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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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59010976 No.59010976 [Reply] [Original]

Do we have any bad news for crypto on the horizon?
Some upcomming regulations restrictions or something ?

>> No.59010983

Yea its about to pump so high we're all gonna be priced out.

>> No.59011078
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Even if there were bad news, or a possible mini swan event. You do know that this cycle will be an insane bull case, don't you, Bobo?

>> No.59011150

Yes, tether scam is still there.
It's a ticking bomb waitin g to be rleased and it will crash BTC to 5k a least

>> No.59011204

Oh no. Fake dollars are not backed by fake dollars that they key stroke into a database.

>> No.59011710
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dude if there are still memecoins like rocky hanging around then there will be nothing to fear for at least another 10 years, the party is not over until the whales get tired

>> No.59011713

Your only ever hope is that the recession FUD becomes reality.
But this is not bound to happen because we're exiting a recession.
It's over.

>> No.59011741

In this sense, it's like a casino. This is why we needed the most normie-friendly of on-ramps, Coinbase, not to list 5000 coins. It was nice when you had to buy BTC or ETH first because you could gamble on shit.

>> No.59011817

The Whole point and fact of BTC is that it, amongst other things counter steers recessions. To people who diversify and who wait for a non al time high on stocks, it is the one. As it is for everyone with a brain anyway