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58654806 No.58654806 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes, I short Nvidia, how did you know?

>> No.58654807



>> No.58655138

because you're poor?

>> No.58655149

Nobody can afford to short NVIDIA. It only moves up and fast. If you short it you're basically asking to go bankrupt. Don't bet against the house, kid.

>> No.58655587

the smell is quite revealing

>> No.58655588

lets just say god's brush is never wrong

>> No.58655595
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well, for one, you're shorting in the tech that will literally change the world, i dont see agrs or tao in your portfolio so i figured nvidia was the first thing you would be shorting, and i was right, then i saw your greasy hair, overgrown nails, oh yeah and you smell like a pig, all the marks of a proper retarded poorfag

>> No.58655596

now amd, amd is looking hella nice to short

>> No.58655597

i can already see the suicide thread coming up

>> No.58655603


>> No.58655610
File: 85 KB, 306x306, 1633446223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up with all these recent nvidia fud threads

>> No.58655815

Shills are being deployed to reinforce the bubble by sowing a mainstream negative opinion as contrarianism among retail investors. If properly executed, this could result in an reverse-gamestop situation (hedge funds mostly dogpiled into NVIDIA and own roughly 70% of it). The bubble is almost too obvious. So, convincing a bunch of people to short the bubble instead of waiting for it to pop naturally could give institutions a clean path to profitability after getting in on the recent top.

The important thing for everyone here is to not take the bait if they believe it's a bubble. You'll lose your shirt pushing up the short interest on a high volume high demand stock.

Or if you are all in on NVDA then join the shill campaign and bait some retards to inadvertently pump your bags in chase of a crash.TSLA 2.0, lol.

>> No.58656039
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I just put the popcorn in the microwave, I'll sit back and enjoy it for a while, I deserve it.

>> No.58656045

I've been asking myself the same question,anyway we're here.

>> No.58656050

You chose to speak in the language of being poor
for sure you are paki

>> No.58656059
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They are still not killing each other, how much longer do I have to wait?

>> No.58656063
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>> No.58656062

Shorting after the split would've been a good idea or nah? I'm financially retarded

>> No.58656068
File: 65 KB, 1233x1280, 1654011492915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single faggot in silicon valley and tech is trying to "literally change the world" retard your shitcoin isn't special. get in line.

>> No.58656069

Worst part is, what has Nvidia done to justify all of this other than making AI-specific chips (which AMD has been doing too)? AI controlled NPC's in vidya with shitty dialogue?

>> No.58656082

I'm going to be furious if you pieces of shit get AMD bankrupt over Nvidia's bullshit bubble that won't pan out in the next two-ish years. Truly fucking angry you will drive the only good computer hardware company out of business over NVDA's snake oil. Fuck

>> No.58656085

Botted comments generated by in-house LLM's from Nvidia trained to detect negative sentiments towards the company.
Real anons posting with their human fingers on their keyboards.

>> No.58656088
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Anyone even remotely interested in AI and its implications has nvidia, tao, tau/agrs, inj and more in their folios.

>> No.58656091


>> No.58656096

All of them are so transparent with their bullshit because they don't even understand what they're selling on a fundamental level. It's really not hard to see all of these startups for what they really are; piles of shit crammed into tiny, rented offices.

>> No.58656099

How? Drop a tutorial nigga

>> No.58656107

The massacre began, my fren

>> No.58656112
File: 1.06 MB, 3376x4000, 7897ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could do something more interesting, but biz has that something that makes me keep having fun with these jews.

>> No.58656118

hey don't be so hard on the underprivileged people

>> No.58656162

Because nvda is still going up after the split and bears are naturally retarded faggots, so their shorts are crashing with no survivors.
It’s a desperate cry for validation
>”I-It’s gonna crash here s-soon guys. T-Two more weeks…”