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58923660 No.58923660 [Reply] [Original]

>paid more than I've been in my previous jobs
>get to permanently WFH despite it not being in my contract, along with the other employees
>all the real work is done by contractors and consultants
>get management responsibilities
>inflated job title
>barely have any actual work to do
>spend first 30-60 minutes of each work day doing chores or browsing internet
>go for a 1 hour walk on my lunchbreak
>spend a ton of the work day browsing internet on my phone
>shut my work laptop at 5 pm on the dot
>produce very little
>supposed to be responsible for setting targets and saying what should be done and measuring success but the project surface area is fucking tiny relative to what someone in my job is typically exposed to, plus the project is so slow and bogged down in bureaucracy so there are large stretches where the entire team I'm in is blocked
>company is really large and there's little oversight of my area
>manager is chill and is overstretched, with many areas in addition to my own to supervise

My entire career is a zero interest rate phenomenon.

>> No.58923669

how do i get a job like this?

>> No.58923671

woman sings about depression

>> No.58923677

Meanwhile i am breaking my fucking back and knees wokring in the forzen food factory for 300 month. how is this life fiar

>> No.58923679
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>> No.58923852

>for 300 month
You mean 3,000??

>> No.58923856

Find HR roastie at the bar. Take her home and eat her out

>> No.58923870

I was in a similar position where OP was. working about 2 hours a day for months. from home. waiting for them to fire me. but they never did. so I quit myself and haven't worked the past 3 years. my bitcoin keeps going up. if i did work and save all that money it would be insignificant compared to the gains my bitcoin made.

>> No.58923880

>muh bitfuck
You can’t ride that dead horse forever anon

>> No.58923896

i've been riding it for a while now. my life has been like heaven. i wake up when i want i go to bed when i want. i eat when i want what i want. i have sex with my gf when i want. i hang out with frens.

my semi-remote job (filling excel + sending mails) was cool too but when my portfolio hit 20x my yearly wage i quit.

>> No.58923904

no 300 , is not bad for my country but not enough to pay for life and the Coins i view on here. i am stuck.

>> No.58923915

That’s not a rebuttal. Stop making other anons think they’re early to crypto in 2024. It’s all downhill from here.

>> No.58923923

that's the nice part. even if it all goes to 0 I have still taken out more than I put in. I sold 25pct of my folio between 60k and 70k by the way. i can wait out a 5 year bear market.

>> No.58923926

i dont' even have any more shitcoins. that's how long i've been riding. all my buddies who had the shitcoins lost everything.

>> No.58923936

Soo you started your work as Dplay soft tester too didn’t you kek

>> No.58923937


>> No.58923943

Where do you live? That shits absolutely not fair yeah, but unfortunately OP’s story is the exception not the standard when you look at income globally.

>> No.58923957
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I’d rather be a poorfag.

>> No.58923966

Moldova , there is not a chance of escape

>> No.58923978

just accept your life fren. there's not much else you can do.

>> No.58923981

yes you are right. i was crafted to be a slave packing stupid fucking piece of meat into platic for 11 hours day. one day they will find my body in the freezer .

>> No.58924041

Godspeed anon. On the bright side I guess I’ve heard in your country it’s impossible to find paying jobs anyway,
So you’re probably doing relatively good even having a job yeah?

>> No.58924090

Oh look another poster talking about his comfy high paying wfh tech job where he does very little actual work, presented with zero actual evidenceor specifics. I'm sure it's totally not a larp this time.

>> No.58924182

yes this is true , would much rather be in the factory than be without the job. lot of thugs / rapsits in my city so if you cannot buy the apartment you are for certain getting robbed or touched

>> No.58924211

These fags at my job are ending wfh with no notice. Pisses me off because I actually worked hard. I'm deciding to quit and coast for awhile or find another job first. I'm basically at lean fire numbers and a paid off house (a paid house is still expensive as fuck)

>> No.58924285

Recettear was such a good game bros holy shit. I want to make a clone but can't think of a funny name for it. Best I got is "Incider Trading".

>> No.58924821

are there any other merchant simulators like it?

>> No.58924854

only way you could ruin your life is if you invested your life savings in crypto