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59101359 No.59101359 [Reply] [Original]

In all seriousness when is the right time to reallocate from APU to LINK?

>> No.59101365


>> No.59101371

Shitcoin To shitcoin is a taxable event in burgistan, boys and girls!

>> No.59101384

When the bull stops, and memecoins go to zero. So that would be after btc reaches 120k or so. But who knows, maybe it will go to 220k or even higher.

>> No.59101386

Now you colossal moron lol

>> No.59101392
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>> No.59101399

There are one billion links

>> No.59101403

When Sergey stops doomping.

>> No.59101448

I saw a guy with A10 working at a train station McDonalds in Italy once

>> No.59101494

Apu has more use than link, well technically any shitcoin jas more use because it fights inflation at least

>> No.59101497

Interesting that you responded to the meme I posted rather than engage with the substantive question that was directly posed. This is demonstrative of where bagholders are at mentally and intellectually, thank you.

>> No.59101521

People actually believing this is financially meaningful, I see it more clearly now.

>> No.59101782

Sergey is A40

>> No.59102243

You should be reallocating LINK to APU desu

>> No.59103204
File: 64 KB, 1034x811, 983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now is the time to relocate your entire LINK stack into APU. We are reaching the billies soon. LINK is now a stablecoin.