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5884436 No.5884436 [Reply] [Original]

Potentially could we ever see Ethereum-like gains with XLM?

>> No.5884680

Yes mate. $100 EOY

>> No.5884858

Lol no fag

>> No.5885038

Anything is possible with crypto. People thought eth would only 100 EOY 2017.

>> No.5885107

>$1,035,705,489.75 market cap

Sure thing buddy

>> No.5885111


>> what is market cap

If you want higher return on higher risk, pick some 50-100 placed Alts, i would recommend ZRX or REQ

>> No.5885154

$20-40 range is possible EOY

>> No.5885179

Considering the ICO's are moving from ETH to XLM, yes.

>> No.5885233
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>Considering the ICO's are moving from ETH to XLM, yes.

>> No.5885322

You mean just KIN? A shitty coin for KIK

>> No.5885368

It's an easy $8,000 token

>> No.5885383


>> No.5885415

Yes but be patient. Remember that most Lumens are expected to be given away to buttcoin users (seriously go check the Lumens website) and periodic dumps that slowly but gradually go up.

>> No.5885452

stop fudding fucking pathetic

>> No.5885513

Stupid african ICOs from countries with a median IQ of <80 are using stellar

>> No.5885525

$20 each would put us at the same marketcap that BTC had at $19600 each.

It's possible for it to reach $20.

>> No.5885586

tis true. i forget their names but a few ICOs have moved over to the Stellar network.

>> No.5885616

sounds like those community guidelines are meant to protect people like you

>> No.5885825

What are you implying?

>> No.5885968

>What are you implying?
I believe he is calling you a pajeet tier brainlet.

>> No.5886021

like IBM?

>> No.5886093

ibm has partnered with fairx, they are not releasing a dindu coin on the xlm platform

>> No.5886125

subtle kek

>> No.5886131

Once FairX goes live this will easily go 10x.

EOY impossible to say.

>> No.5886166

If we get ethereum like gains with lumens, I’ll probably be disappointed.

>> No.5886245

No, but ADA will.

>> No.5886410

realistically i think 3 dollar EOY is conservative. and I would be happy with it. People are such greedy pajeets with impossible pipe dreams of 1 trillion market cap. 1 FUCKING TRILLION USD HOW FUCKING AUTISTIC ARE YOU?

>> No.5886535

It's not only the exchange and the ICO's, IBM also said they would move their banks unto the stellar network in Q1 and Q2 2018. And if you look at the banks IBM cooperates with.

IBM after the announcement:
>We have 1 major market maker (right now - again, stay tuned VERY soon), and 14 major institutions involved in direct or indirect capacity on the network. Starting in Q12018, you should see more of those institutions redirecting payment traffic on the network.

The banks:
>Nordea joins Banco Santander, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Société Générale and UniCredit as a founder member of the consortium and extending its geographical coverage into the Nordic markets.
>The commercialisation of the platform is anticipated in Q2 2018, while it is expected that test customers of the founding banks will use the platform earlier

>Stellar has been accelerating partnership with major tech and finance institution, including IBM most recently. “IBM is bringing a consortium of 30 banks that want to send money across borders easily. They will use Stellar as the payment rail between them.”

Plus they are partnered with payment providers.And this is all happening in the next couple months.

>> No.5886665

So they have the biggest bank of Germany, biggest bank of the Netherlands, the biggest bank of Italy and the second biggest bank of France.

>> No.5886690


Yes, in marketcap, no in coin price, obviously.

>> No.5886746

God damn why is stellar so comfy

>> No.5886965

>IBM also said they would move their banks unto the stellar network in Q1 and Q2

wouldnt count on it
my dad works at Rabobank

>> No.5887052

Well, there are still people who invest in REQ, which is supposed to be a payment provider, while Ripple and Stellar are taking the entire crypto market right in front of their eyes. I'm just giving them a fair heads up.

>> No.5887054
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but my dad is the CTO of Rabobank

>> No.5887111

Although I'm sure some privacy coins and community coins will remain next to them.

>> No.5887277

except ripple is jewish and can hold your funds at anytime, and you dont need actual ripples in the market to use it. biggest scam of all time

>> No.5887456


i am deep in XLM but rabobank is not the biggest bank of Netherlands , ING is

>> No.5887564

Im actually giving you inside information here you faggot

>> No.5887750

Actually, the Rabobank is the biggest on the Dutch market. And ING is the biggest Dutch bank globally.

>> No.5887767

Thanks. Now I’m convinced.

>> No.5887852
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>Once FairX goes live this will easily go 10x.

>> No.5888002
File: 139 KB, 720x576, handzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well my dad works at the white house and he said that the federal reserve is going to stop printing money and just use stellar lumens instead.

>> No.5888047


Weird because I Googled it smd this was the first fucking article
IBM and Stellar Are Launching Blockchain Banking Across Multiple Countries


>> No.5888073

$20 eoy, this is crypto

basically every "reasonable" projection ends up being an undershot by 10x

>> No.5888120

Hmm, Steller had a $2 trillion stress test a few weeks back. Lot of money, no?

>> No.5888161

This is about to pump any minute now, look at the 5 min chart

>> No.5888340

source on this pls

>> No.5888348


>> No.5888409

>5 min chart
Loos like it's going sideways

>> No.5888523

look at those sell walls instead. Youll be lucky to reach 5600 before midnight

>> No.5888527

Sorry for reddit but fastest link to it.


>> No.5888780

thanks friend, see you on the moon

>> No.5888866

XLM gained more than ETH in the last 12 months.

>> No.5888977


yeah I freaked a bit when I saw that yesterday, but who gives a fuck really. its just one little project utilising a major platform

>> No.5888998


>> No.5889015

screencapped this, you won't be laughing then

>> No.5889017

There is currently an ico from mobius.network going on.

>> No.5889135

its dumping again? but why?

>> No.5889306

Most traders chase quick moon, while ignoring the fundamentals. But in the end the fundamentals win out.

>> No.5889394

that is an old post. still relevant.

>> No.5889426

Meanwhile in 2017


>> No.5889700


yeah my dad works at sony

>> No.5889894

My dad works at Halo and he says they're working with Nintendo to put Master Chief into Smash.

>> No.5890112

so many delusional retards in here. market cap is almost 15 billion already. fairx is priced in. you'll be lucky if you get 2-3x out of this before bubble pop. enjoy your bags

>> No.5890366


>> No.5890483

im up but prob gonna sell soon. xrp preformed so much better than this coin.

>> No.5890508

So what. It has more partnerships than most coins combined. Just look at Cardano.

>> No.5890600

ETH went up 5.5k%, lumen went up 21k% hmmmmmm... how retarded are you?