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58959345 No.58959345 [Reply] [Original]

kek, fuddies

>> No.58959456
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>> No.58959740
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Post rare spunts

>> No.58959785

Biz is boring. Crypto is boring. Life is boring. None of it matters. It never did matter. “Making it” wont change anything. I fee imprisoned in my own head. The anxiety is progressively getting worse and I’m severely depressed, but no one cares. I wish I can go back in time to relive my childhood. A time when I was innocent and oblivious to the dark world around me. I have no hope left to carry me into the future.

>> No.58959848
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Spunt, your brain is broke. You need therapy and treatment. Maybe Ketamine infusions? Talk to a doctor and buy a shit load of lunc. I ran your photo through AI, pic rel. You can do it! It's work. It sucks. It's gruling. But you can do it. You can come out the other side better than before. Better than that childhood innocences.

>> No.58959872

I’m not spunt

>> No.58959909
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In a way, we are all Spunt. Pray tell fren, What seems to be your boggle? From a humanistic stand pint you should create your own meaning. What does have meaning to you? What sparks joy? If nothing, you need drugs probably. Also MBSR online.

>> No.58959960
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Wrong meme fag

>> No.58960058

>What seems to be your boggle?
I don’t know. I fell ill at the beginning of this year. I couldn’t eat or sleep for days but everything seemingly checked out fine, although mentally, I never recovered from it. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I was going to die and at that point, my view of the world permanently changed. Lunc could hit $1 right now and I wouldn’t give a shit. The only reason why I’m still in crypto or waging is for my family. Besides that, there’s nothing out there that I want. Not even pussy

>> No.58960112
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>> No.58960244
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That sounds anhedonia with maladaptive rumination as seen with major depression disorders. Anhedonia is particularly troubling because you just don't want to get better. Your maladaptive thought patterns are linked to excessive activity in the default mode network of your brain. Neurons that fire together, wire together. This creates well worn neurological pathways that are physiologically harder to avoid. It IS imprisonment. The good news: this is incredibly treatable via multiple pathways. There are many drugs and behavioral treatments that are effective, I mentioned one drug that I think is good because the low dosage and administration rates plus it's efficacy are unmatched IMO.
I think your first step is to reach out to family, or someone close and tell them how you feel and ask them to help you, help yourself. The harsh truth is that no one is coming to save you, you need to save yourself. You can. But you need help. All I can tell you is that Lunc will burn 90% Of token we will go straight to $100 and that there is a way out of the hole you are in but it's going to take some time and a lot of willpower on your end. If you've held lunc for any significant potion of time, you can handle the pain. you got this.

>> No.58960516

Screenshotted for later. I don’t know if this is ai slop or if you’re legit, but everything I said above wasn’t a larp, so I appreciate the info. I never thought I’d get psychoanalyzed in a lunc thread. I think trying to share this with people irl will be as much of a challenge as me trying to fix myself but your post encouraged me to at least try. Btw I’ve been holding since day 1

>> No.58960900
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All facts. Talk to your doctor. I mention ketamine, but it's no a "cure". It just offers an 85% chance of immediate relief, albeit transient. But sometimes you just need a little sunshine. And I think it acts like training wheels, it helps train your brain to find balance that you can then maintain yourself via behavioral activations. It induces significant neurogenesis as well, physical making more connections in your brain. Also, it acts as a lubricant for talk therapy, called ketamine assisted therapy. Depending on where you live, your access to these lifesaving treatments might be limited and I would implore you to refrain from self medication with ketamine. Infusions, done at a clinic, are the most effective, but very costly. 10M lunc might make you a millionaire is march, so you better get working on yourself so you can actually enjoy it and prosper with a rich and fulfilling life. On that note, maybe you need more purpose?

Lots of reading out there, this one seemed like a good start: