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File: 457 KB, 3546x1456, 1718428010167848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58649886 No.58649886 [Reply] [Original]

im not selling

>> No.58649890
File: 1.47 MB, 1180x1186, bars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna lie bro this is taking a lot longer than I expected.
is the divergence between the biggest news in crypto history (DTCC + SWIFT, either one on their own would be the biggest news ever) and languishing in low 2 figures, is it specifically designed to send us insane?

>> No.58649929

>the same narratives of imminent insitutional adoption from 7 years ago aren't working for my 7 year old alt, why??????
this is your brain on altcoin cults

>> No.58649939

ummm im not selling

>> No.58649941

grandpa can you please also post these posts from 1980 that thought IBM and Xerox were useless and overvalued?

They proved their haters wrong, investors made bank. Oh yeah you should have invested in 1980, but everyone did just like you right? Even with a -80% since 5 years you're still up, right?

>> No.58649945

i can post some im not selling. can you?

>> No.58649948

already did you faggot.
Im short as its the only way to make money with LINK (Ticker: $LINK)

>> No.58649949

thats cool but im not selling

>> No.58649950

its ok, the chainlink labs employees are doing the selling for you.

>> No.58649956

post short

>> No.58649957

Selling to who?

>> No.58649992

>this is taking a lot longer than I expected
No it isn't.
Link blew up and completely dominated crypto within three years.

>> No.58650007

not selling

>> No.58650010
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>> No.58650032

you are a delusional brownnigger. you can be overall bullish link and be tactically short. why? to increase the size of your link stack. but you are not capable of this because you are actually retarded and delusional.

>> No.58650037

bro... thats absolutely insane. not even lying to you right now. but im not selling

>> No.58650042

i know you are not selling because you are absolutely delusional. you even think that i am like some kind of conspiracy trying to get you to sell your coins to me. this is how delusional you are. i don't give a fuck about link its a high level scam. i should know...i have been all in icp for the past 3 years. but 6 months ago i learned to have a long term view and be tactically short. i have literally increased my stack by 3x. don't be so fucking myopic

>> No.58650043
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>> No.58650046
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>> No.58650049

you spent all that time making that image and im not even gonna read it. not selling

>> No.58650052

its fine. i need people like you. people like you are the reason i can make money in this market. thank you for your service link marine. :salute:

>> No.58650054

i know i know its just that im not selling thats all

>> No.58650060

im not selling. not reading either

>> No.58650078

I’m sort of doing this, but I don’t have an actual short position because I’m not an actual cunt like you, I’m simply providing liquidity on the Eth/Link pair on uniswap.

>> No.58650087

Just breezing through the catalogue and stopped in here to add that I'm not selling either, to the chorus of voices of those not selling.
Why do they want us to sell so bad?

>> No.58650263
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Beware: These people’s birth year starts with “19”

>> No.58650396
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1489, FUDCUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww look at these losers getting all upset
sorry cunts, but you cant make anyone unstake or sell
thousands of hours collectively wasted just to get told that you're a bunch of impotent faggots AGAIN lmao

>> No.58650490

hey guys
I too, am not selling.
Really coingecko should lower the "circulating supply" of link to account for this.

>> No.58650843

beware: im not selling

>> No.58650864

5 More years. Don't even look at the price until then. You aren't selling regardless if its $5 or $90 so who cares just close your eyes and forget it exists until then and just have automatic weekly payments.
This. It was always intended to be held for decades.

>> No.58650944

>It was always intended to be held for decades.
It should've reached and held the top 5 years ago.

>> No.58651164
File: 117 KB, 1280x1280, 1717803372828084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What most third world shitcoin traders on here fail to understand is that LINK is going to be a part of a paradigm shift in the financial system the likes of which we haven't seen in our lifetimes. The DTCC, SWIFT and RWA tokenisation stuff is an acknowledgement that the current financial institutions are irreparably broken and that in the coming years it's going to completely collapse in on itself, the market makers know this and LINK is the preparation for the new more secure model that's going to be rolled out to replace the old model.

It's a big gamble but I'd rather take a shot on a serious plan made by some of the biggest players in global finance than ignore it and put my money solely in boomer stocks, gold and shitcoin roulette.

>> No.58651167


>> No.58651196


>> No.58651328

Yes and chain link labs will make billions and their token will be 15 dollars because it has no burn mechanism not buy pressure beyond the initial amount companies need for setting up an oracle.

>> No.58651346

>30 year old chimping out

>> No.58651562

we all know that the seethe is if eth will outperform us this cycle which will end in a little over a year
since cll has shown time and again to hate us to their very core
even now they are planning their ramp up period into the coming bear for max investor profit minimization

>> No.58651607

The market is too busy gambling on assets that have immediate interest, they're not going to invest in something that isn't likely to see huge pumps until there's good reason to.
You're one of the third worlders that I'm talking about, you can't think of anything past your shitcoin roulette. The current model of staking is purely in beta, if/when (nothing is ever 100% guaranteed) Link is adopted by the financial institutions to conduct transactions then stakers and nodes will be paid out based on usage/turnover rather than a set percentage.
Do you think the token price will remain at $15 when they're paying out a percentage of global transactions?