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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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590072 No.590072 [Reply] [Original]

So a couple of months ago I came up with a really cool idea for a service business, but when I recently started doing some market research I found that there is already a startup in California doing the same thing. That company is about 2 years old and was recently valued at $2 billion, and a couple big players like Google and Amazon have started experimenting on a small scale in the same space.

However, I don't like their approach and I think I can do it better and cheaper. Should I just write this one off and move on to the next thing or should I go for it and try to create some competition for that company with the goal of being bought out by either them or one of the big players like Google/Amazon?

>> No.590086

I would say that if you genuinely think your idea is good enough, and you think that you can offer something those other guys aren't offering, then go for it. Just put yourself in the consumers shoes and ask why they would go with that company instead of yours? And don't just answer that question with your marketing pitch, seriously think about it as a consumer.

But the fact that you're here on 4chan asking a bunch of random assholes if you should do it tells me that you don't have the confidence in your own business required to carry it out. So on to the next thing for you.

>> No.590351

you wont know it you don't do it for all you know the other company could fall through and your company could take its place

as the people at nike say just do it

>> No.590365


Go for it anon.

>> No.590367

Tell me what thr idea is and I'll tell you (as a consumer) if I think if its a good idea and you should go for it or not.

>> No.590370

let me guess, this is the advertising agency kid again?!

>> No.590435

Riley Sticka, are you out there?

>> No.590505

>here on 4chan asking a bunch of random assholes
hey - feelings...

>> No.590575

*trigger warning*