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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5875980 No.5875980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a big problem. What can be done to make the cryptocurrency community more amenable to women, people of color, and the LGBTQUIDAAP community?


>> No.5876060

> This is a big problem. What can be done to make the money community more amenable to women, people of color, and the LGBTQUIDAAP community?

>> No.5876193

Nothing...they could get smarter LOL. Its not white mens fault that they are being retarded. If they dont wanna make rich off of doing nothing that is their problem,not mine. Kek

>> No.5876250
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Some people can't be helped - let them fall in to the abyss

>> No.5876257

This thread again? Kys already

>> No.5876262

i got u senpai

>> No.5876294
File: 487 KB, 2053x1488, oi vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holocaust wasn't real, but it should have been.

>> No.5876322

Can't forget NGRcoin too friendo

>> No.5876356

Fuck those shitty """people"""". I am a white nationalist and just made $1,000 in my sleep, dreaming of mobile ovens.

>> No.5876360

Nothing can be done. They’re too stupid to get it. They should just kill themslves.

>> No.5876402

>people of color


>> No.5876425

I thought that faggot spencer guy was against bitcoin lol... The news is such lying scum

>> No.5876431

Crypto is very diverse actually. Look at the crypto twitter community. Lot of spics, nigs, muslims. /biz/ is where the white and pajeets hang out however.

>> No.5876436

Make SJW coin
Pump it up
Get it adopted
Media picks it up
Social media spreads it around
Pumps even higher
More media
Then dunk on them like:

>> No.5876438

Crypto is equally accessible to everyone. It's not our responsibility to babysit minorities.
t. Faggot

>> No.5876493
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Crypto is the final frontier before the race war.

>> No.5876526

(((Every. Fucking. Time.)))

It doesn't matter what white men do, we'll always be blamed for everyone else's bullshit laziness and stupidity.

I'm unapologetic about being proud of being a white male.

Fuck anyone who tries to bring us down.

We created the modern world, and we continue to create the future.

Everyone else can fuck off and observe.

>> No.5876558

t. death rattles of the wh*Te man

this is now the asian century

>> No.5876638

>richard "nocoiner" spencer portrayed

>> No.5876648

Why are white nationalists so intelligent?

>> No.5876665

Actually we should do this. Wait after January 20 though, when their butthurt needs medicine and their focus needs something to hold on.

>> No.5876667

We could use the mandatory ID requirements to locate white cis males and take a 30% cut off of their coins and distribute it to single mothers and people of color.

This would only be fair considering the abuse these people have to endure daily

>> No.5876673

people too stupid to get in now will blame anything

>> No.5876830

Better, aim for March 8, international women's day. You know, the future is female and stuff.

>> No.5876878

I have no problem with that. Asians are productive, albeit lacking in general societal empathy compared to whites, but they get shit done.

The rest of the world? Bunch of lazy fucks.

>> No.5876903
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>Implying this is in any way bad

>> No.5876920


>> No.5876949

*spits out gutter oil*

hol up

>> No.5876968


>> No.5876987
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the irony is that they should be celebrating how much wealth is being transferred to people who would otherwise be wage slaves.

but wait, those people aren't properly "educated", so it's bad if they get rich.

all this does is reveal what they actually believe.

>> No.5877041


I haven't received a satisfactory answer. Everyone should be extremely worried about the worst elements of our society gaining greater wealth and influence. This is not who we are as a country!

>> No.5877086


There are lot of black people in crypto.

CEOs of TelCoin and Kairos

Ian Balina

>> No.5877149

>implying anyone cares about your country
This is a Hindi board, dude.

>> No.5877153

who was in the wrong there?

>> No.5877207

Why can't you people ever stay in your own board?

>> No.5877225
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>> No.5877234

You fool! He does it for the (You)s

>> No.5877264
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>Everyone should be extremely worried about the worst elements of our society gaining greater wealth and influence.
Someone really should do come up with some sort of solution to this problem, yes.

>> No.5877474

>the worst elements of our society

That is:

Other non-whites in white nations

>> No.5877563
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i know 4 of those letters

>> No.5877584
File: 42 KB, 200x190, 1509405593840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to /pol/ and make this post, you'll drown in (You)'s and redpills

>> No.5877661

every time i place an order it's for 14, 88, or 1488, and you know what? it always gets filled. white recognizes white. it's just nice to belong to a community to looks out for me. thanks, brothers.

>> No.5877670

STOP reposting this shit every fucking day. You fags do the same with certain /pol/ threads

>> No.5877896

Supreme bait
I applaud you, OP

>> No.5878035

How do they know it's white men who profit? It's some digits on some virtual cloud.

>> No.5878262

That's fine, better than dealing with spics and niggers destroying everything they touch. Asians are productive, respectful, and don't demand free shit every chance they get.

>> No.5878384
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>> No.5878406


How many more letters can they add?

>> No.5878436
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>> No.5878462

You're too late, XLM is already up.

>> No.5878497
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>> No.5878501

But how did the cart coming after hit the wall when the cart before already was there? If it hit the wall it has to stop there.

>> No.5878545

The nazis had ovens so powerful they could even burn the carts.

>> No.5878564
File: 15 KB, 205x207, 2BB962E4-3547-4658-8271-D0683B94EFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not who we are as a country!
Fuck outta here. The US is the white man’s country we built on a continent taken from the remnants of stone-age cavemen who had no resistance to our diseases. It doesn’t have to be given by Jews to muddy complected peoples who can’t stand to live in societies built by their own kind.

Fuck multiculturalism, fuck democracy and fuck you.

>> No.5878601

Fuck off >>>/pol/
Shit in your own house

>> No.5878677

>>I have no problem with that.
>wanting to be taken over and ruled by ant people

>> No.5878693
File: 681 KB, 1101x1846, bear holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5878855

It was real in my mind.

>> No.5878857
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>> No.5879099

Kek. Haven't seen these before. Bad goy.

>> No.5879192

Women's bodies - even the slim ones - usually contain more fat tissue, so they burn better.
That wasn't a discovery, that was a logical confirmation of the well-known truth.

>> No.5879248

Buy more bitcoin at the all time high.