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59039775 No.59039775 [Reply] [Original]

I'm losing my job in January and Bitcoin bullrun is canceled, I'm fucked.

I only took 28K of profits this year, that's like 4 months of my lifestyle atm.

>> No.59039785

Same, I'm just not going back to the wage cage.

>> No.59039790

do you own your house? me yes
but i only have something like 9 years of savings
the problem is that my job is getting replaced by AI

>> No.59039803

No I'm just gonna squat and not pay rent.

>> No.59039806

>muh im so rich
Stop whining you absolute faggot
Without rent 28k is enough for 5 years.

>> No.59039836

Do you live in Africa or something

>> No.59039852

>5 years
What shithole do you live in?

>> No.59039942

Least third-world /biz/raeli

>> No.59039951
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>the problem is that my job is getting replaced by AI
and what job is that?

>> No.59040199

microsoft support engineer
i'm a balkan nigger

>> No.59040202

learn to live with less, $28K would last me over 2 years.

>> No.59040203

and after 5 years what do i do?
eat water?

>> No.59040212

>doubling 7 large a month
No sympathy for YOU

>> No.59040213

>in january

Applying to jobs is now your full-time career now. You need to spend every waking hour of your day applying for jobs. It fucking sucks and I just went through this earlier this year.
>be me
>tech sales
>knew I wasnt going to make q2 quota
>started applying literally all day with the exception of my existing calls
After 2000+ ghosts/denials and 12 interviews, I quit in May and had finished onboarding in early June, so I was only without a paycheck for one pay period really. It was fucking hard though.

Good luck anon

>> No.59040230

it's not even sure i'm fired in january
i just felt depression in my manager's voice yesterday during the meeting
he said the company is trying to fuck us over by not sending tickets anymore to our team and that he already saw this behaviour in a precedent job before getting fired by cisco

not sure i will be fired but that's even worse, i'm in doubt and bitcoin is weak

>> No.59040242
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how can my neighbor afford a 120K euros car and live in a fucking commie block

>> No.59040304

$28k is like 20 months of rent+food where I live (center of Prague)
just move

>> No.59040327

can i live at your place?

>> No.59040333

no my last roommate was an autistic Japanese PhD student and she kept leaving little pieces of explosive diarrhea on top of my toilet so I live alone

>> No.59040467

it's normal for japanese people to do this
i'm a balkan dude, i will not do this i swear
send me your location and i come in january

>> No.59040473

>it's not even sure i'm fired in january
If there is even a chance, you need to be on the phone. right now. Do you want to be unemployed with zero income?

at this rate it sounds like it, when it happens there will be no one to blame but yourself

>> No.59040492

too early dumbass
this job is comfy
if they fire me i will start job hunting or i will go 3 months in thailand and job hunts when i come back
chill dude
don't tell me you live pay check to pay check

>> No.59040496
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>I am balkan dude send location on 4chan NOW

>> No.59040510

that's an anglo tho

>> No.59040517

Get another job you massive faggot. Same thing everyone else does when they need money

>> No.59040523

Oh shit… now we know where you live Marcus

>> No.59040541

i don't need money, can you read?

>> No.59040548
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You're right Aleksandar

>> No.59040557

this guy had aids

>> No.59040561
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Aleksandar stop shitposting on 4chan and go to bed