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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58940900 No.58940900 [Reply] [Original]

The search has been called off, he is no longer missing! And ADA is up 2.5% off the back of the news.

>> No.58941818

Bump update for any concerned Americans logging in.

>> No.58941842

making fake and gay posts pretending someone of political importance is dead, is a boring engagement farming by government agents, e.g. soldiers at an air force base.
Charles hoskinson hosted Elon musk and Donald Trump.
he's working with leemon Baird on decentralized recovery.
Charles told everyone on the eth team that he was CIA and hurt his leg jumping out of an Apache helicopter. Charles also told them he was Satoshi nakamoto.
it was later determined that could not be Satoshi nakamoto because Craig wright had started claiming to be Satoshi nakamoto and he had very convincing PDFs.

>> No.58941874
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checked, so where has he been all this time?

>> No.58941918

Well, Craig Wright is a liar and a fraud, so I wouldn't believe a word he says.
We don't know yet...hopefully we'll find out in the next few days!