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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 400x400, shitcoins-shitcoins-everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5895086 No.5895086 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Coins you think are SHIT that /biz/ won't stop shilling


>> No.5895336

CONfido/link, bazinga, bat, bcash, funfair, any gambling coin, anything to to with cats, mon, cars, tanks, etc and anything that results in referral chains

>> No.5895550

Why do you hate gambling coins? Gamblers and porn addicts are usually the first ones to try new shady technology from popups and sidebar ads

>> No.5895564


XLM is the ticket to lamboland though

>> No.5895636


>> No.5895650

I'm sure online poker and casino's have made a fortune but they are still a silly idea

>> No.5895662
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>> No.5895742
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all of them

>hey /biz/ check out my portfolio
>only shilled coins

brainlets have to shill their shitcoin because they don't know the market

>> No.5895773

to me gambling coins are redundant because the whole crypto market right now is way more rewarding and fun as a game than any casino could ever hope to be.

>> No.5895800


>> No.5895844
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>> No.5895864

Also req is an absolute shitcoin. The competition in the payments industry is already ridiculous, there's no room or need for blockchain in this sector

>> No.5895881


>> No.5895945


>> No.5895977



>TRX and BAT

>FUN and TRX

I would love to see your portfolios if you think these are truly shit. I'm sure you've got some highly shilled biz-tier shitcoins as well

>> No.5896017

Not to mention it is still a fucking whitepaper with a supposed testnet. Nothing but an overpriced ERC20 token shilled as the next PayPal.

>> No.5896018

I don't have an opinion on REQ.
But for your other point I don't think the people who have the /biz/ mentality of gambling on shitcoins this month (which is heavily stacked in our favor) are the same people who visit those shitty pajeet made onling gambling websites. With things like FUN I believe more gambler normalfags will try out that new technology

>> No.5896060

I do actually. 100% ETH.

>> No.5896103


With regards to BAT, they don't have a working platform with advertisers already lined up, etc. When they can do that, I'll believe in it. Until then, they're dead in the water.

>> No.5896104
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funlets mad they are missing out on the moon mission. get fucked. we are going straight to 50 cents

>> No.5896113

Pretty much anything, I only really know of 10 legitimate projects, and I barely see them here

>> No.5896133

All of it. Fucking all of it:


>> No.5896154
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>> No.5896156

XRB is such a shitcoin I can't wait for it to tank.

>> No.5896218
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>coin is shit because there is no product yet
you just described every single coin/token

>> No.5896273

I just wish TRON would go crawl in a hole and die

>> No.5896280

Yea tell me how much you love paypal and how cheap and easy and fast it is please

>> No.5896318


Cool, so we agree BAT is a shitcoin. BAT's whole premise NEEDS them to have already acquired investors and advertisers.

Advertising is not some niche business where you can throw out some promises and acquire investors and partnerships later. BAT's been around for so long, too.

>> No.5896612
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bruv believe me or not I lived in china for two years and they already have a payment platform that they use literally everywhere (as in even beggars on the street have a printed out QR code next to their tincan so that you can either throw a coin or scan the code and transfer them a couple of yuan) and it's been integrated with banks so that you can just transfer any funds to and from. it's called alipay and it's one of the biggest enterprises in china. It's not on a blockchain and doesn't need to be, yet it's amazingly fast, practical and trustworthy.

When you talk bitcoin you talk thousands and thousands of dollars, you talk people wanting a digital asset that won't inflate for them to store the bulk of the money in. Few people have gone all in because we're early still but this is the direction it's going to. You do not need an ultra secure and complicated network to buy groceries, and Alipay is virtually free because they charge very small sums for all kinds of transactions and profit mostly off of having your funds in their wallet so they can invest it while you're not spending it

>> No.5897291
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>Tfw 20k fun

>> No.5897624

req and link

But actually most of them since they don't do shit IRL

>> No.5898172
File: 15 KB, 480x464, 1493557612397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about XMR you little bitch?

>> No.5898574

99% of coins are shitcoins

doesn't matter if it's a shitcoin though, all that matters is $$

>> No.5899130

KEK, opinion nullified, enjoy your boring safe gains

take a look at BAT's team (since it's obvious you haven't) and tell me that they don't have any sway in the purpose of their proposed product
it'll be easy

>> No.5899268


Pick better coins

>> No.5899607

thanks for proving my point
also ironic that those are all pajeet pump coins as well
don't deny it, I'm in the telegrams too so I know what coins to avoid

>> No.5899706

up 3x.
ICX backed by korea
AION korea again
ZRX Bitfinex exchange protocal
VEN backed by china
I stand by my picks. Just because something is popular doesnt necessarily make it shit.

>> No.5899770

Why dont you like ECA?

>> No.5899773
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>putting OMG on the list
is that a joke?

>> No.5899804


actual kek

>> No.5899852

>feels good OMG was only mentioned once and by a brainlet.

Omisegoys are gonna make it

>> No.5899912
File: 55 KB, 520x356, 7zip_please clap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean FUD??

>> No.5900146
File: 15 KB, 732x458, jesus christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because something is popular doesnt necessarily make it shit.

>> No.5900741

I cant even. I suppose you are scouring the depths of etherdelta for the best of shit tokens right

>> No.5900892
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>i can't even
wow you actually are retarded
you completely contradicted the whole point of my post, but you got so heated that you forgot
>coins you think are shit that /biz/ won't stop shilling
>why do you think these are shit? i'm sure you've got highly shilled shitcoins too
>he does
>just because it's popular doesnt necessarily make it shit