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5908112 No.5908112 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5908165
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Im up 50k last month but I feel so poor when Im not even worth a mill

>> No.5908209

>first 10k
>first 25k
>first 50k
>first 100k
>first 250k
>first 500k
>first M
>first 2M
>first 5M
>first 10M

The ride never ends anon

>> No.5908213

It's called greed.

>> No.5908252

I have 100k and I need a hell of a lot more to not wage cuck.

It's a race against time. Must push for maximum gains and cash out before the crash.

>> No.5908304


It never ends desu

>> No.5908305

I'm cashing out at 2M. Halfway there.

>> No.5908335
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>> No.5908382

You realise how easy it is. I've made 16k in two weeks. It's not good enough. I want at least high six figures so I can buy a rental property or two for passive income and retire at 23.

>> No.5908394

You people don't understand how bad it gets yet.

I made about $235,000 in crypto in 2017 but I still feel broke until I get to 1 mil.

>> No.5908417

lol 10 million will buy you one nice house in malibu and then you'll have nothing left

100 million is the bare minimum to not be poor

>> No.5908541

Depends how you spend the money, you can live pretty comfortably with 10 mil as long as you dont get lambos, or go crazy at a casino or something..

>> No.5908558

Welcome to money.
Its literally never enough until it all goes away, then you realize you had enough all along and you kill yourself.

>> No.5908598

how will i be able to afford my private jet with just 100 mill lol? 1 bill is where it's at

>> No.5908604

My portfolio went from 10k to 32k in a week and I was more upset when it dropped to 30k than I was happy with the pump

>> No.5908640

>pass 10k this year
>pass 20k
>pass 100k
>pass 500k
Why am I not a millionaire yet

>> No.5908655

Anyone here have any success stories, like starting out with $100-$300 and turning that into a reasonable amount of money?

>> No.5908692
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Until you are holding at least 10,000 Doge you will never feel complete

>> No.5908831

some anon posting earlier today turned 3K into 270K last year. i assume you could turn 300 bucks in to 27K the same way

>> No.5908940



>> No.5908958

Look for fundamentally solid projects, and go all in. When you start reaching U$700~1000 start diversifying. Always research new projects. Crypto as a fucking freak train and every day there's some new promising tech, you just have to sort out the shit.

>> No.5909018

Turned $200 into $5400 this year

>> No.5909020

Do you really want to know why? Because you haven't secured your profits. Its really that simple. You're being too greedy.

>> No.5909067

started with $110 on dec 27th

now i have $650

>> No.5909077

16k to 230k at the moment, I dont even have to follow dumb money like TRX and XVG.

>> No.5909143

Good post.

>> No.5909180

bought both XVG and TRX under $0.04. still happily hodling

>> No.5909201

Thats deep anon

>> No.5909206


>> No.5909207

bunch of pajeets

I put in 10K exactly a month ago, at 100K now

>> No.5909219

cause you are in a rat race

>> No.5909228

started with 255 yesterday
now i have 245 today

>> No.5909255


I started with $1200 in March 2017 and I have just over $60,000 now

>> No.5909273

IF the bubble pops, it will be projects with an actual use case that live on, XVG and TRX wont. What I gathered is people go heavy in cheap coins and hope they rise.

>> No.5909276

I got 800 in BTC from some nice anon two months ago, now it's sitting at 15,000.

>> No.5909290

I only go after HODL coins. I prefer comfy constant +10-20% regularly than some -25 +100% -50% +70% coin. Now that my portfolio is worth like 10x what i payed for it, i don't even give a shit about crashes anymore, can't get more comfy than that

>> No.5909312


>> No.5909342
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>> No.5909355

>1 bil
>still sucking Trump's dip
10 Bil is the MINIMUM to play with the big boys in this world

>> No.5909362


im your guy. started by putting 100 bucks on coinbase every week for like 4 week. catched the recent spike of bitcoin. made the right move to LTC with 4chan's advices, sold LTC at the right time. im now wortk 2500 and playing wild into alts.


50% ETH
50% FUN

doing to hold till the platform launch then see.

you start by hoping 2x your money, then notice you get like 20 $ gain in a day. it grows and on one day at the job your gains are equivalent to your daily wage. a month later you own the equivalent of your car in crypto(currently here) , then you could repay all your debt if you sold now, then you get enough to get a reasonable house. then you get greedy as fuck and with to get the literal moon.


>> No.5909402

started with 1500 turned it to 60k in a year

>> No.5909421

Holding or day trading?
Diversify to just a few coins to avoid 100% loss.
Read the charts: buy low, sell higher based on the trend with a stop-limit set at a not-too-greedy price on a volatile coin.

>> No.5909446

you made more than my yearly salary

>> No.5909450

we held for the normie arrival, they arrived

>> No.5909541

Fuck living in the US, not even 1 million is enough to ensure that you can retire comfortably anymore. The moment you run out of dosh, your life ceases to have value

>> No.5909551

1.6k to 35k started in June this year

>> No.5909664

made babby's first 1k last night.

>> No.5909672

Pretty much exactly this...id be a fool to cash out though....right??

>> No.5909842

I put in 1.6k total over the course of three weeks beginning 28 days ago. I officially doubled my money (plus a little bit) last night.

If I could keep doubling my money every month, my 1.6k would be over 6 million in a year. Not likely, obviously, but my mind is already blown at the returns I've made in this short time.

>> No.5909864

Bought 1 BTC when it was ~200 a few years back. Phone with my mycelium wallet broke and shoved it in a closet. When it hit 20k this past December I fixed that fucking phone. Now I'm at 40k.

>> No.5909882
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next is the chinese reawakening

>> No.5909888

>ETH crashes
>BTCoiners snatch up FUN
>FUN Launches
>ETH still recovering
>Miss half the moon

>> No.5909985

Started with 5k in December now around 18k. But if I didn’t fuck up I would l literally be at 60k. Feels bad man

>> No.5910105

75$ to 320$ from daytrading started 2 weeks ago

>> No.5910215


I recently had a chat with my parents about this same thing.
I started with $4.5k out of about $5.5k life savings put in between september/october. recently I blew past the 50k mark, and realized how poorly I was doing comparative to the market in general. I also realized that this is significant money for someone in their last year of college without a job lined up yet, with fairly little direction or knowledge of what to do, who only recently had about 5k to his name.

my ultimate goal was to make 10k this year so I could set off on a 3-4 month bike tour with the proper equipment, pay off 3k I owe my parents, and have a few at least 5k left over to help me get on my feet and give me some time to find a job after my trip.

what was once just a way to make 10k so I could take the trip I've been planning for 2 years and not have to worry about what came immediately after, turned into the realization that despite doing absolutely terrible compared to the market average I was still making over $100 and hour for the past few days. I ran some quick math and my gains equate to earning nearly $270 an hour for a 9 to 5 for a month.

and what I realized is that it is in fact absurd amounts of money is such short times, and that even though it doesn't exist until I cash out, 50k is already enough to really get a leg up in setting up the rest of my financial life if I'm careful. it's not "retire at 30" but its a big help. and I realized that there was the potential for something even bigger. my goals shifted to seeing if I can capitalize on this and really set my self up for life if I played my cards right.
essentially, as your gains grow you realized the potential that this market has, and therefore how big this could really be for you, changing what you think is "doing well" because fundamentally your goals are different and there is so much more potential that you can capitalize on

>> No.5910609

I've turned 800 to 40k so far. It's not hard u just gotta read the fuck up on everything fucking EVERYTHING

>> No.5910642

yup. I took out 45k so I could pay taxes, quit my job and finish my degree and live comfortably. It was half of my stack at the time. I'm back to well over 100k in crypto and all I can think about is that if I get 1 million it won't be after taxes, so I need at least 1.5 million, but now I want a huge ranch instead of 3-10 acres, which will cost 1.5 million by itself so now I need like 3 million . . . Not sure if I'll get there before a huge bear market so I'm trying to create a plan to bridge that. Trying to cap my taxable income at 100k a year so I can keep money invested.

That means I can only put so much into short term moon missions, but long term moon missions are risky in a different way (might never happen=LOTS of missed opportunities)

anyway, I'm really glad I quit my job because I would never have time to figure all this shit out otherwise. I still have a part time job 2 days a week (i used to work two jobs, 6-7 days a week)

>> No.5910656

For all the people making millions, are you hodl, daytrading, or both.

>> No.5910681

don't be a faggot make more money with your money

>> No.5911001

Started the 24th with 300, and im at 1500. I think im doing pretty well

>> No.5911180

this is me and reading this is making me dizzy

I haven't reckoned with what I'm doing, I'm well past the point of what I ever imagined I could get out of this, but the game has fucking changed.

it's either greenjack or pinkjack from here. I just hope I can make it. I would rather lose it all than not achieve what I want

>> No.5911345
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Can somebody help a brother out? I'm a Paddy, made an account on Coinbase, got verified and all that jazz. All of a sudden, they say my account's restricted because I'm supposedly underage b&. I contacted support and they've been fucking useless, should I just keep pestering? Opening a new account does nothing.

>> No.5911455

I put coinbase's debit card max($750) in some coins like 2 days ago (xferred btc to other exchanges)

already up to $1k

>> No.5911536
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actually just checked and one coin went up more than I thought(lol) and it's $1.2k now

>> No.5911571
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Niggers please

>> No.5911596
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The final /biz/pill.

>> No.5911625

wrong, 1m and i can buy myself 3 decent investment properties on the gold coast, qld, over a grand a week in passive income. i'm set.

>> No.5911682

great stories but are you guys mainly holding or trading? i started a few weeks ago and turned 1500 into 6000

>> No.5911777
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In the past couple of months my porfolio has gone from 5 digits to half a million dollars (thank you Tron!), yet I feel nothing but greed for more. But I'm not complaining. Before crypto I was feeling far worse feelings as a wagecuck, on a daily basis.

>> No.5912527
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It's about your attitude to money.

I grew up in a poor shithole in eastern europe. Although not in extreme poverty, I learned to value every dime.

Left the place, have a pretty good stable income now (engineer) and invest quite a bit. Every green percentage I see on my portfolio makes me smile.