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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58655028 No.58655028 [Reply] [Original]

She will never be real edition

>Where to get $AGRS

>Introductory videos to TauChain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKhzo_60f6Y [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqYTiNgt5Ds [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Natdo-8FZ0c [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest Dev Update
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-QAiU3RoZs [Embed] [Embed]


>Whitepaper/Research Papers/


>> No.58655048
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>invents AGI

>> No.58656468 [DELETED] 

does he... does he have a barcode in his head?

>> No.58656471
File: 66 KB, 579x668, 78dsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to invest
>being fucking retarded
>need to know about what's the better token
can someone help a newfagie?

>> No.58656483
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>> No.58656484
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update from the twatter 2

>> No.58656488
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update from the twatter 3

>> No.58656491

is this edited or he has a legit tattoo on his head

>> No.58656492

There's no need to be so lame on biz

>> No.58656503

no need to be so rude anon, he's just asking for help,at the end of the day, no one wants to end up investing in shitcoin.

>> No.58656509

bros is it weird i consider ohad asor to be a complete chad? dude is a genius, has that aura of professionalism around him, is bald (superior intellect and better bloodflow plus better ventilation of his processor), dress in extremely dapper suits, wears enhanced glasses (signaling his commitment to his craft and his endless hours of reading) and is developing the future of humanity. Could he be the next Elon?

>> No.58656513

why so mad?
she dump you already? dickhead.

>> No.58656520
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>the study draws on philosopher harry frankfurt's definition of bullshit which highlights an indifference to truth rather than intentional deception
what kind of retarded bs is this, everyone knows what bullshit means and ai isn't fooling people out of malice, the hallucination problems are called like that because neural network reached a level of cognitive refinement where not even the devs know what the fuck is happening to the ai to be spouting nonsense, there's no "bullshitting" involved

>> No.58656526

You can't dress like that with a tattoo on the right side of your bald pedophile looking head

>> No.58656527

Yeah sure, here's the best advice you'll ever get. Get out of /biz, stat. Don't take any advice you read here

>> No.58656530
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said it before i'll say it again. binance listing when.

>> No.58656532
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You can just ignore them and read the good stuff, there's no need for chaos

>> No.58656533
File: 62 KB, 218x455, Agent_47_in_Hitman_Absolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no, i get you, he's sporting that agent 47 drip

>> No.58656538

man hitman absolution was such a fucking banger to play, sad to know the latest hitman games are just garbage tier

>> No.58656539
File: 24 KB, 502x281, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it COMPARES to chatgpt and gemini (who?)
Daily reminder you are buying bags for a glorified LLM chatbot :^)

>> No.58656542

>superior intellect and better bloodflow plus better ventilation of his processor
bro talking like his mind is a cpu

>> No.58656545

Let them rip off their own eyes, I need some spicy in the threads.

>> No.58656546

nvidianiggers need to go back to their containment threads

>> No.58656548

CZ is not around anymore. If he was still in charge he'd do the smart thing and support AI techcoin bros as much as possible to bring in a lot of new dumb money to float around their business, but alas, new management wants to turn Binance into Coinbase 2.0 with 5 extra coins besides USDC, BTC and ETH and nothing else kek

>> No.58656550

bro stop acting like you can tell the difference between a neural network and a logic based ai model, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.58656555

could be $PLAY, BNB..even XRP.

>> No.58656557
File: 163 KB, 600x863, 1691239601243896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provide a reasonable, easy to understand and widely known comparison point with another product/project so people understand better the magnitude and scope of your own project
>clarify multiple times everywhere that your product is catering to another niche and that chatgpt comparisons are just that, a comparison
>XD UR BUYING LE LLM! L! LOL #kaicenat #cringecompilation #owned #ownedlikeaboss

>> No.58656559

My penis compares to ChatGPT in size.

>> No.58656568
File: 8 KB, 289x175, 45dsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss the good times, im so old now, and new games are just crap.

>> No.58656570
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SO HERE'S A QUESTION FOR ALL THE AGORAS JEETS HERE. I've read all the crap about this shitty ass project and i'll admit, it sounds amazing, super, whatever. But where's the proof? Where's the meat? Where can i test it to see how it works? Because all i ever see from the devs on social media are empty promises and lots and lots of crap. "Oh yeah we're so good we're better than gemini and GPT" okay nigga and where is the AI? You finally got the patents like you promised, where's the Tau Language? Where's my alpha? Every month that passes keeps feeding on to the idea that this AI doesn't exist and its all a decade-long scam

>> No.58656576


>> No.58656577

the anon spiritually elevated, after the calmest trip with lsd looking for some peace.

>> No.58656591
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>> No.58656599

It's not funny anymore.

>> No.58656601

it always baffles me when fudders bring this argument up because it never holds up to scrutiny
if the token was a scam the devs could've just rugged when we reached ath, simple as, lots of tokens have done it, so why didnt they do it? easy, because its not a scam
if you seriously believe its all a part of some convoluted plot against the holders then just stop holding lol, there's like ten years of history behind the token, thousands of hours of research on video, the latest paper that is currently being peer-reviewed, the international patents, the updates on the github, you can say oh sure it's too little too late but bitch this is no small potatoes here we're literally talking about an ai that makes a fully fledged program for you without bugs
im honestly yearning for the day the alpha comes (likely q3 2024 as they've said multiple times) just so i can watch how you pathetic worms start performing more olympic-level mental gymnastics to justify why its more "proof of the scam"

>> No.58656608

anon be real with me for a second how long have you been holding or are you just watching from afar? im honestly curious because i can recognize you by your writing style

>> No.58656614

it was delayed for like, three months, its not like they outright cancelled the alpha, what are you on about

>> No.58656620
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man we're really making if the haters already reached this level of retardation

>> No.58656657

Israeli autist scam

>> No.58656681

Bro this project has been delayed for YEARS. Fucking years. They keep deciding that there's a better approach and start over from scratch.

>> No.58656708

This project is as old as Ethereum and doesn't even have a test net. But God forbid anons feel any kind of skepticism towards it. Yeah we're the retards, not the bagholding cultists who have missed out on multiple market cycles following this shit

>> No.58658181

skepticism is alright, the project has been delayed for so long that its completely understandable but calling them an outright scam when its been made pretty clear the amount of work behind it is stupid, mistakes were made sure but its not like the price tanked, people have defended chainlink for more when they're a bleeding token that has been struggling to keep on with the times while agrs's price broke out of the cents, the single digits and into the double digits a couple of months ago, there's progress being made and its clear big big shit is coming

>> No.58659519

the only good hitman game was the first one, became dogshit after that
everything is a glorified llm chatbot if you squint hard enough

>> No.58659522

damn is it really as old as og eth? i thought they didnt even release yet?

>> No.58660927
File: 190 KB, 2914x815, agrs 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what they took from you.....

>> No.58660931

wdym anon the chart looks normal

it's even better than 90% of the top 100 coins on cmc

>> No.58660934

k so if you bought before october of last year you could've made it with that monstrous ath, its agorillover

>> No.58660938

unironically priced in

>> No.58660941

man dont i love it when biz give me the perfect signals for accumulating

>> No.58660942

only nigga(s) taking it from me are the devs and their autisitc insistence with perfection before release.

>> No.58660944

he's not looking for war on the thread, he's just trying to be a "good person" but actually he must be a piece of shit.

>> No.58660947

best agent in da world.

>> No.58660948

Three months is a pretty substantial amount of time. If you are about to release and you need to delay, two weeks, maybe a month tops is acceptable, but three? Smells bad.

>> No.58660949

what does it say

>> No.58660953
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I just want a fucking demo video of their work in progress webui/website/anything creating a basic calculator app or whatever the fuck off of a few prompts. That's what this shit is about bros. Why won't they at least release a vid or two demonstrating what they've got.

>> No.58660954
File: 21 KB, 600x705, 1321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping that at least you would not react with more violence. dissapointed on this ppl.

>> No.58660955
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 116546521131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, Ohad Asor here, i wanted to make a quick announcement that, given the recent price changes on our token and the recent regulations incoming from the ETH ETF, we have decided to switch from ERC-20 to SOL entirely. This is a process that will ensure a more straightforward approach to our goals and will let us ensure that huge gas fees and political agendas from the US will not be a roadblock from our goals of reaching true decentralization.

Alongside this change we will also start the test net construction from scratch meaning the timeframe for the alpha will, sadly, have to be postponed for now. We hope this makes you as excited as we are to begin this journey anew, your support will be key in this new era for Tau Net and Agoras. Thank you and see you on the rift

>> No.58660962


>> No.58660964

lmao imagine

>> No.58660965
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>> No.58660966

watch this happen unironically in 2 weeks

>> No.58660968
File: 60 KB, 427x400, 1718383222102897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to go play fortnite and trade flavor of the hour solana scams to satiate your adhd hunger fellas
>u le missed le cycles XD
you can buy multiple things at once
>u le culteest XD
get a personality, biz bot

>> No.58660971

bold of you to assume they're not switching to TON

>> No.58660973

See you all in another 20 to 45 years. Agorillas always win but it takes time sometimes, please understand.

>> No.58660976
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>Thank you and see you on the rift

>> No.58660978

people will call it fake and gay. why bother.

>> No.58660980

the real thing is that everything is a lie.

>> No.58660983

>goes from shit chain
>to even shittier chain
canon btw they would unironically pull one like this if doing so didnt mean they would get lynched in the streets

>> No.58660989

based daddyasor pls release on base chain next

>> No.58660995

>Thank you and see you on the rift
based and league pilled the alpha will be full of bugs and they will revert all the changes day 0

>> No.58661001

I've spent plenty of time in the tg group. I don't need you to lie about the majority of these faggots being almost all in. They talked shit about Ethereum for years before the token swap, then the swap came and they couldn't even figure out how to use Uniswap. These people are retarded lol I arbed the fuck out of that token swap. Go back to Steemit

>> No.58661340

This project has been known as Agoras/Tauchain/Tau Net since 2015. In 2014 and possibly earlier Ohad had a project called Zennet that he either abandoned or rebranded into Agoras/Tauchain. The ICO for this shitcoin was done before Ethereum actually launched which is why it was an OMNI token. They did a swap over to ERC20 a few years ago.

Shills act like I'm just some retard who found out about this project last week. I've been following Tau since 2018 so the majority of the time it's even existed.

>> No.58663531

yeah your offer is to trade a well known alt for a literal whocoin..

>> No.58663541

nah i get you, and you seriously make some pretty good points, as for myself i was seriously considering dropping the project last year but then the price pumped, they released their findings, the patents were filled, seems to me they're finally moving their asses to advance so i dont mind waiting a little bit more for the testnet release

>> No.58663542

>trapped by sunk cost fallacy
been there anon, done that

>> No.58664142

I would really love to be proven wrong about this. I was very optimistic about this project for a long time and still check in on it regularly. Weird, experimental shit like this are a big reason why I love crypto so much (I'm also a
fan of Urbit). There aren't many projects in crypto that are as esoteric as this one. Unfortunately I've learned the hard way multiple times that it's a bad idea to be married to your bags.