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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 341 KB, 1772x1512, Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 19.51.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58652462 No.58652462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i swear to fucking god life is literally on easy mode right now, i made a shitty contract just to test some things for my onw memecoin, havent even locked the fucking lp yet and this happens?
I wouldnt want to rugpull and i didnt verify the contract bc i was planning to post it here on biz first, but fucking hell these autistic whales are onto me now. what do i even do?
this must be the bogdanoffs fucking with me, i cant even code a fuccking website, i have a half-completed notion page that i wanted to make into a whitepaper, my hands are shaking

>> No.58652467

Rug it

>> No.58652468
File: 29 KB, 600x664, e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed the village sir, do the needful

>> No.58652476

i think this is an elaborate shill post

>> No.58652503
File: 577 KB, 1024x803, masked wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not rugging it, i spent a fucking month trying to make my memes and graphic content to launch this meme revival project. I wont let some fucking snipers and whales ruin my efforts i want this to hit 100m+ mcap.
im not telling you the concept yet because the socials and website arent ready, but ill leave you with a hint
no sell. have strong hand

>> No.58652508

just shit on the street

>> No.58652515

Use a fucking toilet you subhuman

>> No.58652525

ofc now its pumped anyway at least i wanted biz to hear about it first. I have been lurking this board sinbce 2015 and all the crypto bullshit that we went through made me feel numb and dead inside, the only thing i greatly enjoyed was the memes. THis is the market were i can finally make some shitty project that has any sentimental value to me and is not automativcally destined to fail, given the retard money on the market. but fuck me this is even more retarded than i ever imagined

>> No.58652533

So it's Rock? Wtf is it rankeet?

>> No.58652561

if you were here on biz form 2018-20 then you should already know, its a biz meme

>> No.58652562

hello OP, confirm some things for me please
-you left 10% of supply for yourself correct?
-you didn't pump your own coin at all did you? why would "whales" choose to pump you're shitcoin and not countless others
-what did you use to make your memecoin, i assumed you used some point and click website
-initial liquidity was only about 7k correct?

>> No.58652580

>-you left 10% of supply for yourself correct?
yes, its for exchange listings down the line, i want this shit to succeed
>-you didn't pump your own coin at all did you? why would "whales" choose to pump you're shitcoin and not countless others
i told a few friends about it, because i thought a lot about the concept in the past 2 months, and this shit is hilarious, has no other iterations yet and i think it should be in the eth meme museum
>-what did you use to make your memecoin, i assumed you used some point and click website
>-initial liquidity was only about 7k correct?
it was 2.1 eth which is about 90% of my net worh. I also held some apu from before the palladius rug

its easy to make a copypaste shitcoin contract and deploy it with chatgpt. but its not easy to make a website, especially if you are not a coder

>> No.58652597

Like a pet rock right?

>> No.58652603


>> No.58652611

nailed it, more crafty than the usual shill posts but a shill nonetheless

>> No.58652618

no thats not even close dude, think harder. Biz meme from 2018-19, associated with rock, and crypto.


>> No.58652623

sorry meant for >>58652603

>> No.58652627

the supply you left for yourself cant only be for exchanges, obviously you want to pay yourself too as well...

>> No.58652629
File: 11 KB, 438x522, 1688349868566382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldnt want to rugpull and i didnt verify the contract..
Rug it.
In this market, people win when everyobody else loses.

>bc i was planning to post it here on biz first
Give us good kek and rug those people

>> No.58652632

i mean sure it would maybe be creative, why would he purposefuly shill like this? LP unlocked, unverified, no socials or website? that's extremely counterproductive to your project. i think dev is just retard and for some reason his shit got a bunch of volume, and along came JaredFromSubway and here we are...

>> No.58652667

>the supply you left for yourself cant only be for exchanges, obviously you want to pay yourself too as well...
i think 10% is enough, above 10% it would be an obvious scam and i already told you i want this to succeed.
i'm not rzgging it, im white
finally someone gets it, please try and guess the meme and concept

>> No.58652751
File: 810 KB, 1504x945, 1708562960841193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda tempting to redeem all my super and kas to launch my own trash, see if it gets snipped by bots so I can instant rug on them all. Did you do something to optimize it so a lot of them bought that much that quickly?

Also yes just rug lol who cares they'll fuck you up if you take too long.

>> No.58652756

you let the opportunity slip and it'll go away
you'll regret it just saying. if you dont care about that money then sure let it ride and see what happens but chances are you'll lose it all so yeah

>> No.58652758

At least post the fucking meme. I'm curious. Not on your shitcoin I'm not buying it I just wanna see the meme.

>> No.58652764
File: 31 KB, 709x534, 1708556646607396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just give it a funny ticker and attach its image to a meme. people will flock to it afterwards.

>t. made about 120k in a year making shitcoins with trash tier marketing that still (somehow) managed to get soem volume going

>> No.58652766

People will ask "what is it omg omg i wanna look xD", OP drops his shitcoin's address. The usual.

OP reply to this post if you enjoy sucking dick.

>> No.58652769
File: 140 KB, 1000x667, 1654215798172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bother going in alone if that's your plan. you still need some people to spread the word around a little bit. no there are not magical bots throwing thousands of dollars at any piece of shit released into a blockchain do you know how many of these are made in a slow day? way too many.

>> No.58652771

You've clearly never experienced the thrill of taking a shit next to a public highway during severe traffic.

>> No.58652775

sooo how much did you rake in total?

>> No.58652781

Don't think so. Op is reluctant to give it away. Your average pajeet shillbot would've dropped looong ago, within the first 10 posts or so. I think OP figured something out and I find it interesting.
What's your plan to succeed? Can you even share those kind of details publicly here?

>> No.58652782

no wonder you want to redeem and never look back lmao

>> No.58652788

i have no idea i just wanted to launch this meme bcuz there havent been any successful attempts at making this into a memecoin yet
Didnt Read Not Rugging
So many newfags around here lately. guess the meme. IT HAS ROCK
it cost around 500 usd to deploy and add liq, gas fees only, so its not risk free
idc if you buy in or not, i only wanted biz to know about it first
if i rug it now its like 70k usd profit

also i didnt expect randos to buy up the supply without verification or lp lock

>> No.58652789

Just stay grounded and know when to abandon ship if it happens. Pepe is the only meme coin I've seen in recent time that has survived the pressure and made a name of itself.

>> No.58652807
File: 356 KB, 2928x2928, 914865835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not rzgging it, im white
post hands

>> No.58652837
File: 2.08 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking about buying back some of my own shit from leftover crypto that i have, also i can try some blackhat marketing like tg spamming and comment automation. For the most part i think the concept is so catchy that it will spread on its own. its an OG meme, not some madeup forced shit
>post hands

>> No.58652857
File: 636 KB, 708x666, Whiteeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit he white

>> No.58652868

i want to fomo but i think op is baiting and gonna rug

>> No.58652884

I think he is too
A tale as old as /biz/

>> No.58652889

im not gonna lock it for now because im afraid a lot of bots will come and snipe it even harder. i'll complete the socials tomorrow and lock it after adding everyhting to dexscreener, dont buy if you dont believe

>> No.58652894

Why not rug it and then launch the exact same token again and again until the bots stop buying? That would give you more eth to put in the LP for your legit run

>> No.58652909

is that a turkroach hand?

>> No.58652933

Jared doesn’t snipe new contracts you absolute newfag. Nobody does like OP is pretending. I’ve launched many tokens before. You will see one or two $30-$50 snipers but not retards throwing thousands at it like the screenshot suggests. It’s a gay shill thread and you are all gay

>> No.58652947

grog holds rock, it's from bizonacci video or something

>> No.58652968

I agree with you completely on everything, but jared did get on one of my contracts on the first like 30 minutes once so idk.

>> No.58652977

Because he sandwiched someone with retarded slippage. That’s all the bot is programmed to do

>> No.58652985
File: 836 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20240618_165334_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58653018

I still can't figure out the meme. Another hint plz

>> No.58653021

>Opensource: no.

>> No.58653030

those are all probably just snipping bots.
rug them anon.
you know what you must do.

>> No.58653060
File: 1.32 MB, 1192x734, approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit he white
please deliver OP, wen lp lock?

>> No.58653061

Its OP phoneposting, post ur metamask i’ll airdrop you some rock soon.

>> No.58653065

go and look you absolute mongoloid dickhead, jared is all over this. what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.58653067

yes there are, but they will dump on your chart and on eachother. It's profitable for them on average even if they get rugged a lot, because on ETH not many people make actual 5minute rugpulls like on SOL and Base because it's expensive to deploy

>> No.58653087


Thanks anon, and may the rocks bring us fortune

>> No.58653113

this is the liquidity puller anon isn't he?
this is the same guy who makes a coin, give a shit excuse for why he hasn't locked liquidity yet and then a couple of hours later he pulls the liquidity and runs away with a like $100.
i'm almost positive it's the same guy.
i advise everyone here to not touch this shit at all.
this poorfag is going to rug you all for like $100

>> No.58653118

Those are chink arms

>> No.58653194

i think OP would have done that by now instead of drawing all this attention to an unknown project. it mooned to where it basically is now BEFORE he posted about it and there's like 22 ETH in liq. why wouldn't he have already rugged

>> No.58653206

old "friend",,, bilbo,,, he say

we make grug,,, in reality,,, he never make grug,,, he only make good-rug

>> No.58653222

assuming it's the same guy, last time he got away with more than $100 so maybe he is trying a different strategy.
regardless i'm not touching this shit until the liquidity is locked and everyone else should do the same.

>> No.58653240

Grug no trust $Rock until OP bun dem

>> No.58653241


>> No.58653260

post the ca faggot

>> No.58653271

FAGGOT OP https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xcc2b006f5913a16a48591ea23dd7d3b1ad94e91e

>> No.58653275

I want to make a coin. How do I do it?
Specifically 49 coins that talk to each other... if that's a thing.

>> No.58653281


>> No.58653282

you had a networth of 2 eth, rug it idiot

>> No.58653300

he either pumped it with other accounts or it's odd that idiots are buying this contract