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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 638 KB, 796x450, batmeme7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5902148 No.5902148 [Reply] [Original]

BAT moon mission tomorrow

>> No.5902247

ok why

>> No.5902316

as much as I love BAT it never moons. it goes up 15-20% and then rides sideways for an extended period. rinse and repeat. still a great long term hold.

>> No.5902394

I'm strapped in and ready, but why tomorrow?

>> No.5902456

So stoked to get paid to be served ads.

Just like in the 90s.

When it didn't fucking catch on.

BAT is an PRL-level shit coin

>> No.5902557

Looking to get into BAT before it explodes, it's one of the few low market cap coins available with a solid use case for a token market, my only concern is that it's exploitable by setting up browser farms. Is this true or am I a brainlet?

>> No.5902691

Just loaded up. Comfy as fuck

>> No.5902708


>> No.5902773

The technology is actually here to make it viable. Look at the team behind it. This ain't fucking Netzero.

>> No.5902926


>> No.5903015

Apparently there are protections against this. They do address that on the website.

>> No.5903124

well done OP. comfiest x10-20 you'll ever make.

>> No.5903175

Make no mistake. They are firing a cannon straight at Google. The man has slayed giants before. Literally killed IE with Mozilla Firefox. This is VERY DISRUPTIVE technology. That is why there is so much potential.

>> No.5903330

Thinking about dumping some money into BAT. What makes it so promising? The team looks stellar, but I don't really get why it's going to moon

>> No.5903625

i wish it was cheaper honestly but with the proffits from tron im going to pick some up.

>> No.5903693

first payout tomorrow i think

>> No.5903737
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1513225979220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming best-case levels of adoption (coinbase, twitch, youtubers, facebook) what would BAT be priced at? $10? $25?

>> No.5903807


No one is going to use it when U-block is free. Serve me "safe" ads so I can make, what? 5 cents a day? Or I can ublock the whole lot of it.

Also, IDGAF that firefag developers are behind it. Great developers don't make up for a bad idea.

>> No.5903817


can't see any moon with BAT. Better buy some CAPP ...straight to the moon!

>> No.5903892

Supply is like 1.5 billion so $10

>> No.5904336

You don't get it. Online advertising is huge. Ads are still delivered to millions , no matter if you personally block them or not. Many sites won't serve you content unless you disable your ad blocker.

This is about removing ad company middle men from the equation and removing the abusive ads from sites that made us all install ad blockers in the first place. This solves many problems, costs advertisers less, and gets more revenue to publishers, and yes, even users.

>> No.5904505


haha, i always think the same thing. people keep saying "IT"S DIFFERENT NOW" but the target market is still going to be kids with no jobs, or NEETS.

but when you get .004 cents for watching an ad the novelty wears off quick.

people who say "this isn't Netzero" never used netzero.

>> No.5904533


What's stopping google, an advertising behemoth, from implementing their own, centralized, much simpler, google-ecosystem integrated system (right into Chrome - the largest market share browser) variation of BAT?

They can do it, do it better, do it faster, and shove it down the throats of their advertisers overnight. They have the money, the team, the resources, and the weight to throw around to get it done.

2 scenarios play out:

1. Bat works, google destroys it.

2. Bat doesn't work.

Either way, $0 mktcap. Enjoy the bags.

>> No.5904658


nobody but unemployed losers or kids with no income wants to stare a ads. even if the ads are directed. people don't install ad blockers because we feel personally abused by the ads.

they install them because they don't want ads. people don't even like to look at watermarks on pictures.

it's okay, get in and make your profit off it, but get real.

>> No.5904743

It's less about making your pajeet ass .00004 cents and instead about providing a safer/less annoying web experience for John and Jane Q public while still providing a revenue stream for content providers.

If this takes off it's going to be a game changer.

>> No.5904899
File: 102 KB, 800x545, batcave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in lads

>> No.5904991

The average person just installs an ad blocker.

>> No.5905030

Average is 10% of the market?

>> No.5905046


meh, like i said, i bought some. but you sound like you're trying to convince yourself.

microsoft spent a shitload just trying to get people to search with them. have you seen the video tab on bing? it's fucking awesome. it has videos with previews and all this cool stuff. bing is totally awesome.


>> No.5905164

It's where normies go for porn. Fuckin checkmate.

>> No.5905207

$50 EOY.

>> No.5905294


and brave will be where kids and neets go for 3 days trying to make a nickle.

now you're catching on. enjoy your gains, tho.

>> No.5905302
File: 69 KB, 939x526, batwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin will survive the bubble. Anyone who isn't buying this all the way up to $5. This is the first real usecase of a blockchain token. Enjoy your vaporware shitbags when the bubble bursts tho.

>> No.5905363

It's a comfy steady coin. It never wins too big but it never loses big either. I have 10k of the little bastards but I believe in the project so I may buy more

>> No.5905380
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Google is already in this space too

>> No.5905421
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>> No.5905461



>> No.5905466
File: 64 KB, 825x564, batnextlevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man created the modern web as you know it.
Anyone who doesn't own BAT doesn't deserve to be rich. This is coming from someone who bought ETH at $8. Wait til Eich starts announcing partnerships just as big as the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. It will happen, and it will happen fast. By that time the price will be 5-10x and you'll still be trying to convince yourself BAT is a shitcoin. Then when it gets added to coinbase (it will). it will do another 10x. Lets not forget when your favorite youtuber starts shilling it because adsense isn't paying them shit.

I've never been more comfy in my life than i am holding 300k BAT.

>> No.5905478

My understanding is BAT is a two parter. There's BAT the token, and BRAVE the browser. BRAVE itself blocks ads by default.

You're incentivized to turn off the adblocker with BAT. Which you inturn could use on twitch, youtube, wsj, etc.

>> No.5905508

This is not what the Attention Token is about. Not even close.

>> No.5905628

Honestly the brave browser sucks you heard anything on addon implemention in other browsers?

>> No.5905715

Add-ons will be implemented in browsers and where APIs permit. (Messengers, apps, games, etc.)

>> No.5905782

shit.... i need to aquire more fuck im so poor thanks man

>> No.5905785
File: 649 KB, 600x800, ColonalEich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATlets remind me of 'muh college-edumauhcated' cucks thinking they know more about the world than Trump

>> No.5905888

I heard a chrome extension is supposed to be in the works, but nothing more than that.

>> No.5905954

This is not your average unexploited market, OP. This is advertisement and big data, were google and a few other companies reign supreme.

They will crush this like a fly, why would they give away their main source of income? Of course there are parnerships etc, like with the brave explorer, but to actually changing their trillion dollar business model, I dont see it.

Another thing, control. Right now they can beat into submision every and any streamer that goes agains the narrative, why would they change that? Why give the people.the power when you hold it so nicelly?

Maybe you will make some short term gain, seeing that everyone is doing well latelly, but you can forget about.making.it big agains (((they))) with this idea, as much as it sounds appealing.

>> No.5905981

Keep politics out of my comfy m8. I just want to be with my bat bros.

>> No.5906035

streamers? google owns amazon?

>> No.5906049

Traditional advertising is literally falling apart. What could Google do to stop BRAVE/BAT? Google is fucked even if BAT fails.

>> No.5906081

I suggest everyone looks into the history of Brendan Eich and his involvement in the Internet/Browser world.

The man gave a speech at both facebook and coinbase this year.



I suggest you do your own research though or get left behind.

Here is a head start for you.


I feel bad for anyone who isn't 95% in BAT right now.

>> No.5906145

See pic related in this post.


>> No.5906146

FUN will be first. You should own that too.

>> No.5906221

I love the Brave browser. It's Chrome without ads.

>> No.5906311

not nearly as fast and the whole ui is bulky unless they've updated the UI since dec its just distasteful in a world of Firefox and Chrome

>> No.5906357

I love it and made the switch too.

On mobile, it's a complete life changer. Saves data, no ads, and is literally 10x faster than safari on my iPhone.

>> No.5906458

Nigger what. It's built on Chrome but leaner. It can't be slower than Chrome.

>> No.5906569

I'm only remotely interested in this because of the team behind it and the fact that e-celebs/twitch streamers are going to be on this pretty hard from what I've heard and we all know how much money is in that honeypot. Sounds like there's broader implications though, anyone kind enough to give me a deeper breakdown? Why won't Google/Amazon/whoever crush this coin or invent their alternative? How are they going to get people to switch to BRAVE when the mainstream is so comfortable with Chrome or Firefox (I know the guy behind FF is also behind BRAVE, but I don't think people really care about that). Motivate me to take the time to read the whitepaper. Please.

>> No.5906582

Well fuck me. I'll take a look again.

>> No.5906664

Brave is built on Chromium. It's just like Chrome but better. Give it a try. Mobile too, and it actually blocks ads on Android.

>> No.5906702
File: 232 KB, 1152x2048, batpay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time boys.


>> No.5906905

Looks like I'm gonna be losing sleep. Currently riding ETH and ready to dump it all on BAT at a moments notice.

>> No.5906917

Dunno about short term, but I think its good "long", at least to 10x what it is now at some point in the next 6months.

>> No.5907138

It will go 50x or more this year. The digital ad industry one of the biggest industries in the world. It's google/facebooks main revenue source.

>> No.5907316
File: 88 KB, 1556x887, batcup2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tommorow is going to be the biggest green candle you've ever seen in crypto.

>> No.5907383

Fr trump is no BAT

>> No.5907454
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>> No.5907898
File: 1.24 MB, 950x795, batman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bittrex wallets need to go live so we can moon already.

>> No.5907946

Wtf its gonna 10× in the short term and 100 times in the longterm when the bubble pops

>> No.5908016

This. You can't lose with this coin.

>> No.5908339

i like brave but why tomorrow?

>> No.5908349

Consider how frustrated content creators online are becoming with their current revenue streams. Also consider the community built around these creators. BAT will provide a way for the community to directly support their favourite creators while also reaping their own benefits. The middle man is removed, creators receive direct support, consumers experience minor obstruction. Imagine patreon communities, minus the personal expense and hassle.

The usecase is broad, and pertinent to the technology. Climb aboard, friends.

>> No.5908396

I'm done cumulating, to the fucking moon

>> No.5908419

see >>5907316
bittrex had to disable bat today

>> No.5908429
File: 2 KB, 125x78, batmeme11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this with crypto interest at an all time high, in a speculative market where your BAT is only going to increase in value for the next x amount of time.

The rocket is not going to wait much longer.

>> No.5908451

Wtf its gonna 10× in the short term and 100 times in the longterm when the bubble pops

Thats like a third of it but yeah basically

>> No.5908974

Massive 100 ETH sell wall disappeared on Binanance. It was all fake!

>> No.5909102

No shit. Anyone who looks a depth charts and makes trading decisions is bound to get the bottom end of the straw.

>> No.5909110
File: 48 KB, 670x399, poof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, its literally gone

>> No.5909188
File: 41 KB, 713x665, lordeich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's almost time.

>> No.5909218


START ENGINES, T - 10, 9,..

>> No.5909263



>> No.5909265

most obvious moon to be missed

>> No.5909310

I'm hyped OP

Thanks to my BATbros for bringing me in

>> No.5909348

Using Brave right now as we speak. Installed it months ago and got over it 40 seconds and went back to chrome. Tried it out again last week and been using it ever since.

>> No.5909358

Same. Fucking GDAX taking their sweet ass time sending out transfers.

>> No.5909368

fucking rush, the rocket is not waiting for anyone

>> No.5909516

I'm all in BAT since ICO

>> No.5909547

what is happening "tommorow", how many hours till whatever happens?

>> No.5909637

Streamers get their paycheck. There is somewhere a screenshot of Pewdiepie taking a look into it.

If he ever opens his mouth about this I'm going to be filthy rich

>> No.5909717



Call it a rumor if you will. But Eich and Pewdiepie met in London a few weeks ago for dinner. Not many people know this. Don't go spreading it around.

>> No.5909831

>Don't go spreading it around.


This is a legit moon mission, the fucking creator of javascript and Firefox giving an answer to the complains of all the advertisers and streamers, with a tiny marketcap for now.

Don't need for such stuff.

>> No.5910073

I could see public libraries or schools installing the spybrowser. Maybe not in wealthy areas of the US and Europe, but everywhere else, sure.

>> No.5910206

predictions this year for BAT?

>> No.5910282


Have you seen the market cap? if it gains momentum it can reach 100x, no joke

>> No.5910518

just bought 6k bat. how fucked i am?

>> No.5910604

Enjoy your 20k

>> No.5910677

dont give me false hope anon. i love you!

>> No.5910751

> I’m a founder of Mozilla and Firefox. I worked on Netscape.

lol what a fucking smug asshole

>> No.5910853

Ok I'm convinced. I'm loaded up now, lets go on a rocket ship ride.

>> No.5910887
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it lads, jumped on board at .64 USD.

I could've gotten in sooner, but I am a humble man with humble gains.

>tfw only 1.1k BAT

Congrats anon, you're gonna make it.

>> No.5910896


>> No.5910916

try being successful pajeet

you cant even make money in crypto LMFOA

>> No.5910971

He invented Javascript too, you know? the language that fucking powers internet and half your mobile apps.

>> No.5910994

Look at the BAT/ETH depth chart on Binance. Literally no resistance to 67000.

>> No.5910999

congrats, see you at the moon

>> No.5911038


have you seen lately the size of the advertisement market on internet? it could do 100x with just a fraction of it

>> No.5911054

Just bought 10k

Feels comfy finally riding a reputable coin

>> No.5911090

Wtf is going on

The buy price keeps making huge jumps every so often by like 100 SATs then, are these whales getting in before it blows?

>> No.5911110

It's funny that people don't know who he is. But instead are buying Link and Bounty with highschool dropout as their CEO and lead dev.

>> No.5911129


It's not about technology, it's about why the fuck would people choose to watch more ads instead of less.

>> No.5911145

it begins

>> No.5911199
File: 56 KB, 539x960, 18907C3C-7EA3-45A6-8CF1-66FB54FD0D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 800 at .63 to form my triangle of gains. Will I make it this year?

>> No.5911239

OP got it wrong

Moon mission TONIGHT

It's about to get lit, boys

>> No.5911246


You mean the guy that let Chrome eat all the marketshare overnight because he couldn't figure out how to unbloat Firefox? Anyone could have beaten IE to be honest, people were hungry for ANY option at the time.

>> No.5911272
File: 146 KB, 1152x2048, DSwBY9GXUAAZKpP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this dense.

>> No.5911300

ads are not going anywhere, they get more and more intrusive, and new methods to bypass adblockers are invented.

also, fucking everyone have apps in mobile free aps.

Not to say that without ads there is no new content.

one don't fight the river, is better to channel the flow.

>> No.5911328

Can't wait for exploits around it so you can get paid for an adless experience

>> No.5911332
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>> No.5911357

when and why. What is causing liftoff?

>> No.5911375

Perhaps bittrex trading back online. Lift off was supposed to be over 12 hours ago, but Ethereum wallets went offline.

>> No.5911410

Also, BAT payments go out tomorrow.

See >>5911272

PewdiePie, H3H3, Phillip Defranco all get paid precious BAT tomorrow by the thousands.

>> No.5911471

How do youtubers get verified, what is the proccess? Most channels don't have the green tick next to them?

>> No.5911511
File: 10 KB, 236x234, eefe9ac4dc14bcd8af5e28bfaace5931--memes-pepe-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5911562


You're favorite youtubers, streamers, and website is already set up.

Be a part of the revolution.

>> No.5911573


That actually means the price will actually go DOWN because of people cashing out.

>> No.5911646



what until pewdiepie says something like "by the way lads, I tried this new coin thing and is very cool" to his 60million followers.

>> No.5911662

Haha, get your FUD out of this thread man. This is going to grow the userbase by hundreds of thousands. Quit looking at the smaller picture you dumb fuck. You're never going to make it.

>> No.5911798



>> No.5911980


I know your pain, I now just distribute 1/4 of my daytrade money among poloniex, bittrex, binance and kucoin.

but fuck, chinnese exchanges are tricky as fuck.

>> No.5912004
File: 53 KB, 829x681, feb 6th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Asian rocket right now. This coin is small over there. Wait til the USA/NA wakes up tomorrow. This coin will be 200%-300% green by Sunday night. Screencap this post.

See pic relate also. BAT and Coinbase are already partnered. What kind of partnership do you think that is? What service other than buying crypto with fiat does Coinbase serve? The answer is none. BAT will be the next token added on to Coinbase. If you dig deep enough. (VERY very few people know this.) Eich was invited to Coinbase headquarters to give a speech there on BAT.

As with any coin, do your own research. I know my BAT investment ill be 25-50x by the end of the year. I just hope you're prepared.

>> No.5912022

huge 100,000 member pump n dump discord server

join- jNj9Pxm

>> No.5912038

>-6% on binance


>> No.5912047

Godspeed biz. Wish i could have caught this one. Unfortunately 250 cuckbase limit maxed and not many decent options in Canada.

>> No.5912088

fuck off my thread

>> No.5912092

Some idiot did a market buy up to 5900 sats this time yesterday on binance so the price went absolutely nuts yesterday. It will be at an all time high by the end of today.
Send me your eth address, If im wrong i'll send you 100 BAT.

>> No.5912135

Localbitcoins\Localethereum u retard

>> No.5912200

here you go mein niggar:


I bought 1400 BAT for the first time the other day by the way. you guys have me convinced

>> No.5912228


Get verified on quadrigacx or kraken before it's time to cashout or you will be left holding my bags.

>> No.5912266

just bought another 7k, my total bags are now 13k. how fucked i am biz?

>> No.5912293

You will be retired sometime in 2019.

>> No.5912321

Im verified on quadrigacx, unfortunately I only have a visa debit so can't use the debit option. Other options are too slow.

>> No.5912411

so i have to hold my bags until 2019?

>> No.5912435

I sold half my XLM holdings on Binance cuz my Eth transfer is taking too long.

Can anyone convince me to dump the rest for BAT.

I've waited for bat to Moon since the ICO

>> No.5912437

so many FOMOjacks incoming
my bat is so comfy

>> No.5912514

>I've waited for bat to Moon since the ICO
It's up 22x since the ICO incase you didn't know.

Whales bought the whole ICO and then dumped on exchanges for 6x right away. then we hit a bear market, and if you were smart, you loaded up on bat at 8 cents.

>> No.5912532

there are enough people shilling bat in this thread, look at any of the above posts if you want FOMO

>> No.5912543
File: 122 KB, 500x500, YNobaters2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're going up
Here we go BATerinos, prepare for liftoff

>> No.5912582

can I steal this meme?

>> No.5912664

If this is an original, post your address and I will support you for original content via BAT.

>> No.5912745
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>> No.5912872


>> No.5912936


I bought up 800 once it hit Liqui and Bittrex.

Yes I'm a poor fag. I would have like more.

>> No.5913361
File: 178 KB, 486x529, 1515089332327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, the technology and team seem sound. I'll take a chance on you this time, /biz/. Don't fail me.

>> No.5913486

when moon bags so heavy right now im weak!

>> No.5913586

please do

lol thanks anon, but no need. Let your bags flourish, I could never take from a fellow BATer

>> No.5913715

this shit is dumping hard

>> No.5913746


>> No.5913769


is called "soldes"

>> No.5913804


again? can't that piece of shit die already?

>> No.5913808

why are you even here

>> No.5913830
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Literally dumped as you bought

>> No.5913897

i bought 13k bags and now it dumps...

>> No.5913919
File: 295 KB, 808x805, 1515098530011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5913935

literally back up

>> No.5913939

dumps across the board tho

>> No.5913971

you bois ready for some mad gains? once bitcoin calms down we going up.

>> No.5914079

BAT holding up rather well compared to other alts

>> No.5914251


yes, I got fucked with XLM and Link, but this one is holding ok

>> No.5914834

BAT always does this. People were accumulating through the last BTC bull run. Smart money will do the same again.

I have $10k more fiat I wanna add into BAT before it moons.

>> No.5915008


This is the only shit-coin that actually has any use. Long term.

>> No.5915052

Everyone is long on this. Accumulate during this BTC run, that is if it even dips.

>> No.5915614

This is becoming a pattern. Gain 25%, lose 10%. Gain 25, lose 10. And repeat. I'm buying the shit out of this dip

>> No.5915674
File: 3.36 MB, 225x324, 1509479397796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashed out at 4400 and then just bought back at 3500. Easy short. If BAT really gets picked up by CoinBase do you think it will double in price like BCH or will it go even higher because of the lower MCap

>> No.5915859
File: 45 KB, 811x361, batcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will literally go to a $100bn marketcap if it gets on coinbase.

>> No.5915888

it will spike and then begin a gradual movement to $5. then we will see what the team can produce. 20+ very realistic.

>> No.5915966

$5 is a $5bn marketcap. That's nothing in todays market. Shitcoins like tron just did $20 bn. Bat is a top 5 crypto. It will do $50bn no problem over the next year.

>> No.5916079

I agree. Very exciting quarter coming up. Twitch compatability, mentions from big YouTubers, & a coinbase listing all very very realistic possibilities.

I guarantee at least 2/3 of those happen, if not all of them.

>> No.5916248 [DELETED] 

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.5916569


243,000 wallets at time of publishing, how many is there now and what is it comparable with?
This will be top 10 by Q2 screen cap this faggot's!

>> No.5916642
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>> No.5916747

Will be top 5 eoy.

>> No.5917335

Alllll aboard! Train is moving out.

>> No.5917372

It’s just his actual resumé anon. Try doing something with your life, and you’ll understand.

>> No.5917401

FUCK! wasn't done accumulating

>> No.5917434

just doubled the fuck down on BAT for hodling
who else?

>> No.5917453

No one uses the Brave browser which this BAT coin is based on.

>> No.5917511
File: 150 KB, 500x522, pajeetdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if fud or retard

>> No.5917656

Patreon will be on suicide watch.

>> No.5917721

I'd buy it if Shapeshift didn't have it offline and the Bittrex wallet wasn't under maintenance. The world doesn't want me to buy BAT today.

>> No.5917766

Binance bro

>> No.5917860

Tried using it and it was shit

>> No.5918007

Except now we have youtube, twitch etc and ads plastered over every website. Not everybody uses Adblock (these guys will probably make a blocker that blocks them still but gives you the BAT for a cut of the profit anyway) or ads wouldn't exist on youtube videos and twitch streams would they. It is just going to be free money even if it is 0.04c per ad for the people who do already watch them.

You guys are brainlets.

>> No.5918259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5918927

Anyone who is not accumulating BAT right now does not deserve to be rich.

>> No.5918963

1056000 and counting, buy buy buy :]

>> No.5919029

Why would BAT moon now. I dont get it (lenny)

>> No.5919037

Wow, I only have a few hundred thousand.

>> No.5919122

You're still going to be a millionaire within a few months.

>> No.5919179

lmfao i bought at 0.64 X_x

>> No.5919220

Are there any news or what? Just looking to trade it, shill it on me baby.

>> No.5919271

It's on its way back up, it looks like. Better catch this dip.

>> No.5919274

yes, just announced a PnD. this coin is for you if you want to:
>buy high
or, more importantly
>sell low

>> No.5919290

Yes I'm aware. I'm certain I will hit 2-3 million on the low end, and 10 million on the high end. I just wish I had more. I will likely accumulate until the Coinbase announcement or $5, whichever comes first.

>> No.5919431

This is flat out false...not only is the volume low but the price is actually being manipulated by whales to stay DOWN. This isnt a p&d this consolidating b4 another breakout

>> No.5919519

kek i know, just didn't want to spoonfeed a filthy casual when there's already tons of info that has been shilled the past week or so

10x, if not 100x

>> No.5919578

10x is by feb/march. 50x by EOY minimum.

>> No.5920530

bumparooni til we mooni

>> No.5920565



>> No.5921076

I feel.....the people not in it dont deserve to be rich. Fucking ripple heads and normies need to btfo and let us accumulate

>> No.5921274

Im considering selling half my XMR stack for BAT, but I also feel that monero will rise but its so damn slow.

>> No.5921486

ripple head here, 80% value of portfolio is from ripple boom. Hoping for some hore dumps in this one so I can buy more

>> No.5921622
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jesus christ get out while you still can
take profits and run
ripple a shit

>> No.5921844


If all these ecelebs shill this coin bat will be number 2 by summer.
Coinbase will be hosting this they would be idiots not too.