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58647782 No.58647782 [Reply] [Original]

I believe 4chan has the best advice on crypto, i trust anons more than some eceleb andrew tate/sam hyde le based shitcoiners

>> No.58647792

get like $100 and gamble shitcoins till u get lcuky, base chain is pretty hot rn, tg basedcet if u wanna make some money launching soon dev did a 1000000x before nigger

>> No.58647795

if you want to live a happy life then no crypto

>> No.58647801

Honestly just stick with BTC and ETH until you have a better understanding of things. Crypto actually is 99% scams

>> No.58648284

>more than some eceleb andrew tate
That's an extremely low bar. Your local crackhead would be more trustworthy.

>> No.58648286

Basically this

>> No.58648290

>i trust anons
you really REALLY should not.

>> No.58649905

just one word Groyper, NFA

>> No.58651564

Happiness was never an option...
It's in the fine print, almost like selling your soul to the devil.

>> No.58651566

It depends, how much money you got? If you can afford to wait until the end of the year than i would suggest getting some alts (matic,polygon,chainlink,avalanche,agoras,cardano,solana) basically all the tokens that are alternative chains will work fine, even

>> No.58651571
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go back to plebbit

>> No.58651583

you seriously just tell the newfag to buy altcoins on june? he's gonna get traumatized and throw the towel early, you should've told him to get some poopshitjew on solana or something, ease him into the fray

>> No.58651589
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leave alone the newfagie ,it will only a matter of time until he buy and buy shitcoin and th.en he'll come here to say he's suicidal.

>> No.58651610

>1. Download 4chan X
>2. Filter out the words link, avax, icp, xrp and all other tickers $ from general threads and obvious pajeet shills
>3. Before buying anything investigate and delve into that coin's backstory. Learn all it's lore. Controversies, chart action, everything.

Finally, listen to your gut. You've filtered the garbage, you've found something that has existed for years and hence most likely won't rug tomorrow, you've analyzed it. Do you go for it or no? It's your call.

>> No.58651617

I'll save you some time, don't open that door, I'm telling you as a fren.

>> No.58651624

>Base chain is pretty hot rn
Maybe if you are still living in 2022.

>> No.58651625
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>4chan x
back in the old days we used to call the pajeets pajeets and currylegs, we didn't hide from them we told them they were pajeets in their face, you cunt

>> No.58651630

base is just filled with dying coins and lots of scams
its like ton but worse and filled with broken dreams

>> No.58651631
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A hundred bucks a week into BTC. Don't look at the price and don't think much about it just DCA gradually. You shall be compensated soon after. Simple as.

>> No.58651632

I love crackheads, they're so funny, it's almost like they're not there, but they are, everywhere.

>> No.58651634
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>finally, listen to your gut
what if im just hungry?

>> No.58651638

checked you two are going to make it
extremely ngmi

>> No.58651648

maybe he needs to learn by the hard way.

>> No.58653238

Buy and Hodl AAST. Thank biz later.

>> No.58653253
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He's already here. It can only get better right?

>> No.58653374

>It depends, how much money you got?
approximately zero

>> No.58653375

very well rounded advice

>> No.58654016

kek based gatekeeper

>> No.58655821

it's always a good idea not to trust bald guys, but you also have to learn to make your own decisions, I mean I found trump maga because I looked it up, not because an incel told me to

>> No.58655872

>4chan has the best advice on crypto,
kek you might as well just book a plane ticket to mumbair with all your cash and start throwing it in the air while you walk down main street.

>> No.58655935
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>I believe 4chan has the best advice on crypto, i trust anons more than some eceleb andrew tate/sam hyde le based shitcoiners

>> No.58656030

>Here're the hotcakes

>> No.58656037
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>best advice
anon, I...

>> No.58656405

In addition to your list I'm just going to add IO and Push protocol because of the upcoming API staking