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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58699140 No.58699140 [Reply] [Original]

Dear frens, please tell me APU isn't going to dump even more. I can't take it.
Liquidated everything for this and now I'm just watching it bleed.
Feels like the bottom, but who knows anymore?
Is this the end or are we gonna make it?

>> No.58699145 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1117x1280, Honklerboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad vibes
>bad general
Shame on you.

>> No.58699146
File: 186 KB, 1600x792, ac1e2d7e-ddaa-4724-aa9c-82c9c9324da2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going up, checkem

>> No.58699195

Probably up but I recon most of crypto will climb over the next few months

>> No.58699206

Don't care, not selling

>> No.58699207

Ethereum ETF, and you think we're going down? Don't make me laugh

>> No.58699215

Most charts look bearish though, whales are selling, miners are selling, ETFs are manipulating the BTC price. Doesn't have to mean memecoins are dead but still no bullrun in sight whatsoever
hope you're right anon

>> No.58699315

Frens...we are nearly at .0055

>> No.58700130

wagmi frens

>> No.58700319

>apu tanks
>the board laughs
>apu surges

>> No.58700330

apu apu I really love you
apu apu I really want you

>> No.58700335
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In July, we fly.

>> No.58700391

Why would I buy APU at 200m mcap when I can get PEPO HONK and MONKAS at sub 5m without the scammer team?

>> No.58700396

Still my best-performing asset even after that fall from 0.0001

>> No.58700425
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Really makes you think.

>> No.58700435
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Because those shitcoins may 10x before rugging, meanwhile Apu still has another 100x in it and the memes, team, and community to flip Pepe during the height of the bullrun.

>> No.58700526
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Other way around retard.
Apu isnt going 200m ==> 20b faster than a smaller cap going from 5m ==> 50m
It takes much less capital and 10x from a small cap is much more realistic than 100x from a post-pumped shitcoin.

The big gains are over for APU.
Everyone who buys now as a newfag is buying too late.
There is pretty much no reason to hop on and let /biz/ dump on you while pretending to be "frens".
There are unironically hundreds of apu fags itching for an exit since they got dumped on at ATH.
There are /biz/ jews right now who are up 150x or more on APU waiting to push the sell button on newfags who are up less than 10%.
Total. Clown. Token.
Dumbfuck. Delusional. Baggies.

>> No.58700533

Do you guys think apu is really good at moving his waist? Last time I dreamed about Apu he was riding my cock cowboy style. Do you guys think APU has an hairy butthole or not? Asking for my friend (myself)

>> No.58700544
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Sorry, not 20b. >>58700435(You) said 200b.
Completely utterly delusional to expect this to have more MCAP in it than ETH sees in volume at peak bull days.
Even 20b APU is a lie since that would require such an insane inflow of capital to the crypto market as a whole. It isnt happening. You will not get more volume in one day than ETH gets a month.

APU is the ULTIMATE baggie coin to end all baggie coins. Even worse than Doughbo, LINK, TOAD, AND pbutt combined. Literally just full of emotional baggies constantly getting dumped on ever since ATH.

>> No.58700548
File: 34 KB, 512x468, IMG_7297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up gian you weird faggot homo scammer nigger.
Go back to creating new shitcoins to rug and pawning them off to your "frens".

>> No.58700549

this faggot has an hairy butthole :p

>> No.58700552

>Everyone who buys now is buying too late
>There are hundreds of apu fags itching for an exit since they got dumped on at ATH
>Nevermind those who bought at ATH, if you're buying now it's too late!
>Meanwhile Apu is 5x away from reaching 1b before Bybit eventually moves to spot trading
All this effort to FUD only makes me want to buy more desu, no other coin gets this type of treatment.

>> No.58700561
File: 47 KB, 363x451, ah_hahaha_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5x for newfags, which the whales and frontrunning fags will turn into a giant -50% red dildo for everyone else by dumping their bags that are up over 500x.

>> No.58700579
File: 1.18 MB, 2225x4973, a075ze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Up over 500x
The last Apu whale that dumped his bags incurred a loss of $300k form that session and is down over 4 million USD kek.

>> No.58700604
File: 7 KB, 179x282, Download_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup its literally too late.
Palladius is slated to dump on your dumbfuck retard asses EoM.
Whales are shorting the perp listing because they know hes dumping and no one wants this shit.

Twitter HATES you. CT has you blocked from advertising in their cabal threads. PEPE whales refuse to acknowledge you exist, when confronted they tell you its PEPE and you guys are scammers.
Normies cant relate to this meme because they are not fans of autistic 4chan memes.
Your screeching about APU "ACKSHUALLY" being different than PEPE is a self-filter that stops anyone from enjoying the meme.
This coin simply existing is FUD. Its full of poorfag moonbois that are down BIGLY from ATH, the owner dumping this farm, and whales that are way over invested.

Your biggest baggies previously bagheld LINK desperately looking for a way out.
How does it feel being over 30?

>> No.58700621

didn't read; not selling

>> No.58700626

his tokens unlock in september still

>> No.58700635
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100x from $200m is $20B my guy, not $200B. 200B is obviously unrealistic, but 20B is very doable during a massive bullrun after ETF money starts flowing into ETH and then people start taking their ETH profits and rotating them into memes like Pepe and Apu. Don't forget that Shiba Inu hit nearly $40B MC during the last bullrun. If the golden bullrun doesn't happen there's still no way Apu doesn't hit multi billion MC. It's not a pump and dump like BAN@NAS and all the other copycats that have rugged or will rug. It's got an extremely hard working team and community that won't stop shilling until Apu takes his place among the top 50 crypto as a top tier memecoin.

>> No.58700639
File: 8 KB, 582x131, Screenshot 2024-07-01 104824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The primary reason why Apu is distinguished from Pepe is so that Apu may freely advertise unlike Pepe because Matt has copyrights for Pepe. You say that Pepe whales refuse to acknowledge Apu yet it was a Pepe whale which funded the CTO wallet which legitimized the coin and its community. Normies made a golden chained effigy from Apu recently, even KFC acknowledges Apu and you bet Normies will lap up anything that Corpos promote. Pic very related.

>> No.58700704
File: 839 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20240624-122050~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not shib
You are not PEPE

You are baggies holding New Delhi street shit and praying whales dont dump on you.

REMINDER: normies HATE crypto and they HATE apu

>> No.58700721 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder to call jannies on apoo scammers for advertising when they shill their jeet website

Daily reminder the high counsil are not your "frens" and won't hexitate on launch more paypig pnd scams like POPO and frog derivatives just to steal your money to pump and dump on you their apu gigastacks

Daily remider whales are shorting this shitcoin and will continue to do so until pajetius tokens are fully unlocked

Daily remider this shitcoin is run by scammers and greedy faggots

>muh apoo is not pepe bcuz..
Nobody cares, a pepe is a pepe in the eyes of booomers and normies

The cabal won
apoofags lost

>> No.58700767

Daily reminder to call jannies on apoo scammers for advertising when they shill their jeet website

Daily reminder the high council are not your "frens" and won't hexitate on launching more paypig pnd scams like POPO and frog derivatives just to steal your money to pump and dump on you their apu gigastacks

Daily remider whales are shorting this shitcoin and will continue to do so until pajeetius tokens are fully unlocked

Daily remider this shitcoin is run by scammers and greedy faggots

>muh apoo is not pepe bcuz..
Nobody cares, a pepe is a pepe in the eyes of booomers and normies alike

The cabal won
apoofags lost

>> No.58700781
File: 15 KB, 602x106, Screenshot 2024-07-01 105214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tattle tale to the Mods to censor a Crypto I do not like on a containment board for Crypto
>Pepe is pepe in the eyes of boomers and normies
But not in the eyes of institutions which must adhere to copyright infringements and remove content in violation. Someone explained very well about why Apu is advertising in New York in order to demonstrate that Apu is not bound my copyright issues since Apu is considered original content. That's the entire point about "muh apoo is not pepe bcuz" - because Apu may continue to advertise and gain more exposure. It's only a couple months old and is already making leaps by securing a three lettered domain backed with some Simpsons lore and is continuing to advertise in strategic spots where Tier one exchanges cannot miss seeing Apu.
>Normies hate you!
Did you know that Apu's favorite Cookie is Oreo?

>> No.58700815


It's not even just the advertising, but how many big corporate brands like KFC or Oreo would feel comfortable engaging on social media with a cartoon frog that is literally on ADL's list of hate symbols. I mean as stupid as it is, a lot of normies care about this and it's baggage Pepe has that Apu doesn't. Stuff like this is the reason Apu has a good chance of not just catching Pepe, but flipping also flipping it.

>> No.58700847

Exactly, and you can bet Matt is watching Pepe like a vulture. One wrong move to capitalize off the name brand Pepe in real life and lawyers will be all over Pepe like a pack of Hyenas. Speaking of capitalizing in real life, Apu is planning on releasing Plushies like Pepe did back in 2016.

>> No.58700985
File: 5 KB, 205x246, 8591026759823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tg sisters I love my $cam coin. x can never do what $cam does
>holy moly tg sister I heckin love my scam coin too it's so much better than x

>> No.58701019
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Three lettered word domain.

>> No.58701124

lots of fud in this thread
glad there are so many good hearted anons out there with my best financial interest in mind
suck a donkey dick you brown retards

>> No.58701190
File: 101 KB, 991x609, IMG_20240510_035047_284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glad there are so many good hearted anons out there with my best financial interest in mind

It always warms my heart.

>> No.58701193
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i have 28m that i've held since the first day
if we got even a 10x that would be six figs for me, would be so amazing

>> No.58701659

I have 34mil or so and I feel the same. It will be life changing money for a fella like me.

>> No.58702471
File: 327 KB, 3150x3000, GQiu-HRXsAAdMZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please vote on this frens. So we can be listed as perp on Binance


>> No.58702729

Unironically this, fudders have no real counter to this because it is so objectively a positive for us and a negative for pepe. Like, would they have even done this if a Shiba Inu account interacted back in the day? It shows how marketable apu realy is.

>> No.58703642
File: 6 KB, 157x322, 1687367055688764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in the .0004s again
>Pump couldn't even last 24h before whales dumped on you again

Nice pump apufaggots, kek baggies

>> No.58703693
File: 13 KB, 250x141, 171985925999411237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pumpy wumpy is already back to where you started
and it will continue to do this until the chart reaches where it originally started
music has stopped poos

>> No.58704825
File: 76 KB, 521x523, 73616485960968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu apu
I really love you

>> No.58705468
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You better not consider the possibility that his token timer is a countdown. That would be schizo.

>> No.58705476

Yea :D

>> No.58705658
File: 899 KB, 640x1044, Screen Shot 2024-06-23 at 10.23.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek these are exactly the people who will dump on anyone who bought above 300m. as soon as apu does a 10x, and breaks a billi, all the uber bagholders holders right now who bought ATH, will just be breaking even and getting some hopium again that they can finally make a profit and then their "frens" like the two above and thousands more will dump on them AGAIN.

>> No.58705666

kek'd at that pic.
& yup you cant fucking trust biz with nothing. every bullrun there is an apu on biz and every bullrun it gets pumped to the hundred millions and dumped to sub 10 mill.
They always say "it rugged" to deflect responsibility off of the bizniggers who sold on baggies here.
It's disgusting really.

>> No.58705668

It's never hitting ATH again. Whenever there's even the slightest green the whales just can't help themselves. Baggies will hold all the way to 0.

>> No.58705855
File: 62 KB, 543x542, mu8nd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biz guys in apu are really some of the worst people I've ever met.

>Gian literally scams his own "frens'
>kaod - gigantic cunt
>some of the mods, won't name names but many of them get up to nefarious activities
>silent apu on Twitter takes community donations and sells them immediately lmfao

Apu baggies are something else...

>> No.58705982

But I have not, nor intend to dump any apu.

>> No.58706075

whoever you are, it was funny for a couple days now it's getting creepy and inappropriate
stop this bullshit lying, it doesn't help anyone or anything

>> No.58706104

Apu stop this folly IMMEDIATELY

>> No.58706111

Does the truth disturb you anon

>> No.58706138

truth about what? that's just lies and bullshit and slander, just stop

>> No.58706404

luckily none of them have big stacks

>> No.58706573
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it will go to 0 like all meme coins. they dont recover. i know this is hard to heard but i widh someone made me sell my stack of BLOCK when i was 50% down. i would at least have 1k to throw into a real project. now i have nothing and im on the streets. i watched my folio go from 2k to 30k and now to 0. 30k wasnt enough for me i wanted to be a crypto millionaire. now i live in an old alfa romeo 159 in the south of england because the rent prices are too expensive. i wish i just took that 30k and got myself somewhere nice. i can feel a flu coming on, being sick on these leather seats in a humid english summer doesnt bear thinking about, but i only have myself to blame. think of me when you sell for a loss and remember it could be worse.

>> No.58707119
File: 278 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20240429_114158_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-just s-stop
lol no.
Apu admins have all revealed themselves as petty losers and people talking about that makes you quake.

>> No.58707138

Just 2 admins who gambled on shitcoins and started being accused of being scammers, they dont work with the people who actually run the show anyway.
In the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter at all.

>> No.58707175

What you're doing is called damage control.
You should go to hell with them.

If the admins are pieces of shit why dont you get rid of them?
You're going to keep them around so they can scam people again?
Apu'ers get scammed and rugged and defend the scammers that rekt them. Crazy.

Just watch buddy when this thread is over and these fags get some space to think they wont get caught, they'll start their next bullshit scam-op right under your noses again.

>> No.58707656
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Internal drama in the Apu TG? I want all the juicy details.