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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5886431 No.5886431 [Reply] [Original]

We've been rising ever so slightly all day. Is there a moon mission around the corner? Are you ready to shoot right through to VeNus?

>> No.5886614

this is THE coin to buy right now desu, some noobs here are stil talking about buying TRON. tron has 11x the market cap of this and is worse in every day.

I'm all in on this, can't wait to make it.

>> No.5886848

Have 1000 EURO in this coin, about to put in another 500. This is /the/ coin boys. Screenshot this.

>> No.5887045

should i sell half of my stack for Kucked XRB?

>> No.5887114

Welcome to Vechain newfag. This is no moon mission. This is a slow and steady climb on a ladder to outer space

>> No.5887325

Should I sell my ENG and buy more VEN?

>> No.5887394

>1500 euros
>gives advice

>> No.5887505

The whales are going to decide when this will go intergalactic. I sure don't wanna miss it so I'm quietly waiting at my spacebus seat.

>> No.5887665
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>> No.5887763

Honestly a 30 billion market cap by start of q2 wouldn’t surprise me at all

>> No.5887833

remember anons if you bought a master node of dash for 8k last year its worth 1.3 million today. BUY A FUCKING STRENGTH NODE FOR VECHAIN

>> No.5887905


Shall I go all in? Even then I wont make it past 9000.

>> No.5887983

got my strength node bro
bought it for around 15k
currently worth close to 40k
the moon mission didnt even start

>> No.5888000



>> No.5888087

buy 10k+ ven

>> No.5888104


im too poor :(

>> No.5888127

Does it work if it's on an exchange? Which wallet should I use?

>> No.5888172

This coin has actual potential to 30x or more. Literally if you want to "make it" throw money at this and wait a year. You will NOT be able to outscale the gains you could make with this by blindly chasing PnD or catching a good wave. Throw it in. Block binance on your CPU. Check it in a year and be a millionaire.

>> No.5888206
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Yes do whatever it takes to get 10k.
buy 10,000 coins ANON then you will have passive income of around 40-75k a year and it will be worth 1 million in 1 year
No it hasn't this is a 100-500$ coin that will actually bring blockchain into the real world building a smart city in china and thousands of enterprise clients around the world using their blockchain as a service like the Uber or Air BNB of blockchains. The connections and partnerships they have is unparalleled.

>> No.5888272
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that's like 1 million american bucks

>> No.5888391

Anyone think the recent rise is due to the Binance competition? Current list shows top traders have moved hundreds of thousands each.

>> No.5888592

the wallet hasnt been released yet. details to come. once it is just move the ven to it.

>> No.5888614

Can't fucking wait

>> No.5888694

>spending hundreds of thousands for a 100k car

>> No.5888718

Where do you see this list?

>> No.5888768

doubt it. i personally think this is undervalued at this point. the next few months including all of january are gonna be pretty big.

>> No.5888793

Win a car and make gains by manipulating the price, no loss whatsoever

>> No.5888806

25 USD by end of Q1 would most likely not even put it in top 10.

>> No.5888823
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>> No.5888846

Click on the banner for the competition, scroll down

>> No.5888862

this will moon so hard, the whole q1 and 2.
The news and partnerships.
Top 10 in 2-3 months.

>> No.5888895


>> No.5889121
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Aynone noticed the sell walls changed shape?

>> No.5889211
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>> No.5889307

how is this possible

>> No.5889341

Is this right now? I don't see it

>> No.5889365

It is a ladder to the rocket not just steps. lift off happening soon. last chance to board

>> No.5889459

Jesus this is the longest it's ever taken to transfer ETH from Kucoin to Binance, fuck trying any arbitrage right now.

>> No.5889531

I only see it now too, I think it has to do something with how far the depth chart updates the sell orders or something. Or the sell order book itself... Not sure, I've had odd not-updating depth charts before on Binance so it's probably that

Still looks like a rough way ahead though, I mean I'm comfy but I was kinda hoping it would "explode" sometime soon. I don't see it happening so fast with these walls.

Maybe they're fake and they will be removed, but I doubt it, all/most sell walls have been eaten so far.

Guess it's just steady gainz, no rocket launch.

>> No.5889564

>. last chance to board
i've been hearing this for a week now faggot

>> No.5889701
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Wondering if I should double up?

>> No.5889801

Heh, I used to have req too

>> No.5889871
File: 390 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-230339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.5889873

Things are about to go parabolic...

* Competitions and price suppression ending in a few hours

* Binance Registrations closed for 7 hours, should reopen in a few hours (big influx of people waiting to buy will all land at the same time, roughly when the comps end)

* Other pumps slowing down, people moving profits into next movers

* Good press and media pouring out

* A VeChain Rebranding event, in Singapore, is planned for mid-January.

* Other similar projects are losing confidence from their investors (many moving to VeChain)

* 4H chart is looking bullish as fuck

This is going to be something the likes of which we haven't seen before.

Buy, hold and enjoy the ride.

>> No.5889874

get ready to tank

>> No.5889908

req over ven?

>> No.5889920

everyday has been the last day to get on board, but if whales wanna keep holding the door open, i'll buy more every chance i can get.

>> No.5889977

get ready

>> No.5889985


>> No.5890015

I was gonna buy last week and fucked up and forgot too
is it too late?

>> No.5890057

Rebrandings are huge in crypto, no idea why, but they are.
Won't they announce a huge partnership there as well?

Feels good to be all in with 40k ven

>> No.5890098

1.13k ETH wall down to 700eth... It might happen soon...

>> No.5890204

Ven has way more potential than REQ. I did the math, even if REQ got to same TPV as paypal(which is seriously not easy) they would still only have a marketcap of $1-2bil(using PE ratio of 10). With Vens huge partnerships, adoption is much more likely

>> No.5890306

Fuck, and here I am hoping it would finally stop at 28k

Why would they do that? I don't understand.

>> No.5890357

Yeah I'm watching it too

>> No.5890370

Chinese govt and Binance working together to steady the price so it doesn't look like pump and dump shitcoin to the investors. You didn't here it here :^)

>> No.5890460

Plenty of support around 26k sats. Get ready boys

>> No.5890470

possible, but it would never look like a p&d. It would look like ada, or xlm.
I am pretty sure.

>> No.5890472

From who are we buying all this VEN from then?

>> No.5890499

I've been accumulating ETH on coinbase specifically for this type of a situation, and even though I started trying to transfer it over 2 days ago to binance, it's still sitting in my coinbase wallet. Thanks to this, I've only been able to accumulate a little over 100 VEN coins.

I used to think pink wojaks were a bit over the top even for a meme, but now i know.

>> No.5890633
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>> No.5890679

The foundation

>> No.5890780
File: 397 KB, 1080x1920, 1515105983553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only managed to get 500

What do I do


>> No.5890958

>I only managed to get 500
>What do I do

Sell your used panties on reddit and acquire more Ven


>> No.5890995

I've never seen anything like that. That's fucking nuts. Bought 1.6k. What a fucking solid wall.

I'm now excited.

>> No.5891001

dump everything for vechain. Comfy 22k VEN here, my folio gains roughly $10k each day since I went all in.

>> No.5891017


I am legit thinking of maxing out a loan and going all in to get a strength node.

If it goes to shit, I tried

If it doesnt, I never have to work again


>> No.5891038

Gz anon, you have certainly reserved a small plot of land on pluto.

>> No.5891067


You better get that loan fast

>> No.5891072


But raiblocks is also mooning and REQ might soon

I dont want to fuck everything up help

>> No.5891128



>> No.5891261

I really hope bitcoin violently shoots up so I can get in at a 20% dip

>> No.5891309
File: 50 KB, 413x276, 1489005800248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walls might come down any day now or they might drop MIND BELOWING news. I dumped all my bags like ZRX, GVT, DNA, ICX for this shit, never have I been this comfy before.

>> No.5891350

Calm down man, your anxiety is radiating from my computer screen.

>> No.5891360

Where is the livestream for the competition thing? Shouldn't the competition end in like 23 minutes? I guess the livestream is later?

>> No.5891483

to be fair it's been rising for the week

>> No.5891505

if you're planning to go all in, it might dip in 20 minutes, but the dip will be quickly bought out

>> No.5891544

why in 20 min

>> No.5891576


bc of the competition?

>> No.5891692

yeah, the same retards that lose money on the "buy the rumour sell the news" meme, probably going to dump their bags anticipating a dip, which would be completely bought out on the next 30 minute candle. Better not try to outsmart everyone and just buy and hold

>> No.5891701

My REQ is stuck in transfer between Kucoin and my Nano Ledger

Fuck me

Only chance is to sell XRB, but I would feel retarded to do so

Only shit I have left is the ICX and SNOV, should I just trash that shit and get it in on VEN? Not a lot, but its something I guess

>> No.5891791

SNOV is a drop imo.

>> No.5891976


VEN over REQ? Req looks like it wants to shoot. Im considering moving my req to VEN

>> No.5892109
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lol, here we go. Now watch it recover just as fast and set a new ATH in 2-3 hours.

>> No.5892161
File: 34 KB, 948x246, Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 23.53.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mostly in at $0.40, refilled moonbag at $2 and will look to buy if there's dip after competition

Have fun here on earth memecoiners

>> No.5892232


I swear to fuck if this goes down I will have my loan taken out ready to dump in into it. I need a fucking strength node in my life

Tfw only 576 VEN

>> No.5892814


>> No.5893176

look at the fucking ad they made


>> No.5893304

kek. a car. are you that autistic? Think about it. Whale (this isn't one person faggots) group wash trades this shitcoin for days, weeks, months whatever while accumulating shit tons of it. They pump up buy pressure by fooling a bunch of pajeets to buy into this garbage. They get a bunch of shitcoin and a BMW i8 and then dump their shitcoin bags all over you fucking retarded pajeets. They get free i8, shittons of fake coin and then the btc they sold you the shit for.
Screenshot this faggots. The end is near.

>> No.5893332

holy shit I need to buy more

>> No.5893337

you know it isnt going to dip far because of the amount of people hoping it will lol

Whenever there are a shitload of people saying "I really want it but Ill wait till its much lower" and "I hope it crashes so I can buy more"
it usually means it wont dip much.

And that is precisely the situation here

>> No.5893347

>BMW in the competition
>BMW in the ad
how many more hints do they need?

>> No.5893357

thanks sold everything

>> No.5893545

I watch this once every night before bed.

>> No.5893564

If Binance thinks you're wash trading, you're void from the competition

>> No.5893686

Hahaha. No wash trading on binance eh?

>> No.5893725

PLEASE set a reminder on your phone for 4 months today, saying


So you can check the price and decide. What fucking meme coins are you holding instead? Or you still down on bitbean?

>> No.5893859


this is a sign of things to come with the rebrand...

>> No.5893873

I have a fat stack of REQ I realllllly don't want to sell because I am 100% sure it's going to fucking moon BUT I LOVE VECHAIN SO MUCH and only 25% of my portfolio is in it ahhhhhhhhh help

>> No.5893893

I just bought enough to upgrade my stack to a strength node, while it's basically at ATH. I'm probably a fucking idiot but oh well, the shilling has finally gotten to me.

>> No.5893908

Go 50/50 brother

>> No.5893923

nah dude Im buying all the way up to 10$ give it 1 week you will be well in profit. I have been watching these charts since December

>> No.5893953

nigga l ain't screenshottin shit
slow down on the modafinil

>> No.5893993

Hide the coins on your ledger, don't worry about price dips. If it drops significantly, look up the cost of a Dash node today and rejoice. Patience will reward you friend. DO NOT PANIC SELL. You're big balls node dawg now. Wait at least until mass amounts of VEN are locked up in nodes fucking the supply and mooning price.

>> No.5894052

Has there been any info released on coins needed for a node? I just bought into today also at ATH and am kind of worried.

I have 2,000 and feel this will not be able to get me shit.

Also what are the benefits of running a node honestly? Free VEN? What is Ven used for?

I fucked up and sold my Lend this morning on that massive dip at the bottom and now I'm stuck with .7 Bitcoin I could probably get up to 5k if that will be enough for a node.

>> No.5894085

10k, 50k, and 150k

>> No.5894107

10k minimum for node. Although you'll still get rewards with less than that, just lower bonus.

You don't get free VEN, you get free THOR. Just like how staking NEO gives you free GAS.

>> No.5894144

All info here: https://medium.com/@vechainofficial/vechain-apotheosis-part-ii-thor-power-forged-974111a93278

>> No.5894236

fml i keep going back and forth on if i want to all in this coin, one thread scares me away the next makes me want back in. currently have 1.1k coins dont know if thatll make it for me lads. i have $25k anyways not enough for a node unless my other coins soar. wat do biz

>> No.5894278

Thanks. 10k is out of my price range unfortunately but you're set if you guys have it. Kind of disappointed but oh well.

>> No.5894331

There will probably be staking pools, don't worry about it. You've got a good stack.

>> No.5894370

You still get free VEP/Thor. Economic nodes just get a percent bonus on the generation rate.

>> No.5894416

yeah I constantly change my mind between "surest thing ever" and "too good to be true"

>> No.5894436

If you have like 200 ven do you get small thor payouts? or nothing

>> No.5894596

5X the daily volume of WTC


>> No.5894609

Every holder gets thor.

Strength nodes get "An increase of +38.7% THOR Power Generation rate compared to None-Node Holders"

>> No.5894629

Don't go all in. Too many moon missions you don't want to miss a bunch of them by being stuck in one coin no matter how good its prospects are.

I try and spread my money between 4 or so coins and if it doubles I'll sell it unless I feel it has a long term future then I'll hold half.

>> No.5894703

great, I only have 170 cause I have no money and live with my parents, but I'm comfy with it

>> No.5894748

Taken both the cumulation of current business partner usage, VeChain Thor Blockchain capacity, and the THOR Power consumption of transaction executions and other factors into consideration, the base generation rate of THOR Power generation speed is mandated to be:

0.00042 THOR Power per VET per Day;
Approximately 0.15 THOR Power per VET per Year;
To generate 1 THOR Power per day requires approximately 2,381 VET.
Please be noted that, this is the lowest THOR Power base generation rate as predetermined based on the factors mentioned above. The VeChain Foundation with the help of automated algorithms from our technology team, will closely monitor the usage and status of the VeChain Thor blockchain and to balance the VeChain ecosystem. At the same time, those figures and indicators will be shown in the VeChain Blockchain Explorer on a real time basis.

>> No.5894824

Only have 1.6k


Shared nodes in a pool?

>> No.5895074

22 cents higher on binance, jesus fuck