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File: 3 KB, 225x225, xlmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5892677 No.5892677 [Reply] [Original]

I got insider informations that XLM will pump hard due a hot announcement in a week.
for long time hodlers it will be no problem
but short-term ppl should get their asses in.

>> No.5892730

Hahahha exactly this

>> No.5892790
File: 668 KB, 1239x834, Screenshot 2018-01-04 16.08.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5892840

Hmmmm, something about this comment seems fimiliar

>> No.5893335
File: 201 KB, 1024x1013, defecatingintheopenindia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arjun, fuck off please.

>> No.5893346

those two rockets are about to crash into each other, i'm selling

>> No.5893413
File: 77 KB, 1651x648, xlm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you guys seen the stellar exchange that they launched without really talking about it yet? how big it's going to be?

>> No.5893415

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5893480

distributed, open source exchange on the Stellar network.

big and true. bought another 100k, nice.

>> No.5893487

kek stellar all the fuckng way

>> No.5893573


have u seen what they're going to put onto it in the next couple months?

heheueHEUAHEUEHUEH im done shilling this coin, too many pajeets stealing the profits of new investors

>> No.5893583

Yes and I want to know how to buy coins on it. Found what looks like offers to sell but i don't have much computer smarts.

>> No.5893629


>> No.5893703

shit look fucking big from my point of view.
create an account, send yourself 20 lumens on the public address and you're good.

>> No.5893723

Good, just bought 100k.

>> No.5893922

did you get this said insider info during a video conference call with a dev?

>> No.5893930

>im done shilling this coin
>shit look fucking big from my point of view.

I have a bunch of normies asking me about XLM. Guy just dm'd me saying he had $5,000 to throw in because has been reading my shit posts on a sports forum and doesn't know how it works.

Literally get people asking crypto all day. It's almost gotten to where I don't even like talking about it anymore. It's also made me pretty desensitized to money and real world work lately. Start seeing $10K+ gains daily and fuck, it starts messing with you head. Starting to feel it can't be real and will stop soon. Fuck guys, I need a hug.

>> No.5894150


"It's also made me pretty desensitized to money and real world work lately."

Are you me
I can't even pay attention at work and I'm constantly swing trading on my work computer, probably going to get fired soon
I didn't even sleep last night and forgot to eat today, randomly lashing out at people
I'm developing a gambling addiction and I'm probably going to die

>> No.5894245
File: 88 KB, 590x365, D_Stella_Web_154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5894482
File: 161 KB, 1024x597, 1515020691601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are so fucking weak this is the opportunity of a lifetime don't be a weak beta faggot.

>> No.5894582


s a m e

It's not even fun anymore lol

>> No.5894719


I picked long term hodls so I dont have to constantly do work. Im here until 2020 m8, you rdy for the biggest change in human history?

>> No.5894802

fuck is it too late to start making 10k a day?

>> No.5894979

Fucking wake up at 5 am central this past week without an alarm to see what the Asians left us before the day starts and normies wake up.

>> No.5895164

Senpai I'm trying but my fear is I get lucky a few more times and have 7 comfy figures and think it's real only to have the rug pulled out and my happiness and hope ripped away leaving me like how I was before I started trading. I don't want to go back anon. I want to make it and help others make it. Break the (((system))) but there is something ominous is out there lurking to pray on me and muh gainz.

>> No.5895493

Same except I run my bosses company and he literally can't fire me. He is fucking loaded - made $2 million or so in 2017. Wanted to buy $10K in Ethereum in March and I couldn't put on his American express so he waited until November and dropped $50K on $10K bitcoin for fucking fun. Sent me a pic a few weeks ago of a god damn antminer asking should he get a few of them. His banker got 5 bitcoin also the same day. Accountant we use bought 10 bitcoin 2 weeks ago when Bitcoin kissed $10K. No clue what it does but bought the hype. I can't even find time to enjoy life without fucking charts and exchanges and people fucking texting me asking what to do.

Looking back I've probably brought $300K in fiat this year through others. Hope you faggots are doing your part also.

>> No.5895748

I'm sitting here with 17k lumen which is about a third of my portfolio.
It's tearing my stomach up worrying about it constantly.
I've struggled so much with money, and if XLM could just be recognized for the great product that it is, I could be so comfy and cozy.

>> No.5896438

just fucking hodl redditor scum. fuck your emotions and struggles