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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58645450 No.58645450 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe you should try getting a job edition

>Where to get $AGRS

>Introductory videos to TauChain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKhzo_60f6Y [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqYTiNgt5Ds [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Natdo-8FZ0c [Embed]

>Latest Dev Update
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-QAiU3RoZs [Embed]


>Whitepaper/Research Papers/


>> No.58645502
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my mom said the same to me but if i look for a job it means i have to get out of bed and if i have to get out of bed it means i have to put on some pants and putting pants means covering my pp and he likes it better when i let him roam free

>> No.58647047

damn i haven't seen a deus ex since the 2021 bullrun, i miss the good old memes we used to have

>> No.58647050

old time biz used to hit different

>> No.58648536
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>> No.58648542
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>> No.58648544

we seriously need at least a beta for this because i seriously cant imagine how it will work

>> No.58648548
File: 191 KB, 550x728, twt 17 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily tweet 3

>> No.58648554

anyone smarter than me who can explain exactly the point he's trying to make?

>> No.58649827

basically one of the biggest problems of deep learning is that they're just glorified autocomplete machines, this works most of the time because the way humans speak has patterns and because we're really predictable beings, but when precision is needed deep learning fails abhorrently because they can't know the "correct" answer just the answer that is "more likely to fit" or the answer that the AI has been trained on to deliver. LLMs (this means, the artificial intelligence models people refer nowadays) will never be able to reason like a human being, no matter the training data

>> No.58650678
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>really predictable beings
You have any idea how many documentaries I've watched about fathers shooting their wife and kids in the head then killing themselves and shit? Pretty sure my mother didn't see me day trading shitcoins as a living either.

>> No.58650682
File: 192 KB, 372x482, 165465489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this means that when i ask the chatbot to roleplay as the cute cashier i saw once in a gas station that somebody else already wrote the exact scenario and the chatbot is just filling in with the info he's been trained with?

>> No.58650684

>new update video for the tech(shit)coin
>it's just a 20 min yap session

>> No.58650687

and yet here we are

>> No.58650694

Most linkies either hung themselves or left so most of them stopped producing memes. Say what you will about Chainlink and it's cultists, they were pretty funny and practically shapped /biz/'s culture for the most part.

>> No.58650698

ahem ladysers let me translate it for you, my zoomer is quite good
>my brain has been so fucking destroyed by social media i can't stand information unless its being fed to me in 20 second shorts, otherwise is pure nonsense and i will call it "yap" to indicate im feeling threatened by the concept of learning something new
there, i think that's good

>> No.58650699


are they audited yet?

>> No.58650704
File: 254 KB, 900x806, 1708588104044487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without epic failing like a #boss!
Stopped reading there what the fuck is this nigga saying lol

>> No.58650708

yeah as much as i hate linkies they produced memes with unparalleled quality, sad to know most of the oldfags with good sense of humor already made it or faded

>> No.58650719

Ohad you're a 50 year old mathmatician that has been helping the NASA for decades, stop speaking like a child... its its cringe man
i think so? let me check

>> No.58650725
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oh poor child, you'd better go back to your mother's womb for more comfort.

>> No.58650727

anyone would do that after prolonged exposure to the average american family culture. nagging cheating wife, neo-nazi son, whore pick me daughter, looking at all the gen z's in their early 20's free of responsibility. i'd go postal too.
>tech(shit)coin holder
>yap session of a post complaining about me calling it boring

>> No.58650729

lol fpbp

>> No.58650742

Those were good times

>> No.58650743

Even sadder when you realize most of those quality memes have been pillaged and stolen by disgusting, brown, smelly, filthy pajeets for their own shitcoins. Cultural appropriation does exist, not in the way black peoples pretend it does, but it is there and it's sad.

>> No.58650745
File: 137 KB, 1574x539, agoras audit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid 86 points

>> No.58650750
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>> No.58650751

>price keeps dumping
i knew may was going to be shitty but i didnt expect it to be THIS shitty

>> No.58650755
File: 194 KB, 445x579, 1708557721359992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just making a joke on the lil nigga, damn

>> No.58650759

thanks for proving my point dumbass

>> No.58650761

>Code 75%
>Lowest stat of them all

>> No.58650768
File: 67 KB, 919x1024, kko78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiktok ruined an entire generation
4 of 5 children are retarded or autistic by choice heh

>> No.58650770

i think you are just kind of a fucking psychopath anon.

>> No.58650775

Whoever came up with this stupid shit deserves to get shot in the head

>> No.58650786

i swear to god this man is a genius but somebody needs to give him a little social media crash course or something