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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.29 MB, 1804x1021, gamestop shareholders meeting II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58646482 No.58646482 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58644926

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.58646488
File: 446 KB, 650x1150, AileHoldinGME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy holdin' and waitin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 429.864B, 77P = 5.583B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 386.885B, 68P = 5.689B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 333.429B, 66P = 5.052B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
Meeting Jun 17
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.58646501
File: 148 KB, 1440x1123, Screenshot_20240617_105844_thinkorswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throat fucking every baggot in this thread

>> No.58646507
File: 1.29 MB, 907x640, 17070871168786791707087116878679 (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646509

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.58646516

no one gives a shit. you're just like the bbbyq freaks. go back to your own containment zone respectively.

>> No.58646517

god do i hate u baggies
so deluded so ridiculous
u shoulda sold at $80 :-/

>> No.58646518

The amount of Shilling is insane

>> No.58646521
File: 15 KB, 425x181, I will NOT cool it with the antisemitic remarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to bankrupt israel

>> No.58646524


>> No.58646525

Reminder it's been three years and all we have got from leaf cuck RC is poop emojis, winking on camera, and a failed NFT store. Oh and dilution and more dilution. Fuck this leaf cuck and le reddit army

>> No.58646526
File: 3.07 MB, 2048x1462, ryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I have voted anons? I did not

>> No.58646527

Why make such as fuss about it constantly

Cultivate your own garden

>> No.58646529

i've been meaning to get in on the semiconductor gains for so long but im scared itll start pumping the moment i put money into it

>> No.58646532

why can't ryan cohen just tell us what hes gonna do with the money

>> No.58646534
File: 687 KB, 1771x1771, 1718568617584157(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never sell. Chew on that reader. Yes you. You who are watching the watchers. You have to create better traps. We all know we are in the same room together. If I smoke you smoke. If I take a shit, you inhale. So unless you are willing to pay what is fair, we are going to die here together. Do you feel my handshake? I work with my hands.

>> No.58646537

Retail Lite, we are Fucking up you Cats today. You should have stayed on the right side of whatever bridge or tunnel you use to invade our Fucking city. We don't want you Fuckers! What do you want here?

We are a lot older than you, and a lot smarter than you Cocksuckers. You may be as smart as we is when you get to be our age, but you Fuckers ain't there yet! On your best Fucking day, you ain't smart as any of us on our worst Fucking day! Come on put it MotherFuckers! We're Fucking hungry! We gonna cash you Cocksuckers outside and send you packing!

>> No.58646539

you're not from his tribe, nigger. why would he tell you

>> No.58646548


>> No.58646551

I hate how every copypasta is immediately used in the first 50 posts of every thread so the rest is just arguing or going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

>> No.58646552

He could have even started his dumb babby store from scratch in all this time. But no, we only got NFTs, some dumb kids' books and AMC tier dilootion.

Congrats to everyone, really.

>> No.58646553
File: 106 KB, 644x781, 499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never sell but I WILL post photographs of Ryan Cohen's face with dicks crudely drawn on in MS Paint.

I will post them on the internet for everyone to see. This is a threat.

>> No.58646554
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Butterfly Joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBBY bonds are now named DK-Butterfly

>> No.58646556

easily finishing -25%, good work baggies

>> No.58646557

ryan is actively cockblocking us by preventing moass this is so fucking frustrating just pay me already holy fuck stop the stupid cryptic grifting tweets and dilution. just fucking pay me moass is inevitable and i am not fucking leaving so just get it over with holy shit

>> No.58646560

My life is like a video game.
Trying hard to beat the stage.
All while I am still collecting coins.
Trying hard to save the girl.
Obstacles, I'm jumping hurdles
I'm growing up to be a big boy

I battle with the evil ways.
I travel far and try and save.
Sorry, but your princess isn't here.

>> No.58646562

Ryan Cohen doesn't care about black people

>> No.58646564

I'm going insane, I just want to exit the stock bros

>> No.58646566

Paid stock bashers still here… Wouldnt be necessary if moass wasnt still on table

>> No.58646575

He told me last week, Israel donation. He said “le motherlands needs it more, the stock market is a tool for moving money from the baggies to the military budget”

>> No.58646576

only three more years

>> No.58646579
File: 705 KB, 1918x1038, +489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and delusional baggie

>> No.58646581
File: 618 KB, 1284x704, 8E07B581-542B-40E7-9E61-377DC45D5453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646582

nice meltdown

>> No.58646584

this is embarrassing fellas. Imagine supporting this shit company for 3 years and they can't even give you a word of encouragement holy shit. I am not a paid fudder i am a DISILLUSIONED holder and baggie and i am fucking done with this shit.

>> No.58646585

I dont have to be paid to realize ryan is only there to stop moass

>> No.58646586


>> No.58646587

sell :)

>> No.58646592

Seriously though. Not even a peep on why the fuck they needed to raise 4b. Just looks like you wanted to kill the gamma.

>> No.58646593

>if you fuckers actually don't like Cohen, why didn't you vote him out
Oh wait, you don't have the stock

>> No.58646594

I got trapped while swinging this when the stupid bitch from NY shot the stock in the face and RC lisped his disdain for people trying to actually make money.

>> No.58646595

whatever u say, tranny

>> No.58646596

Switch your every lot you own for 6/21 20c.
That way, when they expire worthless, you're finally free and you've even saved some of your principal.

>> No.58646601
File: 68 KB, 892x892, 1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not being paid to draw dicks on Ryan Cohen's face in MS Paint. I WILL do that shit for free if he leaves us holding our own dicks again.

>> No.58646602

I like this pepe.

>> No.58646604
File: 591 KB, 291x200, 03479B6A-9E8D-44FA-8F19-732E6179FBF3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit

>> No.58646606

If it were so unlikely to occur: why open up all the legions of shills everywheere, and time targeted shorts the moment the shareholder call begins(and other important media times). Almost like they're right here with us trying to do demoralization hammer down. Too bad the current price is STILL no where near my cost basis.
> I'm never posting proof of my positions.

>> No.58646610
File: 945 KB, 960x960, 9ihgf890pkjy9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just had a thought. As Teddy is named after his father... maybe RC is waiting to drop the potential merger info on fathers day.

>> No.58646612
File: 70 KB, 763x324, 2024-06-17 - SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL FOR DIVERSITY MATRIX NOT APPROVED!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'm thinking wagmi

>> No.58646614

i wish i was so regarded that my view of the world is such that if someone disagrees with my worldview, imma call them a shill. such a simpleton.no wonder SS loves u lot.

>> No.58646615

Its wild how literally nobody who says they're still green will post any proof while they DEMAND you show your position to them when you say "what is wrong with this shit company???"

>> No.58646616

kek, you should write up 3-20 paragraphs on reddit

>> No.58646621

Remember how dead biz was during the email verification. It's proof that shills are shills.

>> No.58646627


>> No.58646628

I averaged down hard on 10, and also sold a few calls on the runs, so I'm green.
But still not free.

>> No.58646629
File: 1.65 MB, 1633x2045, 1718622995557841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I just got paid by the shares I sold after holding them for literally 3 years with unwavering conviction. I did not hesitate selling them. I do not feel regret. the stock can go to 200$ EOY and I will not give 1 (one) single fuck, because that's not what I was here for.

>> No.58646636
File: 51 KB, 680x648, GQSo-47XUAEFB9l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58646638

lmao towelniggers are actually going to make it will gme baggies get dumped on forever. seriously just kill me.

>> No.58646640
File: 226 KB, 914x1280, 1718210764070572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought more. try not to be too upset

>> No.58646641
File: 253 KB, 720x427, greasyanusfruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. People that did had their position reposted over and over.

>> No.58646644

>how dead biz was during the email verification
you're one of those dumb ones stupid enough to verify your email, didnt you?

>> No.58646645
File: 114 KB, 523x873, 1452117591583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their jew angle is so funny, guy in the last thread even got cleaned up.

Might even expect to see '4chan the evil antisemitic hacker aligns with GME' in the news sometime with how desperate they are.

>> No.58646649

I'm going to have to wait for this to hit singles or low doubles to average out, if it crabs, I'm going to be a "valued" shareholder for fucking ever.

>> No.58646650
File: 1.64 MB, 1200x1724, ReCOVERing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to stay hydrated while HODLing $GME!

Two more weeks!

>> No.58646651

Ryan, if MOASS does not happen before my dog dies I WILL murder you. I don't care how long it takes. It could be 20 years from now at a shareholders meeting on the moon. You're going down. He turned 9 recently and you've wasted a good third of his life. He deserves real meat and a big plot of land to run around on. If I can't give him that because I hedl your shit stock and wasted my time it will eventually be your biggest problem

>> No.58646653
File: 113 KB, 960x1568, chanstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's simple, we're all going to wagmi
X, XX, XXX,XXXX, XXXXX,... doesn't matter
all WAGMI material, unlike the shillers that FUD here for free, they're NGMI at all, ever

>> No.58646654
File: 94 KB, 684x900, 1673476717394087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defeated kek

>> No.58646655

Friendly reminder, all biz comes to this thread to shit on you baggies because you are reddit faggots and completely delusional. We are not paid shills, you guys are just an easy retarded target.

>> No.58646656
File: 104 KB, 666x500, RDT_20240617_1139172203331550286877836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646658
File: 1.25 MB, 844x1200, birds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped posting and went back to lurking

>> No.58646662

Yup. Also, who the fuck comes onto 4chan, on the blue board, at all hours of the day, to bash the holders of a stock they do not own. And they do this like clockwork and seem to go into this frenetic overdrive whenever key moments are occuring. I can only imagine what a mess the board is gonna be when actual M&A news strikes(corporate bonds don't just get renamed for random reasons..)

>> No.58646663

Wow 6 ((yous)) within 10 minutes from Stock Basher team. Tyfys ladyboys

>> No.58646664

I have 500 shares of BBBY. What can I expect to happen? Will it go to GME Jan 21 prices?

>> No.58646665

>no merger
>bbby faggots might actually make it

>> No.58646670
File: 3.83 MB, 2492x2592, 1708543667539311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You havent seen NOTHING yet.
Thursday market close / Friday market open will be a day to remember.

>> No.58646671
File: 1.47 MB, 478x218, 2010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646672

>What can I expect to happen

>> No.58646674

>at all hours of the day, to bash the holders of a stock they do not own
timezones exists. and whats wrong with people who dont own the stock share the view that ryan might not really be acting in the interests of his shareholders.

>> No.58646676

oh yeah. sure :^)

>> No.58646677
File: 97 KB, 1000x768, npwh2gj8267d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a mensch. I wouldn't want anyone else leading my company. Watch what this dude does over time. Man treats every single penny like it's his own.

>> No.58646678
File: 244 KB, 2000x1397, yebot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646682

you have to consider. the people short arent human or even from this planet. they owe you while owning galaxies and whole unsiverses.
word on the street is one bbby = one galaxy.

>> No.58646685

don't worry, if towelniggers make it, so will the GME-maxis (just not NEARLY as hard as towelniggers)

>> No.58646686

Hey you retarded faggots calling everybody shills- I'm being FORCED to own shares of this shit company because you niggerbrainedniggers cant orchestrate a short squeeze with the fourth-largest owner of the stock.
>just sell then

>> No.58646688

I used to have 2 shares of towel
will I wagmi?
I expect my 100% GME portfolio to dump in the near future

>> No.58646689
File: 4 KB, 48x48, 8d92f_pokemon_blue_version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on? why are we ngmi now when it was 110% happening this week two more weeks ago, did you really let me fall for a jewish psyop anons???? what

>> No.58646690

Thx guys, I knew I was destined to make it.

>> No.58646693

So did the DEI pass or not ?

>> No.58646695

>Thx guys, I knew I was destined to make it.

>> No.58646697

it's the wagmi it's so over wagmi it's so over cycle

>> No.58646698

yes, rc is doing the reverse michael jackson now.

>> No.58646700
File: 64 KB, 640x501, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shills can so easily be identified by how boring they are, like, nobody would waste their time posting such boring shit all day long, obviously you are fucking paid to post here lmao

>> No.58646701

>So did the DEI pass or not ?
got thrown out like the whore she was

>> No.58646702
File: 235 KB, 736x1024, IMG_7427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a bummer sure, but I want Ryan to take the time and iron out all the details so that the plan is 100% bulletproof. I don’t want him to half ass it because we’re moaning and bitching and it the whole things ends in a long legal battle in court like Overstock or MMTLP because all the guilty parties are crying foul ball. Because if you can’t tell already, the FUD niggers in the the thread are begging Ryan and DFV to force a squeeze, literally, which would end in court BTW. And 120m dilution is a drop in a bucket compared to the 2 billion synthetics out there BTW. And Ryan still hasn’t bought any shares so M&A is most definitely still on the table.

>> No.58646703
File: 3.19 MB, 1290x1720, 17070871168786791707087116878679 (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pass and publicly shamed.

>> No.58646704

what the fuck are you talking about? i thought bbby went to 0

>> No.58646707

Reminder Ryan Cohen is failing his duty to protect shareholders when the entire world can see the stock is manipulated. He could issue a one time Mario pencil dividend to all shareholders and end this tomorrow. But he won't, perhaps bc his last name is Cohen and we trusted him.

>> No.58646711

anyone have the hc edits of ryan and his dead dad getting fucked in the ass by their dog while they sucked each others dicks? seems like a good time to break out the classics

>> No.58646713

she was SEETHING

>> No.58646714

>I don’t want him to half ass it
he did half ass it. fumbled the ball with the splivvy paperwork that was sent to the DTCC.

>> No.58646716
File: 3.73 MB, 2670x2736, 2021 a stock odyssey-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part I

>> No.58646719

because it will emotional bankrupt us?

>> No.58646723

Kek 4 years later and bag gots got btfo by their own ceo. Nice job you sure showed the hedgies who's boss lmao

>> No.58646725

wow so based. see you next thread

>> No.58646726
File: 69 KB, 621x414, Wolverines (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.58646727

Ok I'll admit that the lispy queer saying "yeah the board recommends everybody to vote NO" literally the second after the bitch fillibustered for like 15m was funny as shit, but I'm here for MONEY not FUNNY.

>> No.58646731

Based Gamestop board

>> No.58646732
File: 247 KB, 975x1000, pajeet is alone in the darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for

>> No.58646734

It was pretty kino ngl. She yapped about some retarded shit in the most monotone voice possible, Mark just chips in at the end “Yeah, anyways the board recommends against this shit”, and then it gets shut down as quickly as it was introduced, kek blackrockies

>> No.58646735
File: 68 KB, 1705x959, OkayGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I needed some kind of offset to my NVIDIA gains this year...

>> No.58646737

Ok you're a little slow so I'll spell it out for you:

>> No.58646740

Anon... my feels... this hits close to home for me

>> No.58646741

>i'm forced to bear the responsibility of my actions and i'm going to cry about it
show tits

>> No.58646744
File: 82 KB, 1290x335, IMG_4763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if anyone who’s been here thought this would go any differently. Cohens never given any guidance EVER during these calls, and in fact no guidance ever. Never tells us what the hells going on, which definitely pisses me and others off at times but that’s just the way he works, I guess. It’d be nice to know the plan, and I don’t see why he’s so adverse to sharing… don’t tell me it’s because of the heckin hedgies bc I don’t buy that

>> No.58646746

You will own GME share and you will be happy

>> No.58646747

well then u better sell

>> No.58646749

wow so if roaring capeshit didn't pump his options bag he would've lost it all
well good thing he dumped on baggers huh

>> No.58646752

I dont want to ;-;

>> No.58646754

Did anyone noticed that she was scared? Wtf was that all about?

>> No.58646756

kek dumbfuck NVDA baggies

>> No.58646757

Is there a recording? I've been at work and missed the hilarity.

>> No.58646758

Aw ur little 20 shares. So cute

>> No.58646760
File: 120 KB, 960x1568, pepe pirate 3024 futuristic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an uptick in shilling? yeah, you know that's a bullish indicator

>> No.58646762
File: 2.88 MB, 1398x2183, 1702082428311052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’s just the way he works

>> No.58646763

Wait what did I miss? Why is bbby gonna make this thread real awkward real soon?

>> No.58646764


>> No.58646765

It pisses the hedgies off they never know what to expect.

>> No.58646766

that part alone made the call worth it. my faith in the executive team is restored after telling some huffy advanced HR certificate holder to fuck off. The Seethe was palpable.

>> No.58646767

>the people calling everybody shills dont even own a contract's worth of shares

>> No.58646768
File: 109 KB, 1345x274, 1659078356639672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people forget just how fucked they are

>> No.58646769
File: 46 KB, 204x199, 1717986706698168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys it's okay that ryan is doing fuckall because that's just how he's always been okay?

>> No.58646770

Shills went from “kek baggies” to ME WANT MONEY NOW SQUEEZY SQUIZZLE DFDIZZLE.

>> No.58646771

>forced to own shares
Welcome to t+1 nigger. Shouldn't have shorted.

>> No.58646776
File: 146 KB, 500x730, 1498667260479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys it's okay that ryan is doing fuckall because that's just how he's always been okay?

>> No.58646778
File: 120 KB, 5440x4260, sneed hedge cunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed hedgies

>> No.58646782

Lmfao. As a baggie I do enjoy the memes that shit on us. If you can't laugh at yourself then you're not living.
>Verificiation not required.

>> No.58646783
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, 1718593290405974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is embarrassing fellas. Imagine supporting this shit company for 3 years and they can't even give you a word of encouragement holy shit. I am not a paid fudder i am a DISILLUSIONED holder and baggie and i am fucking done with this shit.

>> No.58646787
File: 41 KB, 600x600, orangutan_square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought I could make money on the volatility, now I'm a baggie getting called a shill by people who own 1/10th what I do.

>> No.58646789

Wait wait wait is that 12bil synthetic shares?

>> No.58646792
File: 340 KB, 1200x1096, divinepepa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no DEI
>cultlike fellowship
>$4B in moneypit
After considering everything I guess it's time to foreverhold until the next kekening again, which is really easy since holding doesn't costy me anything.
Easy play.
See you fren, when the market is not financially boring anymore.

>> No.58646794
File: 490 KB, 1290x1267, IMG_3582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.58646796

If you can stand some random gay youtuber sure, heres the stream I watched https://www.youtube.com/live/Z-XmKowZIXM

>> No.58646798

kek welcome to our club where everyone who voices valid criticism is a shill
just hold though as it will more than likely pump again.

>> No.58646799

What's the context

>> No.58646800
File: 67 KB, 853x800, 1647008288055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck does anyone else here just love disney and marvel?

>> No.58646801
File: 79 KB, 852x960, 1620232310503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one think that the objective of locking the float of the official outstanding was important for morale and it was made harder by the offers, we should not pussyfoot around that.
But being able to lock the float is worthless if the company goes under, so having the cash is worth more if that's what it takes.
Given that Ryan only mentions what is relevant it should be notable that he continues to mention the difficult economic times, both right now and what is coming.
If there might not be a MOASS anytime soon I'd rather have the headache for those fucks to stay alive than to just lay down and die.

>> No.58646802

that's one hell of nose
is it from the gay disney movie?
what does it mean?

>> No.58646803
File: 1.40 MB, 385x300, kart souls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am perfectly okay with how things went today. This has been FUD'd for a week as the apocalypse. Instead it'll close 5% down on the day. But I am supposed to believe that all my hopes and dreams are dead.

>> No.58646805

Sad, but green.
We could stand being more green.

>> No.58646807
File: 43 KB, 854x480, Bruno-Encanto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646808
File: 435 KB, 720x706, 1680088016872466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you new anon?

>> No.58646809

Hedgie here, moass is cancelled. RC is helping us out and Diluting another 700,000,000 shares for us tomorrow. The expected price after dilution is around 35 cents a share.

>> No.58646810

You seem to be awfully quick with the tweets , starting to wonder if you are the man himself

>> No.58646812

That guy sees the futures of all those around him and he got cast out by his family for predicting the destruction of their home. It's ambitious enough to where it could apply to shorts or shareholders or pretty much anything.

>> No.58646813

>50x shorted
>5,000% short interest
God, I pray that these real numbers be revealed. I want the world to know what is afoot.

>> No.58646814

do you guys think he'll tweet about iron man next? that would be so fucking COOL

>> No.58646816

How dare you ever compare me to a Masshole. I’m Texan baby. (Born Floridian)

>> No.58646818

Context? Never seen this one.

>> No.58646820
File: 29 KB, 480x391, 1672131631909915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closer to 13 kek

>> No.58646821

It is pretty funny that gme is in such an uproar over a pre-split price of $100. I know it's just stupid tourists coming to poke fun but really entertaining stuff

>> No.58646822

quit trying to appeal to my contrarian nature

>> No.58646823
File: 346 KB, 1259x1142, IMG_4769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s just a buy order to add to what I already have.. do you faggots never add to your positions or something

>> No.58646826
File: 45 KB, 736x730, 35c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm stuck holding this shit stock after RC said he was going to close stores
>he has to pay to exit those leases
>all of the money is going into bad leases, there will be no BH 2.0
>I hold a worrying amount of shares

>> No.58646828

Holy crap! A Disney reference?!?!? And is that a hint of...green?!?!

Roaring Kitty for the win! My fellow apes...prepare for liftoff!!!

>> No.58646831

“ This image appears to be from the animated film "Encanto" by Disney. The character in the image looks like Bruno Madrigal, one of the characters in the movie. "Encanto" tells the story of the Madrigal family, who live in a magical house in Colombia and each family member has a unique gift. Bruno, specifically, has the ability to see visions of the future.”

Bruno seeing Green in future

>> No.58646832
File: 2.60 MB, 720x510, moass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a long time ago, the numbers are no doubt worse now. I need to put together my short data and volume flow to how how net short they are with the PUBLIC numbers

>> No.58646833

world is crashing, he will buy blackrock in 2 more year, trust the plan

>> No.58646839

Take the balls out of your mouth for a moment please

>> No.58646841

It's the guy who could "see the future" and everyone hates him because his predictions were vague and shitty

Gee I wonder how that relates to RK

>> No.58646845

>Nobody talks about him
>Lives in the cellar
>His color is green
>He sees the future

>> No.58646844

Modafugga the whole plot of that movie is he predicted the inevitable destruction of all those around him. His powers just glow green.

>> No.58646847
File: 334 KB, 640x464, 1418591361893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646849

I used to add to my position but then I got sick of getting throatfucked every week and started buying other shit so I could build my portfolio

>> No.58646854
File: 45 KB, 658x662, 1087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted a house. A nice 4 bedroom 3 bathroom cabin on 40 acres of fuck off. That's all I wanted.

>> No.58646857

Keep holding Apes! Moass in July!

>> No.58646859

>+10k worth of shares
><5k portfolio value
Nigger what the fuck are you doing

>> No.58646862

Kek then why did you buy brainstop

>> No.58646863

>the numbers are no doubt worse now
No doubt. Looking at the chartexchange numbers, there's an imbalance of about 1,100,000 short vs long positions in the last year alone, and many of those were opened within the last month. And that's just the surface of the open market data. I want to know just how monumentally fucked these asshats are.

>> No.58646864

We don’t talk about about bbby?

>> No.58646865

this pizza fud is actually your best ever ammunition and it's out of date already.

>> No.58646866
File: 523 KB, 1290x1494, IMG_4771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that too.. these things are simultaneously possible

>> No.58646868

Volatility is like crack, anon.

>> No.58646871


>> No.58646872

good job I have 3x your gamestop shares

>> No.58646879

>anon is somehow worth 5k despite 10k in equities.

gme is anons safest investment?

>> No.58646880


>> No.58646883

It’s across multiple 2 different portfolios (see cost average) I have 110 the majority in my Roth. GameStop by far my biggest position. Feels good to have average below DFVs. Easy WAGMI

>> No.58646884

stop id hopping bbbyq nigger

>> No.58646885
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>> No.58646886
File: 129 KB, 1170x650, F2A5B364-21C8-4242-9A3D-A5A8797A893B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646888
File: 3.74 MB, 2277x1611, paperplanes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Net flow was negative (non short) last time I looked at the numbers for the past ~month. Don't know what reporting is required for DP (ATS)/ Internalization (Non-ATS) off the lit markets though, which is no doubt where most of the trickery is happening. Significantly short using the lit data, though. I find it funny when new fags come in and don't even know about DOOMPs or supposedly good faith actors complain about a 120m share offering. Anyone who has been here knows what is going on

>> No.58646889

brown and black people good

>> No.58646891

Exactly. There is no possible way for them to close. The SEC, DTCC, the banks, the street, the media, they’re all complicit. GME will break the entire financial system. And that’s why they’re fighting it with all they’ve got. I’m holding and I’m not phased. I’m not here for a lousy $5M payout, that’s basically middle class today. I’m here for meme numbers and I’m holding for zero or hero. Heaven or hell. Not financial advice.

>> No.58646892

No I just didn’t know it was THAT high and u said those are old numbers. God it must be so fucking high now.

>> No.58646895

>be hedgefund
>short a bunch
>get fucking reemed out the asshole when someone calls your shorts
>dilute the stock so much you can close your shorts green.


If you guys run fraud that hard the economy is collapsing. And gme, is once again, not your problem.

>> No.58646896

>Diversity Matrix not approved
Mr Fink is going to be shitting blood over that one for the next few years.
I hope the company does well just to piss him off.

>> No.58646898

If citadel is short vol, this recent spree could have been very bad for them. This has historically almost made them blow up in the past and the price has been stagnating for almost a year. I wonder what their derivatives portfolio is looking like. Something RK could have considered https://volquant.medium.com/epic-failures-lessons-from-volatility-funds-blow-ups-6f4226c8334f

>> No.58646900
File: 195 KB, 1290x1946, IMG_4768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I think I know what just happened
>shillfags don’t recognize computershare
It’s 3 images— my Roth IRA, individual, and my CS account combined 1 image. I have 611 shares total.

>> No.58646903


>> No.58646905

>dilute the stock so much you can close your shorts green.
It diluted 28%. How could they close out positions like they had before 2021 with a 28% dilution?

>> No.58646906
File: 531 KB, 960x1568, chanstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate that blackcock cunt so much i hope he suffers

>> No.58646907

I have no idea how people can go on about how the entire system is fake and gsy and everything is made up and the jews just break the rules constantly and face no consequences just to turn around and go "the numbers and rules don't lie, these jews are fucked" the moment any of it could possibly swing their way. It's one or the other, and at this point it's pretty obvious which one it is. This is like playing CS:GO with hackers and getting blasted through a wall adozen times and going "heh, they aren't allowed to see through walls, surely this time I'll get the drop on them".

>> No.58646909
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, 1713165625218858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58646910
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, mayaGME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a lot of talk on reddit and on here when these numbers were released so I just threw it in excel and back calced what it may be. You can go research all of this if you are really interested

>> No.58646911

ryan cohen will just get permission for 800 billion shares or w/e the FUCK it is to close the fucking shorts

>> No.58646918

He's right
Hi Keith
Pump my bags now

>> No.58646922

Chart anon and I have also posted momentum and float turnover research that indicates that there is a much higher turnover rate of GME shares compared to anything else in the stock market. These results hold true with other stocks with trends similar to GME, indicating most likely a market maker or basket swap is making these moves happen with massive amounts of synthetics

>> No.58646926

keith is always with us, UK keith was a fake persona by real keith to throw us off all along

i bet none of you even shoot shotguns at clay pidgeons

>> No.58646932

UK Keith?
Is this like Solid vs Liquid Keith?

>> No.58646939

Hahahahahahehehehehe well.

If market cap is correct and I am understanding the number of shares correctly.

They would have to issue 36 billion shares to get down to a value of 1 quarter a share with current short interest.

>> No.58646944

Reminder no antisemitic comments about Cohen it's against the rules :^)

>> No.58646956


>> No.58646967
File: 13 KB, 480x360, Keith exposed by AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to touch your second keyboard to defeat UK Keith, and progress towards Keith Gill

>> No.58646980

Someone is buying

>> No.58646981

GME will replace traditional savings and brokerage accounts until shorts are closed (meme numbers realized)
>i highly suggest investing in the GME index
>YOY growth rate of 100%+

>> No.58646987
File: 1.67 MB, 1703x1087, 2024-06-17 20_29_12-_ Bruno&#039;s vision _ scene __ Encanto 2021 Disney - YouTube - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh siloniggers and maxis.

I accept your concession

>> No.58646990

Falling knife down to $20 soon.

>> No.58646994

GME is like the modern version of tossing a silver coin into a fountain and watching jews dive into a get it.

>> No.58646995

In roblox of course

>> No.58646996

Now this is schizoposting

>> No.58646999
File: 2.52 MB, 273x320, mfwgmeholdersposttheirfeet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits witnessed and wgami'd, blessed be the baker

>> No.58647000
File: 994 KB, 644x758, butterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647003
File: 915 KB, 432x217, ACB61EA6-47FC-43B5-87A3-85D33094F5E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok how do I buy butterfly chief? I want gains

>> No.58647004

but do you think he'll tweet about iron man next?
just imagine how cool that would be bro

>> No.58647005

Does Blackrock have to declare if it sold some shares as a result of the shareholder meeting? and can they sell now or do they have to wait for a specific window?

>> No.58647013

no why would you even think that

>> No.58647017
File: 1.64 MB, 1703x1087, 2024-06-17 20_29_12-_ Bruno&#039;s vision _ scene __ Encanto 2021 Disney - YouTube - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the RK tweet and the DK-butterfly name.

I'm expecting the usual 3 chucklefucks to still somehow leap through 17 different tucks and twirls to do the mental gymnastics that this is somehow not what he is talking about

>> No.58647022

I hate BBBaggies so much it's unreal

>> No.58647023

>just imagine how cool that would be bro
He has to communicate with the redditards and normalfags somehow. Coating everything with a layer of plastic goyslop franchises is about the only way to do that.

>> No.58647025

Bobby x Jimmy is the best ship since my mom and dad

>> No.58647028

ever noticed how they RSI is a sinewave around the 30ma? they sell at 70rsi and buy at 30rsi. which is why it doesn't moass or crater.

>> No.58647029

Dfv is still green. He's upset because he has to sell. King jew killed squeeze with dilooootion. It's joever. GG

>> No.58647031

Stop with the mental gymnastics and tell me where I buy butterfly

>> No.58647037
File: 3.62 MB, 338x610, 1715347779479846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, we're gonna WAGMI so hard it's unreal. 1k a share easily.

>> No.58647039

I should have bought more bbby shares.

>> No.58647044

>but do you think he'll tweet about iron man next?
how about dr strange meme telling us he saw millions of possibilities and we lost in all except one. cut to to the scene of the cat.

>> No.58647045

kys towel schizo

>> No.58647046

So the bonds changing to DicK Butt are legit?

>> No.58647048

damn am I a believer now?

>> No.58647052

He's going to have to keep killing it. It's currently happening.

>> No.58647056

I've been telling them for months and they didn't listen.

>Creditors and historic shareholders of the old loss company must own at least 50% of the stock (vote and value) of the reorganized company. If former shareholders are completely wiped out, and only creditors receive equity, the company would not meet the 382(l)(5) qualifications

^ requirements for NOLs

BBBY is authorized up to 901,000,000 shares.

901,000,000 / 2 = 450,500,000 of which this 50% will be go creditors and old shareholders while the other 50% goes to the new owners who will be either be GME, Teddy, RC Ventures, Ryan Cohen, or Dragonfly.

Authorized shares: 901,000,000
50% of this number is divided equally between creditors and old shareholders.
901,000,000 / 2 = 450,500,000

450,500,000 / 2 = 225,250,000 each

Current Total Outstanding Shares: ~ 428 million

428 million / 225.25 million = 1.9001

So for every 1.9001 shares of old BBBY stock you'll get 1 new share.


>Once it gets bought out, the new shares will probably get 1:1 with GME or Teddy or some type of cash + equity conversion.

inb4 incoherent screeching from siloniggers

>> No.58647057

>Stop with the mental gymnastics and tell me where I buy butterfly
do not engage with them. they get their power when you reply to them.

>> No.58647058

>he has to communicate with the redditards and normalfags
>he just has to bro
uh this guy kinda sounds like a faggot desu

>> No.58647060

are we really resisting jewish influence?

>> No.58647063


>> No.58647064
File: 102 KB, 1078x687, Screenshot_20240615-002143_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once it gets bought out, the new shares will probably get 1:1 with GME or Teddy or some type of cash + equity conversion.

Oh boy! It sure is a weird coincidence that GME's total shares outstanding just happen to match BBBY's shares outstanding which would enable a stock for stock 1:1 conversion.

I, as a GME holder, would see no reason to be angry at a stock for stock deal on a shell company that provides billions of dollars in NOLs so that the company I hold stock in can write off the tax credits on profits and grow exponentially!

>> No.58647066

Are those shares with you in the room?

>> No.58647067

>I forgot the RK tweet and the DK-butterfly name.
>Dick Butt Flies
Jokes are baked into this universe. They just have to be.

>> No.58647071


>> No.58647072


>> No.58647073

Did someone else see that sudden candle to 28?

>> No.58647075

the bbbyq niggers are doing that thing again

>> No.58647078
File: 998 KB, 250x251, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647079

I know fren. I have been saying for longer. I don't agree there is 1:1 though because that allows them to buy to close. You want forced closing by mixed consideration of cash and equity. But like the zen master says, "We'll see"

>> No.58647082


>> No.58647084
File: 111 KB, 944x760, Screenshot_20240329-151401_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm going to be doing rough math off of Class 6 in pic rel, assuming all other classes before it were paid in full in cash. Fulcrum security means the class that is most likely to be converted into equity if no cash is available to pay them off. It is determined on a case by case basis and in BBBY's case, it is Class 6 (imo), hence why I've been buying bonds.

$1.8 billion to $2.4 billion with 50% of the authorized 901,000,000 shares belonging to creditors and old shareholders, which is split evenly, so 225,250,000 shares for creditors.

On the lower end, 1.8 billion / 225.25 million = $7.9911 conversion price

On the upper end, 2.4 billion / 225.25 million = $10.6548

So I speculate BBBY will convert bonds in a range between $7.9911 - $10.6548

Hypothetically, if I have $1,000,000 in bonds:

1 million / $7.9911 = 125,139 shares

1 million / $10.6548 = 93,854 shares

>the schizo play has schizo returns
>Press F if tranny sparkles filtered you from BBBY

>> No.58647083

kek, nice to see the source

>> No.58647086
File: 2.56 MB, 498x278, 1671742858296622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care for Cohen much anymore. He may be doing an adequete job on the business side, but this radio silence horseshit is pissing me off. One or 2 times of no guidance? Sure. But nothing for his entire tenure so far? Not the slightest word on what the hell he plans to do with 4 billion, or this massive NFT market and all those hires and the clusterfuck of other oddities going on around the place.

>Muh super secret hide his moves from the jew hedgies
nigger WHAT MOVES? Not a thing he's done since the splivy has either A) helped deal with his shorts or B) mattered if they knew about it beforehand. If they planned on a merger he could have said it today and it would have probably ignited moass on hype alone with no fault to pin on him. Hell just saying "Currently we don't plan on diluting further" would have been a huge moral boost.

I'm not selling, neither should you and shills can tongue my anus, but when it comes to this smug faggot I don't care if he makes gamestop the next amazon or blackrock. As soon as this is over I'm never investing in a single thing he touches. Fuck him, I hope everything he owns goes bankrupt after this is over because no one will stay around to deal with his bullshit without the promise of millions of dollars. Fucking carrot on a stick doublenigger making me literally carry his company while he can't even offer the slightest thanks.

>> No.58647087
File: 336 KB, 1050x656, 1674087514348076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bathnigger cope

>> No.58647091

He’s a fucking nigger, a prolapsed rectum in the making

>> No.58647092

Let's see what's going on with this Fucking stock today. Hepcats... Oh no...

GameStop shares tank after CEO says store network will shrink despite huge cash pile
>Shares of GameStop tumbled on Monday after CEO Ryan Cohen told investors that the videogame retailer plans to operate a smaller network of stores and gave no details on what it plans to do with its cash pile.
>GameStop shares were down 11.6% at $25.38 on Monday afternoon after the annual general shareholder meeting, which lasted about 20 minutes.
>Cohen’s lack of detail on acquisition plans “is disappointing for at least some investors,” said Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities with a price target of $13.50 on the company.

Wedbush securities still has a really fucking low price target and has this rated "underperform". You should Fucking sell!

>> No.58647093
File: 351 KB, 1080x1165, Screenshot_20240614-105436_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11/14/2022 a bondholder converted his 2034 + 2044 to equity.

$10.3 million to 2.8 million shares at a conversion of $3.74

>The offer was made in connection with a privately negotiated exchange agreement with an existing holder


>> No.58647095

Literally buck broken faggots kek. Explain what he's talking about then

>you won't

I accepted your concession at the start

>> No.58647099

does that mean moass is happening...

>> No.58647102
File: 409 KB, 1080x1368, Screenshot_20240614-105729_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



2024 + 2034 + 2044 were converted.

>The offer was made in connection with privately negotiated exchange agreements with several existing institutional holders


>> No.58647104

it's either he has no plans and he just diluted to secure funds to keep GME afloat in these hard times or he really has a plan to build something big enough to stamp his legacy. so what im doing is, keep a stash just for moass, and another stash for swingtrades while bidding my time.

>> No.58647110

>does that mean moass is happening...
nope. just mo-cope

>> No.58647111

We'll see indeed. Cheers

>> No.58647112
File: 3.13 MB, 2428x1994, 100_percent_haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just worry about RC as GME's largest shareholder, it can't feel nice seeing your position continue to be diluted like this.

>> No.58647113
File: 382 KB, 890x500, 1718196301753567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647116

You *were* a billionaire

>> No.58647118


>> No.58647120

heh, the price isn't real, don't you know

>> No.58647122

I haven't looked at the price in 14 months.

>> No.58647123

As a retard that only owns GME if bathniggers were right would it benefit me at all or would i just get actively spit on by Cohen so he can pump bathnigger bags instead?

>> No.58647124

Because I'm an anti-semite and you're getting what's coming to you

>> No.58647126

because it happens every trading day. it's called banging the closes. rises back after hours

>> No.58647127

We are green don’t care about 10% drop or 40% drop or 80% drop

>> No.58647128

>2 new IDs
Working overtime today?

>> No.58647142

they are going all out to drop this under $25 before the day ends

>> No.58647143

listen, even holding 500 shares is enough to make you 500k USD. You must have that at least?

>> No.58647144

bathnigger bags were extinguish. What you will get is several degrees of BBBaggie cope when you ask for an explanation from them.

>> No.58647145

OOOOOOOOOOooooooooo I just shit my pants, no update

>> No.58647148
File: 191 KB, 600x475, 1686097916391741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647149

He DID give guidance your braindead retards just refuse to accept it.
>Many stores not profitable ---> close them down
>start selling better mix of profitable items
>focus on PROFITS, not revenues or cash flows to keep the business stable
>current macro is a massive shit show, assets of nearly all types are grossly overvalued
>until this clownshow market actually takes its medicine, buying assets, M/A or anything is unlikely to be very profitable.
>current fiscal/monetary policies are going to rape consumers, impacting future business
>having strong cash positions is good for stability and allows for opportunities to present themselves.
>LONG TERM shareholder value.
>RC is still not getting paid, his money is 100% on the line.

>> No.58647152
File: 1.54 MB, 1179x1886, IMG_5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The candle

>> No.58647165

everyone's going to ree at you the way /smg/ rees at /gme/ and the cycle of abuse will continue

>> No.58647166

So what now we all set ourselves on fire at a GameStop ?
Free shillytien
Welp at least I have my SSDI to look forward to

>> No.58647168
File: 247 KB, 705x711, Plat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day it's clear RC diluted so he can sell his position in GME without having to inform shareholders in advance. It's obvious he's turned Gamestop around and is now moving on to bigger and better things (BBBY). This was the Kansas City shuffle. Only BBBY holders are going to make it.

>> No.58647170


>> No.58647171

>RC is still not getting paid, his money is 100% on the line.
who wants to tell him RC has over a billion dollars of other assets not related to gameshit in any way

>> No.58647172


>> No.58647178

Kek cougar ID

>> No.58647177
File: 228 KB, 1050x900, Hamburglar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647179

Bro it's totally hapoooooning

>> No.58647182

>who wants to tell him RC has over a billion dollars of other assets not related to gameshit in any way
esp those sweet apple shares

>> No.58647183
File: 148 KB, 899x461, stag hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still don't understand the stag hunt

>> No.58647200
File: 55 KB, 869x520, GME - 1 stock to avoid no matter what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will wagmi

>> No.58647204

Lol why hasn't it gone to zero yet ?
Or 1 cent so anyone can just lock the entire float ?
What happens now ?
Mass shootings ?
Nuclear war ?

>> No.58647206

>Feb 2022
Nigga… please

>> No.58647223

You can’t even buy dk butterfly, and I don’t think the bonds for bbby are listed anywhere either. What does this matter for if no one can buy the bonds

>> No.58647225

I'm gonna hunt the hare and get 3 while you hold 1 and cope

>> No.58647227

No suprise that it got quiet here as soon as the market closed

>> No.58647231

Too quiet

>> No.58647234
File: 57 KB, 1066x253, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market closed

>> No.58647235

real holder hours

>> No.58647237

kek baggie

>> No.58647238

It would benefit you but not necessarily at the same time as them. Either you or the bathniggers could get the drop depending on the order of legal operations.

>> No.58647241

Today's 12% Dunk is locked in. GME holders are 12% poorer today than they were Friday!

>> No.58647243

post your position

>> No.58647245

You redditors are way too easy to bait

>> No.58647248

I own the bonds you faggot

>> No.58647250

more like when it started crabbing again

>> No.58647259
File: 29 KB, 1004x942, 2024-06-16 Ryan Cohen should short GameStop huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, they've been saying bullshit to strengten my beliefs for 3 years
see picrel

>> No.58647262


>> No.58647263

Pool's closed nigger

>> No.58647264

Where did all the Shills suddenly go!?

>> No.58647266
File: 39 KB, 800x450, GQRHj83WQAAXEyb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long do you think this clownmarket can continue? Till the election?
It's actually pretty bullish that RC isn't wasting money on assets during the largest asset bubble in history

>> No.58647268
File: 3.16 MB, 2428x1791, CHADSTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros, aquabro, melonbros, cowgirlbro, CLINT, all the other bros (my brain's high on ice cream rn so I can't list you all off the top of my head)

It's been a fun month here after 3 years of not really focusing on GME. I'm going to dip out after setting a few price alerts at $50 and $100. There were a couple of dates I was interested in and they all passed.

> Why are you attentionfagging, just fuck off

I am attentionfagging but also actually saying bye instead of just disappearing is probably better. I'll still be holding my 1xxx.

Farewell friends, for now.

>> No.58647270

God speed. We will see you tomorrow at $50. Checkem

>> No.58647272

Roger that boss. Until then o7

>> No.58647274

So what’s the new cope?
>DFV return did nothing
>CAT did nothing
>DFV options did nothing
>RC did nothing
>shareholder meeting did nothing
>all of this will be memoryholed every thread
>people will be called shills for brining it up despite you all being adamant MOASS will trigger due to one of these things
Can’t wait to see what new Soon™ MOASS cope will be spawned!

>> No.58647276

good riddance nigger clover

>> No.58647282

new here? there will never stop being cope

>> No.58647281

When do the baggies rope?

>> No.58647284

I slurped at $25 and my cost basis has gone up. I am undefeatable.

>> No.58647288

Wtf happened today?

>> No.58647289

Retail Lite is basically all in. They have no more buying power at this point.

>> No.58647291

I can't even listen to the Wu Tang Clan anymore. For me the grief is too near.

>> No.58647292

Love yourself my long-time acquaintance. Love always wins.

>> No.58647295

who the fuck are you?
you must be posting the most useless garbage if you're regular here, because I've never seen your retarded name before
anyway, nobody cares
here's your (You), now fuck off

>> No.58647296 [DELETED] 


>> No.58647299

I rarely turn the trip on due to technical difficulties lol. Godspeed.

>> No.58647300

advanced HR certificate holder got BTFO live

>> No.58647306
File: 136 KB, 1314x576, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pudgy 40 year old man rims rc whenever he gets a chance and has a tendency to leak shit as "predictions".

i sincerely hope that he is talking out of his ass with this one

>> No.58647309

kill yourself tripnigger

>> No.58647310

"nothing" is doing a lot of heavy lifting for some of those.

>> No.58647313
File: 315 KB, 521x486, 1670965365523752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have activated my trap card

>> No.58647317

Love yourself my friend.

>> No.58647318

People have jobs.

>> No.58647319

damn, it's ogre

>> No.58647322


>> No.58647324

I hope my dog has another 1500+ days in him Ryan

>> No.58647326

I'll be amazed if we see $30 again this year, this shit has literally nothing going for it at the moment.

>> No.58647329

>People have jobs.
and mortgages and car payments

>> No.58647331

fuck it i got a schizo bite. where do i buy this now worthless paper

>> No.58647334

>I'll be amazed if we see $30 again this year, this shit has literally nothing going for it at the moment.
this stock just needs a firestarter... like a sweet dfv post to make it run

>> No.58647337

>So how long do you think this clownmarket can continue?
In a sane world, it would have already popped. From the common folk perspective, it can't last much longer. Housing and cost of living is going through the roof, and that's going to throw a wrench into the economy.
Mortgages alone should have already caused something to burst in the housing market, but people are still trying to sell high despite the rates. I don't know if they are delusional, or if they know that the bottom is going to fall out after the first person blinks.

>> No.58647342
File: 40 KB, 419x680, blackrock helping growth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEI gets voted NO
hehe Blackrockies getting cucked by retail

>> No.58647346

The thing that gets me the most is that this was the one chance at MOASS. Hype was high, normies were FOMOing in, the gamma ramp was set to launch. Now that the board has proven they will dilute on any price run-up, none of this could happen again. People aren't going to FOMO in or buy call options if they think the price isn't going past $40, no matter how much DFV tweets.
And it isn't just for GME. This takes MOASS off the table for any stock. Anyone trying to MOASS another stock will just remember GME, how it had everything going for it and still failed.

>> No.58647349

Hegies r fucked.

>> No.58647352

this happened last time too btw they just trim it

>> No.58647353

All these words and none of them right

>> No.58647359
File: 782 KB, 1284x1819, IMG_3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More votes than shares. Even with the 120m dilution? SHILL SISTERS??????

>> No.58647361

Why am I not rich?

>> No.58647364

holy fuck i hate this faggot so much it ia unreal

>> No.58647365

Really? Do we know how many more?

>> No.58647366
File: 365 KB, 753x701, Andrew Left asked for a hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all that while SI% went down insane amounts?
> https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/short-interest/
yeah wagmi, easiest win of my life, just buy and hold, make meme and get some free lulz from jews

>> No.58647367

It's becoming apparent that being right is the same as losing
Btw we need a quote because I remember it being misunderstood during a previous meeting

>> No.58647368

That's not guidance, that's actions. He doesn't tell anyone anything he just does shit. I'm not mad about what he's doing, I'm mad about how he chooses to hide it from his shareholders.

>> No.58647372

Rc says Long term holder value. Fuck dude I'd just buy Nvidia, Google, apple, spy, bitcoin, anything other then fucking gamestop.

>> No.58647377

His livestream was unironically the death blow to the entire movement. The second he said he doesn't expect anything for the next few years instantly invalidated any tweets he formerly made and any tweets he would ever make. Then RC says he thinks his own company is overvalued and then repeatedly disrespects his own shareholders while providing fuckall as people try pretending he can't reveal anything when thats obviously bullshit. So what the fuck can even move the price upwards now? No moass, no real company expansion, entire board thinks lowly of itself and has no plans, and the biggest holder doesn't have a single positive thing to say about it currently. What the fuck does this company currently provide that can move the price upwards?

>> No.58647378

>mortgages and car payments
people this retarded don't deserve the make it stacks

>> No.58647381

anyone talking about long term value is poisining me with copium, this is a short term infinity squeeze not a fucking BKA longterm cocacola hold
MOASS is cancelled because RC knows I will dedicate my entire life to trolling him personally and trying to destroy gamestop

>> No.58647382

my mortgage is €600 per month, my car is a company car
before GME i was saving €2500 per month

>> No.58647386

>That's not guidance, that's actions.
Except it literally is guidance? He's telling you what they are focusing on:
>higher profits
>closing down stores
>maintaining a strong balance sheet.
>economy at large is a massive shitshow
>any investment made at these high as fuck asset prices HAS to generate an obscene profit to be worthwhile
IMO as long as their collateral has massive face value MOASS was always off the table.
Unlimited Liquidity has allowed them to create as many synthetics/swaps/deriviateves/FTDs/shorts/whatever as long as they have the capital to back it up.

>> No.58647389 [DELETED] 

>trusting a kike

>> No.58647393

How many online steam giftcards would gamestop need to sell to make it a profitable company?

>> No.58647394

Thats a lot of words to write on an internet forum that I won't end up reading.

>> No.58647396

I'm amazed the stock is still worth $25. This week has been pure poison for this shit, so I guess it's somewhat impressive it's managed to stay this high.

>> No.58647398

I'm tired beyond tired actually
Moass is never happening is it
Just be sane for once in my life and go all in nvda

>> No.58647399

Checked, you're 100% right

>> No.58647401 [DELETED] 

High IQ post. Never trust a kike. At this point only mass collapse and violence will solve our problems.

>> No.58647402
File: 123 KB, 2106x1172, GQLBi3nbgAApMX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go all in nvda
kek pls do it and post position

>> No.58647403
File: 104 KB, 689x1403, 2024-06-14 21_57_11-Weekend M&amp;A Announcements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder than most of the shills are literally just AWS chat gpt bots

>> No.58647404

Idgaf about a tripfags opinion.

>> No.58647405
File: 61 KB, 659x858, IMG_5231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s normal, the relevant question is: “by how many?”. There is a literal industry that exists to trim shareholder counts during voting. There are tons of companies who offer these services, when most shares are shorted, the person who lent them can still sell that share if they want; hence a duplicate now exists, they can even buy another share that could be their own lent share being sold back to them.



Yea they are hopeless to fud people on any fundamentals or any reason to belive the squeeze won’t happen, so they hype fatigue. These last few months paid stock bashers and other paid disrupters have been running coordinated hype-demoralization cycles to try and fatigue people and get them to sell, lol wonder how that’s working out for them. Be prepared for more legal delays as bbby is reborn.

>> No.58647407

lol ive held shares since it was 40 presplit and im in the red now, fuck your 25 cohen, pay me

>> No.58647409 [DELETED] 

You are an actual cuckold. Giving money to and trust a kike who hates you.

>> No.58647410

No, buy other stocks

>> No.58647413

>chatgpt posts in 4chan style are all written in reddit style
uuuuuuh bros?

>> No.58647415

I'll keep only and only 10 shares in CS
And with the rest of the money that I sold gme for I'll go all in NVDA
And nvda will go to zero
To trigger the moass it's the only way
To appease the bogs

>> No.58647418

Like what ? Grinder ?
Homosegual moass is this month
Go all in gay sex ?
Anything seems better than gme right now
And I am not even brown or Indian
This fucking sucks
I think it's actually over

>> No.58647421

Ryan is being very careful legally.
The case against manipulating the stock needs to be rock tight.
The paperwork isn’t signed, he has no news at this time. Enjoy the discount.

>> No.58647424

kek im literally never investing in any stock other than GME

>> No.58647425
File: 903 KB, 240x176, IMG_5241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647430

beep boop

>> No.58647434

>IMO as long as their collateral has massive face value MOASS was always off the table.
Sadly, I agree with you. So many people are in on this kind of corruption I find it entirely believable they can slip the net.
I know a lot of the confidence we have is a response to low effort shilling and gaslighting, but I see a lot of straight up hubris too thinking we snared them 3 years ago and we are 100% guaranteed to get our white stag while frankly sitting on our asses and doing nothing.
If we want to walk away winners, I think there is going to need to be a big collapse of some kind to make the powers lose their grip on the system.

>> No.58647442
File: 1.25 MB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20240617_121351_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already happening in slow motion tho

>> No.58647444

I am not a robot.

>> No.58647449

Datefags on a bigger losing streak than short sellers

>> No.58647450
File: 1.28 MB, 748x736, gmst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 more hours until i am all out of copium. running on hopium alone is not enough. i mean sure hopium and air is all you need, thats how the saying goes, right? but for me its pure copium, the best ium. i am born for copium. live for copium. would die for copium. but there isnt enough left.
just years of hopium.

>> No.58647451

It's starting to look like bbby Chad's are our only hope left.

>> No.58647452
File: 7 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many people are in on this kind of corruption
Its also NOT just shorties. I can't imagine RC being very welcomed by ANY of the large corp. exectutive community. Remember when he had to write on twitter to MS about the MSP? Or how about Musk's silence about RC and GME when he seems to have hot takes about literally anything?
How about the rugpulling of NFT's and the SEC stance on them?

>> No.58647454
File: 93 KB, 960x1568, if only they knew how bad things are about to get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight my dear OG GME holders, fuck all shillies I cum in their mum.
Enjoy this remake of a classic Ken meme

>> No.58647455

>one chance at MOASS.
Kek. They haven’t closed. Everyday is a chance at moass.

>> No.58647459

one more day, ken... you can do it

>> No.58647461
File: 1.90 MB, 864x1080, whybother.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wont they sell, why wont they sell

>> No.58647468

>TFW forgot to vote with my cs go shares
What's the normal expected shareholder voting rate?

>> No.58647475

The decline is real, I just hope it's going to be painful and fast enough the parties in question don't have a chance enough to recalibrate their positions.
>Its also NOT just shorties.
That's really my biggest concern - the regulators, various third parties, the government, the SEC are all willing to throw hands for the short funds even if on other dates they are neutral or enemies.
I'm not sold on the 'loss of trust' in the American market either, because normies are so propagandized, they are gaping at the sphincter of the government and MSM, waiting to gulp down the next hot, greasy squirt that gets fed to them. They'll be told a big lie, and they will not only swallow it whole, they will actively attack anyone who disagrees with them. After the governments got away with Covid and the lockdowns, I think they can get away with nearly anything if they play their hand right.

>> No.58647478
File: 101 KB, 697x500, 8tt0ej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tru baggie bros

>> No.58647479

oh ye of little faith, im skeptical af after holding for 3 years and missing swings because im a hodl. but come on, we all know everytime they push the stock down, it will blast off even higher. give it time. it will happen. i think RC is a dick for diluting but even he cant control the big dune worm that RK just unleashed. just make sure to take some profits when that happens in case he dilutes.

>> No.58647491

147 mentioned in the meeting btw

>> No.58647495

>are all willing to throw hands for the short funds even if on other dates they are neutral or enemies
maybe for now, but I think if they could have just excelshortsdelete.gif their positions, they would have and all the psyops and happenings wouldn't be needed. The gov is too incompetent and slow to care about us, and their are almost certainly other funds and investors that would stab hedgies in the back if they benefited from a moass.
They control the price with the MMs for now, but once volatility ACTUALLY picks up, not just on GME but the entire market, we might see some fireworks.

>> No.58647507
File: 102 KB, 919x530, IMG_5270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647514

Had time to cool down, 15% dump isnt that bad, still blood red, I just wish that fucking Cohen would make some moves, what's he waiting for, the collapse and then scoop up the cheapies?

>> No.58647516 [DELETED] 

Mfw we watch towelniggers make it while we trust the plan bagholding

>> No.58647517
File: 409 KB, 1920x1090, 1692130130308734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647518

How many shares should you have for f-u money.

>> No.58647520

This is really the best bank account ever, i kinda hope oil money swap away from $ for maximum kek knowing i don't own $ but share

>> No.58647524
File: 283 KB, 1180x1987, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh... baggie bros? remember when we used to post that screenshot point to the 65,703 liabilities for citadel?... well don't look now... what mean? can any wrinkle brain explain?

>> No.58647525

You need to update your copium, people were saying that about this week not even two days ago and we just dumped even harder.

>> No.58647526

If Towelchads make it you’re making it too.
Would you rather be right, or rich?

>> No.58647527

imagine if u have some moves to make, would you not want to play it safe and not announce anything so as not to telegraph your moves. i know this sounds a bit much, hell, even for me, but after digesting that bit, im gonna hold for a little longer.

>> No.58647528

As much as it would be hilarious if he kept repeating share buybacks/sales just to milk the hedgies, I would also literally never forgive him.

>> No.58647542

back to pleebbit
enjoy the double for incomplete /you/

>> No.58647543

>the collapse and then scoop up the cheapies?
that seems to be the plan right now. He clearly sees assets as massively overpriced and would need to see serious profits from them to do any sort of M/A.
He also is smart enough to know the US consumer is getting raped from all directions. Sales for pretty much ALL retail are going to the shitter. Just look at earnings calls from Target, Walmart, Best Buy etc. Having a huge cash position generate risk free interest keeps the company stable no matter what happens to the core business. They will end up in much better positions than shit cos with massive debt and bloated personnel/overhead.

>> No.58647546

Both stocks will make it. BBBY was just the double dip play. A side quest that turned out to be a second idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar.

What happens when two black holes fuck?

>> No.58647552

>their are almost certainly other funds and investors that would stab hedgies in the back if they benefited from a moass.
It's all very mercenary, which is something that give me hope. If the prisoners in this dilemma work out they can make money off of screwing over one or more of the other prisoners, they will do it, but those interests run the other way too.

>> No.58647553

How? What’s the cusip and what do you own them on

>> No.58647554

Hepcats... They are saying the short interest is only 15% now for this Fucking stock. Days to Cover at this point is less than 1/2 a day. None of the Shorts have any fear at this point in time.

>> No.58647556

Notice how everyone that ever says this shit never actually says how him "telegraphing" his moves could be stopped or intercepted. Lets say he announces right now that they're in talks to buy out a company. What the actual fuck can anyone against GME even do about it? No seriously, what the fuck is the supposed risk of him actually saying anything coming from? You retarded coping niggercock slurping faggots have no answer because there is no fucking risk. You just don't want to admit he isn't doing anything.

>> No.58647563

The bonds have been trading for a long time, how do you not know this?

>> No.58647564
File: 420 KB, 654x1098, the chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New hopium hype dates.

>> No.58647568

If you take us winning seriously, you take the legal implications afterwards seriously. They WILL try and take down DFV, RC and probably Pulte.

>> No.58647572


>> No.58647573

stupid fucks, he said more than a majority of outstanding shares are present so the meeting can commence, more than a majority is 50.000001% you dumb gorilla niggers

>> No.58647592

On IBKR or Etrade just type in BBBY (or maybe dk butterfly since the name changed) and you'll see it.

Note: they only appear during market hours, after hours you will not be able to find them

>> No.58647601

>Note: they only appear during market hours, after hours you will not be able to find them
Ah it's like a McDonalds secret menu item. Very cool

>> No.58647609

Stop dodging the question you faggot, what the fuck is the risk from saying "great news we are acquiring this company" besides the usual tactics of kikes writing fud articles and shorting. AKA the same shit as always. There isn't any. This is just vague doomsday posting that has absolutely nothing backing it up that retards that can't handle reality use as a shield to hide behind do they don't have to acknowledge that the CEO they trusted their money with is a kike that specializes in hostile takeovers and pump and dumps. Actually look up his business history, I fucking dare you. It is textbook pnd scam shit. Make useless virtual company that drop ships renamed products, sell it to a corp to make it legit, bail and leave a pajeet as a fallguy, take over a new company and install your goon squad on the board, get ousted, go scorched earth and take over a new company, kick everyone else out and install your goons as the entire board, pump and dump that shit, move on. He is a scam artist. We're almost to the dump and scram stage.

>> No.58647610

looks like its off by about 2 million, nigger

>> No.58647611

>Ah it's like a McDonalds secret menu item. Very cool
lol, reminds me of the animal-style burger and fries at InNOut

>> No.58647614

It’s no longer a question of if I kms. It is when and just how hard

>> No.58647615

In-N-Out is terrible

And not that I’m saying whataburger is any better. It has been ass too for the last 10 years

>> No.58647619
File: 140 KB, 487x407, 1660679489421865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baggies! Sources say that games hit is only 5% shorted! Only 1 day to close all shorts! Why don't you short the stock as well? Short beyond your means because it is a literal guarantee that gamestop is going bankrupt within 2 weeks. Spit on your boss and quit your job! You're going to be rich! Remember that when the shorts win you leave with: Tax. Free. Gains.

>> No.58647620

>games hit

>> No.58647621


>> No.58647622

If the deal’s not done the deal’s not done.

>> No.58647625

>words words words

>> No.58647632

Who says?

>> No.58647635
File: 106 KB, 983x789, B5D7C315-7BA2-4E68-A7E8-BDA2B13176E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58647644

I swear, all this Teddy/Butterfly nonsense is being pushed in order to make /gme/ look as unhinged and idiotic as possible.

>> No.58647649

It's working.

>> No.58647650

I think they done it there's no more hope
At least I'm getting neet bux and free supportive housing soon
Guess gme was never meant to be
Wagmi somehow just not with gme

>> No.58647651

>RRP is 333.429 with 66 participants
Last time it was this low was 327.066 on 4/15/24

>Russia instructs its ethnic citizens in the US to buy gamestop
>causes a short squeeze
>GME holders, RK, and RC are all 100% in the clear from not causing one
>GME holders are hated by both political sides, one for 'being helped' by Russia and the other for losing their pensions
>this is mended by being generous with the money and opening charities.

>741 gematria
>Rc Sold All His Shares Hahahahahahahaha
Check it yourself.

>DEI proposal was to bait them into over-voting with the bait of getting to replace someone on the board
Kansas city shuffle bros?

>> No.58647653

I bet you don't even own a car, anon.

>> No.58647656

Whats the next step for maiking the stock go up again? butterfly tweet from a man that has mad ehis money?

>> No.58647657

They've already achieved that goal with Superstupid.

>> No.58647662
File: 178 KB, 869x973, 1645810648571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, faggot
reminder that you've been BTFO on every single 'muh interesting' faggot post you've made
gamekike is trading at $100 pre-split and bathnigger is a fucking ZERO kek
cope harder

>> No.58647664

opex tailwind, t+? bullshit, FTD... you know, the usual stuff.

>> No.58647665


>> No.58647668

Anyone got the illegal recording of the shareholders meeting with the timestamp?

>> No.58647669

At fair trade in I can give you $2 a share, this weekend only though I will offer an additional 20%

>> No.58647674

Basically it might still happen but I bet only when most of the holders have sold and like 5-10 years from now
I don't even know what to do now
I'm just gonna leave 100 shares in CS forever and forget about it never going to these threads again

>> No.58647679


>> No.58647680

>this was always a 14 year hold

>> No.58647685

today's meeting absolutely broke this nigger lmao
thanks ryan

>> No.58647690
File: 156 KB, 662x872, 1694320505681385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today's meeting absolutely broke this nigger
this nigga too. pic rel

>> No.58647693


>> No.58647696
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>> No.58647697
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>> No.58647698
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Interesting :)

>> No.58647701
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I wonder how much they can drop it before it goes parabolic.

>> No.58647702


>> No.58647705

ohh feckkkk offff, so kitty gonna hide again for another 3 years. noooooooo, who else gonna pump my gme shares?

>> No.58647706

Imagine being eternally ass blasted about someone else holding shares in a video game store.

>> No.58647707
File: 1.06 MB, 3376x4000, 1686025068323093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some faggot on twitter publicly kekking baggots on his real account, no burner, just face out fuckin givin it to the baggers
>gme is down another 10% since this post
>massive hype day/week/month completely BTFO now
>roaring capeshit's yolo pump completely BTFO now
>baggies last resort is to now claim that anybody laughing at them for losing money is mad/seething/broken
holy projection bagfren

>> No.58647709

>probably Pulte
I am prepared to accept that loss

>> No.58647716
File: 40 KB, 680x430, GJ8GS-4WgAAo2wU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying ryan is going to spend 1 billion dollars to pay off the bondholders of bbby so that he can then spend even more money to save the shareholders of bbby uhhhh because uhh something something teddy books
just imagine the keks in this thread if that's how ryan spends the dilution money

>> No.58647718

>holy projection bagfren
nothing to project. i love gme because of its volatility. i want to continue making money swinging the stock. but i also have a stash in another broker if moass actually happens.

>> No.58647720

farewell DFV

>> No.58647721


Tbh GME is safely a $10/share company vs the near bankruptcy it was 4 years ago.

It's not his fault retards were buying into some MOASS idea.

>> No.58647725

>if moass actually happens
lmao retard

>> No.58647732


>> No.58647737
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>> No.58647745
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>gamingstop selling games
holy fuck ryan
you madman

>> No.58647746

not even slightly

>> No.58647749

Does it come with built in audio dilution? Kek

>> No.58647748
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fudpackers want you to believe that picrel is... le bad!

>> No.58647757 [DELETED] 

>company said during company meeting that it has plans to be good company
no chance king kike would lie to us
i'm officially buying holding and drsing gamestop's common equity shares

>> No.58647758


>> No.58647759
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>> No.58647761

What can I say, out CEO eats crayons too.

>> No.58647763

>literal fat retard pulte

>> No.58647766

I went into this for the squeeze. Shareholder value? Cost reduction? Bitch that's just normal investing. You think GameStop is literally the only company in the world with "good fundamentals"?

>> No.58647768

goodbye my frens. may other companies that you believe in more squizzle the jizzle out of your deepfuckingloins

>> No.58647775
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>> No.58647778

I am officially broken and will sell the next pump. How can you people tolerate this?

>> No.58647780
File: 53 KB, 626x514, 1718059129789504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope Ryan Cohen is doing alright through all this. It can't be easy holding so many shares go gamestop and the float continuing to be diluted.

>> No.58647783

because i only invest disposable income and don't have tiktok/reels/shorts brainrot. RC will drown the shorts and we will moon

>> No.58647784

>cost reduction = laying people off and shutting down stores
>shareholder value = selling shares whenever volatility takes over to build a scrooge mcduck cashpile
>we had like a quarter with profits
> the markets are irrational
yeah I'm holding my bags but three years of nothing is not enticing anymore

>> No.58647786

Every single doompost fills me with a week’s full of resolve. Thank you for your service.

>> No.58647789

> 6/10 $24.83 (Monday)
> 6/11 $30.49 (Tuesday)
> 6/12 $25.46 (Wednesday)
> 6/13 $29.12 (Thursday)
> 6/14 $28.70 (Friday)
> 6/17 $25.22 (Monday)

>> No.58647790

I've only ever made money on penny stocks and dying short squeeze stocks, I've only ever lost money on stocks with good fundamundundles, if GMEstop in a deepfuckingvalue and not a squeeze play then we just got kansas city shuffled!

>> No.58647791


>> No.58647794
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>How can you people tolerate this?
pure uncontained spite

>> No.58647797

I hope ryan colon is privately suffering from cohen cancer

>> No.58647798

sounds like an emotional analysis

>> No.58647799
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>> No.58647804

fuck ryan 'diloooting rugpull' cohen. I'm sure it's just a total (((Cohencidence))) that his lawsuit for insider pump n dumping on the BBBY bagholders was dismissed the next day after he mass dilooted and killed the squeeze, saving all those multi billionaire hedge funds and banks as a result.

>> No.58647808

Has anyone actually read it? Cohen comes off looking very jewish. it's chilling.

>> No.58647814

I wonder how Steve Cohen feels about Kenny G hiring antisemitic shillies. You think he's okay with it since it buys hedgies another day?

>> No.58647820
File: 886 KB, 1500x1000, she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold for she, queen of the norf

>> No.58647821

Ahahahahaha they changed out my entire post with this horseshit. Biztrannies must be so broke after killing off most of the board the other month. Just outright censoring posts now that don't echo chamber the usual narrative of "quit nooticing goy, and don't question anything (((Cohen))) does!

>> No.58647822
File: 935 KB, 724x1236, moving forward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am officially broken
Skill issue

>> No.58647824

The jews would be powerless without anti-semetism
BTW ive consulted the charts and I can see that we will wagmi in approx. 3 more years.

>> No.58647829

this look ain't it

>> No.58647832

>we will wagmi in approx. 3 more years
nice! I'll have like 70 years to enjoy it

>> No.58647834
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x2160, 1673526483044604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.58647838

>stock price going to 100 bajillion is rational

>> No.58647844

that also sounds like emotional analysis
personally, I'd be quite happy with a 5-figure squeeze that slowly levels out

>> No.58647847


Wow, all these new in-house branded products… this is it. This is what will cause the MOASS.

>> No.58647850

/gme/ threads for another 100years morty

>> No.58647852

>> 6/10 $24.83 (Monday)
>> 6/11 $30.49 (Tuesday)
>> 6/12 $25.46 (Wednesday)
>> 6/13 $29.12 (Thursday)
>> 6/14 $28.70 (Friday)
>> 6/17 $25.22 (Monday)

A swing traders dream

>> No.58647857

ah, and it will hit 5 figures because rational reasons

>> No.58647860

He made peace with the tribal elders(hedge funds) so in return they’ve decided to let him off the hook.

>> No.58647864

You will buy $50 headphones and you will like it

>> No.58647868

I think so. hedgies will capitulate as the stock floor keeps rising and buy their way out or die trying. RC's goal is to become a holding company. he's going to be scooping up major pieces for pennies on the dollar after the economic correction/recession hits. I envision a TSLA-like squeeze that ultimately settles in the 3 or 4-figure range as EPS becomes monstrous based off of savvy investments
I own a nice pair of Sennheisers so I'm not in the market. but I'll keep my GS Pro membership active and hopefully can buy future computer parts from GS. I'm in the market for a new full build triple-screen workstation and L-shaped executive desk

>> No.58647870

why though?
we are doing ok
why are you so mad?

>> No.58647873

yep that's right, a totally non-emotional argument. all of this is well thought out and understood by you

>> No.58647883

Listen to the (((Cohen))) "RCeo!" plebbit-tier shills, goy. And whatever you do, absolutely do not vote to oust Cohen as ceo and do not vote to rescind the permission for issuing a billion additional shares. It is extremely antisemitic if you even think about it, let alone start organizing to hit the share threshold to trigger that vote. Trust in RCeo! 5D r2d2 chess!! Trust the plan! We don't need no short squeeze, that is also extremely antisemitic to the banks and their naked shorting hedge funds. Its a GOOD THING that RCeo diloooots on every gamma ramp pump and kills the short squeeze! Long term value!! Just wait 5 to 10 more years, goy, and RCeo will get us to at least a fraction of what last weeks number would have been before he dumped on the short squeeze and killed it. .....twice. ...in a month. Dont you fucking antisemites even THINK about ousting RCeo!

>> No.58647884

to each his own. we are individual investors and time will reveal results

>> No.58647889

Imagine holding the dogshit video game store stonk for three years and not even getting a five dollar gift card dividend. Dilution instead. Absolutely cucked baggies.

>> No.58647890

kek still not selling, hope the few who does enjoy raping hedgie while getting rich

>> No.58647892


>> No.58647897
File: 698 KB, 480x270, NoCohenvidence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Gill for Chairman 2025 election cycle.

>> No.58647898
File: 125 KB, 472x290, 234klj53lrfsd93l4k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This has always been a 45 year hold."

>> No.58647900

I'm still invested, you made the value judgement that my frustrations with the lack of action are purely emotional, but somehow "it's gonna squeeze to 5 figures" is a purely rational position to hold. Especially when it's based on arguments on advanced market dynamics you likely don't understand and come from sources that are frequently wrong and amount to nothing because it's written by attention-seekers on reddit. Face it, this entire investment is 1000% emotional and we're all acting on blind faith that this is possible, and that Ryan Cohen's authorized 1 billion shares to sell can't possibly kill this even after YEARS of holding.

>> No.58647906

>This has always been a generational hold play, your great grandkids will never have to work.

>> No.58647908
File: 88 KB, 1200x1109, 6219c8b5b9d377c483490b7ccbbe407e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As my father always said... "Dilute 'em son!!"

>> No.58647910

>Scooby doo bank meme

>> No.58647911

not true. I speculate that GME will become a very efficient holding company based on the history and actions of RC & Co, including how they've handled ATM offerings thus far. no doubt they're running a lean ship and entry-level morale is likely low, but suffer now to live in bliss later. I like pretty much everything I'm seeing. I'm curious about what their plans for tokenization and PLAYR are

if you are invested purely emotionally, that's fine but it won't hold in the long term if you stay in the markets.

>> No.58647913

That's antisemitic to listen to me. Kys you filthy antisemitic scumbag neonazi. We need RCeo to keep diloooting and killing every gamma ramp that the filthy retail goyim create to try and kick off the short squeeze. Think of the teachers pension funds that the jewish hedge funds used to criminally trade so blatantly, the teachers shekels might go poof if you goyim do this to us! RCeo 2024-Forever! Long. Term. Value!!!

>> No.58647919

extreme boredom is the last bastion of fud

>> No.58647921
File: 341 KB, 580x523, 1677736814761644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't copypasta
>Anon took the time to type up this drivel
Your seethe is bullish I just bought 70 calls

>> No.58647928
File: 1.94 MB, 1637x940, 2024-06-11 13_43_43-2024-06-10 23_38_25-CNBC &amp; Fmr SEC Official Today On GameStop, Roaring Kitty, GM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the people on the other side of this trade are literal demons

>> No.58647929 [DELETED] 

checked, yeah im also interested to see what happens with loopring and the NFT marketplace.

>> No.58647930

So I'm selling all my shares of GME except 10 shares in CS
To fomo into nvda
If you can't beat em join em
There's no way NVDA can go to zero right ? Right bogs ?

>> No.58647934
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>> No.58647944

> tokenization
good lord. The GameShire Bathaway shit just started, give it 3 months before the rhetoric changes. I made money on the first squeeze and got sucked right back in because of the flavor of the week "theses" that keep popping up. If you haven't been here from the start you are likely missing all the patterns of bullshit that keep cycling here. For my sake I think I just need to leave these threads again because I feel fucking sick thinking about how long I've been waiting for fucking anything worthwhile to happen. Good luck to you.

>> No.58647946
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Ain't looking much better this side of the trade either at moment

>> No.58647950

thanks, anon, same to you. I've been here since March 2021 and held through a handful of squeezes. I did swing the last one and made a nice intraday profit; then I bought back in
it seems like they gutted their crypto dev department but hopefully they observed some nice proofs of concept that will prepare them for further plunges into the web3/metaverse world that cannot be stopped

>> No.58647951

speaking of other side of trade, who are the retard buying in a downtrend in gme ? when it alway bounce back? when you could have sold at top ?
Also who are buying their "bag" ? really intriguing market

>> No.58647957
File: 1.38 MB, 220x331, 1716489234369312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're feelin down, just remember they're here as long as you are :)

>> No.58647958

I’m pretty sure I’m comfier with most of my shares being bought at $40 pre split and $10 post split than anyone short this stock.

>> No.58647961

>the hedge funds and "RCeo" cohen shills are this low effort
lol. lmao. lmfao. yeah, anyone who challenges the astroturfing that "diloooting shares to kill the short squeeze is a good thing" is a shill. Not the RCeo-cult plebbit-tier endless retarded spammers that try to poison the well anytime you bring it up. And certainly not the biz trannyjannies that are just outright censoring and editing posts that dare suggest kicking the billionaire jew out that is killing the movement and saving the banks and hedge funds. You heard him, goy! Don't even think about voting out RCeo and rescinding authorization to issue a billion fucking shares that he will continue to issue to kill the gamma ramp. Its antisemitic! And its a GOOD THING when he dilooots and kills every gamma pump that would have short squeezed it, twice already in the past month. Wont someone think of the "Long Term Value" and the poor hedge funds and banks that steal from everyone in the stock market. Oyyyy Veyyyyyy!

>> No.58647966
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I just worry about our CEO is all. It can't be easy being the largest shareholder yet continually having to deal with our stock being diluted.

>> No.58647979

>shills come out in force and price get dropped on shareholders meeting day
like cockwork

>> No.58647982

>le jewish indiean hedige shillies that definitely exist get paid to post on /biz/
>baggies post for free
where's the dunk

>> No.58647987
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same place as your (you)

>> No.58647990

Meh... I prefer a good pair of headphones and a good mic vs a headset. I'm not the target audience here.

>> No.58647992

I have a Four X Gold stack and I didn't even vote lol.

>> No.58647994

that didn't make sense dumbfuck reddit baggie.

>> No.58647995

Tell us more about these "shills". Are they perhaps those bad goys that started saying our le RCeo 5D Chess Jew should be voted out for dilooting? Agreed then. Those people need to open their eyes! If RCeo doesn't dilooot and kill the gamma ramp pumps and impending short squeezez, t-then the jewish hedge funds and banks will be financially nuked! Oy Vey! Get those fucking antisemitic shill NATZEES out of here! DOWN WITH THE SHORT SQUEEZERS!!! LONG. TERM. VALUE!!! RCeo for Ceo forever!!!!

>> No.58648002
File: 276 KB, 1080x2127, ITSOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about these digits

>> No.58648004

Well aren’t you just peachy at market timing

>> No.58648005

it's so funny when rabid fudpackers start posting more frequently than actual holders. insane behavior. 5 cents a post must be pretty tasty in local currency

>> No.58648013

I think RK's new post is asking us to make a shareholder proposal to oust Ryan Cohen.

>> No.58648017


Surprisingly based.

>> No.58648022

Ohhhh baggiees

>> No.58648024

every day gme closes in the red, I cum

>> No.58648025

I do that everyday regardless

>> No.58648031

They voted against it so that predditors wouldn't learn about certain board members with dual loyalties to the hedgie kind.

>> No.58648038

All that for a drop of cum?

>> No.58648039


>> No.58648040

The year is 2074.
Gamestop is finally reaching the price of brk.a back in the year of 2024. Cohen is on his deathbed. Finally the shorts decide to give up. Moass finally starts. You can finally retire comfortably now.

>> No.58648050

I haven't actually been paying attention to the price, is this legit? If so next time it's upwards I should try swinging a bit of my stack. Ain't like I have anything left to hold for.

>> No.58648054

Guess that confirms that retail owns the float.

>> No.58648058

25 year. It is the retirement fund now

>> No.58648059

More stable to keep my retirement in SPY though

>> No.58648062

So I guess AI technological revolution is my last and only hope to not have to wagie for the rest of my days?

>> No.58648064

I’m surprised so few Redditors have killed themselves from this play.

>> No.58648067

At least shillies can hopefully afford a couple shares.

>> No.58648072

Obviously. Or maybe we should listen to the hedge fund shills (and probably "RCeo" shills that are now lurking), and dismiss any discussion at all as being "shill angles". Certainly there must be some "le master 5d chess plan" to the mass dilution he's done twice in the past month that has completely killed the gamma ramp pump both times that were about to blow the top off and kick off the short squeeze. Let's refer to his statement at the shareholder meeting.
>"i worked hard for my billions of shekels, just like my jew father and his hundreds of millions of shekels!" (essentially)
>also, no further guidance
Huh, what a strange thing to say to all the small retail investors that saved Gamestop from jewish hedge funds shorting it to death. Well, surely there must be a super super secret plan that he will use those 4 billion dollars for and he just cant tell us. We should just keep supporting him as Ceo just in case! Who cares if he is going to mass issue shares, dilute, and kill the gamma and short squeeze every single time it's about to happen. Long Term Value! That's what (((we))) were all here for anyways, right, my fellow misguided short squeezers? Do NOT oust RCeo, who already pumped and dumped BBBY holders and totally Cohencidentially had his federal lawsuit dismissed for it the very next day after he killed the last gamma ramping short squeeze, and definitely don't vote to rescind authorization for issuing shares. And definitely do not even talk about it and start to organize to meet the 200,000 share threshold to trigger such a vote. That is what the jewish hedge funds and their jewish bank backers WANT YOU TO DO! Or so shills-... I mean "totally organic posting anons" keep telling me in here.

>> No.58648074

Nice cope. I knew this was over the second this narrative started appearing.

>> No.58648075

we were at the same place exactly 1 week ago. if you had 25 bananas and over the course of a week found 5 more bananas but then realized you had lost 5 bananas would you kill yourself?

>> No.58648080

This already played out with bbbyq, except reddit baggies won't get eventually put out of their misery by a bankruptcy proceeding.

>> No.58648085

they are actualy talking about launching minecraft and how much drone USA have in the comment, so i dunno man

>> No.58648087
File: 767 KB, 1439x2328, Screenshot_20240618_003146_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo it's anything but the blatantly obvious company which renamed to Butterfly it's got to be this weird options play even though he only holds shares now
Kek siloniggers

>> No.58648100

That’s nice. Maybe you should go back?

>> No.58648102
File: 277 KB, 397x750, 1 trillion tokenizations.jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you factor in FTX. It puts a lot into context Why the shills act so fucking unstable all the time.

>> No.58648103

Go back to your mom ? sorry im already done with her

>> No.58648110

Concession accepted

>> No.58648114

Yeah man I'd definitely kms if I bought a stock that slowly gained in value that sounds horrific you brainrot adhd faggot.

>> No.58648117

Cope Posting is a lot of fun
>When you are dust your childrens great grandchildren will live your life thanks to the choices you make today, you may have died in a nappy getting ghetto beaten up by Rohnda and Oluma in the care home, but to know your GME will have generational changes for future generations from a brick and mortar headphone shop

Literal fucking GOOSEBUMPS

>> No.58648123

>going in care home instead of jail for keeping talking about jew everywhere

>> No.58648126
File: 675 KB, 1170x1494, CB87EE64-89DA-4AF5-A263-622512E40398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit more clarity on the WuTang thing.

>> No.58648128

>"Yeah man I'd definitely kms if I bought a stock that slowly gained in value that sounds horrific you brainrot adhd faggot." said the baggie, who of his own profession, would never sell his gme bags unless they reach le phone numbers.
Yes, according to you, that slowly gained value is literally $0 to you.

>> No.58648130
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>> No.58648131


>> No.58648134


>> No.58648135

>dad plz just let them go youve been like this 40 years
>dad please stop! we can't take it anymore, this is your death bed, just please... one last

Dying is gonna be kick ass

>> No.58648138

stupid 24 dollar stablecoin

>> No.58648145

Fucking shit. I want hype back. I think I'm going through literal dopamine withdrawals. Nothing seems interesting or fun anymore. I just feel extremely bored all the time after last month.

>> No.58648148

Video that DFV got his tennis tweet from.

>> No.58648151

3 years of memes all converging, all timelines coming together, thread after thread of combination, 3 years of DD all interlinked. It was beautiful to witness.

>> No.58648153

Dfv was pissed by that shareholders meeting as well.

>> No.58648155
File: 194 KB, 1170x563, 31F086E3-670C-4631-8496-FFE346B88009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamestop investor portal down.

>> No.58648157

DFV is pissed. I do hope he streams again soon

>> No.58648160

Multi-Dollar company can't get its portal up.

>> No.58648162

I hope he dunks tendies in Chobani yogurt and says "soon."

>> No.58648166

he was pissed that there's downward price action (called out of bounds) based on a perfectly fine call that offered solid fundamental forward guidance (in-bound play), Rajesh

>> No.58648170

DFV should have sold the calls for the $1 billion and started buying massive lots of shares each week to bring volatility for at least a year. would have been more entertaining.

>> No.58648172

Ryan Cohen doesn't give a fuck about shareholders. He diluted and hasn't said SHIT. Imagine waiting three years for this faggot to shit or get off the pot and he dilutes when we are running up.

>> No.58648174
File: 713 KB, 1170x1477, IMG_8983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that the same people fudding are the ones pushing the narrative that DFV is beefing with RC.

>> No.58648176
File: 135 KB, 1079x977, 7AAF9AD3-E004-4944-919A-BF9C7345B4F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58648182

Another part of the narrative. “This run up was the moass but RC killed it” Kek. Imagine not being a plan truster.

>> No.58648183

>baggie posting a screencap from his phone of a few posts up
reddit are you le fucking serious? lmao

>> No.58648184

I think ironically options will be the end of hedgies. If all the DD is about how they can bury their personal options in dark pools, but can't bury citizen bought options, then citizen bought options will be what squeezes the dark pools.

>> No.58648191

Do go on. Don't stop there. Tell us more about the price downturn and what caused it. Perhaps, a lil bit of dilooooting from "RCeo"? Strange how all these shills -... I mean totally organic anons, refuse to post anything that might even allure to that fact, and how they immediately either deny it and/or well poison in response to you if (you) bring it up, or just outright stop replying to you and end the discussion. (((Ryan Cohen))) is in the pockets of the jewish banks and their hedge funds, and he as well as his c-suite plants all need to be voted out and ousted asap or he will just continue to endlessly dilute and kill the pumps before the ramps on these gamma pumps can set off the short squeeze fuse.

>> No.58648193

what do you guys think hedgies measure shill effectiveness? or is it just pay per post and there's no way for hedgies to determine which shills are good? all the shills on /gme/ are absolute shit of course

>> No.58648194

If he dilutes again I'm selling

>> No.58648198

>>58646999 Big checked

>> No.58648199

Tajeet, there are more fulfilling jobs out there, my brother.

>> No.58648201

The bag kekkers are the lowest tier. The psyop narrative pushers definitely get paid better and it is my opinion they’re likely hedgies themselves.

>> No.58648203

lol I was just thinking how the current price is reacting as if a 3rd dilution was announced. imo a 3rd dilution is priced in

>> No.58648209

Shut up you schizo fucking retard. It's been three years of holding and buying this dogshit only to have this leaf beta CEO say NOTHING of value and actively fuck over his shareholders. Zero dividend. Zero communication. For THREE FUCKING YEARS. Nobody on superstonk can say shit in the negative about RC because jannies remove anything negative about this faggot. RC sucks ass. He needs to do SOMETHING.

>> No.58648211

sell and buy crypto instead. you'll get the hair-raising action you're looking for

>> No.58648212

Maybe you should sell.

>> No.58648217


/biz/ is too slow for /GME/ so please make the most of it.

>> No.58648219

Fellas I can’t figure out a job that I can do that makes $90k+ yearly that doesn’t require 100hrs a week of work. I’m going to unironically join the army and become a PSYOP soldier they get paid well, then I’ll come here and get paid to fud the stock for this great country

>> No.58648225

>Mass dilution and heavy sell pressure from massive stock issuing is a good thing
>especially when it happens at the exact time needed to kill the gamma ramp pump and smother the fuse on the short squeeze before it explodes, twice
>and here's why!
>trust the plan
lol. lmfao. These "rceo" and hedge fund shills aren't even trying anymore. They're just spamming and sliding with dumb shit. >"Up is down, the sky is green, and grass is blue"
Fuck off shills. Your "5d chess master plan truster RCeo!" is going to get kicked the fuck out and booted to the curb. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows he killed it. He pumped and dumped the BBBY bagholders and his federal lawsuit over it was dismissed the very next day after he killed the short squeeze, twice now. Who could have foreseen that a criminal trading jewish billionaire would collude to save other jewish banks and their jewish hedge funds from being financially nuked, so that they ALL can keep playing the game and rigging the markets. It's so shocking. I am shocked! ...this faggot shills bullshit aside, the short squeeze is still on, but it won't happen until Ryan Cohen is thrown the fuck off the Ceo chair and the billion share issuance authorization is voted to be revoked.

>> No.58648226

Kek baggie

>> No.58648227

>if you dont let Muh RCeo jew keep killing your short squeezes, t-then you're a pajeet!
Lol. Shalom, Schlomo.

>> No.58648232

Nah nigga lets talk BBBYQ and its upcoming Butterfly, don't be a silonigger now

>> No.58648245


>> No.58648367

The prospect of being enormously, throbbingly right sustains me.

>> No.58648383

We been knew.

>> No.58648391

I'm OCD so the probability isn't expressly zero.

>> No.58648401

tbf every share I've bough in the last year-and-a-half is green, average of about 40% up. That's a good return by any measure. The thing is, I'm just not gonna sell, is all lol

>> No.58648564

365-500 more days

>> No.58648651

everyone's adding AI shit to their products so NVIDIA still has a ways to go especially now that they offer data center shit. B2B SaaS Cloud Services is a money pool full of retarded boomers riding the wave