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File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5885298 No.5885298 [Reply] [Original]

The whales are suppressing even harder. The walls are fucking towering... they can't do this forever.

>> No.5885379

Easier to blame the whales than to admit its a shitcoin

>> No.5885456

why buy when its already mooning ?

>> No.5885467

LOL, if it was a shitcoin they would sell instead of putting giant walls right above the ask price. Shoo waltoncuck.

>> No.5885523

How can you look at this team, their partnerships, their goals, and say it's a shitcoin with a straight face?

>> No.5885625

Its has a national partnership with China, and waltoncucks still call it a shitcoin. Some people are just too dumb, no matter how much you spoonfeed them.

>> No.5885629

This coin is going sky high by tomorrow.

>> No.5885642

You can't. The guy's a fag who hasn't done any research.

>> No.5885751


whats the best exchange to buy from ?

>> No.5885771
File: 81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-114512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, those sellwalls are DEF what a shitcoin looks like. Retard.

$100 by end of year

>> No.5885808

These people are called "Psychopaths" and should be ignored at all costs.

>> No.5885832


>> No.5885864

For every coin.mentioned on /biz/, there is at least a retard to call it a shitcoin.

>> No.5885881

I can't think of another coin with the most going for it than VEN.

It's just too strong.

>> No.5885936

The walls are legit though, they all get bought little by little by many people.
Manipulation would mean removing them.

It's literally whales dumping while reddit has 3 threads on the front page telling to buy.

>> No.5886014

is this a right time to buy ?

>> No.5886019

Now the price has dropped so it looks like it's abovie on purpose, but they just stay there until they're bought.

Not sure if there'll be buy pressure left once those 300btc are bought.

>> No.5886031

>Judging a price just by the order books.

Your fucking retarded bro.

>> No.5886034

Have you do any research at all? do you understand WHY whales want to accumulate as much VEN as possible? whats the best way to accumulate massive amounts of VEN? Keep the price low with a massive sell wall.

Honestly do you even understand the project? Do you understand the potential of THOR and nodes? or what they do?

>> No.5886044

bought loads, think to hold

>> No.5886078

It's not that they're trying to build a wide and diverse community of holders of VET. The walls will disappear as soon as the VeChain foundation and the Chinese gov't want the walls to disappear. C'mon you pajeets it's not that fucking difficult to comprehend!

>> No.5886506

cant wait to make it, at 35k now, will be at 100k end of this month. Going to buy a plane ticket to south america and do some coke and fuck some whores, plus ayauyasca

>> No.5886602

Sold my entire position, gonna re-enter at 22k sats

>> No.5886651

who has the link to the livestream for the winners of the competition

>> No.5886663

do you understand theres a Binance competition to win a car based on how much VEN you buy and sell?

when some chink wins the car VEN will plummet

>> No.5886697


gl lel

>> No.5886740

>when some chink wins the car VEN will plummet
you're an imbecile

>> No.5886743

good luck with that

>> No.5886748

So dilemma people.

Got 100 NEO from a while back that are roughly 10K right now.

I have ~ 1k VEN and 6K REQ but here's my thinking.

Do I sell off NEO to put all in VEN or REQ, do I split between the 2 or do I split between VEN/REQ/XLM and save some for the random shill/moon mission to make some bank?

I'm a holder and not a trader.


>> No.5886768

That doesn't even make sense, since whales would keep the price LOW to move more volume.

>> No.5886828

VEN has more upside imo

>> No.5886829

Just get rid of REQ its a shitcoin

buy LINK or XLM insteaad

>> No.5886838

If you sell VEN at this price and marketcap while not understanding the partnerships they have with PwC, DNV GL, the fucking NATIONAL Chinese gov't and many more you deserve to be fucking POOR. forever.

>> No.5886860

hahahahahahaha, guys guys listen to this logic

>investing millions into VEN to have a possibility of winning a 50k car

>> No.5886868

There will be no sell pressure either

Take away those walls and what do you have ? 10 legit btc walls maybe?

>> No.5886870

Zoom out to 1 hour and realize that it's been steadily climbing WITH people suppressing the price. I've watch BTC walls die all day.

>> No.5886872

if you truly believe in Ven, go all in ven

>> No.5886887


>> No.5886897
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>> No.5886898

They are distributing tokens of 1-2 millions every day for 2-3 weeks now, maybe even a month. Sooner or later they are ready, I guess in the next 1-2 weeks.

>> No.5886911

Yes yes throw up that 80 BTC sell wall to win a car you could buy 10 tiles over. Makes perfect sense. Especially doing it BEFORE the contest. Fucking chinks seeing into the future amirite? Pls kys.

>> No.5886916

I don't know, all I know is since I got ven my 60k usd got to over 150k. and there is no sign of stopping. This is just the beginning.

>> No.5886927

it's been like this for 36 hours now. It keeps going until it doesn't, then it's the biggest bull run you've ever seen straight to 50B. Heard it here first faggots

>> No.5886929

VEN is 95% of my portfolio.

It started as 25%

>> No.5886953

If Vechain pumped too early, then there are nothing left to pump when they have working product released and reach major milestones

I think whales are keeping the price down for future pumps

>> No.5886969

Are you retarded? What whale with millions of dollars would care for a car?

>> No.5886974

NEO is a great long term hold. Hang on to like 35% of it and gamble the rest on VEN/REQ

>> No.5886986
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>> No.5887026

Well, if the PBoC rumor hits even 100B is in reach.

>> No.5887075

those sell walls are a ladder to the moon. stay poor walton fags

>> No.5887108

It's already touched $4 today my man.

>> No.5887164

>didn't sell and rebuy at 3.6

>> No.5887193


No, the contest is for how much you buy. Every coin you sell takes away from your net buy you goddamn poor piece of shit.

No millionaire whale cares enough about this contest to be keeping the price low solely for a chance at a $60,000 BMW. They're doing it because this coin is going to be massive.

>> No.5887216

not on binance

>> No.5887245

Got burnt too much. Never want to try swing trading anymore.

>> No.5887246

Fucking piece of shit liqui wont let me buy in RRRRrrrrrEEEEeeEEEEE

>> No.5887249


Agreed. Been holding since ANS and slowly had to sell off for personal reasons but I feel like selling a portion would be better for increasing in VEN/REQ/XLM.

>> No.5887448

I'm comfy just holding thanks anyway!

Pretty sure I saw it touch $4 on Binance today. Might have got mixed up but still kinda sure. If not today it's tomorrow anyway.

>> No.5887495

Another wall getting chewed at right now. Use your eyes and looking at the fucking volume of buying to selling

>> No.5887516

>Pretty sure I saw it touch $4 on Binance today.
yeah same but 24h high on binance says under 4. weird

>> No.5887875
File: 60 KB, 544x768, 2017-12-31 11.46.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember anons if you bought a master node of dash for 8k last year its worth 1.3 million today. BUY A FUCKING STRENGTH NODE FOR VECHAIN!

>> No.5887927

a stenth node is like $35k lmao

>> No.5887940


>> No.5887958
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Just wait until people realise VeChain isn't just another shitcoin

>> No.5888025

Anons, who will moon harder?
Vechain or XRB?

I was thinking about selling some of my Ven for XRB. Just got listed on Kuckoin

>> No.5888040

I dont understand what the token does? I like the whole system but what does the coin do?

>> No.5888085

I've only bought Chinese coins for a while and see no reason to stop

>> No.5888107

Brainlet here, don't big sell walls indicate I'll omens. Like lots of people wanting to sell?

>> No.5888112


>mfw when too poor to afford a 50k node :(

sitting comfy at 15k tho, will I make it anons

>> No.5888122

Yes exactly it's only a matter of time. As Sonny said January will below your minds. When those sell walls come down and VET goes on a biggest bull run in history straight to $100B you'll thank me that you bought in now.

>> No.5888135

the coin makes thor like neo makes gas which is required to use the blockchain or some bs, idk really just buy it

>> No.5888160

Don't get me wrong, Rai is a good coin, but VEN has much more room to grow and much larger potential

>> No.5888183

60 BTC sell wall just died. Imagine the moon potential. LOOK AT THE FUCKING VOLUME

>> No.5888187

why in the fuck would you buy something that has already mooned 3200x? please dude.

>> No.5888194


>> No.5888289

no, its the opposite, rather. to put it briefly, whales put up massive sell walls to keep the price down in order to accumulate more. If they were to put 10 million into it at once, the price would SPIKE. They post massive sell orders at a certain price, and people can't put sell orders above it, meaning they have to sell at a lower price and this drives drown the price. VeChain has sell walls of epic proportions and it is still rising steadily. VeChain will take off very soon

>> No.5888302
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>people investing millions so they can win a car that isn't worth anything

>> No.5888307

and I've got enough for 3 of them. Gonna make it!

>> No.5888313

>I trust this project so much I sold 82 btc of it today to plebs

>> No.5888327

the market cap is literally 1B, which is fucking nothing. If this takes off and reaches top 10 its an easy 30x in the coming months.

>> No.5888328

Can someone explain to me, how exactly are walls like these created?

>> No.5888371

Yes you'll make it

>> No.5888376

>place large ask
>there is no step two

>> No.5888379

>every time a wall drops my portfolio reaches a new high
holy shit it's so satisfying

>> No.5888408


VeChain is basically the next XRB, but it will be XRB on steroids

>> No.5888481

Most likely by the VeChain foundation and Binance working together on the orders / recommendation of the Chinese gov't. I'm not kidding. It makes sense and explains this behavior better than any other theory I've heard.

>> No.5888514

>be dev or "strategic" investor
>have millions of coins you got for free
>put huge sell walls while tweeting about how good your project is
>people buy them
>they think you are accumulating but in fact you literally sold millions
>they literally saw your sell orders get bought but still think you are manipulating

>> No.5888600

Sell you walton and join us, its not too late

>> No.5888604

lol 3/10 fud. Weak as shit bitch stay poor.

>> No.5888681

Also don't forget to have an army of pajeets with extremely good arguments like "stay poor" or "weak fud" to counter you everytime.

The owners of those walls posted on 4chan those days, they're just dumping their stack while spamming every board.
Even reddit is tired of those shills.

>> No.5888722

If he's actually fudding it's hilarious at this point. Gonna be fucking poor for the rest of his life even though he knew about VEN before it took off. Might as well kys at that point

>> No.5888746

same here, a few thousand more every time.

>> No.5888799

Ok man but for real how can you think that a coin backed by the chinese govenment and in pratnernship with PwC (big 4 accounting) is ok at #40 on CMC? i don't but the extreme VEN praise, but not holding throughout Q1 seems silly. This coin has room to growth

>> No.5888875

I can't stomach it right now. Up 300% this week

>> No.5888904

explain these nodes to me? do you make money off of them? how does it work?

>> No.5888907

You got me, VEN-brother!

>> No.5888985

Right on point. Once they have distributed enough in order to get a stable and widely spread network with many nodes, they let this shit fly.

>> No.5889047
File: 118 KB, 679x960, 2017-12-31 10.26.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you earn passive income. Its similar to the NEO/GAS system but better. You get paid daily in Thor coin for leaving your vechain in your wallet. Everyone can do this if you own vechain but you get bonus % for having 10k coins then 50k coins then 150k coins

>> No.5889087

lol that's what I was planning to do as well

>> No.5889102
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>> No.5889122

Having a project in china for 1 city doesn't mean you're backed by the government like they really care about you.
I mean if you sell vegetables on a public market the gov is renting, you're backed too then.

I sold walton months ago.
Calling me poor when you don't know shit about me is 100% a pajeet argument.
You literally are going all in because the dev gave some shit hype.

>it'll below your mind trust me but I can't talk about it hehe

>> No.5889217
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x576, 1515087077587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason they're using it just one city is because it's a testbed for the whole of China

>> No.5889223
File: 6 KB, 200x200, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very small amount of Ark, does VeChain have more potential than Ark? Thinking of switching.

>> No.5889224

do you realise how big this project is?
He never hyped anything up. At least not more than what was delivered.

>> No.5889257

brah do you like money? sell that shit coin and get this now.

>> No.5889270

hahahahah RIP NEO. Eternally BTFO. Vechain secured the national level partnership with the Chinese government Neo was trying to get.

>> No.5889318

Whale sell walls are meant to be removed once reached, because you are not intending to really sell, just artificially squeeze the other sellers to a lower price.

When will you faggots learn the difference between whales supressing the price and being dumped on ?

>> No.5889367

Buy the dip when the binance competition ends. If you buy it now you will get dumped

>> No.5889436

Literally everyone is saying this, and this is won't dip

>> No.5889473

dont listen to advice anybody on biz gives you. dyor and think for yourself at all times.

>> No.5889483

that was painful to read

>> No.5889545

Tron had a binance competition just a few weeks ago, i dont remember a dip happening after it concluded, dont remember much movement when it went on.

>> No.5889551

Was lucky enough to get dip from high 26500s when it dropped to 23500.. was luck as hell though

>> No.5889596

Price prediction by the end of the year?

>> No.5889632

Lol who knows

This is 25 USD by the end of Q1 though. *If the bull market keeps up.

>> No.5889663

expect to at least 10x you money
remember the market cap is rising and will easily be over a trillion dollars by the end of 2018

>> No.5889664
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I guess you could say, it below'd your mind

>> No.5889683


>> No.5889689

I'm starting to think it's vechain foundation themselves manipulating the price, so it wouldn't look like a p&d shitcoin for their big partners and investors. It's a slow and steady growth. Even if the whole cryptomarket shits itself they won't let it fail. Comfiest hold ever.

>> No.5889733

I have VEN/REQ/XLM/ICX/MOD/WABI/SUB. What do I drop to get more of that VEN.

>> No.5889769

Stop buying so much shit

>> No.5889779

When you can spoof sale orders and cancel them as soon as they hit. Walls aren't a good an indication you have to see volume of trades.

Its going to moon.

>> No.5889835

dont even compare it to that shitcoin. we dont want any retards buying this coin in hopes of a quick pump

>> No.5889850


I know I've got a problem, 35% of it is VEN though.

>> No.5889921

when do i get my bmw i8

>> No.5889963
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But it did, people just don't remember it

>> No.5890052


Unless he's 100k+

But judging by his turdcoins, he won't be. Aside from XLM and WABI, there's no 10x future in sight

>> No.5890169


>> No.5890213



Literally every single one, wabi aside, has 3x-4x in the past week.

>> No.5890265

when did you get it?

>> No.5890351

9.2k sats

>> No.5890356

No more walls after tomorrow.

>> No.5890387

Is blockfolio being shitty and retarded, or are there VET flash crashes every once in a while?

>> No.5890427

SUB is a real sleeper and I respect you for holding it.

No clue why nobody is talking about it here. Nobody likes money I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5890485

Put 65% of my portfolio in on it when it was at $3.52 earlier. Feeling comfy about this one.

>> No.5890496

blockfolio. switch to Delta

>> No.5890527

>competition ended the 24th
>379 sat high, between 325-350 sat avg
>After competiion
>slowly bleeding until 200 sat low, 225 sat avg
If you can't see the dip, you are blind

>> No.5890534


>> No.5890567

I'm noticing this too but it's just blockfolio being retarded

>> No.5890704
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>Whales are suppressing Vechain with Millions upon millions of dollars in sell walls to win some car in a contest.

Hello brainlet

>> No.5890747

>Have 72K VET
>Maximum comfy

>> No.5890772
File: 33 KB, 736x736, Kek-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vote here for the BEST shitcoin RIGHT NOW:



>> No.5890794
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Because a car matters when they already have millions... My fucking sides.

>> No.5890830

Link to the livestream for the Binance comp winners for anyone that cares


>> No.5890873

Anyone else not want to win the car and just get the 5K Vet?

>> No.5890917

Can you just send this stuff to your ETH wallet for safe keeping then?

>> No.5890926

Why do you denialfags keep lowering the price of the car? Car is 150k minimum.
And it's not just only about the car, it's an extra, but profiting from the competition by accumulating more coins through sellwalls and then selling at higher price (dump). But well, you won't believe it until you see it with your eyes

>> No.5890986

ah, that is trx, now I get it.

Oh well, look where it is now 10 days later.

>> No.5891035

for all the tards here, those walls, they EAT THEIR OWN WALLS IF PEOPLE TOUCH THEM. THEY ARE NOT COMPLETELY SELLING THEM. They make MORE by accumulating at this price.

>> No.5891041

i sold, i prefer to take less risk and maybe lose 100 VEN by FOMOing back into the sell walls. If it does end up dumping ill end up getting much more ven anywasys.

>> No.5891059

lmao actually yes

>> No.5891065

very cool, thanks.

the car is worth 120k
the ven will be 200k very soon, even more later.
I would just sell the car to get more ven desu

>> No.5891087

>Oh well, look where it is now 10 days later.
Stop moving the goalpost. I'm talking about buying the dip when the competition ends, not saying the coin will never recover from it

>> No.5891135

brainlet here. why are people buying ATH i dont get it

>> No.5891147

Because it has an actual product plus it does exactly what BTC was designed to do from the very beginning?

>> No.5891168
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>> No.5891170

im ready to sell that shit car if i win it

>> No.5891179

Because how else does a price go up fucktard, its supply and demand.

>> No.5891183

this is one of the rare occasions that I would actually feel fine buying at an ATH, there is a lot of steam in the vechain engine this month and it will continue to rolll

>> No.5891204

because it's going to continue to go upwards

>> No.5891211

I will buy your goalpost with my ven and do with it whatever I want.

>> No.5891226


Stuipd nigs. Buy now or stay poor.

>> No.5891245

This coin is still severely undervalued. Do some research and make the decision yourself. I was an early investor (bought in at 2k sats buy in price) and still added more to my stack yesterday.

>> No.5891259

Vechain is better than Raiblocks. Raiblocks was supposed to be the holy grail at 7000 transactions per second. Vechain can do 10000 transactions per second.

>> No.5891306

what time is moon?

>> No.5891334

this poor idiot didnt do his research, next to that it isnt a shitcoin

>> No.5891344

I love VEN, but the graphics in this are disgusting, the annoying thing is I've seen them do clean graphic design before.

>> No.5891351

I like VEN, but Raiblocks can do 7000 TPS right now.

VEN just promised 10k TPS in their marketing material. I believe it's coming, but it's an important distinction.

>> No.5891365

comp ends in 23 minutes.

either moontime or gonna dump

>> No.5891401



Get rid of that shit right now, i am not shilling either. That coin does fuck all, sell sell sell

>> No.5891426

It's for a Chinese market, they have different aesthetic tastes than us westerners. They like big, sweeping, epic. We like small, compact, efficent.

>> No.5891440

i'll take moon thanks

>> No.5891504

It doesn't even matter for VEN, the initial TPS is fine for their use case

>> No.5891546

moon plz, other wise i'm holding. No point in selling for a loss. It'll be a shit coin just chilling in my stache

>> No.5891570

just bought 500 ven. when can i retire?

>> No.5891583

No. It has been tested 10k TPS

>> No.5891648

Ok can somebody tell me what VEN is or does? I own about 450 of them.

Is VEN a currency...? Is it a company...? Who owns VEN and what do they do with it? Do I own coins or shares?

>> No.5891707

You own a coin which when staked, forges another coin which is used as Gas on the network.

>> No.5891725

Why would you buy anything without knowing this basic shit.

>> No.5891737


>just dropped 2 grand on this cause of hype, what is it?

the absolute state of biz

>> No.5891798

you guys need to get out right fucking now

whales and normies alike will dump this shitcoin on you

>> No.5891802

cause he a sheep

>> No.5891820


it won't be pretty, but i love the smell of crisp pajeets

>> No.5891822

>is VEN a currency
It can be
>is it a company
no but VeChain is
>Who owns ven
Smart people
>what do they do with it
enterprise solutions
>do I own coins or shares
coins which are used to fuel the platform (I think)
I think

>> No.5891885

I'm comfy with my thunder node since 20c.

I believe in the team and the project.

>> No.5891896

Going to not open Binance the rest of the night

Either blistering poverty or riches await me. I'll remmeber you when I'm tying my rope

>> No.5891905


>> No.5891926

be aware that whales are gonna manipulated this competition ending to get cheap coins quickly

>> No.5891958


>> No.5891960

Time to shake the weak hands and accumulate more.

>> No.5891967

What is the strategy when the sell walls are so fucking huge? Buy now because it's a great product or wait for a correction? WILL THERE EVEN BE A CORRECTION?

>> No.5891983


It's only going up and up and up on kucoin

>> No.5891991

>giant drop with no volume

le happy merchant of accumulation has arrived

>> No.5892054

Reminder to those smart enough to not buy during the pump to buy when it tanks.

>> No.5892058
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you still have time. please annon....

>> No.5892083

this is the test of who gets rich and who stays a poor wageslave. DONT have weak hands. hold out from buying until the latest point you bunch of pussies

>> No.5892088


>> No.5892101

Let the FOMO begin once competition ends lol

>> No.5892123

>these virgins don't know what opportunity cost is

>> No.5892141

HODL everyone.

>> No.5892168

desu it wont dip far because so many ppl are waiting to buy this dip. Stay crisp senpai. Im expecintg no lower than 23k

>> No.5892183


>> No.5892195


>> No.5892217

Calm your tits. BTC is on the move. Everything's dipping.

>> No.5892225

haha damn your a weak handed little faggot thanks for the coins ill see you in 6 months when you have a rope around your neck.

>> No.5892236



Leave now before its too late

>> No.5892237

hold the line faggots it's btc fault once again
It's breaking out

>> No.5892241



>> No.5892249

BTC going up everything is dipping again. KILL THIS FUCKING COIN HOLY SHIT

>> No.5892272
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>> No.5892291


>> No.5892317

I really wonder what direction it's going.

It might be a huge anticlimax and nothing happens.

Though I'm imagining a situation where the whales wait for the post competition dump to 18K and then drop the walls and buy through the sells straight to the moon.

>> No.5892377

It's not going below 20k sats.

>> No.5892397

competition is over.

>> No.5892475


>> No.5892500


>> No.5892505

Hope you got in boys it's been a pleasure

>> No.5892508

wales arent dumping, only weak handed cucks.

I bought some more on that dip. See you at 6$ next week

>> No.5892517

it is time.

>> No.5892519

This could be it bois. What a time to be alive.

>> No.5892529

We have to wait for that dormant bitch of a dinosaur coin to die first. Looks like it is going on another run.

>> No.5892539

whens the live lucky draw

>> No.5892546


>> No.5892557

>tfw increased my stack by 200 VEN by selling top and buying that dip

>> No.5892563

wait 10 minutes for the whales to dump you low iq morons lmao

>> No.5892568

Btc run and this thing is still standing strong. Ven ftw

>> No.5892577

intredasting. whales still there.

>> No.5892581

do you know when the livestream starts?
it is still offline
I want some good news before I go to bed

>> No.5892583


>> No.5892597

So wheres the dump?

>> No.5892646

why would they dump? Do you really think 5 whales each bought 3 million dollars worth of ven for one fo them to win a 180k car? kek

>> No.5892654

why would it dump
this is gonna have a doubledigit billion marketcap soon

>> No.5892683

You guys actually fell for the whole dump FUD..... fucking newfags

>> No.5892701

the walls are rumored to be taken down tomorrow

>> No.5892710

If you think this coin is HALF as valuable as TRX then you have a 6x coming.

>> No.5892729



>> No.5892737

fuk u

>> No.5892738

it did drop a bit, but not from whales, just from noobs who fell for the FUD. I anticipated that so i sold the top and bought the noobs' VEN

>> No.5892745


any other coins where whales have fought to keep the price down this much?
It's impressive with VEN

>> No.5892766

It's not whales, it's the Chinese govt

>> No.5892794


the biggest of all whales, then

>> No.5892796

after tommorow yes, I hope

>> No.5892801


If the whales are keeping the price down, they wanna scoopa s much as they can before letting it go up or pump right?

>> No.5892821

You do realize the only people who sold are the weak hands that thought there would be a dump. Whales arent buying for a shitty competition to dump later

>> No.5892822

Try ICX, probably about the same actually.

>> No.5892830

yup, they were prob given a share desu and they just put limit orders as it goes up because they want cash fast.

They are probably almost out and once they are its literally the fucking moon. Can't wait ill literallly have made it once this thing 5x's

>> No.5892834

If fucking only. You have to be a world currency for the Chinese Government to manipulate you.

>> No.5892852

either that, or is the biggest scam in crypto history.
either way; im in.

>> No.5892869


yeah, it's been happening for awhile
let the whales carry you to valhalla 2bh

>> No.5892914



>> No.5892916

its possible but even if it is itl keep going a while more. But I don't think it is. A lot of relatively trust worthy people have been shilling it. This coin is going places! Were all going to make it.

>> No.5892927


>> No.5892935


>> No.5892986

Once Jim Breyer shilled it I was all in.

>> No.5893061

lmao right holy shit /biz/ is a fucking cesspool of newfag parrots now.

>> No.5893085

icx is laughable compared to this

>> No.5893112

exactly, he doesnt even own any cryptos. if he sees the value in it its going to be huge. This still has a lower market cap then a shitload of shitcoins which ltierally do nothing and dont have any actual hype or use case other than that its going to go up.

Once this is on bitthumb its over, Ill be a millionaire

>> No.5893150




>> No.5893225


how did I miss this

>> No.5893321

I don't really get your question, but the depth charts show large amount of pending sells from only a few people. This scares newbs into selling/not buying, which let's those few people accumulate more. This shows that whales are bullish on it and you should buy. Of course it is more indicative here because low market cap, great product, promising team, etc...

>> No.5893333
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>> No.5893358

Time in Beijing is 8:21am. Prepare for a comfy nights sleep anon

>> No.5893411
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Who here iron gripped that dip?

>> No.5893457

looks like we have a new dip coming?

>> No.5893486

not much of a dip but still got some.

>> No.5893519

yo can i go to sleep or do i have to stay up waiting for the moon to rise?

>> No.5893530

ive never gone /allin/ on any shitcoins till now. I had 10 k last month. Now i have 30k worth of this shit. Im literally starting to go mad at the idea I could have 100k within a month or 2

>> No.5893537

what happened?

>> No.5893558

Lul u only needed rubber hands to handle that weak dip.

>> No.5893577

Everyone was saying it was gonna crash, It dipped weak handed faggots panic sold. now its back up.

>> No.5893612

fucking lit bro, this coin is so comfy

>> No.5893641

True not much of a dip, been through worse, but a lot of people spreading FUD right now,

>> No.5893656

Drop the rest of my BAT into this? I really like BAT but this seems like an easy 3x EOM

>> No.5893808

This is a monster.

Nothing will bring it down.

>> No.5893833

Who is spreading fud? Not counting some retards on /biz/ who don't get sell walls.

>> No.5893851



>> No.5893860

Whales aren't putting up these sell walls, it's the Vechain foundation that does it.

But they get eaten either way. This coin is good.

>> No.5893867

Mainly just retards on here and redd.t

>> No.5893892

Theyve been fudding everyday for the past week. Thats when you know this is about to blow.

>> No.5893956

Do i have to daytrade this shit or i can i hit the hay and wake up tomorrow with a billion dollars?

>> No.5893958

this coin is going to be massive but it's way too fucking slow for me in the current market.

just sold everything for IOTA. It's the next normie moonshot, then all profits will come back to vendaddy

>> No.5894002

Nah this coin might moon very hard when some news pops out, until then it's a guaranteed 10%+ gain per day. Pretty comfy either way desu.

>> No.5894004

stay poor mongoloid. This shit will moon in the next few days

>> No.5894063



>> No.5894090

Back to whale sell wall. I wish I waited to buy at the dip.

>> No.5894105

News has been coming out every two or three days. Its been what three days since the last news drop?

Do you really want to try and time the market?

>> No.5894186

>its way too fucking slow
>puts money on the most stagnant top 10 currency IOTA that has fallen from 5 to 9th market cap because it does budge a cent
wow really making me think.

>> No.5894227

Well, all in on this. Was gonna buy and sell TRX to accumulate before moon launch but sitting on this seems like a good idea.

My mind is finally free to do other things.

>> No.5894310

you are implying taht dogecoin is shit

>> No.5894348

I want to buy on binance and sell on kucoin but the last time I tried to arbitrage the transaction took several hours and I got shafted

>> No.5894397

why the fuck does it take 5 hours to transfer btc from gdax to binance?

is eth from gdax to binance faster?

>> No.5894432
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Don't you dare talk shit about my doge coin!

>> No.5894544

Why not use ETH? Genuinely curious, pretty new to crypto.

>> No.5894571

Am i the only one waiting for a tiny dip to get in?

>> No.5894606

>why the fuck does it take 5 hours to transfer btc from gdax to binance?
now you know why bitcoin fails as a currency
is eth from gdax to binance faster?
yes but not by much

>> No.5894619


I just bought, I dont think there is going to be any dip for shit. Hit the wall, move the wall, repeat forever.

>> No.5894649

just to see if its faster to trade over to binance than btc, as btc is horribly slow.
damn, anyway to speed this up or do you just have to wait 3/4 hours no matter what to get it on binance?

>> No.5894734

the only way you can speed it up is to go back in time, buy ltc instead and transfer that to binance then transfer that to btc on binance

>> No.5894962

consider it the price for convenience

>> No.5895130

Should I trade my LTC for more VEN or hope LTC doesn’t keep leaking value

>> No.5895183


hey faggot, contest ended an hour ago. wheres that dip? still at all time high.

kill yourself.

>> No.5895517

I'm gonna TRX my way to a strength node. Wish me luck. Seriously, need luck.

>> No.5895642
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im letting oyster pearl make as much gains as possible for me until im happy to move it across into VeChain. Lets go.

>> No.5895654

your FUD just makes my dick more comfortable

>> No.5895861
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>> No.5895930

I kekked

>> No.5895938

loaded up

>> No.5896256

what do you guys think of WABI?

>> No.5896301

cant wait till we shake all the weak handed cucks and can start the next moon mission. Im sure when I wake up tommorow that will be the case.

>> No.5896390

why tomorrow?

>> No.5896431

because of the internet and the viral effect of how information and hype spreads.

>> No.5896509

The main guy made a post about how VeChain was overhyping everything and that their national partnership was bullshit sensationalizing working with a Z-Tier city and that they were real professionals.

A week or two later they made a post about integrating with WeChat and stated it had nearly a billion users who now have access to Wabi.

I don't think the product is bad but the developer is a salty douchebag extraordinary.

>> No.5896629


>> No.5896634

About to goto bed, do I keep my VEN and hope to wake up on VENus, or do i sell and hope i wake up to a VEN thats still getting shit on by whales?

>> No.5896745
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>> No.5896799

Oh and to add to this the WeChat integration? Just a mini-app. There are literally thousands upon thousands of them and literally anyone can do it.

>> No.5896852

the chinese gov will cockblock wabi in favor of Vechain
the name of the chain sounds like the chinese pronunciation for "the only one" - Wéiyī
This will be the chinky overlord coin backed by the government
They are not gonna just allow anyone to start a big IT company without meddling with it a bit

>> No.5896889

have fun trying to get out of that shitcoin when the volume dies

>> No.5897129
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fixed that for you