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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58941000 No.58941000 [Reply] [Original]

6 months of dumping

>> No.58941001

1.5 more years until the recession ends

>> No.58941014

The 24/25 bullrun has been officially cancelled, sorry.

>> No.58941039

Yep then the depression will begin!

>> No.58941044

That would only happen if Kamala won, but she's going to lose Pennsylvania which wins trump the election. That and she's going to get fried on the 10th during the debate.

>> No.58941060

Chainlink just had to pump.

>> No.58941065

I think Trump would win this, if he weren't so fucking fat. Obese people are disgusting

>> No.58941106

Most Americans are ogres so they just find it relatable

>> No.58941152

6 months of liquidations and whale trading.
The parabola will be gigantic.

>> No.58941165
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6 months that started the very nanosecond Link hit $22

>> No.58941246

Be careful what you say I've been banned 2 times because "politics belongs on /pol/ and conspiracy theories belong on /x/" for addressing the fact that trump=pump and dems=endless communist recession

Janny knows best, politics is totally not related to "business and finance"

>> No.58941257

I feel like we would get a short-lived pump under Trump. November would definitely be green, but I could definitely see the rally fading as we head into next year

>> No.58941274
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Peak disrepair

>> No.58941294

mate the whole "bull market" and the next 4 years relies completely on [censored by janny]

What do you think big money will do when they are faced with threats of unrealized gains tax, price controls and communistic distribution of money to "the poor"? it will be a 4-5 year bear market. what has been revealed about [censored by janny]'s "economic policies" are literally the worst in the history of the USA; it's not an exaggeration this time

>> No.58941492

The longer we dump the more violent the pump

>> No.58941495

the real dump is yet to come
normally in every cycle its 70-90%
>noooo this time its different

>> No.58941575

Nigger what the fuck. Where were you? Btc already dumped like 73% last year LMFAO
Outting yourself as a newfag

>> No.58942070
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I'm trying to speedrun my $khai before the whales remember how much power they have to fuck up the entire market