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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58690947 No.58690947 [Reply] [Original]

I had a sudden epiphany to come to /biz/ when it's not crypto season, to see if maybe the people here were all coordinating around some amazing investment that will dominate next time everyone is talking about crypto.
I have to say... I'm very confused.
What do you guys do here in the crypto "off season"?

>> No.58690955

Your mom

>> No.58690981

Oh shit he got OP

>> No.58690990

Off-season we talk about revolutionary tech and coins with strong utility. We discuss the technical ins and outs of some of the strongest bull cases in crypto. You missed it. Bitcoin's back at near ATH, why would you think this is off-season?
Once people like you start showing up - that's when we start talking about the fartybutt and poop coins.

>> No.58691007

care to share any of that revolutionary tech?

>> No.58691012


>> No.58691046

Take it easy on the reditor. Chainlink is the scammiest crypto there is.

>> No.58691057
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pic related or ngmi

>> No.58691061


>> No.58691495

Hell yeah nice to see someone mention epoch island

>> No.58691647

kek OP got owned!!!!

>> No.58691648

this board is fucking dead OP its just 10 anons talking to each other
nothing revolutionary discussion.i wonder where the fuck did everyone go?

>> No.58691690

Lolz, nvr recvr

>> No.58693375

We don't coordinate the "next big thing," we have all the potentials fight it out for our amusement. Whole teams form organically around the winners, comprised of bagholders that didn't exit immediately and are willing to put effort into dumping on normies later. Just click around and it'll be obvious what's supported by people's efforts rather than an army of 'jeet shills.

>> No.58693438
File: 102 KB, 968x832, 1621281839462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting new coins like FAC that just got recently listed on Bitmart is my go-to

>> No.58693477
File: 73 KB, 1087x769, PIKKAKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIKA only for based chads

>> No.58693980
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 4PROEQO-_400x400 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this selfie dog is promising.