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58799792 No.58799792 [Reply] [Original]

There's a big correction incoming in the SP500 in the next 2 years. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.58799830

can't come soon enough. the market must suffer for the sins of covid stimulus.

>> No.58799958

i will buy the dip

>> No.58799973
File: 104 KB, 1288x896, shmiasdahjdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro the market only corrects every 7 years which will be Q4 2028. It was just a conspiracy until the market literally descended for 1 year between Q4 2021 and Q4 2022, marked exactly on the day the bogs died. Any time before then I'll just buy the dip

>> No.58800010

That's the most useless chart i've seen

>> No.58800019

i guess if managing to sell and buy a 28% dip on nasdaq predicted years in advance is useless then ok

>> No.58800030

and your only metric is that a bull market always takes 7 years?

>> No.58800159

would coincide with the btc cyclical bear so that means an especially scrumptious dip to buy then

>> No.58800467

>2 more years

>> No.58800501

>recessions don't happen

>> No.58800513

well since the 90s the only time it didn't roughly predict the market was in 2016 when trump got elected

>> No.58800526

of course they happen.
we can have one next year. or in 2 months, it can start.

my point is, its rare for some random fuck to predict when its going to happen. sorry if that didnt go through.

>> No.58800528

It's the general metric used to predict them, it's not just some random fuck

>> No.58800551

S&P and NASDAQ are due for another 25% drop or so. It could be as high as 50% if things really start to runaway, but 25% at this point is pretty much a foregone conclusion. We’re already off like, what, 15% from the highs? So basically the bear market is already underway.

>> No.58800758

well, yeah you are right, I guess the metric is good.
I didnt even look to be honest.

>> No.58800850

I looked into this and compared some years to the Spx index.

The Shmita years since the establishment of the modern state of Israel have been:
>1951-52 (market dropped in 53) (one year late)
>1958-59 (market dropped in 57) (one year early)
>1965-66 (market dropped in 66) (on time)
>1972-73 (market dropped in 72-73) (on time)
>1979-80 (market dropped in 80-82) (on time)
>1986-87 (market dropped in 87 but only back to where it was in 86) (on time)
>1993-94 (market was flat) (on time)
>2000-01 (market dropped until 2003) (on time)
>2007-08 (market dropped) (on time)
>2014-15 (market was flat) (on time)
>Covid crash was early
>2021-22 (market dropped in 22) (on time)
>2028-29 (???)

In conclusion, sometimes it happens one year early and sometimes it happens one year late. So something could happen in 27.

There are some other mild drops along the way not accounted for. So for example it could go flat until something big happens in 27.

Sometimes there is only a pause and the market doesn't actually crash. So between now and 27 something big could happen and the market could recover only for it to be paused around 27-28-29-30.

My guess is that Jews, Freemasons (?), Christians who practice Jewish laws, anti-Semites, and maybe even Muslims know about this and sell around that time period. Sometimes this selling triggers a larger crash/recession and sometimes it doesn't.

>> No.58800942


>> No.58801071

the first one to correlate to would be interest rate policy from the fed thats the first tool to set up a crash

>> No.58801148

I think the fed is compromised to some degree. I say some degree because there are times where they didn't do it...ie they didn't raise rates before 2014-15.

>> No.58801156

>big correction
And it'll be eaten up in a year and a half

>> No.58801249

stop slurping

>> No.58801281

yes and nothing happened in 14-15
thats the point anon

>> No.58802948

2014-2015 was had a huge sell off in China. If the US chart looks flat for a Shemitah yeah, it probably means they were wrecking someone else's sgit. Good for us, but it's still a good idea to be careful around that time.
Also, Christians, anti-Semites and Muslims don't have nearly enough capital, or influence over capital, to move the market a single percent, let alone cause a "crash". That can only happen when hundreds of Jewish billionaire individuals or families, Jewish fund managers, Jewish lawmaker, or their handlers, etc. all have the same religious guidance to sell at roughly the same time.

>> No.58802967

So what does the year of the jubliee mean since it's supposed to start in october

>> No.58803003

I think thats when the cracks start to really show anon, it will likely crash after the election though imo.

>> No.58803017

7 is a holy number God uses to punish the usurers and worshippers of mammon on wallstreet during his Sabbath year which they have long forgotten

>> No.58803059

The year of the jubliee is a Christian thing.
But the jubilee year has not been observed for at least two millennia. This is because the verse in Leviticus, which specifically names “all its inhabitants,” was understood by the rabbis to mean that the jubilee year only applies when all those who are meant to live in Israel — that is, all 12 tribes of Israel — do in fact live there. According to Maimonides, the jubilee years were counted after the end of the Babylonian exile and the construction of the Second Temple, but they were not observed.

>> No.58803192

nah, the problem in the past was that we didn't invert hard enough...this time were good

>> No.58803410

>my point is, its rare for some random fuck to predict when its going to happen. sorry if that didnt go through.
you are indeed correct but the FED who has access to all the data from consumer spending to inflation can determine when to cut rates. The only reason the FED will cut rates is when something is broken and the economy is going down.

>> No.58803446

>fed is compromised
>to some degree
Don't tell him.