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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5898558 No.5898558 [Reply] [Original]

Well this the end. Bought xlm at 90 cents last night cuz I thought that was the dip. Just cut my losses at 70 cents this shitcoin is done forever. I’ll make my money back on tron maybe

>> No.5898646

>buy high sell low
>buy TRX high
>sell low again

>> No.5898698

Healthy correction. Rocket is refueling. All systems go.

>> No.5898756
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're really dumb

>> No.5898799

Congrats OP you did it the biz way buy high and sell low
You’re going to make it

>> No.5898815

Holy shit the dip? Do you know how to look at a chart?

>> No.5898818

Let the normies hit the floor!

>> No.5898850

if you sell now you WILL be posting the pinkest of wojaks in a month

>> No.5898975


go with what your heart tells you anon, you can't second guess yourself in this game

>> No.5899042

Got to be a piss take?

>> No.5899132

Well that was fucking stupid of you. Jesus.

>> No.5899227


>> No.5899297


Weak handed faggot. How can you even be this fucking stupid ?

You must be the /biz/ mascot

Let me just lay it down for you:

> you bought XLM at all time high
> you sold at 24h low
> you bought an overinflated shitcoin at ATH


You're not at a loss until you sell. In this market almost every shitcoin will grow eventually.

>> No.5899340


>> No.5899427

>thought i bought late
>still up 200% in this "dip"


>> No.5899431

smart man. theres no shame in cutting your losses and knowing when to minimize your damages. when it goes back to 40 cents you will look back and be glad you didnt wait longer

>> No.5899571
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1512351810627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are the people that actually lose money on crypto.

>> No.5899583

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits.,

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.5899629

I bought at around the same thinking it was a good time but I'm holding.

Wish me luck

>> No.5899705

You can always buy in again if you hit the moon in time.

>> No.5899747

You're going to have to wait 10 days to make that money.

>> No.5899751

I bought xlm at 90 cents too but I ain't selling yet. Still confident in this rocket ship

>> No.5899805

thanks for the cheap coins :^)

>> No.5899846


Same, no worries though.
I bought back in at 98 cents but I still know i'll be going to volvo land soon. Feelscomfy

>> No.5899861

this lol. I could have taken profits last night and didnt. Not i just pulled the plus at 4800 sats, not losing all my profits at least im still up a bit.

>> No.5899883

do you fucking idiots even know anything about this coin? do you not realise how promising this shit is for Q1 2018? have you done any amount of research?

>> No.5899933

What the fuck are normies doing here?

>> No.5899934

I bought in at 0.85

I'm holding for a few months, I'm sure it'll go up a few bucks at least

>> No.5899978

it's pretty obvious that they havent

>> No.5900100
File: 490 KB, 600x850, 1454998159455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trx slows mooning
>xlm stops dipping
>swap positions
seeya kid thanks for the cheap bags

>> No.5900156


It's been a great rocket ride today with XLM...

> sell over 6k
> buy under 5k
> rinse, repeat
How fucking hard is it

>> No.5900192

I bought in at .27 and .39. This correction is needed just as Cardano's was. If you hold you should be fine in the next few weeks.

Common sense to never buy when shit has mooned 30% already.

>> No.5900384

We laugh at these cucks, but never forget that they are the reason we make money.
Thank you based OP!

>> No.5900411


>> No.5900514

Op is trolling. Nobody is stupid enough to base a one day fall in an ungodly volatile market for a quarter loss. I traded out my fun coin at peak for xlm in the dip

>> No.5900533

this, thanks OP

>> No.5900540
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1512711558412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy high, sell low!

>> No.5900578



As long as this shitcoin is king of trading pairs, learn the price in sats. ETH is more advantageous at times but it's too hard for your little brain for now

1) You buy bitcoin with dollars or whatever paper money you got


2) you buy XXX coin with Bitcoin at 3k sats

3) as long as XXX coin is lower than 3k sats you don't fucking sell


4) that's pretty much it.

>> No.5900620

Did you sell at a loss?
Did you sell before 1.50$

>> No.5900635
File: 43 KB, 528x492, Pepe+the+frog_e484a0_5547401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek thats the point of these threads. i'm sure at least a few people bought at 1900 and are hovering over the sell button at 1700

>> No.5900669

I realized without the OP we will never have moon missions.

Thanks for the rocket fuel.

>> No.5900685


>> No.5900701

Didn't know what to spend my bitcoin on so bought some stellar at .48, feelsgoodman

>> No.5900784

no, and you dont either. no one knows. youre just pedaling the same horseshit youve been told by other people in countless xlm threads. the truth is, promising coins dont always make it. Aragon and Bancor were supposed to be 2 of the most promising coins of 2017. amazing teams, great devs, great communities, blah blah. remember those coins? i could give a long list of coins with promising tech and amazing teams, thatd didnt do shit. but you wouldnt know that because youve probably only been in crypto for a week now. now shut your trap

>> No.5900823

Thanks for the lumens, clay hands.

>> No.5900858

>amazing team
>Jewish as fuck
>female CEO
I get your point, but no. Just no.

>> No.5901036

i bought at 3750 sats so i'm just looking at less profit until it goes up again. boo hoo.

>> No.5901132

Fucking this other than other shitcoins that forked (NXT after snapshot). No one actually realises that you just gotta zoom out of your chart sometimes to realise that it will always grow.

>> No.5901150

what the fuck is wrong with you you have fucking spaghetti hands and cant hold for more than one day it's going to hit a dollar within the next two days

>> No.5901189

Nice .jpeg fgt

>> No.5901207
File: 45 KB, 1127x634, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this would happen ...

>> No.5901249

>not investing in a coin soley based on how cool the logo looks

Fuck off nerd

>> No.5901343

That doesn't seem realistic though, are you implying that all the news surrounding FairX, IBM, SatoshiPay is all but for nothing?

>> No.5901347

....and we're back to .78 and climbing. thanks for the cheap bags, idiot.

>> No.5901359

Guaranteed pajeet

>> No.5901389

Go on. I'm new and want to learn more about what this means. On Binance, where can I located the sats measurement on the page?

>> No.5901443

I m pretty new to this markets, but I did trading on NYSE for sometime. I m waiting to coinmama validate my account to buy this coin, but I think I will buy at 0.5 if I see this tendency. I agree that people can hold for 2 days, but that deppends THE REASON you buyed, if you buy for short terms or long hold, the problem with trading is not too hold a consistent position when things dont go the way you want

>> No.5901467

You will never see this at .50 again. Don't be stupid.

>> No.5901530
File: 51 KB, 1225x634, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I m no impliying that I correct the image. I think it will fall hard but for some days but in the long term it POSSIBLY hit 3 or 4$

>> No.5901535

yeah you literally have to inflict it on yourself voluntarily. doing nothing in this market is enough to double your money lol

>> No.5901603

Only someone new to markets can say "never" or "for sure", this is speculation. JUst remenber my words is a simple "bet"

>> No.5901617

Oh okay, I thought you meant it will just stump down to 20c and will stagnant for a while.

>> No.5901643

>you literally have to inflict it on yourself voluntarily

You mean selling at a loss? That happens in the regular stock market all the time.

>> No.5901662
File: 588 KB, 1700x973, tendencia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this looks familiar?

>> No.5901664

Lmao why did you think 90 cents was the dip? It went up like 300% in days, youre a fucking noob.

The dip was today though, don't worry. Triple bottom. We goin up.

>> No.5901681
File: 43 KB, 680x510, 1513373294178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious — I just sold 30% of my Tron and bought the Stellar dip. Then I read this.

>> No.5901740

The dip is not today, I think it will fall to 0.5 maybe... and gain power at the end January to $1 or $2

>> No.5901977


What's your reasoning? Not a rhetorical question, respectfully curious here.

>> No.5902144
File: 301 KB, 1623x956, xlm for newbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching you morons chart here is... The most hilarious thing I've ever seen. You make fun of "pajeets" and "clay hands" while turning around and "charting" on screenshots with paint...


Fucking clowns. XLM is a buy right now. Will explode by 1/8/18.


>> No.5902185

in all fairness i made these kinds of mistakes when i first started. the best lessons i ever learned was when they hit my pocket book.

>> No.5902256

That's when BTC actually worked.
The past doesn't predict the future.
Alts are way stronger now.

>> No.5902258

Why do people even look at charts?

They're all the same. It went up and then down.

It means nothing.

>> No.5902284

You very well may be the dumbest person here.

>> No.5902303

I've been in crypto for around a year now, but I still make these mistakes. But only for shitcoins. I've been accumulating XLM since $0.10 and still am. Comfy af.

>> No.5902341

TA is aboslue pajeet bullshit my street shitting friend

>> No.5902431

What's happening 1/8?

>> No.5902475


>> No.5902479

Dude, fuck xlm.

>> No.5902591
File: 592 KB, 893x1266, SmartSelectImage_2017-12-25-15-33-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanka for the cheap XLM. 20% off of you. Have a like.

>> No.5902626

Charts mean nothing if you are just a holder anyway and just look at fundamentals.

If you are a trader and don't use charts, you are a fucking idiot

>> No.5902690 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 300x300, moon mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do? I've got almost 500 xlm and bought in at 26 cents. I missed my 1.50 chance but now we're stuck at 74-45 cents and I don't know what to do next. I'm afraid if I don't hodl the price will shoot, but if I don't co invest into another coin I will miss easy gains. Do I hodl xlm and co invest or should I just move xlm before it potenially loses all it's gains?

>> No.5902787

>that pic

>> No.5903035

Well that is an interesting point of view BUT and I sure that some day bitcoin still dragor carry the other coins, this will happen but in some years. And saying that past do not predict future, well: yes past do not predict future, but in this game of trading you must understand that there are "rules" that happen in the markets, that behaviour also happen in "normal" markets and is called January Effect