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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58640683 No.58640683 [Reply] [Original]

im not selling

>> No.58640704

I too, am not selling

>> No.58640706

You are in a cult where the leader shits in your mouth and you pay for it

>> No.58640714

Everybody is in a cult. Every strong belief or thing you value, similar to the way a vine cluster bunches of grapes to shield them from potentially harmful external variables. The only way to remove these clusters/cults is to uproot the vine. The same principle is what makes decentralization so difficult. Valuable things inherently understand their own value and they recognize it in others when they see it and just like that things are recentralizing.

>> No.58640808

ok now stop spamming

>> No.58640832


I'm not selling.

>> No.58640838


>> No.58640845
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some people were simply born to wagmi

>> No.58640847
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I'm not selling.

>> No.58640859


>> No.58640860

I am never selling my egld and aast bag

>> No.58640893

I won’t sell either.

>> No.58640896
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>please just let us flood the catalog with useless shitcoins and put all your money into that instead of sound ivestments!!!!

>> No.58640900
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>saars pls just allow us to flood the board with entirely useless threads about our astroturfed 2017 ERC bags
>noooooo I don't wanna make money on anything, I just want to read about ChainLinK every day saars pls

>> No.58640901

Have you ever thought about taking a baking class?

>> No.58640903

I'm not selling (because I'm negative) and I won't ever sell (until I'm positive so I can get my money back and never fucking touch crypto again)

>> No.58640907

have you ever thought about stop spamming chainlink every day on /biz/? has it ever crossed your mind that all this fud is simply a reaction to your incessant spamming and your inability to stop giving (You)s to other spammers?

>> No.58640913


>> No.58640921

chainlink is going to gigapump and there's nothing you can do to stop it. sad

>> No.58640923

I for one are not selling. Never even considered it. Certainly wouldn't at this point.

>> No.58640925

You might enjoy sourdough baking. It's challenging but rewarding.

>> No.58640928

you might enjoy r/LINKTRADER, it's a bit retarded and dead, but if you gather all the rest of your kin here you will be immensely rewarded.
you could even ban all the fudders and you get to spam chainlink as much as you like!

>> No.58640931

Have you ever considered fly fishing?

>> No.58640937

if r/LINKTRADER is too r*ddit for you, you could always try either the official discord or the official telegram servers, where you get to converse directly with team members such as community manager Rory!

>> No.58640938
File: 38 KB, 618x640, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not gonna sell my Link

yeah yeah.. i know, you want me to sell..

But I think i'm just not gonna do it


>> No.58640948
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1489, thisiswhatitslikewithoutemailverification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudcuck trying to gaslight and pretending that it's link holders spamming the board 24/7
you're probably actually dumb enough to believe it lmao

>> No.58640952

>linktard accusing others of gaslighting
you ought to know, astroturfer

>> No.58640958

>reusing an image that btfos fudcuck trash is le BAAAD
lmao you got nothing, fudcuck
chop chop, time for you to bail to go switch ids and bump the
6 fud threads up that you're trying to maintain on a dead board
or you could kys - there might be more dignity in that lmao

>> No.58640966


>> No.58640968
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not selling? well, im not buying then

>> No.58640970
File: 426 B, 286x176, gaymofo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tonight we will die young!

>> No.58641059

Link-marines didn't sell at $52.99, they won't sell at $14 and they won't be selling when it's back to $5 again.

>> No.58641073

im not selling

>> No.58641121
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Me neither.
Cry more, Juden.
I'll buy more if it goes to $5 again.

>> No.58641627

hey guys
pool's closed

>> No.58641858

My previous post yesterday itt indicated that i was not selling. Having given it further consideration and the chance to sleep on it since then, I have come to the conclusion that I am still never selling. Hope this helps.

>> No.58641865

Selling at $200

>> No.58641888

But why though?

>> No.58641932
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I'm still frantically buying as much as I can with every dollar I can spare.

>> No.58641942
File: 137 KB, 1080x1087, CHAIDS IN, JEETS OUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding silly clown.


>> No.58641944
File: 47 KB, 512x512, fun allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not selling it. elections will push this shit to the moon

>> No.58641945

The hivemind.


>> No.58642027
File: 93 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20240616_150842_278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its here?

>> No.58642034

damn thats a silly tan

>> No.58642043

Because I'm a community pool staker and many of us are destined to become billionaires

>> No.58642093
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A new currency for the clown world is needed

>> No.58642116
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>> No.58642255

LET HIM COOK honk honk

>> No.58642271

I can fap to this.

>> No.58642279


>> No.58642286
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Feeling comfy brothers

>> No.58642300


>> No.58642309

it's on raydium now


>> No.58642330
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>> No.58642337

edging to this rn

>> No.58642456
File: 2.36 MB, 2500x2500, AYAYAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pervert!

>> No.58642461

uhm ok sweaty, still not selling

>> No.58642493

Don't think any of us are selling. Not going so well for these fuddies, is it?

>> No.58642522 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 1080x1094, 1711127377625408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up.

>> No.58642555

Debating selling 1K, I want to buy a new computer and some other stuff.

>> No.58644398

Diamond hands over here, not even thinking of sellin'. My sats are chillin' in MetaMask. Push Protocol keeps me comfy, knowin' my bags are safe. See ya in a year, frens

>> No.58644422

I can sell everything except Peaq, Krest, and Fet, Fag.

>> No.58644431

Dear Diary. It is day 3 of not selling itt and, despite reflecting at great length and deeply upon this subject, I still have absolutely no intention whatsoever of selling.

>> No.58644469

I sold egld and jumped into the token that just secured 20M in the biggest CoinList launch in 2+ years

>> No.58647302

>im not selling
couldn't agree more, staking is the way to go, much better than dumping your coins in a panic, but one needs to pick a project with gains that'll make your stack comfy. Scooping DIA tokens for Nai staking sounds pretty lit desu.

>> No.58647340

egld still remains my best L1 blockchain

>> No.58647350

>Dear Diary

>> No.58647360

All the haters and jeets can seethe and cope, there's no stopping the LINK train, one of my fav that I've bagged for long with Ordi at launch, I'm in on hydro right now, gonna be yuge when it drops in Sui network, early entry is key for the sweet gains.