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58927183 No.58927183 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short - I'm taking a new job and selling my house. I'm estimating about 130k in profit off the sale from both equity and general value increasing. Housing and utilities at new town will be taken care of by the company because it's a small town shithole and that's how they incentivize people to move there.

Unironically, how would you invest this?

My goal is to FIRE.

-I have no debt other than about 10k left on an auto loan at 2.8%
-Roth IRA maxed out
-Healthcare already maxed out
-3 month of emergency fund built
-Don't want to buy real estate right now because the interest rates and prices are atrocious

>> No.58927191

Index fund

>> No.58927196
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this is now a plapjak thread.

>> No.58927197
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>> No.58927200 [DELETED] 


>> No.58927203
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>> No.58927207
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>> No.58927209
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>> No.58927233
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>> No.58927245
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>> No.58927341



>> No.58927444
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>> No.58928332

Everything is expensive

S&P is at/near the ATH
BTC is near the ATH
Housing is at/near the ATH

Honestly I would just gamble on the election in November, it's literally rigged for the Dems

>> No.58928357


>> No.58928365

it's missing a lot of important information to make the best decision. if someone handed me 130k right now today, i'd probably let it sit in a money market fund until after the election because i think that there MIGHT be market volatility no matter what happens and who wins. we are also cutting rates now which has preceded economic downturns in the past. i have enough other money invested that i can hold back some dip buying money, and there's a reasonable chance of dipping in the next few months. then if we dip, i will buy leveraged bull ETFs

>> No.58928379

>The sp500 is almost always at ath
which is true, the problem is if you buy at the wrong moment you could still baghold for years

>> No.58928387

guy on lower right ended up killing the kid

>> No.58928395

I haven't had sex in 1.5 years, and these memes always pop up when I'm feeling weak. There's a fatty from work who constantly solicits me to hook up, and like angels sent from heaven, these memes always scare me out of doing something stupid. The way they envision the regret, shame, guilt, and bleak nihilistic scenery hits so fucking hard.

>> No.58928403
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>> No.58928413

I'm no numbers genius but I made it to the middle 7 figures by hard scrabble ambition and no education, so I make good decisions and have good instincts. Here's my take:

The market will suffer at least a 15% pull back at some point, and probably much more if only briefly. It cannot sustain these current numbers which it is well knows are all based on accounting fraud. By waiting you lose nothing, but could potential get that 15-20% value plus any gains after it recovers. If you invest now and it dumps, then recovers, you only get profit from gains made after that bounce back. Why not be patient and gobble up that 15-20%, which is like 1-2 years of normal market gains combined? Yes I realize the last few years have been nearly 30% yearly gains but we all know that shit is coming to an end fast. Either Trump wins and they use him to fortifty Isreal and then ruin the USA to make it all about White Men leadership, or Kamala wins and the USA is ruined by nonwhites. Either way this next administration is likely to end in collapse.

>> No.58928429

I'm sitting on cash and deciding how to allocate too. Given fire is a goal it seems to make sense to get some cashflow fund like jepq which is paying over 9% in dividends. For me I'm just short of a fuck you fund and it's not enough to retire on fully but it could really stretch my emergency fund almost indefinitely.
The big risk is that the market is about to shit itself. M2 money supply has previously gone parabolic and the fed is trying to reign that in, so has the market priced it appropriately. There's a lot of variables.
Oh yeah and get a 6-12 month emergency fund. 3 months isn't enough.

>> No.58928447

Right sitting in cash is only risking missing out on what like 5% gains, but buying an index is risking a 10% drop for a 5% gain. Still I'm not convinced on the recession case. An ass load of money was created in 2020 so you have to consider the numbers are new paradigm but also haven't changed in real terms.

>> No.58929963
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FIRE + Gravity legion/panda roll play on tg is a broken combo to make money during septembear that will get patched so we have to use it before it becomes useless again