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58912097 No.58912097 [Reply] [Original]

Allright Lunchads. Where do we go from here.

>> No.58912100

Important Notice for the Terra Community regarding the Plan Confirmation Hearing:

The Plan Confirmation Hearing in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases of Terraform Labs Pte Ltd (TFL) and Terraform Labs Limited (TLL) has been set to September 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (ET).

For more details, please refer to the Notice of Confirmation Hearing on this link:

>> No.58912179

Terraform labs will just claim bankruptcy and not have to pay anything. Their Lunc has already been converted into btc. Awari da.

>> No.58912192


>> No.58912463

Is there any hope left for lunc?

>> No.58912508
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We are just waiting for a big brain anon to join us.

>> No.58912562


>> No.58912749
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there's something going on with the LUNC vibe I feel a pump unlike anything else is about to happen

>> No.58912861

Alright you schizos.
Tell me why your fucking dead coin is supposedly rising from the grave and is in fact not dead like all the 92348238956239487234092384 other coins that fucked up and vanished before

>> No.58912993

Because LUNC is eternal

>> No.58913013
File: 1.54 MB, 1021x1021, GOTDATLUNC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking TheSchizo Flavor Aid
You guys have no idea what is about to happen.

>> No.58913056

>You guys have no idea what is about to happen(tm)
You have no idea how often I had to read this with literally nothing happening

>> No.58913129
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>Shake and shake the catsup bottle. None will come, and then a lot'll.

>> No.58913203

Looks like things get exciting once we go lower than 5T. Damn, I can't wait for 2074

>> No.58913261


except we never did

>> No.58913395
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>Luna is Dead
Long Live Luna

>> No.58913435

>LUNC is dead
Long live LUNC

>> No.58913955

Well binance is still burning monthly. Despite everything even with CZ in jail binance is supporting lunc. I can't see a logical reason why they are still burning its why I have a schizo bag.

>> No.58913980

someone post the baggie tier list. I've been waiting so long for this shit to "rye" that I've accumulated 70 million up from the 4 million I originally had.

>> No.58914755

What's Spunt up to these days?

>> No.58914816

When is this shit going back to a dollar?

>> No.58914824

>no dates

>> No.58914868

literally in 5 minutes

>> No.58914871
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Alright you bastards, im buying. Let the Lord will it.

>> No.58916444


>> No.58916917
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Do you ask for a cocacola classic? No you say coke. No Luna 2, just Tuna.
March 25 blood moon.

>> No.58916972

Holy shit it's been like exactly 18 months.

>> No.58917025

>binance is still burning
This cope has been beaten to death over the head in every single thread and you fags still bring it up. Binance makes more off of the fees than any burn they do. They also gain free good publicity ie. you right here right now saying youre holding because of them burning. You are eternally bagholding because of absolutely psyoped nothingburger and continue to do so
The only one who benefits from this are the validators, you know, the ones who have been accumulating billions of lunc this entire fucking time? Fucking retards think theyll just not perpetually dump on you the entire way back down to where it is now. Any pump is sold by these guys and will continue to be sold by these guys. Lunc is NEVER going to be burned in any significant way because the same people that are hard gatekeeping it from going anywhere also hold billions and will not burn for the significance of anyone else except the small cabal they control. You are actually straight up exit liquidity for these people and you keep making people buy into this shit thinking it will do anything anymore

>> No.58917074
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>Skill issue anon describes ETH too
If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

>> No.58917112

Okay retard, the law of attraction doesn't work like that. The karma you accumulate losing people money will send a ripple effect throughout your life. Your schizo theories don't hold up in the karmic cycle and you will end up losing because of your delusions in bringing others down

>> No.58917275
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100 % on LOA and karmic debt. I love sweet lady LUNC. My apologies for the sarcastic quip and ironic Satoshi quote. You are right, validators are trash. But lunc has value Vincent. This is ETHs DAO hack.

>> No.58917323

HappyCattyCrypto is bullish on LUNC. That's good enough for me, I'm buying.

>> No.58917342

this pump will fall like the others

>> No.58919096


>> No.58919676

Probably just the Adderall.

>> No.58919999


>> No.58920300
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pic rel fud fuckers and cock suckers. read that fucking ticker. c l a s s i c. Yes This board was is and always was a lunc board.
if you know you know, you know?

>> No.58920773

It’s an automated function. They simply forgot it was still there. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. Btw I miss all of you guys

>> No.58921788
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may '22 i will never forget

>> No.58922770

Lunc was my first token that got me into crypto. My hairline moved back at least 3” since I got into this shit. Yea I miss the old TLCG threads, but I regret ever having bought crypto in the first place. Fuck the jew birds, fuck Alex, fuck crispy nigger, fuck jaja nigger, fuck DNP, fuck everyone from the fren server, fuck the Canadian twink, and most of all fuck zaradar and all those grifting faggots who led us on. Sorry to everyone else that I missed. There’s too many of you

>> No.58922772

It’s called Bagholder Cope, and it’s a very powerful affliction. Terminal in most cases

>> No.58922803


My final cope is Do Kwon’s ass Trezor LOL

>> No.58923814

>Cursed ghost chain haunted with the souls of roped investors.


>> No.58924155
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>> No.58924177

Guys, I've got 3 wlunc, am I going to make it?

>> No.58924274
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>> No.58924296


>> No.58924706

Oh well, back to other successful investments

>> No.58924817

bump for the runcha

>> No.58925258
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Les go lads this is literally the only (((crypto))) I still hold

>> No.58926637
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For me? It's LUNC.
It rings a ding ding in my schwingaling thing.

I just like the token. The way it looks in my portfolio. I love how it starts with L and ends with C, like Liberty City.

When people ask me how I'm doing I just say "I'm doin LUNC, how'bout you?"

>> No.58927022

if you can't name every single individual in this image, did you even hold lunc?

>> No.58927645

binance just burned another $90k lunc, but they're only doing it for publicity even though they never ever talk about it

>> No.58929023

come on man, its time to get back to work, hope is a dangerous thing.

>> No.58929086
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Is this thing still alive?
I have a 20M bag bought at $0.00006 so, I'm now worried, even if it goes back at $0.00004 again, but sooner or later would be nice to see some action, you know...

>> No.58930008

Bump for the runcha

>> No.58930067
File: 720 KB, 1091x703, yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they're only doing it for publicity even though they never ever talk about it
Theyve been burning since the beginning and made it very clear they were doing it. You're about what, two years late at this point to make a claim that they haven't talked about it? Keep coping though. Wow, Binance burned ANOTHER Billion guys! Only 6 trillion left to go! In 20 years Lunc might actually hit 5 Trillion WOW

>> No.58930430
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>> No.58930495

they don't talk about it *any more*
the point is that binance have a plan for lunc
i'm so sorry that you find that frustrating. i would kindly advise you commune only in spaces for crypto you are feeling happy about

>> No.58930752

>It’s an automated function. They simply forgot it was still there.
>They just forgot about a function siphoning 1M USD a year.
You never worked for a big company a single day in your whole life, don't you? Managers are extremely picky about saving costs in everything they can.