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59053237 No.59053237 [Reply] [Original]

lmao crypto kids are completely fucked

>> No.59053239

Why did they list gambling twice?

>> No.59053244


>> No.59053249

3,4,5 are my favourite things and I am 38 years old.

>> No.59053256

I don't care what roastoids think wtf

>> No.59053257

Crypto is only unattractive if you lose money from it.

>> No.59053263

Some of you niggas care WAY too fucking much about what these hoes out here think
I'm supposed to stop doing things that I find fun or could make me extra money, just because your pussy is dry? That's not my problem. Get over yourself and go away, miss

>> No.59053265

I'm okay with just 3 and 4 and I'm 32 AMA

>> No.59053279

Why isn't porn or anime on that list???

>> No.59053288

I play vidya, do crypto, and troll online
I can’t stop trolling I’ve been doing it since Compuserve chat rooms in fucking 1995.

>> No.59053290

im glad i was born with a decent face so i never had to think like a woman to cater to her thoughts, like a snake

>> No.59053291

what about offline trolling?

>> No.59053293
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you see crypto there, but wait until my bag grows when retail gaming enters to the space and sees superverse leading the narrative.

they hate the process and only wanna see the results

>> No.59053365

chat gpt botfag. Kill yourself. You and the kendu jeet should kill yourselves.
Tell me how many i's are in "illegitimate"

>> No.59053391

whatever. i was fucked way before the first cryptocurrency was invented

>> No.59053408

Never tell women you are interested in crypto. Just tell them you trade and never reveal anything specific.

>> No.59053410

If video games are so unattractive why are women constantly complaining about representation and sexism in video games?

>> No.59053417

Roasties won't find it unattractive once your crypto moons.

>> No.59053419
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Children, even cryptobabies like Babybonk are lifting more bags than you'll ever lift in your entire life just because they have enough time to check charts

>> No.59053515

that looks giga retarded you gorilla ape.

>> No.59053520


>> No.59053527

Girls won't like my anime figure collection? FUCK!

>> No.59053542

cringe r*ddit style joke

>> No.59053580

What about "female" hobbies?

>> No.59053648

Can confirm, as a female this is true. Whenever a guy has told me he's into crypto it has given me instant ick. This is also true of my girl friends. It just reeks of you having nothing going on in your life.

>> No.59053654

tits or gtfo

>> No.59053665

Funny I dont tell girls about my crypto because it is my money and you money hungry whores are only in my life as a vessel for me to use whilst I cum inside a piece of rubber.
Also, you will never be a woman.
aaaaaand saging this homosexual thread.

>> No.59053689

ok tranny

>> No.59053702

i thought y'all didn't care about their opinions LOOL

>> No.59053765

go back

>> No.59053799

Reminder if you're physically attractive, women don't care what your hobbies are.

>> No.59053823

all women are whores

>> No.59054208

What are the least attractive female hobbies? I can't think of anything other than social media posting. What do women even do other than drugs and being roastie eggs?

>> No.59054214

women don't have any hobbies other than having Jamal fuck them and being whores on the internet

>> No.59054227

social media, travelling, clubbing

>> No.59054240

Women that don't find these things attractive aren't worth the time or effort.

>> No.59054273

How to profit off that?

>> No.59054280

Based same here but I'm 40

>> No.59054287

If anybody wants to talk to me seriously about crypto, I'll completely sperg out. But I never bring it or my finances up in regular conversation. It's more attractive for people to stay poor so I'm not gonna fight that.

>> No.59054295

This is 99% of the male population, why even come up with this study

>> No.59054337

I enjoy all of these except figurine collecting unless you count carved wood. Is this why my wife doesn't talk to me anymore?

>> No.59054370

>already had 1,3,4,5 in pretty much that order of priorities
>got married
>wife decided to add 2 to our life

>> No.59054410

Yeah and it's not the hobby it's their guilt-by-association thinking of stereotyping men and thinking that playing video games means the man is fat and lazy... also it doesn't give them direct attention and isn't something they know about to control...

Why is she okay with dudes watching sports? Because she can also use it to watch sportsball Chads and give them attention. All females thoughts are just self-centered because they're resource-parasites looking to mooch.

>> No.59054413

>make up
>cheating on spouse
>drinking wine
>girls night

>> No.59054486

I do 1, 3, 4 and 5

>> No.59054518

Bullshit, they craft the fuck out of things. Women have insane talent in the arts and crafts. I don’t know what breed this is but they keep many craft chain stores in business so there’s a lot of them

>> No.59054519

>online trolling
Should I put it on my resume???

>> No.59054536

>piece of rubber.

>> No.59054569

I think that's a biproduct of spare time due to unemployment.
We have this warped sense of what people do but it's all bullshit. Determinism or not, capitalism gives few options to those that don't play their role. So we all just find a way to occupy ourselves when we are unwanted.

I say I pursue things to get a job one day only because thats the social convention. Fuck that, I want to make free games and if I die before then who gives a fuck?

>> No.59054571

You're barking up the wrong tree, mate. Isn't that the same crypto I've been raking in passive income with, thanks to SuperBots running the trades?

>> No.59054687
File: 174 KB, 1118x857, 5000full (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it fun and games to list "Least Attractive Male Hobbies" but if you dare list "Least Attractive Female Hobbies" you will automatically be labelled a misogynistic incel and have a usually small penis?

>> No.59054776

there is no male-curated list of 'Least Attractive Female Hobbies' because men couldn't care less due to the fact that they are essentially chimps and are attracted to a woman entirely based on tits and arse.

>> No.59054876

>social media
>binge watching Netflix

>> No.59055142

I got 3 out of 5, what's your score bros?

>> No.59055158

>Haven't touched an vidya since march
>yes but I don't talk about it irl
Not bad

>> No.59055254

Of course there is. Being a political activist (stuck up), shopping too much (will waste your money), talking about woman stuff like weddings and harry potter (doesn't understand when to shut up)

>> No.59055284

based MSM preventing NPC's from buying the bottom via manufactured social consensus

>> No.59055342
File: 100 KB, 680x656, IMG_20240328_211005_636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>least attractive hobbies
>rape isn't listed

>> No.59055350

1,2 & 4 are based and comfy.
3 & 5 is just creepy

>> No.59055483

i don't give a fuck what women think

>> No.59055508

Surely they can't be talking about Gundam figurines

>> No.59055627
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this, if you're trading how you're supposed to trade when people ask you about it you'll just say "im a professional investor" and say that you cant disclose more information, money speaks for itself after all, and if you're actually a unicorn.meme turbo investor who only sits in front of a computer the whole day nobody is going to care

>> No.59055812

kek, normoids bogged again.
In my head canon, Kramer is a turboautist who predicts the markets correctly, everytime with TA, except unaccounted for (((powerful interests))) watch his show and make the market do the opposite. Hence why he's continuously freaking out, he cannot fathom it.

>> No.59057742

Yup, you "trade stocks," or are an "early stage investor in financial technologies." Never say the word crypto.

Also note... if you work out 5X a week, women don't care.

>> No.59057754

That's literally me

>> No.59057757

be lesbian eat hot chip and lie

>> No.59057761
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>another dogbat clone
Why does everyone try to mimic our power?

>> No.59057784
File: 149 KB, 872x584, IMG_1660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want to live in a lifetime movie

>> No.59057826

all of those will be 100% overlooked on a woman with a decent tits and arse.

>> No.59057832

I got 9/15.
The only one from the OP I do is crypto, and I keep quiet about it.
I guess there's hope for me yet.

>> No.59057835

I'm not even gay but i would be for a guy who has those as their top hobbies just because its so based.

>> No.59057842

well with crypto you can win but you also can lose big time in that sense its like a gambling. Also crypto bros don't want to cash out ever. Linkies might take their chainlink to their graves. I kind of get it.

>> No.59058298
File: 55 KB, 782x682, IMG_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes
I VILL play ze videospeil all day
Und I VILL collect ze animu figurines
Und I VILL invest in ze schizepfening
Und I VILL post ze bald mensch vifff glasses
Und I VILL play ze boomerslotmachinen

And ze frauline VILL seethe cope und dilate

>> No.59060015

Women are inherently evil. This has been known across all cultures for all history with the exception of the last 60 years in a handful of countries infected by the liberal death cult.

>> No.59060031


>> No.59060079

i have all except collecting figurines and still pull, you know why ? because no female needs to know what i do on my free time

>> No.59060094

if you don't have M2 money you're broke lol

>> No.59060162
File: 61 KB, 540x511, 1343888238419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I make it in crypto and quit my job, what do I say I do for a living?

>> No.59062300

seethe cryptokike

>> No.59062310
File: 857 KB, 960x1500, 090229026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wagecuck cope runs deep.

lmaoing imagining the wage slave who dressed up like a trained monkey and commuted to his wage cage to type that up, just to get permission from his boss to avoid starving to death for another day

lol. lmao even

>> No.59062328

Good thing my hobbies are disrespecting women, being racist, and lifting weights.

>> No.59063005

I made over 50x holding RAM, can't just fade on crypto

>> No.59063096

Same with the video games unless she's into them too. But even then, only say enough it sounds like you won't judge her for the amount she plays.

>> No.59063239

where did drinking and womanizing place

>> No.59063241

They hate us cuz they ain't us

>> No.59063292

Can literally say you work in web3
Pretty chill job title
considering quitting my job to go crypto full-time, not sure how that will turn but I'm already doing good monetizing my site on hydro

>> No.59063309

I check the boxes for all five
Will I die single?

>> No.59063310

No they still won't like you, I tried in 2021

>> No.59063327

unless you're already earning enough from it and is actually sustainable on the long run it'll be dumb to quit a job that pays the bills for some speculative shit

>> No.59063347

So they don't like crypto money

>> No.59063394

You might as well try being gay

you can make good bands if you monetize a site that gets good views, at least way better than adsense and the likes if you compare

>> No.59063437

Girls would love you

>> No.59063465

I'm short so no they don't

>> No.59063476

You'd be surprised at how much money there's in content creation

>> No.59063483

Based I'm 40 and I love trolling and calling people either faggots or niggers

>> No.59063490

How tall are you?
I think if you have enough money and you're between 5'5 to 5'8, your money can make up for the rest

>> No.59063501

I tell myself I'm 5'8", but there's a small chance I'm only 5'7" which is something I'm too afraid to even try and verify. It would literally destroy me.

>> No.59063518

What she doesn't know about can't hurt her.

>> No.59063663

why would an inch destroy you?

>> No.59063688


>> No.59063855

Imagine unironically thinking about woman and wanting to have sex, you are a subhuman if you do so. There is a reason birthrates are low in developed enlightened countries. We are simply too smart and spiritual enlightened to care about fucking and having kids. Only subhuman low IQ retards want children and sex.

>> No.59064055

what are the most attractive male hobbies then?

>> No.59064134

>go back
says the zoomer who started browsing in 2021

>> No.59064899

Unironically a solid idea for clickbait article.
In fact, solid biz idea to build a site writing about women, but in the condescending tone of feminist/basic bitch blogs.

>> No.59064904

More or less true.
There're some red-flag personality types (progressive feminist, narcissist, etc), but men don't read into women's hobbies to determine that shit. It's just assumed women are into random shit.

>> No.59064905

the news hahahahahha

>> No.59064972

Things like "reading, instruments, and languages". They answered the way that would make them look best. For the record, cerebral cortex activity in gamers is the same as musicians and the hobbies have many parallels, same with reading and online trolling. However, women are stuck in what's apparent rather than true meaning. Don't have spite.

>> No.59065113

Women are attracted to social status. If you win a bunch of money but have no friends you are still a loser in their eyes.

This is why the birth rate is collapsing btw. Society is becoming less social and thus women don't want to breed.

>> No.59065151

>I play WoW (classic, or used to, things have been sucking recently and we badly need fresh)
>I have anime girl figures
>I have lost mid 5 figs in crypto
>I shitpost on 4chan
>I have lost mid 5 figs in crypto
I am forever alone personified.

>> No.59065157

>reading higher than creative activities
Woman moment

>> No.59065159

the birth rates collapsing because of birth control dumbass. Which is a good thing, 8 billion people is way too much people for this Earth

>> No.59065163

Both learning and imagining is creative.

>> No.59065166

>there were no population collapses before birth control
You are an illiterate retard. Every civilization has faced population collapse. Birth control is but a symptom not the cause.

>> No.59065179

I am 99% sure they mean novels. Which is as braindead as watching TV shows.

>> No.59065180

You're a pseudointellectual idiot. Kids were always just a byproduct of having sex. Humans like sex. No civilization has faced instances of people giving up sex for any reason except crazy instances like war and famine. It's only recently that people can have sex without having kids. Now just about the only times people have kids is when they really want to. And when people voluntarily plan their families they plan for 1-2 kids, 3 max, instead of like 6+ like your grandma had because she didn't have access to birth control. And many people simply do not want families or kids, or never feel like they're in a good enough position to provide for kids. Those people just stomached having kids because they didn't want to give up sex in the past.

>> No.59065192

Girls don't expect you to wear the same clothes as them.

>> No.59065198

Children for most of human history were a massive financial benefit. One with many children was considered and usually was very wealthy... Only since the industrial revolution or so have they merely become an expense. This is why new adults don't have children- they view them as a financial burden they cannot bear rather than a source of blessings.

>> No.59065211
File: 44 KB, 847x528, Birth-rate-chart-annotated-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok honey we can't have sex because it's not a good financial investment you see
you cannot be this dense

>> No.59065213

was meant for

>> No.59065247

Look up the population collapse of Rome. Urban living which is the base of all civilizations destroys the fertility of the population. There are many factors involved but it always result in a lowering of births and a reduction in population.
There have always been methods of birth control btw. And the pill is reponsible for the abortion epidemic because it is not perfect outside the lab. They had abortions in ancient times too. Many herbs induce abortion and if your son is born you can just kill it in the field, nobody has to know.

>> No.59065287

Just keep lying.

>> No.59065314

It's so over

>> No.59065316

Don't you think Romes population collapse had more to to do with the entire Roman Empire collapsing and not people just deciding to not have kids? Why exactly would Rome keep its population when it was no longer the economic center of the entire world?

Look at the >>59065211 graph, the baby boomers created the "sexual revolution" movement despite the fertility rate falling off a cliff because of birth control and mass produced condoms

This is the only time in history where humans can have sex for their entire lives without ever having to worry about accidental pregnancies (for the most part at least), at no point in history was having kids a choice that wasn't coupled to a persons desire for sex. Now people have kids only if they truly want to, and it turns out people only really want to raise 1-2 kids if at all. Like even the hardcore conservative larpers have 3-4 kids. Back before birth control that was basically the norm.

>> No.59065494

I'm 1,92m, so just about anything I do hoes consider "cute".

>> No.59065784

Online trolling is by far the most attractive male hobby

>> No.59065798
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>All my hobbies