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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5903476 No.5903476 [Reply] [Original]

the rate of intelligent posting here used to be a cool 5% but now it's like 0.0000000001% because of all you goddamn retards
what's worse is you actually think you're intelligent because you picked a coin at random and made a good return. This is the equivalent of picking a grape at a vineyard hoping one day it'll become wine. THEY ALL BECOME WINE you fucks
i can't wait until the market crashes on you faggots

>> No.5903670

There are great investors here. A skill you must have is to see through th be marketing groups, pump groups to find the good shit. Fucking brainlet

>> No.5903762

i went from disliking normies 3 months ago to absolutely wanting to be segregated from them and not so much as run in to one ever again. Im never leaving this farm until I fucking die.

>> No.5903840

agree this board went to complete and utter shit it's been getting worse but the last week has been pants on head retarded not even entertaining

i guess it's on to the next board, i never last more than a year or two on a board anyways. we had a good run though, this was the cool place to be and leader in premium meme content for a long time for being such a small board.

>> No.5903877

did you even read the OP you goddamn idiot

>> No.5904030

this. i was on pol when we got trump into the white house. it was good for a year or so but by the time he got voted in reddit cocksuckers had murdered it.

>> No.5904088

I understand your point, OP, it's just the way you're making it.

There's a lot of failure in the background to cryptos, people who mistake green candles and panic sell after buying into it, guys who don't understand their trading platforms, do not know what stops/limits are, or how wallets and accounts work.

You wouldn't have any money if it weren't for these guys.

>> No.5904169

>You wouldn't have any money if it weren't for these guys.
that doesn't mean i want to have to listen to their stupidity i just want their money

>> No.5904234

I just hope whales will fuck the shit out of them soon.