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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58736114 No.58736114 [Reply] [Original]

i just found out about this profile "exposing" chainlink for what exactly? i bevelie this guy is from /biz/ because the incoherent fud is like a doom poster nature that tries to bring everyone down with him.

why are you spreading FUD against chainlink? i dont get it chainlink is one of the few legit projects that stuck around since 2017 why are you harassing us like this?

>> No.58736121

more money to be made collecting bulgarian checks than buying chainlink

>> No.58736191
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There's a bunch of people with profiles like that. All of chainlinks twitter comments are full of people rightfully fudding and shitting on them. Maybe if they actually captured some value for their investors people wouldn't be so angry at them. As of now anyone who's held link for the past 5 years is down massively.
People are catching on to chainlink labs shady scam like behavior.
They've dumped billions worth of ckmpletely unaccounted while fluffing themselves up with tech slides. They hype up all this bullshit like ccip and than when it's finally released it barely generates $1k per day in fees.
People thought FTX and celsius were legit and they had a bunch of fan boys spouting bullish hopium drivel about them, until one day they weren't.

>> No.58736201
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why shouldn't chainlink be exposed? does it have something to hide?
t. astute investor

>> No.58736387

Why not? Cryptocurrency is a free and open market, whether positive or negative opinions, its important to have both sides of opinions and information to circulate, leading to more informed market where prices better reflect the true value.

>> No.58736391

I'd only really argue against when its FUD spread as blatant misinformation, but voicing concerns or arguments about why the team does certain things is totally valid

>> No.58736588

link is the same as ripple, paying millions for partnership announcements and nothing ever ships.

>> No.58736592

well, it's a cryptocurrency, so...

>> No.58736595

what can we expect in the forthcoming q2 update?

>> No.58736603

exactly bro sassal dumps eth on his followers to buy stupid shit all the time while shilling eth LMAO imagine listening to that guy

>> No.58736683


>> No.58736703

cll brought it on themselves for completely ignoring their investor community thinking it will all sort itself out and the atrocious pr/marketing they had for the first years

>> No.58738069
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>> No.58738198

shall we also post the rest of it

Just over 2 years ago, I left Google, where I was leading the largest AI platform in the world, to join the Web3 space. At the time, many people raised their eyebrows, and some friends even questioned my sanity

But I have always deeply believed in the democratizing power of blockchain technology, its ability to shift the balance of power back to people, and I wanted to help build that space. After I met @SergeyNazarov
, it became clear to me that Chainlink was going to be the enabler of this new world. I felt like I had discovered AWS long before it became obvious that every business would be on the Cloud. I was Chainlink pilled!

Fast forward today, the vision is now reality: every financial institution in the world is adopting blockchain technology full steam ahead, tokenization is prioritized by every major bank in the space, and everything that can be tokenized will be, which represents hundreds of trillions of dollars. On the consumer side, the Web3 infrastructure is ready for a new wave of amazing dApps that will provide people real ownership of their identity, data and assets. Every business will have a Web3 strategy, and it will all need to be connected with Chainlink.

So why make a change? Well, in the meantime, the AI industry has also made giant strides, and is now intersecting with blockchains in a major way. AI and blockchains are the two most transformative technologies of our times, and thanks to my unique experience in both worlds, I have observed and discussed this convergence for quite some time now