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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 420x420, satoshi-nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58663502 No.58663502 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>7 figure portfolio, almost made it
>say in /biz/ thread that i would still work even if i had 8 figures because my career (software engineering) is intellectually satisfying and fulfilling to me
>some fag with probably a sub 10k portfolio busts into the thread and starts seething at my statement, saying i am le brainwashed goy or some garbage
why does this happen?

>> No.58663512

if you want to spend all your time programming gay porn sites, that's your free choice. i won't hate on you for that but it's just not for me.

>> No.58663519

the fact you made this thread means you were actually really bothered by that deep down.

>> No.58663529

no i just thought it was emblematic of why poorfags will always stay poor, they do not understand an innate drive to create and build, they are so unimaginative they think making it means you do nothing but drive around in a lambo and not work

>> No.58663534 [DELETED] 

be me
Make 7 fig
dont give af about what some nerd on the internet says
live good life

>> No.58663540

damn I thought it was that or either trolling but you actually are for real
kek why does it bother you so much? Are you actually beginning to consider quitting?

>> No.58663544
File: 97 KB, 1091x1125, 1718894903133751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be (You)
>lazy fat retard who has never accomplished anything
>have 3 figure lolfolio consisting of link and nothing else
>read somewhere that getting a job will finally help you get a girlfriend at your ripe old age of 32
>open fourchannel dot biz to larp as important software engineer man because you want to become one but have no realistic plan to do so
>somebody who immediately saw through your shitty larp breaks your delusion
>open catalog
>"Why is this guy so mad even though I'm a super rich software engineer hhahahaaha agree with me or else"
>"Please agree with me or I'll finally have to kill myself"
And before you open that reply window, consider that seething at me as well will do nothing to help your situation and you will look even more pathetic than you already look. Seek help or ngmi

>> No.58663558
File: 13 KB, 350x191, 1695665643003852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and projection

>> No.58663560
File: 721 KB, 220x240, 1715707025603134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize I can see you downloaded that file, right? You can see filenames when you're not on mobile, or you can on mobile if you use custom CSS. Maybe you should learn how to do that if you want to be a software engineer
>Nooooo this is a real screenshot
There is no reason a screenshot you took today would have a Unix timestamp from months ago (which I can see because I can see the filename)

>> No.58663566
File: 16 KB, 901x140, 1702359493576168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a newfag, congrats on swallowing the bait

>> No.58663569
File: 265 KB, 550x534, 1686262921919629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude, I'm totally a newfag for assuming a retard was being a retard

>> No.58663575
File: 9 KB, 345x185, 1705460770932107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i lost more money than some retard who doesn't know about filename randomization's entire portfolio in the time i spent arguing with his retarded projecting ass

>> No.58663578

If you're OP you didn't randomize the first filename and are obviously lying, if you're not you should stop using inspect element and head to /pol/ if you want to engage in low IQ discussion about nothing

>> No.58663579

i was posting on my phone and got up to get on my PC to post phantom wallet and mog you

the fact that you believe its impossible for someone to have 7 figs on /biz/ means you are a newfag

>> No.58663584

I don't think it's impossible. I just think you specifically are full of shit as your initial post reeks of insecurity

>> No.58663586

i probably struck a nerve and youre probably one of those unimaginative people who doesnt understand why founders keep working on their companies after theyve made 9 figures

>> No.58663588
File: 87 KB, 490x586, 1679936344322676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i probably struck a nerve and youre probably one of those unimaginative people who doesnt understand why founders keep working on their companies after theyve made 9 figures

>> No.58663594
File: 27 KB, 730x1194, ed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i probably struck a nerve and youre probably one of those unimaginative people who doesnt understand why founders keep working on their companies after theyve made 9 figures

>> No.58663601

Fake 'jakker

>> No.58665442

you are le brainwashed goy or some garbage

>> No.58665460

If you have an innate desire to build and create, then you don't need to do it under someone else's thumb. Building your own shit is respectable. You're accepting a one time payment to build someone else's shit for them to profit indefinitely off of. You're implementing someone else's imagination and not your own. That's not the same as building your own shit.

>> No.58666854

Le brainwashed goy

>> No.58666881

Because normies think slavery is work. They've never owned anything in their life. They expect the government to provide them necessities and insurance to pay for their doctors. They expect to get a paycheck for being "on the clock." They think making money is aunonomous with theft. They are victims and the longer they live the more locked in they are because admitting they had a choice is too scarier, and taking responsibility is even more horrifying. They can't fathom that anyone is anything but at least or exactly as lazy, selfish and ignorant as they are. You can't force them to change. But it's okay because you don't need them to either.

>> No.58666887


>> No.58666954
File: 744 KB, 960x1415, 1715948916951070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre neets and havent worked, or arent used to working. it feels good to never have to wage
you found something you like to do and youre used to doing it. that also feels good
i understand both