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58853427 No.58853427 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck am I supposed to make money if I'm borderline retarded and never really worked an actual job before? I'm 35 and no woman will date me if I make less than 6 figures. I just need to hit that 6 figure mark. Right now I make $25,000 a year with one job, but I have to spend most of that money on prostitutes in order not to off myself with a gun. Life seems absolutely hopeless.

>> No.58853443

You're supposed to secure all your shit in your 20s and see the compounding gains in your 30s and be chilling

>> No.58853450

Some times you gotta hawk tua on that thing, you know what I’m talking about?

>> No.58853456

I did drugs and went to jail because I'm retarded.

>> No.58853460

Nah I'm not doing gay porn or prostitution although I've filmed a porn scene with an actual pornstar whore before. It's not worth risking my only job over.

>> No.58853461

Yeah, well sorry to say, but life is a race. Once you're behind, you're behind forever. There are rare situations that can have you get a huge boost in life and catch up and even pass those who did it right from the start, but the odds of that occurring are very low and the examples of the happening are the exception to the rule

Not saying to give up, but what I am saying is for you to realize you're going to have to go big and achieve something huge which will take a ton of risk

Basically you're going to have to become a memecoin trader....

>> No.58853481

Who is this 18th century beauty?

>> No.58853547

My parents had over a million dollars worth of property and blew it all so even if you look good in your 30s and 40s it can all go to shit rapidly

>> No.58853674
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A fucking fish smoking made a 4x to me man, I don't know what to say, maybe get some $SCF

>> No.58853679

This, I am a millionaire at 30 now and make 325k/yr I can literally just chill on autopilot and not get fired and I will make it. Just lol @ retards who wasted their 20’s, most important decade of your life desu

>> No.58853682

what do you do?

>> No.58853696

join the army, embrace your position and go after low class women, but continue to strive for greater and use whatever resources you can get your hands on. you can go for retirement or go for a number of years until you have desirable skills and use the benefits to laterally move to a good job on the civillian side

>> No.58853699

in the army get a motorcycle and a tatoo

>> No.58853707

join the army or air force, preferably army as you get your choice of job. pick an mos with high civilian workforce demand that would be high paying. do 4-6 year contract. take courses through the community college of the air force (available for entire military)to get your associates whilst serving. get your bachelors with gi bill.

>> No.58853993

Choose the posemesh today cunt

>> No.58854297

The most subtle army recruiter

>> No.58854549

Will they take people who have been diagnosed as bipolar? Honestly it seems like i could make just as much money washing dishes on Cruise ships.

>> No.58854558
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>I'm 35
Stopped reading there. It's too late, old man.

>> No.58854607

I fuck hotter girls now that I'm 35 than when I was 20 but ok whatever dude.

>> No.58854626

>I'm 35 and no woman will date me
>Right now I make $25,000 a year

>> No.58854668

By "girl" I mean a fashion model, like a 9/10. Kevin Samuels says I need at least 6 figures for that.

>> No.58854715

the only way to fuck hot girls is escorts unless you are born a chad anyway

>> No.58854919

Marisa Berenson as Lady Lyndon in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon

>> No.58855572

>I did drugs and went to jail because I'm retarded.
>I've filmed a porn scene with an actual pornstar whore before
Just lean into thugmaxxing at this point. Take it from a Six Figure™ earner, women today don't give a shit.

>> No.58855957

If you go 35t you’ll come out of the army with a. 6 figure comp sci job

>> No.58856570
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>worked online for various companies during 1st year of uni
>then started an online biz(services)in my early 20s
>it was tough but bought my first house at 25, paid a mortgage in 2 years
>gotta grind to help my family but also have my own life
>become an alcoholic to cope with all the stress
>do nothing for 4 years, thankfully employees are keeping the biz alive but no growth
>I have pretty much lost my momentum despite getting an upwards boost
>30 now, no energy, shit health, been sober for almost 2 months but every day is a fight
>forcing myself to work and improve myself
>it will take a lot of patience but I can see a path forward

"once you're behind, you are behind forever". Not wrong, the only way to fix it is to shift the momentum in your favor? How? Take risks, have a plan, and literally grind for 16-20h a day.
We are all fighting for our place under the sun. I have been stagnant for years, meanwhile, other dudes have been grinding.
>Stagnation = is the same thing as being "behind".
I haven't given up on myself tho

>> No.58856956

do you have a skill or some kind of side hustle? you can make a lot of money online in this 21st century

>> No.58856960
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>> No.58856992

it's 2024, kids make millions of $ from the internet, stop bitching around and go get that bag.

>> No.58857058

Or you could write a book about a boy wizard. Who cares about the race though. Just play vidya. People take life way too seriously for the only reason to 1up people

>> No.58857177

>I have to spend most of that money on prostitutes in order not to off myself with a gun
definitely NGMI if youre this low IQ. maybe start buying lottery tickets or something

>> No.58857196
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Pretty much this. I worked my ass off in my early 20’s and then had major surgeries and health issues which totally fucked me. Climbed my way back up by my mid 30’s doing nonstop grinding only for the coof to fuck me again. It sounds like you had an exciting and fun life OP, that is better than a life of misery and pain. Count your blessings OP, maybe throw some money you won’t miss into a shitcoin. You probably won’t get fuck you money, but life could be worse.

>> No.58857221
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>> No.58857270

Goddamn you are really solidifying you’re a retard with every comment.

>> No.58857271
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I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.

>> No.58857276

That’s not wealth. I own over a milli in property as well and all it does is fuck me on taxes.

>> No.58857305

How do you find something to grind for 16-20 hours a day?

>> No.58857560

one of the easiest ways to make money now is through blogging, with the advent of AI, you could create a website and contents in almost no time, monetize through platforms like Adsense or Hydro if you're sick of ads and start earning.

>> No.58857613

Blog about what?

>> No.58857631


i asked Gemini to give me top 5 niches to base my blog on.

## Top 5 Niche Blog Ideas

Choosing the right niche for your blog is crucial for its success. Here are five popular and potentially profitable options:

### 1. **Personal Finance and Investing**
* **Why it works:** People are always looking for ways to save money, invest wisely, and achieve financial freedom.
* **Potential sub-niches:** Budgeting, retirement planning, real estate investing, stock market, cryptocurrency.

### 2. **Health and Wellness**
* **Why it works:** There's a growing interest in physical and mental well-being.
* **Potential sub-niches:** Nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, sleep, chronic illness management.

### 3. **Technology and Digital Trends**
* **Why it works:** Technology is constantly evolving, and people want to stay informed.
* **Potential sub-niches:** Tech reviews, AI, cybersecurity, online marketing, app development.

### 4. **Food and Cooking**
* **Why it works:** Everyone loves to eat!
* **Potential sub-niches:** Recipes, food photography, dietary restrictions (vegan, gluten-free), kitchen gadgets, food travel.

### 5. **Parenting and Family Life**
* **Why it works:** Parenting is a universal experience with countless challenges and joys.
* **Potential sub-niches:** Baby care, toddler development, homeschooling, family travel, work-life balance.

**Remember:** When choosing a niche, consider your passions, expertise, and target audience. A successful blog is often built on genuine interest and enthusiasm for the topic.

This is why AI would replace MFs like you

>> No.58857678


i would not advise any starter to use adsense because it wont get you the results you're looking for

>> No.58858859

Kek this poster is retarded

>> No.58858903

jerks off alone to anime every night

>> No.58860778

Buy an altcoin like FIL and then restake it on parasail for easy money

>> No.58860782

Crypto is there for this exact purpose. So that even a pajeet such as yourself can catch Vesta early on

>> No.58860938

It's just 18% return, so except FIL pump which I expect it to, it's not easy money like you claim

>> No.58862161

become a streamer and work hard at it, sometimes the solution is easier than you think, I mean, playing on gravity labs saved me a lot of money paying off debts, the system is just stupid