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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1134x796, trx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5900718 No.5900718 [Reply] [Original]

Are you fucking kidding me????

>> No.5900776

Literal fucking insanity

>> No.5900789

this coin will end in tears

>> No.5900792
File: 20 KB, 539x398, 1515037475842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the party, we've been saying this for a few days now. It was 5b 48 hours ago. This train has no breaks and isn't slowing down yet.

>#6 coin on CMC
>Passed BCH an hour ago in daily volume
>TRX alone has more volume on binance than every other coin you can add up.

>> No.5900796
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the fucking CEO posts hype everyday. Say something like "we will be huge soon" I mean wtf which ceo say such shit? those chink can do anything shamelessly to make money

>> No.5900826

People buying in rn are going to get dumped on so hard.

>> No.5900853

Just imagine the normie tears after this crashes back down to 5B.

>> No.5900867

I really hope so because this shit makes absolutely zero sense.

>> No.5900887

2018 - year of the nigger coins.

1. make bullshit marketing (yo here's a pic of me and Jack Ma) - bonus if you declare partnerships with bullshit companies (doesn't even have to be real)
2. make sure you premine the fuck out of it and hold onto 30%+
3. shill the shit out of it on social media
4. make sure all the niggers know the coin is cheap so it is certain to be bought up
5. exit scam at some point

Dotcom bubble all over again (Pets.com) in effect.

Gonna be a fun ride this year.

>> No.5900903

It's going to mega dump once he posts the "huge" announcement.

>> No.5900927


>> No.5900933

Buy the rumors, sell the news :^)

>> No.5900936

>doesn't have a product
>moons a billion %

What even is the appeal of this shit.

>> No.5900946
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>> No.5900988
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Normies are FOMO'ing so hard on absolute trashcoins.

At least buy XRB or something useful.

>> No.5900994


I can smell the shit on the streets near where this was posted from

>> No.5901000


>> No.5901013

fuck you tron fags, i held your shitcoin for a month. It did nothing except pump and dump, now all the sudden it explodes. KYS, you will be dumped on

You have been warned

>> No.5901028


>> No.5901065
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1501166957896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 75% of my TRX for XLM at 560 sats

>> No.5901090
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yeah Singapore where I live have a lot of pajeets.

>> No.5901092
File: 26 KB, 274x237, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking salty tronlets in this thread

>> No.5901109


I've been waiting on a fucking bank transfer for like 4 days.

If it comes through tomorrow - am I too late on this ride? Even for a hodl for EOY?

I was going in on this and ICX before this took off and my bank decided to take a whole fucking week to transfer money.

>> No.5901163
File: 47 KB, 640x480, -Rukia-bleach-anime-34434541-640-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. These Tronlets are mad as hell. Fomo has turned to anger and frustration.

>> No.5901164

God damn this.
Fuck. I rode XRP up to x5 profits, but fuck Tron.

>> No.5901197

https://discord.. /3yARGpN

tron shill leggggoo

>> No.5901230

#Tron #trx UPDATE:
1 - Game based on Tron network release (next week)
2 - The #coinburn is confirmed (1st Q 2018)
3 - New #exchange announcement (first/second week of January)
4 - More developers from Alibaba are joining the team
5 - Tron is opening an office in San Francisco

>> No.5901237

am I the only one who believes that he has employees buying and selling to pump the price?

the volume is simply too high, and the price progression is strange. people are buying up orders down the book instead of the cheapest one.

why WOULDN'T a ceo do this, in fact? i'm sure all employees have coins too so they are enticed to participate.

>> No.5901259

Does this shit even have a whitepaper yet?

>> No.5901271

The game is out and it's the #1 trending game in China

>> No.5901282


So it seems like if I have a chance to buy in tomorrow - It'll still be a good long term buy.

>> No.5901363

I sold my stack at 250 sats. Felt too risky with all the whale bots.

>> No.5901401

I like how he announced they'd burn off [some amount of tokens] like it was a feature but the product doesn't even exist yet. So they're going to make them just to delete them.

>> No.5901436

wow huge buy walls wtf lets watch this to 50 cents tomorrow guys

>> No.5901459

Tron is absolutly not predictable pump and dump coin

>> No.5901469


>Why is tron going up?

Simple: It's cheap.

It's only around .30 cents. Compare that to Bitcoin around $13K.

These little coins are going to moon in a couple of years.

>> No.5901551

Can't wait for this to dump and for the year of the bean to begin. 1$ BEANS EOY 2018

>> No.5901581

Even seeing where it's at, I'm 100% sure whales were pumping it and taking people for a ride, at least at the time. Maybe it outstripped their power though.

Kinda salty I didn't all in, but frankly going all in would have been fucking retarded. This coin does not deserve these gains.

>> No.5901614

The buy walls are still 10x higher than the sell walls. For you TA guys put there, if the sell walls recover, is that a good time to sell my stack? The fact that normal people are going nuts over this scares me.

>> No.5901661

TRX basically proves that human logic doesn't work well with Chinese.

>> No.5901694


>> No.5901709
File: 183 KB, 1812x1076, jezua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it. look at this

>> No.5901719

Welp, I'm with you on some of the logic. Scary to know that the cheapest two coins on Binance are now Cindicator and FunFair. FUN is a decent ride usually but I expect CND to do much better. Unsure wtf is going on with it

>> No.5901791

Binance is literally on the verge of breaking down because of Tron. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.

>> No.5901833

This is good for its growth right? Basically I should hold til those walls even out right?

>> No.5901843
File: 28 KB, 400x400, e012f1d849d6794e64b45a7aa236bdc5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you buy "crypto puppy" on ath

>> No.5901904

not really
that just one part of whole picture of trading game

>> No.5901931


The hell happened to this coin? Binance gave me 500 at least a long time ago.

>> No.5901943


ya and there are a billion of them in chingchongland

lets make some fucking money off this scam my nigga

>> No.5901961

I'm trying to understand these buy wall and sell wall things so I can play the market better.

>> No.5902126

i am already sold this shitcoin right after huge candle at 17k eth sats with 548% profit for me
thats was a mistake , as we all see right now
but thats was safe move in terms of this absolute shitcoin

>> No.5902169

Unless you can grasp crypto on the macro AND micro scale theres no point in looking and buy and sell walls.

>> No.5902334
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I had 10,000 TRX on etherdelta that I bought for less than $100 months ago. I lost the private keys

>> No.5902357

yeah, it's fine. i'm scared of this, i might cash out at $.5

>> No.5902460

what is even happening right now.

i mean fucking moon is at 3 sats right now.

html5 is 18

this shit is number 6

is it throw a dart at a dartboard time?

>> No.5902478
File: 103 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-04-21-54-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Binance.

>> No.5902532

>coin shilled soo much

Well done /biz/ brethren

>> No.5902580

If you deleted a keystore file you can probably recover it trivially unless you've defragged recently or some gay shit. Not even data recovery services, just download a program. ask in /g/'s qtddtot thread.

>> No.5902665

wtf does this even mean?

>> No.5902672

60% of tron coins are owned by The devs

Just let that sink in, and ask yourself why you would buy any?

>> No.5902847

You guys don't get it do you?

TRON is going to become a huge company akin to Social networks in the west

It's probably going to go higher than this insanity already

Everything is in place for it

>> No.5902880

They locked up 35 billion of them, you're so fucking black and uneducated. They're all burning tokens Q1

>> No.5902916

Pull out of tron and get into xlm. Moon soon boys buy the dip.

>> No.5902974

seems like xlm uptrending again.

>> No.5902995

My hdd took a shit, trying to repair it. What's the file extension?

>> No.5903112

35% of coins go to the founders, while 10% of the initial coins go to "Peiwo", a startup recently created by the founder of TRON.

If they're so smart, why would they burn all their fucken money?

>> No.5903395

You mad? Lmao go to sleep you salty ass kid. I can buy a fucking house now

>> No.5903451

I own 2 million of them so suck my dick bitch

>> No.5903468

>mfw had sales order since yesterday at $0.27 and it executed while playing video games
>mfw will ride the dip and buy again
>literally have no face

>> No.5903566

I'm up $500k. So yeah I'm sucking crying of happiness. Come mop up my tears bitch boy

>> No.5903686

>nigger behavior
>nigger coin
It's over.

>> No.5903721
File: 204 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180104-205442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys missed the train

>> No.5903767

Hahahaha. Keep crying man

>> No.5903811

If we can get dent to the top 100 we're all millionaires.

>> No.5903854
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>> No.5903897

Micro scale means looking at a single coins buy walls.
Macro scale means the big picture perspective like where is all that 18 Billion dollar market cap going to be spent with this "crypto currency"?

ProTip: Its going to be dumped straight back into usable currencies like Bitcoin Cash or ETH.

I'll give it a week

>> No.5903978


> t. hopeful poorfag

It's going up and staying up. $5 by end of March.

>> No.5903998



>> No.5904064
File: 268 KB, 557x375, 1500513602687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking Autists are looking at this all wrong.

>muh tech
>muh shitcoin

Its about Justin Sun, he is Tron, and he is selling it well. Just like Steve Jobs = Apple. Hes a wealthy, well-connected chink, and god-tier coin name with cool logo. Nothing else matters.

Buy some this week or kys in q1 when this is at $1. screencap this

>> No.5904080

chinks gotta eat bru

>> No.5904086

>go on stocktwits
>talk about TRX rationally and discuss concerns about products/services/marketcap
>bunch of normies start to literally reeeeeeeeeee and say "easy block"
Normies are so triggered on ST it's amazing... And they are literally worse than the typical /biz/ autist...

>> No.5904113


rofl completely pajeet'd. weak handed

>> No.5904126

Like my ass salty ass faggot

>> No.5904171


wrong - 35% is

>> No.5904190

Those gainz should be illegal. I'm going to write my senator.

>> No.5904191

it's white paper is shit. A bunch of fluff. Thinks tron can replace Apple's app store... unicorns are real if that ever happens. a bunch of hocus pocus stuff that media and content creators will use service. As if Disney will put their movies on it...

>> No.5904245

Keep crying with your .15 btc

>> No.5904282

Wow, I'm so sorry Anon

>> No.5904287
File: 126 KB, 898x908, C3F81467-0D27-4BDC-8CD1-BFB840DEC20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The dude hustles like a real chink. Seriously just look at his twitter. He’s devoted to making it succeed. If you retards think that “utility” solely defines a coins future price then ask yourselves this: how many people in crypto actually use the coins to purchase/use whatever it is they were made for?

It’s a marketing/hype game rn. Normies but into the hype. Price goes up. 90% of my retard normie friends that are in crypto have no clue wtf blockchain even is. Stop kidding yourselves bizbros, profit off the normies hype.

>> No.5904384

go back to stocktwits your normie fag... Defend the white paper if you think it's great. I don't give a fuck if people make money off this shit, but there's literally nothing behind it... NOTHING..

>> No.5904417


>> No.5904753

I own 2 million of these coins. Do the math faggot and mop up your fucking tears. I'll pay you to be my bitch boy

>> No.5904917

the white paper is direct translation from chinese, that's why it's like that
>huge partnerships
>great marketing
>amazing market cap
yeah, nothing behind it

>> No.5905128

>the state of /biz/
>huge partnerships
>great marketing
doesn't mean jack shit
>amazing market cap
ok, you're just a retard now...

>> No.5905352

implying that bike company is not huge as fuck
implying mobile game they will release and trx dogs are not a factor either
implying he lied about the partnership announcement next week
>doesn't mean jack shit
it does in industry that runs on promises like crypto
>ok, you're just a retard now...
normies bringing in the money is a bad thing now?

>> No.5905679

Suck. My. Dick. Salty. Ass.

>> No.5905846
File: 137 KB, 803x688, 1442447523135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing into a coin because a shitty mobile game uses it

are you serious right now