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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 1124x642, BannedForRaycism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58662904 No.58662904 [Reply] [Original]

>Point out the wrong scam (janny is involved in this one)
>Get banned
Fucking niggerbrained retards

>> No.58662919

jannies are well known to endorse certain scams in exchange for a kickback

>> No.58662925
File: 63 KB, 874x886, IMG_20240620_161359_462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah friend, I get 7 day bans just for posting unapproved memecoins, while glowie and spurdo and shrek and honkler threads litter the board, I hate jannies so much it's unreal

>> No.58662930

Let's see how fast they delete this one despite zero rule violations. This is now the Official Janny Corruption Discussion thread,

>> No.58662947

4channel has fallen

>> No.58662962

At these times we tend to be able to have a few open discussions until the right retard wakes up to perform his ban spree

It can't be all of them, theres a few unhinged morons who are indeed only interested in scamming this board's users >>58662925

>> No.58662963


I HATE the tranny janny on this board. Just a pathetic, friendless loser that pumps their own bags.

>> No.58662964

>he waited until the banned expired
jannies suck but you are a fag too

>> No.58662971

Every board is fucking worthless now anyway. I dont even ban evade anymore because it's nothing but full-on retards save for a handful of posters on boards like /g/, /lit/, ...

>> No.58662975

see >>58662971
Why bother jumping through hoops anymore there's nothing left to discuss here

>> No.58662987
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>> No.58662988
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>> No.58662989
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>> No.58662992
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>> No.58662993
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>> No.58662996
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/biz/ jannies tongue my black fucking anus

>> No.58663012
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They hate him so much

>> No.58663016

>whole board full of "MUH RACISM"
>1 post that calls out janny's scam gets singled out
>cop sitewide ban

>> No.58663039

/tv/ can still be alright sometimes.
/mu/ is dead
/b/ was what 4chan was known for, but has no appeal anymore
/int/ is shit most of the time
Some of the interest/other related boards may be alright, but I have not visited them much.

/biz/ used to have people talking in earnest about work and finance a few years ago, despite being a containment board.
No there is nothing of that.

>> No.58663040

This is why this board is dead.

>> No.58663043

>/b/ was what 4chan was known for, but has no appeal anymore
/b/ is literally just porn threads at this point

>> No.58663081

Unfortunately I feel past the point of 'suspension of disbelief', can't really into entertainment anymore. But yeah the posters are OK
holy shit what an absolute cesspool. Are they bots? Surely "kpop" can't have this many actual listeners.
yes, shit. Smartphones were the biggest mistake of the 20th C. Besides the third worlders there are only shit threads with no content at all because of zoomer brains.
shit was pretty cash in 2004/whatever when I hopped on the bandwagon
Yeah I was 15 or 16 then. (it's not an achievement that I still come to this site, Im not trying to compliment myself for it)
Yeah total dogshit, dead, scammed to death, worse with every crypto cycle. Most third worlders of all boards during peak traffic at least
kek it's abhorrent

>> No.58663093
File: 3.08 MB, 3491x1833, 1 of 1000000 pajeet scam centers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and all the third world scammers. it's a whole fucking mega industry. all for your bottom dollar. Cant even watch a video on jewtube without being bombarded with AMS92796X and
>"I make 16k a month thanks to Miss Ogun Thunderstruck, Thank you Very Kindly, this generational income, yet very volatile, indeed good asset. (insert comment chains begging for whatsapp)"

>> No.58663215
File: 18 KB, 300x250, 1718769499203429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insane that 4chan is just letting this happen.
But yeah the board has been dead for a long time now, maybe you can have some quality link discussion sometimes and that's about it.
Until jannies are curtailed and stopped from banning arbitrarily while allowing obvious scams to remain nothing is going to change.

>> No.58663221

I think I made that post

>> No.58663231

Welcome chad.
>3 months ago
I'm still bagholding kek
indeed. fags

>> No.58663246

exclusively softcore porn in the thread ops
discord trannies and bots image spamming with 4chan pass in general threads
not worth it
perpetual janny sponsored tranny porn raid since 2018
lots of cross contamination with /gif/
boring, dead. repeating OPs
bait thread after bait thread. full of random discussion not fitness related.
the most active but somehow the worst board on the site, not even because of the normie reasons like racism but the kinds of threads that are made. Lets not forget about jannies supressing random shit on pol like "nigger hate threads" while letting low tier "so /pol/" and "our response, /pol/?" bait threads up.
There was a period between 2019 to last year where I would go to /pol/ and look for women in the OP pics so I could jerk off and have a starting point to look up more pics.

This whole site needs to be put out to pasture. The jannies have been notably absent on this board lately as well. I guess whatever money they printed and the email verification mistake was enough to stop caring about the board.

>> No.58663273

kek another nice list. It's kinda sad that we're only still here because the rest of the internet is somehow even worse.
especially /pol/ is terminal cancer on crack. Over half of the posts that make it past my filters (150 threads filtered on a daily basis) are unironic shills from jidf/muslim brotherhood/kgb/conservatards/leftypol/interpol/cia/fbi, posting nothing but braindead one-liners.
"Not like this", "how can we save her", "1 in 3 men" (now "2 in 3 men", I believe), women threads, bbc threads, etc. etc.

Not to mention one of the absolute worst boards, /vg/. if you thought /v/ could get any worse, well, yeah it can kek. The absolute slop those people play is beyond what anyone can imagine.
>deep sigh

>I guess whatever money they printed and the email verification mistake was enough to stop caring about the board.
very true

>> No.58663279

they (probably some newer jannies who haven't made it yet) wanted their easy income back + ad money. Removed the verification bullshit but theyre too tired to moderate it. Indeed the other jannies are AFK, already wealthy from running+co-opting scams like pbutt and whackd. They can even check all your post history to see you're an authentic effortposter but nah, heres your fucking arbitrary ban goy. Big kek

>> No.58663297

Sometimes a music or anime thread on /wsg/ can be good. Occasionally /int/ can be fun for some current event, but its basically just a more retarded version of /pol/ so you have to turn off your brain to engage with it. I keep coming back to /biz/ because there's something wrong with me but this is probably the most dead, most shit board, with the most disgusting jannies on the entire site.

>> No.58663603
File: 951 KB, 745x680, CWC mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the new type of shilling where the shills enter random threads and insert their random shitcoin that nobody knows into the conversation:
>yeah the market's pretty bad right now, I almost sold my $FAGGOTNIGGER but I've been through this before
It's come to the point that I prefer the old style of shilling with poorly made dog memes.

I didn't know where else to vent since this is a metapost and that triggers the trannyjannies so there it goes.

>> No.58663617

I only come to /biz/ now to laugh when the market is dumping.

>> No.58663659

>/tv/ can still be alright sometimes.
After /biz/ they have the most retarded jannies though, I can barely manage a few posts before I get banned for racism on there.

>> No.58663722
File: 80 KB, 1397x424, biz is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58663749

>Chudcel gets a meltdown because he got banned for breaking the rules
Maybe, once in your life, try doing something the right way?

>> No.58664186 [DELETED] 

This is the second rock thread I've seen, tranny jannies have already deleted the first one. Which honestly makes me tentatively interested because at least I know it's not a jeet tranny janny backed scam. See >>58662904

>> No.58664206

Jannys have destroyed this board they should all be fired immediately and given a nice severance package equal to three months wages.

>> No.58664419
File: 35 KB, 500x500, artworks-3GH7hHXh2U4ZbYcF-ZjqUiA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is awful
Same thing happened to 80% of anons during that time. I got it for daring to post about regular coins in the fucking top 100 kek.
kek pic rel besides the scamming

>> No.58664894
File: 61 KB, 1235x477, linu janny scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we make a list about janny scams from 2024. I know PBUTT, WHACKD from last cycle, but I'm not into all these shitcoins.

LINU was an obvious one this year.
What else can anons come with?
I see the catalog is filled with "APU" most of the time, another shitcoin that has nothing going for it. Jannies sold their LINU bags and carried on with APU.

>> No.58664902

Racism is not cool.

>> No.58664915

Your problem, cuck. Free speech is cooler than anything else. If you don't like it, don't click it or move to a hugbox like plebbit.

>> No.58664924

That said there is no racism in this thread

>> No.58664940

There is no „free speech“ on /biz/
It literally says in the rules you’re not allowed to say certain things you absolute retard. Honestly you low iq subhumans that are too stupid to even read need to be exterminated.

>> No.58665576

SQUID, a complete shitcoin, was permitted to be posted when jannies banned left and right so you know they created it

>> No.58665602

Someone should make a janny token and call it "fuck jannies" or something.

Btw feel free to ban me, I really don't care anymore lmao.

>> No.58665651

yep the jannies are scamming. anything except for their pump and dumps get banned.

>> No.58665671

complaining about jannies actually is a rule violation. I got a warning once after complaining about getting banned for some retarded shit

>> No.58665675
File: 239 KB, 400x400, 1526362134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your stupid pajeet negrocoin is a certified scam to rug on the braindead newfags, jannies need to keep banning shit like that and any shitcoin that doesn't have any project behind to back it up, at least AVI, LINK and SUPER has a entire public team

>> No.58665810

Matthew red is a janitor btw

>> No.58666156


>> No.58666255

[suggestion to buy coin]

>> No.58666381

[nigger kys]

>> No.58667156

[ESL criticism of mentioned coin. Suggestion to buy different coin]

>> No.58667168

Jannies are innocent and are more intelligent than all of you COMBINED. Stop slandering janitors and maybe start looking up to them and start dreaming of becoming a janny one day. It's a very prestigious job.

>> No.58667211

Guys, report them via feedback. It helped fix the email bs.

>> No.58667222

true, anons should do this

The entire site can be taken down and people sent to jail over what is happening on this board (unironically speaking)

>> No.58667230

the number 1 crime on 4ch is CP, which gets dealt with ASAP. the number 2 crime is fraud

>> No.58667246

>a literal memecoin needs to have a public team or its 100% a scam rug
Ok bud
A polite and direct appeal works as well. Not that they deserve it but hopefully whoever sees them might realize it's become dangerously pozzed in here. Biz all of a sudden has more outright censorship than reddit, very interdasting

>> No.58667332

Should've been permanent

>> No.58668558


>> No.58668562

Get yourself a favor and hodl kas, rsr and fun, fuck everyone else anon

>> No.58668817
File: 84 KB, 874x1024, 1688646963094841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor here, I just wanted to come here and say that I love black cocks. Brb gotta go change my diaper and fumigate the goon cave

>> No.58669171

Finally, the jannies communicate with us users.
Much appreciated.

>> No.58669323

/pw/ it basically the only board left where I can have fun shitposting. /lit/ is the only board where I even see actual discussions take place anymore. The internet has devolved not necessarily into echo-chambers, but into people who are set in their ideas and only their ideas. So threads about a topic invariably turn into people simply stating their opinions as fact, maybe calling others wrong or stupid in the lowest-effort way possible, and then being satisfied with their great conversation. I literally cannot remember the last time I've seen an actual conversation happen on the internet that lasted for at least 5 posts.

Porn, politics, financial-interests, and literal armies of bots/shills that people don't talk about for some reason have ruined the rest of the site. The internet feels borderline dead. Everything was centralized into a dozen or so sites and then slowly everything good got chipped away. There are technically alternative platforms like Rumble, but the only people who even bother posting on alt-tech are those who happened to build up a large enough audience somewhere else before the censorship forced them away. And I'm getting forced away from even using it. When I want to learn about something, the first thing I do is look up books on that topic because I already know that youtube won't show me anything but the most surface level slop-infotainment, and google will directly lie to me.

>> No.58669508

Millions must die. Possibly billions.

>> No.58669528

You're right, everyone is more interested in being right than anything else.
>So threads about a topic invariably turn into people simply stating their opinions as fact, maybe calling others wrong or stupid in the lowest-effort way possible, and then being satisfied with their great conversation. I literally cannot remember the last time I've seen an actual conversation happen on the internet that lasted for at least 5 posts.
I couldn't have said it better than this.
Kek @ /pw/, I believe you, turns out actual kayfabe has better discussions than all the other kayfabe.
Enjoy your sunday sir

>> No.58669540

This board has the worst jannies on this site by far. I got a three-month ban on my home IP for "ban-evasion" for criticizing their retarded email verification scam when it was first announced.

>> No.58669719

>3 months
absolute fucking madness. It's good that this website is just a cesspool without value to waste time, otherwise I might actually censor myself

>> No.58670206

I even made a whole new email for that shit and they removed it anyway.
KEK dumbfuck moderation.
Fuck rapeape