>> No.5916667

Sorry, should clarify - S17 is used on a case-by-case basis. It's not a metadata capture device.
If you were being audited, and they suspected you had crypto, they could use it then.

>> No.5916706

I would*

>> No.5916707

I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm bags of XRP, XML, FUN, UFR, TRX and a small amount of ETH and LTC which I mainly use just to buy shitcoins on Cryptopia and Binance. The only significant gains I've made has been stellar and ripple and thats cuz I invested in them in November.

My advice, research a low priced coin that YOU understand and believe in - not what gets shilled and jump in early as opposed to investing in whats been doing well. If somethings doing well, generally you've missed the wave. In saying that - I think Ripple and Stellar are prob the most promising long term.

>> No.5916710

Cryptopia doesn't have my ID
>cashing out
Deep-south degenerate reporting in.
I was already comfy af on the student allowance and this year we get another $50/week. Thanks wagies.

>> No.5916711

>Seeing all this hype on XLM which other anons recommended mere hours ago, and I can't get any yet because of verification memes

>> No.5916739


>>cuz we hit harder than you pussys

>> No.5916749

Ok. I'm just on the general gibmedats. I just claim to be too autistic to work a computer. I'm totz normal but always amp that shit up whenever I have to go in. I kinda feel bad about putting my case manager thru this.

Well done anon. Good to see. Am in the high 5's. Got some way to go before I hit your level.
I've still got a bank account in Australia. Dad got posted there when I was 15. Time comes to cash out Ive been thinking I'll put it into that and continue acting like a poor neet. I'm sure it's a plan I can get away with that.

>> No.5916844

Wagecucks paying for my uni. Feels cozy man, but it will be time to give back to my country soon enough. Do you have to pay taxes when you convert crypto to nzd?

>> No.5916890
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Chch here, dont the Chinese buy houses here because no capital gains tax?

I'm a brainlet, but that's what I'm rolling with, sold some bitcoin this week.

>> No.5916938

lmao that's only for houses m8.
who knows, read the thread.

>> No.5916971

Dude no!!!!!
Bitcoin starting to moon. At 2 week high in the last hour.
And yep, no CGT here.
Don't gotta pay tax yet.

>> No.5917043

If you're doing anything specifically to make a profit (particularly if it's regular), generally it'll be liable for tax.

>> No.5917100

And if I wanted to pay that tax like a god boy, how would I go about that?
t. brainlet

>> No.5917102

Of course fucken houses.

Boomers and Chinese are doing the same things with houses that we are doing with crypto.

>> No.5917175

Declare the income on an ir3.
The plus side is that you'd be able to claim any fees as expenses.
I'd probably not do anything until there's clearer rules out though, just hold some cash back for caesar...

>> No.5917264

you don't see a crash coming?

>> No.5917274

NZ Banks are cracking down on crypto accounts, so be careful nz bros.

>> No.5917311

How so? Will they take your money?

>> No.5917340

Also got any sources? What's their reasoning?

>> No.5917488

Not exactly what you're after, but relevant.

>> No.5917516

>go watch some men in singlets and tight shorts run around an oval shaped field.
marginally better than a dozen moaris the shape of housebricks witrh their heads wedged in each others arse cheeks.

>> No.5917576

Just had mates declined opening accounts when crypto is mentioned. But I would be cautious since Australian banks (ANZ/Westpac included) are seemingly freezing customers accounts attached to crypto.

>> No.5917640

I think banks here just don't know how to deal with it so are just trying to cover their ass. If you pay your taxes when cashing out then all should be well.

>> No.5917720


I can handle a bear market, it's the mass psychological warfare with Ripple that keeps me up at night.

>> No.5917752

You're half-right. The banks don't care about tax. I'd say they're more concerned about money-laundering.

>> No.5918046

The whole trading thing is stressful as fuck. So volatile. so many variables. You gotta have big balls and back the decisions you make. But I fucking love it. Tell you what though, my asshole has never been so tightly clenched.