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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58649200 No.58649200 [Reply] [Original]

>my shitcoin from 2021 is totally going to recover guys!

when will these retards learn

>> No.58649225

mine is different

>> No.58649250
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>when will these retards learn
They will eventually.

>> No.58649260

'Rising tide will float all boats'
'Go ahead and sell more 'X' for me'
'Perfect time to add to my stack, bought more'
'Just DCA bro'
'Who cares about sats'

>> No.58649270

wtf is wrong with the brains of these people

>> No.58649371

DOT will make me rich!
Captcha: JSGAY2

>> No.58649385

I doubt it will.

The hype around this is as good as dead. Why not consider viable RWA-based projects like Ondo, Dua, Props, or any others that sit well with you, rather than holding an alt that will remain as stable as USDT even in a bull run?

>> No.58649390

my shitcoin from 2024 dumped hard

>> No.58649391

I don't get why a lot of folks panic when BTC drops a little more, like during a correction. We are just so screwed if we have those plebs in the space.


Exactly what should be asked.

>> No.58649397

Kek. These emotional plebs are necessary. Do you like crab legs? That's all the markets would ever be without emotion. Slow, methodical, and totally boring, with very little opportunity. Even a bull (who were worshipped then and now) is utterly boring if it walks too slow and doesn't taunt anybody.

>> No.58649966

only 1 or 2 year old coins survive in 2024, I mean I still have trump maga and that thing has been going up since last year

>> No.58650000

Oldfag here. It’s like music. Each trend in music has a few long term survivors who make it into the next fashion in music. For every Bowie or Rolling Stones who could become established enough to keep going there were thousands of bands who only success was in their era.

Same for crypto. If you are smart you won’t bet on last cycles plays even if you are bag holding them in hope they recover. Best to just on lower cap newer gems. Here are some of my picks, Tectum as it scales btc, tones of RWA projects, KNS will be huge. Last cycle I was in quant and Fantom. Don’t bother with them this cycle. They won’t make you rich now.