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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 1200x1200, SolNewLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58668165 No.58668165 [Reply] [Original]

Fast. Secure. Easy to use. No L2 bullshit.
Söylana is going to have everything everybody wants. From unbanked desert dwellers to venture capitalists to wall street.

>Solana introduces ZK Compression technology to its mainnet, revolutionizing the future of decentralized applications. By compressing the on-chain state, Solana’s SOLUSD blockchain is poised for 10,000x scale improvements and a drastic reduction in computational costs, marking a significant milestone in blockchain development.

>“Compression in Solana solves one of the biggest problems facing institutions and consumer applications: the cost of on-chain account storage,” Federa said. The high cost of storing data on blockchain has been a major barrier for companies seeking to leverage blockchain technology for large-scale applications. Therefore, with ZK Compression, these costs are reduced, making it possible to add millions of users to the blockchain.

1. Enhanced Scalability: ZK Compression unlocks the potential for Solana to process a vastly increased number of transactions per second, paving the way for widespread adoption and mass scalability.
2. Cost Efficiency: By minimizing computational requirements through data compression, ZK Compression reduces transaction costs to unprecedented levels, democratizing access to blockchain technologies.
3. Improved Performance: The streamlined blockchain state accelerates transaction speeds and enhances overall network performance, offering users a seamless and efficient experience.

>> No.58668167

Before janny throws a hissy fit:
>In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (clockwise) (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ('sun')
Praise the sun

>> No.58668176

4. Inflation

>> No.58668178

Didn't some poor fuck get scammed by a dex on solana the other day because there's infinite slippage or some bullshit?
Sounds like a load of wank, I wouldn't touch solana with a barge pole.

>> No.58668184

Remember the two weeks of the chain being non usable because of shitcoins? Lol lmao

>> No.58668187

yes goy buy so_ylana $1000 EOY

>> No.58668191

Nobody cares about inflation, this is evidenced by the whole world. Nobody cares that their money is worth 50% compared to 2010. They didn't ask questions then, why would they ask questions in the future.

In a similar manner, nobody cares about decentralization.
You just try your best to ride the waves, surrounded by a sea of retards.
All other chains have experienced downtime, except bitcoin, which is useless as a block chain, only good as a proof of concept.
It's not like I love solana, it's just that I can see why it's going to take out ETH and all the other shitchains.

>> No.58668197

well even BTC has been down twice but in its current form its reliable as we all know

>> No.58668198
File: 348 KB, 2560x1440, 1457867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody cares about inflation
fuck you

>> No.58668201

The only thing missing right now is Vesta NFT support, but I think SOL can manage to get this one kek

>> No.58668208

Yeah they only care when it's too late. And then they jump ship to another thing that can be inflated. The group of people who refused the vaccines and the covid propaganda are the same minority who care about inflation and decentralization. The rest are just sheep. Unfortunately the dumb majority rules over the smart minority. That's how argentine became a shithole in the first place. This cycle will continue until the end of time. It's part of the human condition.

>> No.58668221

>[1806: Salem County]
>Best dinner with pint of good beer or cider 37.5 cents
>Best breakfast, of tea, coffee or chocolate, loaf sugar 31 cents
>Ditto of cold meat with a pint of good beer or cider 25cents
>---Old Inns and Taverns in West Jersey

"Huh, a full breakfast was only 30 cents? Oh wow"
"Huh, my grandparents only paid 10% of what I pay for things today?"
(continues to celebrate and participate in the system that caused this without taking any action)

>> No.58668232

it's noble to be against inflation and centralization but you have to realize you're in the minority with these thoughts. The cattle just marches on, like lemmings. Forever. It will never change. Even if you can convince them today, they will be swayed by a bigger "authority" tomorrow. There is no fix for this. There never has been. All of history is marked with the very same problems addressed today by the small minority of people who can actually think. Critical thought is impossible for at least 80% of the population (not even counting sub 80 IQ hellholes).

>> No.58668242
File: 68 KB, 544x638, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nobody ever cared. Nobody ever bothered to find out why. Not enough to make a change. They just take it in stride and continue to pursue selfish goals. The price of food in 1834 is considered occult knowledge today.

>> No.58668287

>least stable chain
>no advanced smart contract functionality
>extremely inflationary

this is literally Luna 2.0 mark my words

>> No.58668467
File: 79 KB, 1284x1028, solanagoodcoinser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>block chain

>> No.58668727

Cope. It's only the least stable because it's the most used. But yeah, stay poor. Buy some /biz/ shitcoins instead

>> No.58668743

how will data availability work if everything is compressed into SNARKs? someone has to store all this data somewhere so it can be verified against the proofs.

>> No.58668763
File: 203 KB, 1353x900, iStock-155151084-1353x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone has to store all this data somewhere so it can be verified against the proofs.

>> No.58668845
File: 172 KB, 482x451, lil pump solana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me buy a bag of this, so early!

>> No.58668862

Solana isn't cool enough to use the Swastika.

>> No.58668874

It's the only söylana picture I have on my pc

>> No.58668887

They named their shit phantom to steal fantom' name. Now they named their shit sonic to steal fantom' sonic name.

Solana is afraid and trying all black hat marketing tricks they can.

>> No.58668915
File: 2.53 MB, 1324x1506, magg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sun is a symbol of man, but also symbol of condemnation and of zero relation to npcs

>> No.58668972

solana can't scale, simple as. there is a point when it just stops working for hours. companies that try to build on that piece of shit will understand.

>> No.58668973

>All other chains have experienced downtime
except solana's downtime is because of its design, it's not a random bug. it just can't scale past a point. nobody serious will build on a chain that will constantly stop working for hours

>> No.58669007
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>> No.58669163

>lol nothing will change and nothing is being developed everything is already set in stone; as it is today so it will be forever inshallah. the future? it does not exist and will never exist, it went down in the past and will continue to go down, because I say so

>> No.58669272
File: 460 KB, 750x929, IMG_2782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up JEW

>> No.58669274
File: 526 KB, 750x942, IMG_9796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill your Jewish children for your God Baal. Throw them into the fires of moloch ye canaanite Neanderthal pagan witch

>> No.58669287

Woah, epic arguments

>> No.58669320
File: 227 KB, 750x549, IMG_7888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More epic than a solana thread trying to appear “Nazi” when wall street kikes in league with Sam bankman who donated hundreds of millions to the DNC, were buying solana for under $.50. Fuck you JEW

>> No.58669611
File: 76 KB, 900x576, GLJfGPqXAAIw_4W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build the fucking wall

the second great meme war is here

wall on solana

>> No.58669614

>REEE muh jews, muh jews, muh jews!!!!!!
Jesus fucking christ, seek therapy dude. Seriously. It's just a fucking picture. kek

>> No.58669618

It's hilarious how Jews will put out Nazi shit at a whim if they think it's going to make them a quick buck.

>> No.58669626
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>> No.58669634

Another radicalized fool enters the thread kek. Far left or far right, it all comes from within, from your own personal dismay and struggles. Literal victim mentality. Jews truly live rent-free in your heads.

>> No.58669640
File: 2.56 MB, 2117x2518, moonman biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it, you fags got scammed by moonman and now you're seething

>> No.58669837

SOL troons will never be able to live this down. I remember the threads flooding the catalog in peak bullrun when the centralized kike chain just stopped working. It was kino

>> No.58669857

Again, it only goes down because it's actually used. If all the dead chains you guys love so much were actually used they would literally never be up. Its like dips being bullish. But you wouldn't understand.

>> No.58669862

though it was indeed funny

retarded faggots ITT think I'm some kind of solana maximalist, nah I can just see the writing on the wall

>> No.58669864

Lots of salty LUNC holders too, seething that solana has experienced the redemption arc they never got

>> No.58669899

Centralized shitcoin.

>> No.58670082

Someone last year got liquidated because the chain froze and he couldn't deploy more capital.

>> No.58670107

It's not secure, PoS is not very secure, and it is definitely not decentralized.

>> No.58670173

>If all the dead chains you guys love so much were actually used they would literally never be up.
no, this is just a poor excuse for shit design and failing to solve technical challenges that need to be solved in order for crapto to have any real value. If soilana can't handle a few degens trading shitcoins then just imagine how poorly it would cope with real adoption.

>> No.58670750

This is getting lame, you guys have nothing else

>> No.58672447

litecoin has 100% uptime and is signifigantly cheaper than bitcoin.

>> No.58672451

Every time I buy some meme bullshit on söylana I get rugged. I’ll stick to ETH shitcoins instead

>> No.58672473
File: 67 KB, 1000x800, E9kM6rCWEAkWrUl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toughts on little pumps tattoo?

>> No.58673231

Literal homeless brokies live better and longer than those witch burning crackheads.

Not to mention you could revert and live that life if you wanted today for free. Millions of mormons and menonites do in utah. Bitching about inflation is about as midwit as you can get

>> No.58673322

But when it comes to DePIN, Peaq shits on SOL in every way. It's made for DePINs, Jeet.

>> No.58673341

Tell me one reason why MapMetrics ditched Solana to join a popular L1 ecosystem if it's so great?

>> No.58674135

>banned for racism
Wow 4chan is so based unlike reddif

>> No.58674354

y'all watch out for sui. fast, reliable and got a growing number of validators too.
and some interesting low caps