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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58638746 No.58638746 [Reply] [Original]

>people unironically saying it's getting harder to make it
The flynn effect has largely stalled and is even reversing in some countries.

The world is getting dumber.

The average crypto participant is getting dumber.

Crypto as a whole has gone from the hobby of autistic, white upper middle class computer nerd libertarians to a global phenomenon of brown moonboy retards who are laughably easy to trade against.

It is easier than ever to make it.

>> No.58638765

i must be retarded. i keep trading the opposite of the trend

>> No.58638804

>It's easier to make it when the liquidity is flowing in infinitely random directions of the 1000's of shitcoins introduced every day you have to sift through for the fabled 10-20x's

Is it now? Because over 5 years ago you could just pick BTC or ETH or an actual fucking coin, or make the retard play on DOGE then get a magical Elon tweet because it wasn't among a million dogs, cats, and frogs. The browns may be retarded but it's still dealing with noise and monkeys throwing shit at you while you're trying to concentrate. Maybe you have the market figured out OP but for the midwits (most of these white upper middle class computer nerds) it's getting increasingly hard; I unironically try to LARP being an absolute fucking retard and I've gotten some plays out of that. I've pivoted half my shit into KAS because it doesn't seem to shit itself every time BTC drops 2% as it often does in this absolute crab run, unlike whatever my other 50% is doing whenever that happens

>> No.58638855

that is said from the perspective of new entrents to the adult world not from your perspective
it is undeniable harder to acquire your startup capital since wages are shit and col exploded
on top of that the entire amount of knowledge you would have to learn to keep up with crypto is vast if you start from nothing
you had the advantage of learning it as it grew, never underestimate how big an advantage this is

it will require a great new thing starting its organic growth for it ever to be as easy as making it was with eth and btc in 2016-17

>> No.58638976

the world getting dumber is very bearish.

you're better off being average in a high iq society than an outlier in a low iq one.

>> No.58639142
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based take and completely true, if you play your cards right you have multiple chances to make it just by virtue of holding a single token, take agrs for example, all it takes is for you (yes you) to hold the token with enough money during a sufficiently long period of time and you're guaranteed to make it
that's it, that's all there is to it, and this isn't only reserved for AGRS oh no sir-e, this has happened multiple times already, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if btc turned out to be one of the greatest equalizers in history because it made a ton of people crazy rich, what did you have to do to be rich? just have it, nothing else, just by clicking a button you can make it
and thats not even considering the prospect of the impact agrs and btc can have as pieces of tech. Check the charts, the proof is there: its easier than ever to make

>> No.58639145

I always end up in a thread where they start something that has no end and no use tho

>> No.58639150
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>> No.58639155

on one side, weighting 0.3 lbs with a portfolio of 300 tokens
he has never won a single dollar from crypto and has sold all of the biggest gems, he will never make it and neither will you
The faded FADEEEER
and on the otheeer, having a portfolio of a measly 10 coins he has held for 10 years, he's always telling you we're gonna make it, the one, the only
the illustrious HOPECHAAAAD

>> No.58639157

/biz has been insufferable today

>> No.58639159
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thought I was the only one
at less im not the only one

>> No.58639164

>The flynn effect has largely stalled and is even reversing in some countries.
where did you get this statistic, check out latam, the poverty rates are higher than ever in the past 20 years, africa is going through a huge crisis, even americans are suffering this, the flynn effect is very much still in action

>> No.58639166

you, my friend, have earned a well deserved "checked"

>> No.58639169

I don't even know why I'm still here..

>> No.58639175

i think it is actually, for most people its getting easier and easier to distinguish a pile of shit from a true utility token because well, the utility token is not the outlier
holy shit i really did miss it with this one

>> No.58639182

wellcome to 4chan newfagie

>> No.58639184

>and thats not even considering the prospect of the impact agrs and btc can have as pieces of tech
i seriously, seriously doubt that most baglets will ever care about the outcomes of the tech but its a good speech to make from you i wont deny it

>> No.58639197
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if its easier than ever to make it then why is it so hard for me?

>> No.58639234

It's the opposite, all the moonboy low IQ shitskins are piling on useless shit like memecoins or centralized garbage like BNB/SOL, and they're the ones making it because that's where all the pumps happen considering they're the majority. Whereas, the high IQ play is to buy crypto with good fundamentals while every NPC is ignoring it, no one cares unless it moons first. So the real high IQ play is to act like a normie low IQ NPC and ride the meme pumps and centralized shitcoins.

>> No.58639255

I wanna smell this anime girl

>> No.58639373

Those exact same brown, lowly moonboys beat us in numbers, though. For every wiseanon there's 1,000 pajeets. They got us surrounded like the CPP has Taiwan surrounded. They are everywhere.

>> No.58639377
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>i missed out and im too lazy to keep trying so it's harder to make it for everyone including me
that's all i got out of your gay little post. you listen to shoegaze rock don't you

>> No.58639382
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Funniest thing about AGRS is that AI hype hasn't even begun. People already think LLM's are dead and nobody really cares except for CEO's looking for creative ways to fuck over workers in order to spend as little money as humanly possible and minmax. Shit's just the beginning.

>> No.58639398

>The world is getting dumber
Not really.
>Shitcoins get bigger and techshit gets smaller, this is because people is dumb!
You didn't say that but that's what I can imagine some stupid nigger itt will post - and not really, crypto has been proven to be obtuse and pointless in most usecase scenarios. Biz owners that have adopted it pretty much gave up because crypto is mostly all about being sluggish, annoying to maintain, and inferior to non-blockchain alternative products and services.
You are not retarded, you just haven't unlocked that cautious part of your brain telling you that investing in alts/bluechips is the way to go. Once you unlock it and you start planning which shitcoin to buy based on current popularity + trends and more or less when to sell, that's when you'll stop doing it wrong.

>> No.58639400

Kill yourself.

>> No.58639405
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Analyze the (now easier to spot) weaknesses of stupid people and capitalize on ways to take advantage of said weaknesses. Should make your ventures easier, not harder. You just need to lower yourself to their level every now and then to understand what goes on in the hivemind.