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58871072 No.58871072 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for us. Call it a fud thread i dont care. Dont comment. This is a discussion for this demographic as i have a question for them.

Can you believe how this turned out? Crazy isn’t it. Whats most shocking to me is how many of the signs were there from so early on but it took years for it to accumulate enough to reveal what Sergey really is. Do you have similar realisations in that regard?

>> No.58871084

It's true. Sergey is just too sexy, as a muslim man I could not bear to hold any longer.

>> No.58871092

Weird how the pool stays closed, despite so many selling. I can't quite figure it out. Strange. I myself am selling 2 weeks from now.

>> No.58871096

Is Sergey a gay muslim man too?

>> No.58871097

There is no better feeling than the feeling of life inside Sergey Nazarov

Remember that meme where it was a newspaper cutout with muslim pedos saying he betrayed neets? How prophetic was that lmao

>> No.58871104

Hi Eve!

>> No.58871116


>> No.58871156

I still don't really know if Chainlink is a good investment or not. Most of crypto is a scam, true, but it obviously has real potential to reduce costs, create new markets, etc., and I still think Chainlink is likely the play a huge role in that if it happens. Does that mean the token should be a high price? No idea.

btw I sold at like $7 after buying for 11c and then watching it dump from $50, so it's not like I'm some genius who timed the market. I was able to roughly double my $350k in the stock market since then so I'm still better off than I would be had I held, and it's WAY less anxiety inducing, but I actually still have dreams at night that I look at the LINK price and it's going parabolic past $100 and I do worry that one day this will happen and I'll kick myself forever after.

>> No.58871182

You're also locked out forever from the Chainlink Community Pool. My feeling is being in the pool is waay undervalued. There are dozens of Link fudders permanently manning /biz and they hate the pool with a passion.
It's a good place to be. Hey, good luck not even holding any Link. Please don't rope when it goes crazy. you seem like a nice guy.

>> No.58871229

Oh, I do actually have 10 LINK in the pool on 2 wallets, believe it or not. Honestly I thought I was going to really be kicking myself when BUILD rewards started coming in, but then more than 2 years later not a peep and that's actually one of the things that is a big red flag for me.

Well, I might feel some sense of loss if it "goes crazy" but I think I'll be fine. I do wish all you anons still holding the best, I still feel like a kindred spirit even if you won't have me.

>> No.58871237

Didn't the SEC suddenly start cracking down on ETH for their staking rewards a few months after build was first announced?

>> No.58871253

>Build rewards
I'm not even referring to those. The pool opened before that. Thanks for confirming you're a bad faith actor by bringing that up. You made it too easy. Probably time to change ID again?

>> No.58871328

I have 40k Link in the pool and fud regularly, you're not special and neither is being in the pool.

Sure it's cool to get 5% on the amount I have, but I don't think the crazy value prospect that LINK once had still holds. I'm hoping for $30-$50 but I'm too psyoped by all the breadcrumbs to ever sell, despite the amount of blatant evidence that Sergey is a fat scammer.

Also it's a hard sell to park the money elsewhere. I mean it's too late to flip to BTC and ETH despite the endless bleeding. I only see it bleeding more desu, I have no more hope for LINK dominance in the market.

>> No.58871347

press enter more when formatting you fucking reddit faggot

>> No.58871377

I bought the bulk of my LINK at 60c
I made a lot of effort FUD threads this month, but truth be told I have no sold a LINK keep buying on the odd day.

That being said my trust in LINK making it is at an all time low, last time I had this feeling was in 2019 where I sold 40k LINK which fortunately was a portion of my stack. It than broke the $2 barrier, I said to myself never again.

Now, why I'm sneedful :
- SmartCons are fucking nothing burgers I can't get hyped for anymore
- N-th partner/integration/whatever the fuck none of it goes to the token
- Subzidized nodes
- Absolute lack of proper explanation of how POR works
- 700 employees...?
- All their services are barely used, subscription metrics which are the staple for software businesses are a joke
- Eric Schmidt was compelled to talk by his then GF, now doesn't care
- Kemal (the CPO) left saying he's happy with his tenure while there was no proper GA go lives (???)
- Cringe Niggermarine XRP tier community and CLL acknowledging them with advocate titles

The list goes on, but we're in a cryptowinter so I can't discount LINK because of that.
No I don't care about any of the dogshit the solana ecosystem "came up" with, all copy pastes from Ethereum and other chains.
Anatoly and his clique of twitterposting faggots should coordinate a chain shutdown on discord and neck themselves.

Restaking is pure dogshit. Memecoins are dogshit. It's all dogshit.
None of the mainstream L2s are Stage 2.

>> No.58871381

Ah sweet! The /psychosis/ general thread

>> No.58871398

why didn't you learn to code and join one of their hackathons anon? Why?

>> No.58871403

Never trust sanpaku eyes

>> No.58871417

The truth is if it doesn't make it to 100 by next years end I'm hanging myself.

It was really fun posting here until 2022. Just refuse to deal with everything in this shit life. Link making it to at least 100 bucks would have just been a consolation prize. Everything sucks anyway I don't care about millions there's nothing to spend it on.

>> No.58871423

Sergey shit in the pool, stay in there if you want.

>> No.58871431

>i hold lots of Link
>I'm in the pool
>you're not special
>please sell your Link
the absolute state kek they're trying all mad shit now this is wonderful to witness

>> No.58871462

>noooooooooo you can't say what's happenning!!!!

bahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah he's so broken by his cult he's seeing enemies everywhere

BTC $11,000
ETH $270
Link $20


BTC $58,000
ETH $2,500
Link $10

The Cuckold of biz
THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58871465
File: 298 KB, 688x671, 5554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuude you're brown

>> No.58871467
File: 98 KB, 737x762, 156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your god is a 24 year old obese kid who scams you


Nobody gets cucked harder, for longer, and comes back absolutely BEGGING for more...

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58871468

the low t porn addict strikes again!

>> No.58871483

>7.30pm friday night in Holland
>adem the brown suicidal porn addict has finished work, travelled home and had his diinner
he's so fucked lol

>> No.58871528

Why the do you even care to come here to dwell on something you sold?
Are you okay?

>> No.58871561

I don't remember the exact timeline but I definitely remember all of us talking about additional rewards on top of APY at staking launch.. let's see.. staking launch seems to be December 2022, first BUILD partner was September 2022. So, yea, you're not even right.

>> No.58871769

There niggerposts >>58871431 are actually another bulletpoint in my FUDlist.
I know for a fact they're double or triple digit stacklets but it's annoying nonetheless.

>> No.58871773

You and me brother, I'd have fucked off in a coastal town and enjoyed life a bit.
I wish I sold everything at $50

>They didn't achieve their final vision yet
What the fuck was I thinking...

>> No.58871799

The only reason any of us bought link was because of the swift connection. Swift is not live yet but the connection is still there. POC's have been released, and we got a timeline for the release of the project. Telling people to sell before this project releases makes no sense, this is the strongest and most public this partnership has arguably ever been. Selling before the endgame when you know its the only thing that brought us here in the first place is dumb.

>> No.58871859

I too, will unsneed and sell my entire stack, in precisely 2 more weeks.

>> No.58871910

Have you realized that every "wait for next thing" chainlink has ever touted has either been an absolute failure or giant nothingburger?
>muh arbitrum
>muh staking
>muh ccip
This is like deperate dog coin bagholders waiting for their revolutionary nfts to release

>> No.58872001

>POC's have been released
What does this even mean? POC results? Ok cool, is there a budget or an initiative from corporate to integrate Chainlink of is it just a fucking toy for their R&D department?

>> No.58872004

It's hard enough to sell flavor of the month corporate solutions from juggernauts to businesses and I'm supposed to believe a CTO at big Finance will greenlight CCIP or whatever the fuck?
There aren't even enough trained people on the market to support Blockchain initiatives, and no new blood is coming in, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.58872074

Yep. Although I too am demoralised, ($10 in 2024, actual yikes) it makes absolutely no sense to sell before the full product is released. Aka full staking and swift.

>> No.58872089

What the fuck is this thread kek

>> No.58872116

>What the fuck is this thread
a multi-year waste of time where Link holders (who used to converse on here freely) are barraged by incentivised actors daily regarding their Link holdings.
The actors are a broad array of freestylers, jeets, bots (copy/pasted), assholes, pinheads, jocks, fruit-monkeys, ballsuckers and dickwazzles.
You should learn up. learning is the gateway to freebum.

>> No.58872305

t. tard who's not even in the top 20 pages of holders in etherscan

Go tell Sergey the day of reckoning is coming on your next 1:1 sync-up with him

>> No.58872317

Everything else is either a cherry on top or a nothing burger I didn't care about. All I'm here for is swift and staking.

>> No.58872369
File: 204 KB, 682x339, AB3F98F8-BB67-46F0-9FC5-63B285FCA8CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick reminder that this forum is full of gullible but smug retards who believe they are smarter than they really are and actually and unironically believed a time traveller sent an encrypted message from the future to shill LINK on a mongolian weaving basket forum, instead of I don’t know, sending us the lotto winning numbers or something.

The message said that Chainlink would be 81k by late 2026. It was accompanied by a graph that showed that on 12/21/2026 Chainlink would reach such heights.

Which means it should be around $20,000 USD by now, as shown in such graph.

>anon it is a pic of a screen! Look at the glare. How can THAT be photoshopped!?!?!?

Many such cases.

>yeah I’m copping hard anon, my link is only 100x from ICO

What is opportunity cost?

At least BIZ was fun back then, with that german boomer faggot 42 spamming it’s esoteric anti semitic adenochrome riddled saturn cult bullshit.

Casual anti semitism is kinda fun ngl

Oh well. I guess it stopped mattering during the 21 run, when we all made it with SHIB while the linktards seethed, dilated and copped.

>muh retarded market. Muh normies know nuttin

The truth is that crypto is an IQ test. If you hold LINK after Q2 2020, guess what that says about you?

Congrats anon. You paid for a bunch of HR roasties that inflate sergey’s ego.

Well played


>> No.58872389
File: 32 KB, 500x500, EilTmk_UcAAPHuY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i'd retire by now, if only i didn't get greedo at $50

>> No.58872454

People with big stacks are way more critical of the project because they have much more at stake as a cost opportunity. I believe most of the advocate posts here probably have 1k link or lower.

>> No.58872509

Personally I think the realization has really settled in as we've seen every single on-chain metric eat shit and die for the last 3 years. Blockchain has zero users and is just not needed. That means we need tradfi to carry everything and they're all degenerate ancient joomers. I drank the koolaid

>> No.58872545

you can really spot the newfags who talk about $50

real chads made out like bandits in 2020 when link was $20 but ATH against btc & eth

$50 the next year was irrelevant

>> No.58872682
File: 1.33 MB, 2119x2532, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have an update on sim swap chainlink api used by gsma and the carama project

>> No.58872694

>Guy please please stop calling out my obvious fud
Ok giving you one chance at good faith.
Signs of what?
That Sergey is really what?

>> No.58872698


>> No.58872702

>Blockchain has zero users and is just not needed
You see the piece of shit internet running on legacy tech being hacked, bottled, botted and ruined at every corner for the last decade and concluded 'yep, this is the best we can do'??
Of all crazy arguments I see this is the one that makes me seethe most.

>> No.58872987

the same can be said about the pieces of shit running on muh innovative "Web3"
blockchain hasn't even solved the trilemma after 16 years
you're so retarded it hurts

>> No.58873000

Forget LINK, not even ETH is needed, blockchain hasn't done anything since its inception except consuming shittons of energy to enable a new form of gambling. The current memecoin boom is the end result of this, no one cares about fundamentals anymore, we all know its all fake shit designed to extract money from investors.

>> No.58873002

Poo poo pee pee

>> No.58873010

this is the post of someone arguing in good faith, ladies and gents

>> No.58873047

I will never stake. I would have too much anxiety that they’d steal it. It’s not even like that big of a deal anyway. Link goes to $700 I sell 3,000 link and have 2.1 mil. That 2.1 mil could last be forever as it is. Then I still got 7k link left. Who cares about staking?

>> No.58873053

>I don't care about millions there's nothing to spend it on.

Exactly. The world is literally over.

>> No.58873066

Nigga it don’t matter if we wasted our time here. 80% of the world took the jab. Nobody goes outside anymore. Go drive down the streets of a nice suburb around 8pm. It’s like the twilight zone with an eerie silence with no kids at all outside playing. After Covid it’s unironically all over. There’s no future. There’s no community. If Covid had never happened and we were in the old world still… I’d have offed myself for not selling at $52. Now? Couldn’t give a fuck. Everyone is just going thru the motions. There’s no life anymore in anyone.

>> No.58873113

Stop blackpilling yourself. You can still have meaningful relationships even if normies are lost.

>> No.58873164

I mean personally I think it’s funny and entertaining. I’m not demoralized in the slightest. In fact everyone bending the knee has given crazy strength knowing I didn’t give a fuck about anything they wanted me to do…but be that as it may… everything is still categorically fucked beyond repair. I’m old enough to have had the old world and have 2 clear distinct views of each world having grown up in the 80’s and 90’s, while still young enough to be full my immersed in this total fucking hellhole society we are in now.

>> No.58873175

the one thing that is a deep disappointment is that there are still no build rewards in sight
i remember the hype and optimism, if just one aave is among them than that would probably end up worth more than your staked link stack
and here we are still garbage communications from the team itself and more bullshit from clg doing damage control
the hope is all gone now compared to dec 2022

but what i dont get is why cll shot itself in the foot this extremely badly
nobody was expecting build rewards they dangled that carrot, only to fumble completely on the execution
is sergey really out to torment his longest holders or what is this madness

>> No.58873222

Occam's razor would suggest that he's simply incompetent
2 more smartcons until this board realizes that everything is smoke and mirrors

>> No.58873277

see >>58871237

>> No.58873285

>the team didn't think the build program through before announcing it
in other words, incompetence?
keep trying to justify them though

>> No.58873297

gary blindly attacked everything last summer to a market wide crash, only for most of it to be reversed in the lawsuite
living in fear of gary
who btw never attacked the blatant scams but only the largest and even most legit projects
has cost cll far more than going ahead with their own project
case in point binance grew to market leader via completely ignoring the regulations even bordering to the true criminal and they got off with a minor fine and business leadership as the result while the good guy cucks were destroyed via complying with regs and in the end they were still sued, just look at all those western small exchanges that got gutted

i do believe the idiom is start shitting or get of the pot

>> No.58873301

We are never going to have sex

>> No.58873305

>Sergey should've foreseen a sudden SEC crackdown

Also, ETH was the one actually getting cracked down on, and they didn't foresee it either. So the incompetence is on them moreso.

>never attacked the blatant scams but only the largest and even most legit projects
The SEC went after a bunch of small fry too, like Library or whatever it was.

>> No.58873312

Yes, that's what capitalism is supposed to be, the CEO responding to shareholders.
Tune-in into any earning call of a fortune 500 and it's an hour of hard questions from absolute gigaholders, not disgusting sycophants sucking up to a CEO that try to "dispel FUD" from the latest episode of mad money on CNBC.
Now comes the fun part though! Chainlink Labs has no fiduciary duty towards token holders! How convenient!
They don't even have to do these quarterly updates if they so wished.

>> No.58873328

>Tune-in into any earning call of a fortune 500 and it's an hour of hard questions from absolute gigaholders
So sell this erc token and buy fortune 500 stock.

>> No.58873406

>wall of unimaginative, recycled, 2nd rate fud
yeh ok dude stay asleep will you

>> No.58873429

>if just one aave is among them
Then that would already be known. The truth is none of these projects have any promise or generate any value.

>> No.58873435

>Then that would already be known
Perhaps it is already known, but you're not privy to the information. Or perhaps what you just said is utter nonsense. I suspect the latter.

>> No.58873499

>2nd rate fud
still no build rewards and nothing in sight to get them while the team has been running damage control forever is somehow stale 2nd rate fud
how mind broken are you, cll fucked up here and needed to be reminded that isnt acceptable behavior
i cannot understand the depths of cuckery one needs to descend to to not only approve of this treatment but actively attack others for speaking up over it

>> No.58873532

Feels like all hype has gone from this project (from retail's perspective). The vibe is so depressed now. Late 2022 people were so full of hope. Which is crazy considering how much actual success the project itself has had.
Everything that marines envisaged has come true... except for PRICE ACTION. The depression comes from this disconnect.

>> No.58873569

>build rewards
i staked my Link in the community before the Build programme even started. why would i be broken by something that was always gonna be an added bonus somewhere down the line? it still is. idgaf about Build, and if comes to nothing, it matters not. The serious money is in staking.
Pools still closed, btw. i just checked.
oh no how will i deal with lack of hype? is that how you invest? hype?

>> No.58873597

the build program was first announced on Sept 2022, while staking begun 2 months later, so my question is, why lie?

>> No.58873628

Almost as if they were scared the pool wouldn't get filled and had to fashion an enticing hook to get people in?
No. no. no... absolutely not, that would make too much sense.
Hmmm, time to weave an intricate story about the rings of saturn radiating cosmic energy.

>> No.58873642

I know, it’s like it’s pegged to the price, won’t budge ;)

>> No.58873644

>sep 22
my mistake, i remembered it as after staking. my point stands, however. i'm not in it for the Build rewards, and if i was, and felt unhappy about it, i'd unstake and invest elsewhere. that's not going to happen, as i don't care too much about the Build programme, though i do think something will come of it, which i will treat as a bonus. i think it's safe to say others feel the way i do, since the pool has remained closed since it filled, and i bet remains that way. you know it, too.

>> No.58873645

> oh no how will i deal with lack of hype? is that how you invest? hype?
Niggas living in 2013

>> No.58873649

Did you guys see the speaker list from Hong Kong smartcon? It’s a fucking joke. Why the fuck did that fat retard decide it was a good idea to hold smartcon at Hong Kong anyways?
Sergey is a clueless fucking retard that can’t read the room.

>> No.58873678

cool, why are you trying to force your own sentiment upon others

>> No.58873684

Part of his grift of trying to hype up bagholders and also to lavishly spend if money for a party and feel like a bigshot

Host it in a different exotic place, hype up bagholders by posting breadcrumbs with institutions in said region. Thats been hus playbook for years.

With the billions he has received from dumping on bagholders, he can easily make meetings happen with any institution he wants. It doesn’t mean fuck all.
They’ll happily meet anyone, as long as you can afford their “consulting” fees, which Sergey happily pays from the bagholders warchest. He then can release it as a “breadcrumb”.

I cant even imagine how much he probably paid for the DTCC POC. Hundreds of millions i bet. Its was likely all consultation based with Sergey as the customer

>> No.58873828

just stating the facts, buddy

>> No.58873833

Absolutely triggered and seething

>> No.58873850

No, but think about it: everything Linkies predicted has so far come true, but the price hasn't moved and in fact it's nowhere near ATH. It will of course cause people to re-evaluate their investment. "All the otherwise bullish news has had no effect on the price after several years". It really doesn't make you re-consider even a little bit!?

>> No.58873857

>All the otherwise bullish news has had no effect on the price
Bullish link news always had a big effect on the price of Bitcoin at least lol

>> No.58873874

>It really doesn't make you re-consider even a little bit!?
absolutely not. i know what i'm holding and even at this price i'm up several times on my investment. if i thought there wasn't big institutional use coming soon, maybe i'd feel differently. Plus, i'm earning on it already through staking. I'm more than happy to wait. if you're too impatient then by golly you should leave. each to his own.

>> No.58873900

You aren't even reading the thread. You already got called out on your bullshit. You are a disingenuous actor here to only try to spread negativity and lies.

Literally every single OG went into staking fully expecting the low APY to be made up for by BUILD rewards. That was the entire argument around its value. Nobody even would have guessed the pool would still be limited by now (which by the way is another failure on behalf of CLL) or that we'd still be in staking beta with one single price feed.

Do you even get paid for this or you're just another community advocate doing it because you're pathetic? People like you are part of what chased me away, huge red flag CLL employs people in capacity exclusively to blindly shill.

>> No.58873904

>you are part of what chased me away
Anon you're still here lol

>> No.58873910

Remember when they originally made it so you wouldn’t be able to withdraw for 2 fucking years either? And the cock suckers like him were defending it, yet the fudders forced CLL to get it reduced.
Staking was a massive disappointment. It’s nothing like was expected and never will be. One eth feed. People were disappointed at that, and were saying it would expand to more services soon… its looking like that will never happen now lol.
No need to even bring up the BUILD carrot on a stick. It was nothing but another brain child of Sergey to keep people from taking the sell liquidity he wants to dump into. I am almost certainly the size of the community pool was calculated based on his projections of how much LINK he wanted to sell over the next year(s) and wanted to have the community lock up so they couldn’t compete with him to sell it

>> No.58873917

I bought at 60 cents. I sold the aug20 pump for $12 and made $1.1M. After 4 years of riding other cryptos, I now have $3M after taxes, which is pretty pathetic consider even just BTC has 5xd since then. But it's not as pathetic as still holding LINK, since if I did I would only have about $900k to my name today. I'm retired and if I'd held link I wouldnt have been able to do that. It was a fun ride while it lasted but I really cannot fathom the psychological damage that bagholding for 7 years would have caused me. Missing every opportunity from the last two cycles just to baghold a token that still doesnt do much of anything last time I checked.

>> No.58873923

I take interest in the thread, I spent years holding LINK as a schizo cult member. That doesn't just disappear, sadly, even after you're not financially invested.

There honestly hasn't been one thing they've done which didn't ultimately disappoint. Even price feeds which can be argued to be a "successful" product are still completely subsidized. The token holders pay for it ultimately as CLL sells off more and inflates the supply and dumps on the market to pay nodes. If price feeds were actually successful then nodes would be incentivized without that.

>> No.58873925

>schizo cult member
The only link cult members were the ones who thought link was so special that it didn't need reddit normie money.

>still completely subsidized
So is bitcoin lol

>> No.58873926
File: 26 KB, 268x151, EasyHold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

system thought it was spam so see pic for my reply x

>> No.58873931

>People like you are part of what chased me away
I would laugh my ass off so heartily if that were true and you had left. if it were you're going to totally rope while we laugh our heads off. Sadly, we all know it's bs and you're up to your neck in Link. Aintcha, big boy?

>> No.58873934

Its even worse than that. Their one success in price feeds not only is subsidised still, CLL make money from consultation and setting them up along with keeping them running for protocols that want them.

They charge potentially millions of the advocates are to be believed and its all just straight into their pockets, no LINK token involved. No benefit to token holders, no thought spared.

At best it would be clunky and strange to demand payment only in LINK for doing this, but entirely possible. However there lies the problem itself: giving value to token holders is not even on the radar at all, and doing so with how Sergey has engineered all this is clunky and awkward due to it not being designed for it.

7 years is more than enough to connect the real breadcumbs which are regarding who and what Sergey really is and how he runs this operation. If its taken 7 years for him to get this far with his outlook to providing value to the token, can you imagine how many more years for progress on that front? No thanks

>> No.58873938

If the BTC developers abandon BTC development today, BTC will still exist, be worth the same and continue its path.
If CLL abandon development of Chainlink today, it will absolutely crash and crumble into nothing instantly.

Are you seriously this fucking dumb?
Honestly thats one of the better projections for LINK imo. Completely abandoning it and letting a decentralised community of developers take over the project and run it from that perspective. I’d actually be excited for where i’d go and very optimistic.

>> No.58873941

>If the BTC developers abandon BTC development today, BTC will still exist
Well yes, because the subsidization won't stop kek

>> No.58873942

do you ever get AI to write your fud or is it all from that huge brain of yours?

>> No.58873946

>I remembered
>felt unhappy
>that's not going to happen
>I don't care
>I do think
>I will treat
>I think it's safe to say
>I bet
pardon me for interrupting, but where exactly are those facts you speak for in that particular post? because I couldn't manage to find a single fact in it.
desu you seem a bit all over the place, without a clear narrative to justify your 16pbtid ITT

>> No.58873950
File: 243 KB, 1714x1102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you need a drawing.
This is accumulating MSCI World, one of the safest equities index on the market absolutely POUNDING chainlink for the past 4 years.

What I fail to understand is all you 2020 bagholders taking a pouding for 4 years, not even keeping up with beta, and yet vehemently protecting Sergey and sucking up to Ari asking for autographs on his book.
I guess a 2x isn't that far off in crypto. Idk.

Still, while there are no cap gains, what's the purpose of staking link at less than what T-Bills are yielding?

For holding and that subpar yield to be worth the risk, Sergey must present an absolutely outstanding case for the future of his shit, yet I see none.
We've been over it, all of the POCs and whatever they're doing for any wagie that's worth their salt, knows is just smoke.

Am I fucking insane or is this the most eggregious thing of all????? How is this shit even allowed?

>> No.58873954

By the way he blocked his X profile comments to premium and subs only now.

>> No.58873957

>vehemently protecting Sergey
Sergey is bagging the likes of DTCC, Euroclear, Swift, ...
He's the last person on earth to blame for Link's bad price action.

>> No.58873963

You’re thick in the head. I can believe it though. Not even remotely similar.
BTC has even been forked multiple times trying to give people more gibs, yet those got abandoned instantly.

you’re reduced to forcing your own absolute divorced from reality narratives about BTC now to cope with the absolute shit show of LINK.

Seriously. All you do is spam about BTC suppressing LINK, and engineering some weird similar take on BTC being the same as Chainlink. Absolutely nonsense and nobody else sees it that way because they aren’t fucked in the head like you.

Thats all you weirdos have left, just strange conspiracy and deranged bending of reality. You cant even get by on the merits of the project anymore without inventing this weird narratives about actually successful projects. I really pity you.

You’re literally the only person on earth who sees things this way because your sad little world depends on seeing it that way

>> No.58873966

I haven't followed LINK deeply since 2020 but so far all the "crumbs" that have surfaced on /biz/ involve digital asset people and innovation leaders.
I can tell you how easy it is for a "startup" like CLL to get a meeting with the innovation department of any fortune 500, they have no expectation of profit at all and can waste time.
So until a real CTO, CIO or CEO comments on LINK I'll stay in my chair.

>> No.58873970

I think you mean paying massive consultancy fees to their R&D departments, doing all leg work on any “POC” while paying the (gargantuan)consultant fees, all in the name of stringing along bagholders

>> No.58873981

No need for the blogpost, just Google "bitcoin transaction fees block reward" or something like that.
You're welcome.

>> No.58873982
File: 155 KB, 2149x1165, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything went better than expected more or less, we got more than we initially thought with regards to breadcrumbs. DTCC + SWIFT confirmed + all of the rest of DeFi. The only thing not aligning with the fundamentals is price, and I'm not going to exit my position until the fundamentals deteriorate or the price increases to match the fundamentals.
Chainlink was never about BUILD rewards, it was a nice bonus we got in 2022. The whole original investment thesis (2017/2018) rests on 90%+ of the supply actively being staked and needed as collateral for smart contract jobs of the entire financial system.
LINK is still up against MSCI world since 2020 :^)

>> No.58873998

Yeah and it actually scales you fucking moron.
What if Sergey did the same by expanding price feeds etc? Oh wait he cant because nobody is interested in the products, and even when they were he was dumping more than ever to subsidise it in a complete unsustainable way, causing prices to plummet and his only means to pay for the subsidy to fall in value in a death spiral.

Btc gets a block reward, more people want to mine it, it goes up in demand an network grows.

If Chainlink expand their services they have the exact opposite. They just end up having to dump more tokens to pay larger and larger subsidies yet with no actual growth in demand for the service, just exponentially increasing costs which kill the token price.

The crux here is the absolutely required manual involvement and management of it to an extreme degree on top of that by CLL.
They step away and the unsustainable project dies instantly.

BTC devs step away and it continues as is.

You’re not smart at all, and you dont even understand the most basic aspects of crypto yet somehow this doesn’t surprise me that one of the last dregs holding on to chainshit is that way

>> No.58874004

Right now, about 98% of bitcoin block rewards comes from subsidization.
Only 2% is from actual user transaction fees.

~The end~

>> No.58874008

You're legitimately fucking retarded lmao

>> No.58874041

I have nothing to do with this, it's literally an on-chain metric.

>> No.58874097

sold for something better and that's supra sale.

>> No.58874117

Not true at all lol. Crazy how midwit confirmation bias works.

>> No.58874275

Yes I hold 50k still but there's probably no one in this thread who has ever sold OP included. I did actually sell most of my stack at $7 but rebought around $6.

Also do you want to know the CRAZIEST thing? I actually believe all the stuff I've been saying, I think Chainlink has really shown themselves to be at best incompetent and at worse just another grift in the sea of grifts that is crypto, and yet I'm so fucking deep into an opportunity cost fallacy at this point I still can't bring myself to sell. I would not even be that surprised if it went to $0, I have half a million dollars still and can't sell because I once had $2.5M and didn't sell then so hahahaha why would I now?!!!


>> No.58874440

Saw today that if i had just bought eth in 2019 when i first went all in on link i would be 16x up instead of 4x.

Pretty fucking demoralizing. Especially considering inflation means my 4 is probably more like 2 in 5 years.

>> No.58874544

>create fake image on screen
>change computer date
>take photo
simple as

>> No.58875405

I'm only up 130% against ETH since October 2018, when I first got in LINK
it's disappointing and demoralizing as fuck

>> No.58875444

This. We need to fire Sergey.

>> No.58875782
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BUILD is also a complete scam. Most of the tokens don't exist, and even when there's a token it's already worth nothing. That's the reason why nothing has happened with BUILD, because it means they have to confront the awkward truth that they've dangled another carrot in front of LINK holders and it was all for nothing.

It's just beyond a joke at this point. It's clear that LINK only exists to raise funds for CLL. 7 fucking years and it is a complete afterthought when it comes to how any of their services work. Sergey is unironically a worse scammer than SBF, because at least that nigger pumped people's bags while the game of musical chairs was happening. We're in the middle of playing the game except we're just bleeding money. At some point the game will end, and it's not going to be pretty.

>> No.58875920

>I was able to roughly double my $350k in the stock market since then
What kind of positions in legacy markets you got right now?

>> No.58875943

Mike Jones

>> No.58875976

I had $5M at peak of 2021

I ended up selling for 500k

>> No.58876076
File: 1.57 MB, 1170x2430, IMG_3578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATTENTION: I just want everyone in this thread to know, I just bought one (1) Link token.

>> No.58876094

I really hope cuckhold man comes in here and starts screeching because of this.

>> No.58876401

>i bought at $6
>price is now $10.25
>i can't sell because sunk cost fallacy
do you actually know what sunk cost fallacy is, anon? i suggest you go look it up, because you've just made a really dumb comment.

>> No.58876517
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1518668875439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've just made a really dumb comment.
The irony.

>> No.58877602

Ask and you shall receive my brotha!!!

Hey guys - my niece had her lemonade stand setup in the neighborhood today. On the bottom corner of the poster, I drew the JP Morgan logo. I guess you could say our lemonade company “bagged the big banks” right?


down 80
Zero chance of recovery
Magical airdrops never showed up
Lashing out at each other

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58877638

no. this is NOT allowed. You are NOT allowed to buy low and profit on link! STOP IT!!!!!!!

>> No.58877839

The bigger problem is not really one of execution by Chainlink as a company, but of crypto actually being mostly useless outside of a few use cases:
>Digital SoV
>Degenerate gambling
Anti-blockchain fudders were closer to being correct than crypto maxis. Blockchain is, honestly, sort of bad!

>> No.58877872
File: 209 KB, 691x710, Xrp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exodus begins.

>> No.58878723

As an oldfag, I’ll keep hodling and diversify with Peaq when it finally gets listed on an exchange. If you sell now, you’re gonna regret it, Jeet.

>> No.58878742

Sold some of my LINKs and jumped into the token launch of the project that secured a massive haul in the biggest CoinList launch in over 2 years.

>> No.58878752

It's a giant fucking scam like 99% of crypto. Anyone with a brain can see this space is for a quick 5-10x and Chainlink will capture more idiots during the bull run who think RWAs will be the next big thing.
Sergey should rot in prison imo. Also would be hilariously evil if they IPO'd and left bagholders holding the bag lol.

>> No.58878794

This. Thank 42 I still have big stacks of LPL Bancor and Celsius to admire.

Thanks for shilling me early retirement 42.

Proud to be a based LPL chuddie kiddo how you doing based LPL kiddos pools closed hahaha seethe

>> No.58878798

CLG is the worst. CLG shilled Bancor, Y-Axis, and DMM.

>> No.58878935

Your cope is delicious fuddie. 42 retired me early from retarded frog NFTs. LPL Bancor and Celsius were just bonuses on top of early retirement seethe

>> No.58879106

Trump will save us

>> No.58879200

Fuck Y-axis and everyone involved with it. I hope those faggots and the stupid brit m16 operative that rugged us all. Bitch

>> No.58879523

How much did you make out with?

>> No.58879537

how did he get away with this?

>> No.58879541

Let me guess: Peaq or Natix? I think these two had successful token sales on CoinList.

>> No.58879551


Do you want him to buy at the top just to be satisfied with losing?

Is Oracle still a narrative of interest, or is DePIN the focus now?

>> No.58879570
File: 106 KB, 500x500, Going_through_the_motions_before_shooting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

priced a house lately? medical? school loans? the world's dead dude, money doesn't mean anything anymore, it's all made up, and we'll make up another trillion tomorrow too.

the transition to clown world is complete. Look at what happened over covid. your two presidential candidates are trump and a black woman who wants to put price controls on food and water. the UK and germany is putting people in pound me in the ass prison over facebook posts. There are a dozen states that will send you to jail for using the wrong pronouns as a hate crime. men are winning women's olympic events. 1/10 people in the US are now illegal aliens, who vote, get my tax dollars, and probably have better medical care for free than I get paying for it.

>Everyone is just going thru the motions. There’s no life anymore in anyone.

one of my friends brothers is younger and super smart. worked at intel. got laid off, this is an exact quote "oh well, I didnt really like work anyway. I'm happy I'll be able to sleep in and spend more time on video games" if it were me I'd worry about shit like paying rent.

this is the apocalypse. the sane, reasonable, logical world you once you knew is gone and its not coming back. going through the motions is a good way to say it.

>> No.58879680

I'm gonna dump half my loan in link

>> No.58879733

I think probably every human to ever exist has bumped into these feelings, anon, and all of them would have good reasons to feel that way.

>> No.58879797

wtf are you babbling about? No one gives a shit about another "utility" alt... stfu

>> No.58879806

everything in the world went up in price since 2020 except for Link

>> No.58879975

the point isn't that stinky linkys lost. it's that everyone lost. you know what you should have bought in 2020 instead of bitcoin? fucking real estate, that's how you would have made real money. sUsTaInAbL3.

>> No.58879979

meant for

>> No.58881397

wouldn't it have been better to have bought a winning lottery ticket? you can do that every week for cheap.

>> No.58882878

>LINK is still up against MSCI world since 2020 :^)
Depends how you look at it because a clear cut 4 years, no it's not.
And even if we take beggining of 2020, is that pitiful overperformance worth the absolute risk taken? No it's not.
>Frontier & unproven tech, smart contract risk, non audited company, caymans, opaque balance sheet and metrics.

>> No.58883437

did someone say 2020?

BTC $11,000
ETH $300
BNB $20
SOL $3
Link $20

BTC $59,000
ETH $2,600
BNB $553
SOL $144
Link $10

>> No.58885126

Chads don't believe anymore in LINK since the emergence of SUPRA DIA PYTH

>> No.58885159

>no one ever felt anxiety over the state of the world, ever before. and if they did they were stupid and only now counts so shut up and be demoralised.
i guess being packed off to fight in the trenches wasn't nearly as bad.

>> No.58885179
File: 495 KB, 595x842, 31ac63382c9a9758b2ced6188555c5fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello. im someone thats been in btc since 2010. i never cared about chainlink, it was obviously just another crypto that came after the king. it also ended up being /biz/'s chosen knight. and while it mightve seemed at times that some projects could be interesting, most were scams, and even among the ones that werent, they had massive technical issues OR just didnt go anywhere for years. i no longer think about whether something could take over bitcoin

so ive made a ton of money, i dont have to think about my non-existent chainlink stack, and whether or not sergey is going to be releasing any of his planned magical code releases that finally make chainlink do something or not

just thought id add that

>> No.58885185

have you checked the pool today? go on... have a look. you might be surprised

>> No.58885192
File: 2.48 MB, 3510x4950, cd85a4714ca18ed58ffd5762d2ec6e72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pool? i told you ive never looked into chainlink

>> No.58885194

>it's open
uhhhh LPL kiddo sisters what went wrong?

>> No.58885317

LINK is shit, dumped that shit for SUPRA during the crowdsale last year.

>> No.58885617
File: 1.04 MB, 850x1202, 247f5ad6034b86fd5f0cb46b1a1bde3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was shit when you bought it too tho

>> No.58885690




>> No.58887723

The absence of BUILD reward (we didn't get a single TRUF) and CCIP flop were the straw that broke the camel back for me and made me sell the rest around $18 few months ago.

Holding LINK itself over the years was a very mediocre play but I still managed to do money in an orthogonal manner by being early on Arbitrum (with tokens like GMX and PENDLE) and discussing with OGs.
The real alpha was never this permadumped shitcoin but in paying attention, it was kind of an filter test in a way.

>> No.58887737

The most hypocritical part of CLL is that fat Sergey touts about truth > trust and all that shit but he never ever published a single transparency report on how funds are spent, how much tokens are sold, etc...
It's fairly obvious at this point posters like >>58873328 or >>58873406
are paid shills (advocates) for example paid by them. Always dismissive, never addressing the points, never even providing a single counterargument.

>> No.58888501

>Sergey touts about truth > trust
So did Satoshi, but nobody knows how much BTC he has.

>> No.58889249

>never ever published a single transparency report on how funds are spent
truth>trust is about provable, reliable data onchain. your shitty fud argument that it should mean their financial books should be made public is laughable. surely you can do better than this?

>> No.58889444

I sold to buy Supra at public sale, it's not a fud thread, it's a reality check. No one believes in this shit anymore

>> No.58889478

checked but you're going to lose all your money. Anything that makes the core of their website look like a 4th of july big blowout sale around a token launch is planning explicitly on rugging its own token into the ground. Good luck, anon.