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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 900x1200, 1700193878774179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58639530 No.58639530 [Reply] [Original]

I am 30 years old and still haven't made it yet

>> No.58639537

Sleep tight steeler

>> No.58639543

How’s life over 30?

>> No.58639571

How’s your sex life?

>> No.58639598

thanks for posting. i couldnt find this doomerpilled pic

>> No.58640703

the steel reserve is the least of this young man's problems, although, it does give the rest of them a run for their money

>> No.58640991

you still have plenty of time, we haven't even reached the end of the decade to feel really old, take everything that is useful, I have frogs and dogs, even my kendu inu on a second monitor, you just have to be patient and keep working hard

>> No.58641072

you think his mom was being weak?


>> No.58641078

prolly nothin

>> No.58641080

People who live like this are disgusting trash. I’ve known many and I hope and pray that my boys don’t turn out this way. I didn’t do them any favors by marrying their fat lazy bitch mom though.

>> No.58641110

same, but im 40

>> No.58641296
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I own my home. I am a millionaire.
The bedroom is separate from the office.
Both rooms are furnished and clean; floors are clean, mattress sheets are kept clean. No line of empty Steel Reserve cans.

I still end my nights alone and miserable, asleep in my chair in front of the computer screen this way. Does it really matter "how people live"? Is there really any difference between me and that guy?

>> No.58641310

i agree
people who live like this have no right to complain about being "depressed"
stop living like a fuckign animal and maybe you'll feel better

>> No.58641332

It’s not ideal, but he is literally doing nothing wrong.
Whoever took the photo is the asshole.

>> No.58641351
File: 29 KB, 477x477, DyggfafUcAYe4AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 65 years old and still haven't made it yet.
Don't get old - it sucks.

>> No.58641354
File: 182 KB, 462x450, 1712170965787418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38 $500k king of wagies
>got family fomo a few years ago
>marry a 5/10 midwest virgin I met on the internet
>turns out she cant have kids
>she just mopes around the house all day
>stuck in Minnesota

>> No.58641391

yeah the difference is there's more bullshit for that guy if he wants to squash his screen addiction and sedentary lifestyle. At least you can throw money at a hobby, a gym, get some pills from a doc if you really need it. Over time it's also a lot easier for you to find a companion (since you have money and bitches love that).

>> No.58641415

there's a gym in my basement, every hobby was explored, and the prescriptions too
it all ends in the same place, passed out in the office chair
it literally does not matter

>> No.58641424

Get some shrl and change your life anon

>> No.58641436

All the money in the world won't fix your entitled, shit attitude. It's a YOU problem.

>> No.58641452

I am 30 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.58641477

>yOu HaVe No OnE tO bLaMe BuT yOuRsElF

so, like I was saying, there is no real difference between me and that guy in OP

>> No.58641482
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 29a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had sex in 2501 days.

>> No.58641492

I'm 45, still not having Sex.

>> No.58641630

I'm married. Not having sex.

>> No.58641635
File: 127 KB, 498x498, 1716872317974876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 40 and I still haven't made it yet

>> No.58641641

Stop spending so much time in front of a screen. Go to bed early and wake up early. Get your ass to church on Sunday morning. Exercise outside. Spend time in nature. Do something creative even if you suck at it. Join a club of some kind and make some fucking friends. You can do it anon. Jesus loves you and so do I.

>> No.58641647

sleep tight steeler

>> No.58641687

time to move to russia LOL

>> No.58642381

Sister helped em out

>> No.58642443

this is projection, nothing that anon you replied said implied entitlement nor an attitude problem
he does blame anyone for his condition nor demands solutions from other people he just describes his condition
you projecting an attitude on that says a whole lot about your self anon

>> No.58642444
File: 685 KB, 480x640, 1481854677856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture makes me so glad i quite the liquid jew

>> No.58642470

How do people like you not rope

>> No.58642501

>Not having sex.
Why's that mate?

>> No.58642505

Now I smoke the green jew instead lol. It's less destructive for sure but I know it's bad for me and my life would improve without it.

>> No.58642685

you sound like a typical southern mom

>> No.58642721

is he ded?

>> No.58642770

Not really. I seen a hot homeless guy with a hot homeless girl the other day. You know she truly loves him if she's willing to stay homeless with him tho

>> No.58642782
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>> No.58643448

That's gonna be me soon. The worst part is that I know it's coming and I still have no motivation to change it. I wish I was born without an internal monologue.

>> No.58643463

You’ll witness the singularity/rapture while still young. Take care of yourself

>> No.58643642

It can range from bearable to hellish. If you are virgin and live with your parents, it's hellish. If you have a wife, son and a good job, it's bearable.

>> No.58643646

Almost 30 but same, had a late start due to being NEET a long time
What's a reasonable specific goal for an ex NEET to work towards in HCOL area?

>> No.58643656

>What's a reasonable specific goal for an ex NEET to work towards in HCOL area?
Learn to drive a car. It's a skill that will help you for everything. Want a job? postulate to a driving job, want a bitch? bitches love guys that can get them anywhere, want to go on vacation? just drive there. From there, you can probably figure out what you want to do.

>> No.58643727

>>turns out she cant have kids
Why come? My uncles wife turned out to be the same (supposedly, but there's assumption it's him). Though I think lack of kids has fucked the both of them up

>> No.58643749


>> No.58644116
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it’s the bitter jew

>> No.58645285

>Is there really any difference between me and that guy?
yes, you mentioned it in your post:
> floors are clean, mattress sheets are kept clean
cleanliness is respectable
stop staring at screens anon

>> No.58645323

Its great if you are fit, make good money and not married. I get far more attention from chicks than I used to when I was in my twenties.

>> No.58645394


endometriosis. don't marry a girl with acne scars

>> No.58646046

>does how you live really matter
yes, active people with friends and passions are happy no matter how much money they have. you most likely deserve your misery because you don't actually contribute anything meaningful to any other individual or community. people are out here broke as hell having bbq's and enjoying their life, what's your excuse? you stand for nothing

>> No.58646053
File: 9 KB, 228x221, oldpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe next year

>> No.58646836

It's crazy to think that mittensquad guy lived and died like this. Rip, he made funny videos.

>> No.58646935

Define making it. Do you have a job at least and something saved for retirement?

Story behind this pic? Been seeing it for probably ten years now. Hope this guy is doing OK these days. Steel Reserve is brutal stuff.

>> No.58647358

Tough break anon but you have time if you upgrade your baby hole to a newer functioning model. I did this, divorcing at 34 remarrying at 38 now I have two adorable little brats.

>> No.58648007

I hope to "make it" before I hit 40, but I've spend some time on spreadsheets and while 45 is not unreasonable, 40 is very unlikely. For me, to "make it" is to have enough passive income that I don't need to work to live if I don't want to or am not able to. I don't want my ability to continue existing subject to an bitter middle manager's whims...

>> No.58648124
File: 77 KB, 750x878, 1c06b584ac8ce5670cde89117120e6f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to church
>brush your teeth 2xs a day
>floss your teeth
>drink your milk
>eat your Brussel sprouts
>do your homework
>it's bedtime, go to bed
>no phone at the dinner table
>no phone at redbox hallmark channel family night

>> No.58648197

Get your bottom to Church NOW, young man!!!

>> No.58648221
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>> No.58648292

Good advice. Good luck getting and holding any halfway decent job without a car and the ability to drive yourself. Driving job or not.

>> No.58648387
File: 11 KB, 426x382, 1627410456076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you got late for RETARDIO, now wait for the dip OP you're screwed

>> No.58648398

I still dont get who in the family would take such an embarrassing photo and post it online

>> No.58648446

Go to Siberia. find that cult that has 0 crime. buy a wife. she'll never leave you. bring her back. keep her locked up in the basement so she never sees BBC
Impregnate her. have a midwife aide her. keep her locked up and if you have an daughter, lock her up too, if a son, bring him up and educate him in your computer shit.

teach him to hate anyone that doesn't look like him or you

>> No.58648541

Finally made enough to retire at 30
have been cocoon mode in my 20s
now im fit rich and autistic

time for my life to begin

>> No.58648557

How did you do it

>> No.58648801

As a recluse virgin who never leaves the house, the same as my teens and 20s. Basically I went from being a recluse in a dorm room and then an apartment in my 20s, and now I'm a recluse in my own house

>> No.58649015


he's actually not alone if someone was around to take his picture. there's your difference

>> No.58649028

Why should I waste my time and resources on this? Instead, I prefer investing in DePIN, maybe Navi or Io, or wait for Peaq to get listed on Binance as proposed. I really don't get why folks invest in meme coins

>> No.58649040

This life is better than we think it is. Many people live in assumed fear and prefer to stay isolated. I don't get it. This was not how it was in the early 90s. Folks are basically scared of having a partner, friends, or even talking to their neighbors. OP's case is different, though. The pleb should get his life together.

>> No.58649447

>I prefer investing in DePIN
I'm bullishon this and pinging daily to hit 100k points and secure that AUKI whitelist spot.

>> No.58650265


that means the marriage is nullified

>> No.58650268


same here. I feel great all the time


look up what the herbal trannie does to prolactin

>> No.58650286
File: 6 KB, 250x249, 1695929047102170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have the energy to start over with a different roastie that will probably be worse behaved than my current.

>> No.58650291



>> No.58650295

bcs u didn't buy FUN on time.... next time somebody gives you life changing advice, accept it and you'll make it

>> No.58650315

I have bought a bag for the shrl, you said soon I could retire in Hawaii Beach?

>> No.58650362

I am about 30, any advice? so that I can make it over 30

>> No.58650479

Keep trying, never give up, and replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones.

>> No.58650491

the biggest lie on /biz/ is that there's a way to make it that doesn't involve decades of dedicated hard work. unless you got lucky and were born rich, there isn't.