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5876664 No.5876664 [Reply] [Original]

Charlie Lee exposes Justin Sun of TRX for literally printing off coins for himself, a third of the entire Tron supply!

Is this good or bad for TRX?

>> No.5876710

Don’t care. Plz chinks make me rich

>> No.5876725


Lol Justin got JUSTed

>> No.5876754

lmao tron BTFO

>> No.5876761

charlie lee is the reason i am gonna stay far, far away from LTC.. he also seems pretty jelly

>> No.5876774

I hope CNBC reports this feud so that the normies will find out about TRX HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>shit its cheaper than Ripple
>muh alibaba

Checkmate Charlie, that was Justin's plan all along.

>> No.5876850

New litecoin confirmed.

>> No.5876853

So nobody is concerned with the fact that Justin printed off 1/3 stake for himself? Interesting.

>> No.5876910

>Founders have a huge stake
That didnt stop ripple right?

>> No.5876961

lol get rekt TRX faggots

>> No.5876974

You are right on that, but I don't invest in Ripple personally for that reason.

I don't like the concept of pre-mining for 'owners'

>> No.5877055


>> No.5877092

Plus its locked for 2 years. It basically guarantees that Justin will fucking shill this to high heavens before he is able to cash out.

Hence its in his own personal interest to pump TRX making us rich.

>> No.5877150
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>> No.5877158


>> No.5877161

Not an issue with me since ill cash out before

>> No.5877208


This is just what the crypto market is at this point.

>> No.5877223

>charlie: ching chon chinchang chong
>sun: ching ching ching chang

>> No.5877247

it's like you're too 'into' the ethics of this bubble and don't want to make some money.

fuck all that noise, get in, make money, get out. nobody should care about geeks arguing with geeks over fake money and pipe dreams.

>> No.5877255
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I hope this ends in an epic kung fu battle

>> No.5877257

kek kok

>> No.5877262

"no way this stupid ass market pumps a coin just because each coin is worth a few cents"

-me a week ago

>> No.5877268


>> No.5877275

theye both stinky chinky coins though

trx is more obvious about being a simple premine/no future scam, but litecoin tried to make themselves look like a legit coin, even when 75% of coins are in less than 1000 addresses, and from the first week of mining (ignoring their "accidental" premine) it was even worse.

never trust a chinkcoin

>> No.5877298
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He just sounds like a fag honestly

>> No.5877300

>personally I wasnt interested in 5x Ripple in a few weeks time


>> No.5877368

litecoin was probably the first true example of a shitcoin, so nobody is surprised

>> No.5877388

Every single ico token is like that tho
Charlie Lee is jut salty af

>> No.5877432

trust no chink

>> No.5877552

i think we can all agree at this point sunny lu is the pinnacle of chinese crypto.

>> No.5877629

I took ripple from 50c to like 2-2.50 that doesn't mean im going to stay in it long term

>> No.5877694

Charlie Lee is a respectable Asian American.

He told you guys the truth. You just didn’t listen to him.

>> No.5877747

Thanks sold 100k

>> No.5877768

That pipe dream is what keeps this shit alive, m8. Take that away and the "bubble" bursts

>> No.5877769

Charlie honestly looks like a retard. Why would someone go into these twitter feuds? It's ridiculous honestly.

*I didn't sell my coins for 6 years, I'm better than you!*

Worse than children honestly. If I had the kind of $$$ these fags have, I sure as shit wouldn't be wasting time like that.

>> No.5877797

wow, classy guy

>> No.5877812

Yeah that a have concern. All the talking points for ripple like “muh 50 gorillion global transactions” don’t make any sense when this shit is going on. All those Illuminati they post as supporting ripple is fake news. Ripple trash is pump and dump.

>> No.5877904

Why not buy a coin like BAT where the supply is fixed and was all distributed to ICO investors, and where the CEO pays his employees out of pocket because he has mad money from creating firefox/javascript.

>> No.5877938

He sold his coins and put the money into the Litecoin Foundation, though didn't he?

>> No.5877951

Ahahaha I dumped all my LTC for TRX and LINK a week ago, get fucked Charlie you salty cunt

>> No.5877957

Bet you trade on binance tho.

>> No.5877999

i hope he pays his taxes or get canned

>> No.5878006

I like him he doesn't give a fuck, he's made his money from the original shitcoin.

>> No.5878011
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Lets also not forget Sun's prepubescent comment that started this shit.

>> No.5878212

Even worse. If he's trying to be a leader of the crypto community, his behaviour reflects directly into his foundation, he should be one step above these worldstar feuds.

It's because of guys like this that people think crypto is for nerds and autists.

>> No.5878278

Nice just bought 100k.

>> No.5878304


I have no idea why LTC isn't valued higher than BTC. It's basically bitcoin with the latest tech, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to spend.

>> No.5878418
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based vegeta

>> No.5878420

TRX and Litecoin are both shitcoins adored by normans

>> No.5878421

charlie isnt wrong tho
most of his litecoins he mined himself to keep the network running lmao

>> No.5878431

That's good though. The longer crypto stays for "nerds, virgins, autists" and whatnot, the longer the gravy train keeps on going

>> No.5878435

Of course Justin has a huge stake in TRX. He’s the fucking CEO. I would be troubled if he didn’t have any skin in the game.

>> No.5878451

>I have no idea why LTC isn't valued higher
>it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to spend

Logic much?

>> No.5878478


>> No.5878521

Is Justin the gook equivalent to Trump?

>> No.5878576

Charlie is an idealist scrub. Idealism is the choice for losers in every financial exchange in history.

>> No.5878597

Virgin Charlie vs Chad Justin image edit when?

>> No.5878632


He doesn't have a "stake". He literally created his 34% out of thin air. Y'all are making him rich off of no investment on his part other than time.

>> No.5878684

2018 will be the year litecoins either wins massive or falls hard. I'm betting on a massive win

>> No.5878699

Are you kidding me, Look at charlies tweet, He suddenly wants to make comments about a movie that came out years ago and say it has less substance, right when tron mooned hard as fuck, and then act like he doesnt know what hes talking about. Hes a literally fag

>> No.5878713

Yeah people are hoping on trx off of pure FOMO.

>> No.5878737


>> No.5878789


which is why he sold LTC but then everyone gave him shit over it

>> No.5878890

Charlie seems like a bit of a loser but he’s at least an honest guy

>> No.5879160

this guy is salty AF. Everytime a coin is becoming popular, he speak about.
Fuck LTC, go down to earth

>> No.5879337


Don't be mad that you invest in a kid who's tiny asian balls just dropped last year

>> No.5879403

Was literally just thinking this. He took the small loss for larger exposure on a grand win.

>> No.5879459 [DELETED] 

Charie is such a beta cuck
Justin will slap him around again, just watch

>> No.5879475

I literally have half my stack in LTC and the other stack in TRX. I can't fucking lose

>> No.5879560

He did this to IOTA to when it passed LTC (note: not condoning either shitcoin).

Charlie is just an angry soyboy

>> No.5879645


By that logic XRP and Raiblocks should be the least valued Coins around.

>> No.5879683

i hope he accepts the challenge, that would be a stunt

>> No.5879796

gtfo, I'm sure you think you sound badass, truth is you're cringey as fuck.

If you're only here for the money, thats fine, but you don't make fun of the guys here for the vision. Show a little class you dumb fuck.

>> No.5880019

I have those shoes
they literally broke in half |

>> No.5880152
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>Hes a literally fag

>> No.5880227

Who would win in a fistfight though?

>> No.5880679


Considering Justin looks like he just got off the nipple not to long ago........ I would say Charlie

>> No.5880749


>TRX fags BTFO

lol XVG 2.0 here we go ready up with pink wojacks

>> No.5881236

Charlie is cringey and dumb but at least he seems to genuinely care about crypto.