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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58638513 No.58638513 [Reply] [Original]

I can't do this anymore brothers, because it feels like, the more I cling to my convictions, the deeper I sink into a pit of debt, despair and regret. I have been investing in cryptocurrencies for five years straight, never, at any time have I been able to get any sum over five figures. It's all lies, I experienced it first hand. Honestly after lurking on this board for so long I assume most of you are either on high amounts of drugs or just larping to ignore the pathetic day to day life you find yourselves in. I have made a vast network of friends over the years, I know people who have retired into the tech world, religious fanatics of famous coins on this board, devs who have fallen from grace and several baggies who swear to me that next month their coin will reach the moon. They all have one thing in common and that is that they never reached that promise of wealth, at least not with cryptos. Then I see the people who accumulated profit with the rise of DOGE, SHIB and ELON and I sink into the deepest shame because one part of me envies them totally and the other feels "proud" of investing in "real coins". Today I stop fooling myself, nobody is here because of technology, most of them look down from a tower of superior morality for investing in a coin with a real usecase that is of no use to them because at the end of the day they are still poor.

>> No.58638520 [DELETED] 

it's about luck, the people who are good at this in the sense that they catch continuous opportunities make 20+ dollars each trade and they jsust do it continuously, still better than having to work for some shitty pay, you can do pretty well,

>> No.58638727
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Well that's too bad for you because you're going to hell for both pride and envy

>> No.58638731

i dont understand why other people's joy makes you suffer? is it because you think "damn that could me"? or because you think that you could be on that person's file and think "damn that banana looks rich" either way let me ask you why? you've got enough time to lurk biz you surely have time get that banana

>> No.58638733

okay I've read enough for today
plus be a man, dont be such a pussy
also bearish..

>> No.58638735

>the church putting you in hell for thought crimes
exhilarating you're very daring today anon

>> No.58638739

Stopped reading there
Get a fucking job and stop fucking with leverage you can't cover.

>> No.58638741
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>he makes only $20 dollars each trade
>he thinks that's the norm
senpai i got news for ya

>> No.58638743
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I don't want to make it fun, but you're making it hard for me fella

>> No.58638744
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i konw i shouldn't feel bad because he's my friend and everything but my best friend just reached 800k with his agrs bags, meaning he's one step closer to becoming a millionaire. And every time he tells me about it a little part of me dies inside and wishes he would just drop dead

>> No.58638747

joe biden looks less and less human by the day

>> No.58638751

>nobody is here because of technology, most of them look down from a tower of superior morality for investing in a coin with a real usecase that is of no use to them because at the end of the day they are still poor.
With this rather obvious realization I can tell you are about 50% of the way there to avoid being a retarded eternal /biz/ baggie for the DOT mafia or the LINK cult or whatever else. I don't see the problem, why are you unable to make money? Buy when red, sell when green, and don't buy into obvious rugs. The broken English and putrid curry smell should be dead easy giveaways.

>> No.58638753

you can clearly see the mask, why are people voting for this retard?

>> No.58638757

>will die of dementia before he reaches 80
why do dems vote for the geriatric patient before other cadidates is so that younger get more time to "develop" or so they say

>> No.58638758

Don't be discouraged, investing can take a long time,I can tell ..
you have to make the right decisions bout

>> No.58638760
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>AGRS baggie
>almost a millionaire
>thanks to AGRS
Would believe you if shit was still around $10 a coin but now? Kek

What else does he have?

>> No.58638763
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i had a stroke trying to read this
also trump will also die of dementia before finishing another mandate (if he does get elected)

>> No.58638768
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cuz all of them are just retarded motherfuckers and I am not saying anything new

>> No.58638770
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guess who didn't even know about this fucking thing during the AI gold rush (me)

guess who misses out on everything (le me)

>> No.58638778

I didnt say he had 800k on agrs asshole, i said he reached 800k thanks to agrs. His 800k folio consists mainly of alts and stocks. As fars as i know he holds the top 10 coins, plus agrs and wlc, then the top 5 stocks, nvidia, amd and some google

>> No.58638779

>have a "vast network of friends" of what I'm assuming must be smart or at least self aware individuals
>somehow still poor
>waaa i cant make it anymore waaa waaa crapto bad
i think nothing about your post is genuine. was it generated by chatgpt?

>> No.58638780
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>> No.58638782

Because its the easier way to think I guess

>> No.58638786

AI and crypto have nothing to do with one another and both focus on different industries and use cases and that's okay. Hamfisting two innovative concepts for the sake of coming up with some corny "ultimate investment" is a futile attempt only a manchild that understand neither would get behind.

>> No.58638788

something i will never forgive ai for taking away form me will be the thrill of opening a thread and have certainty that it was written by a human being
nowadays i cant feel the same empathy i used to feel because there's always that lingering feeling that im talking to gpt3

>> No.58638790


>> No.58638794
File: 13 KB, 266x139, lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dw bro nobody cares anymore. this might be a good opportunity to get into ai coins or it might be a big warning. i dont know which one this is because i dont care about projects like these im just pointing this out to you lol

>> No.58638798
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go ahead
kill yourself, id like to see.

>> No.58638801

No? What the fuck are you talking about. Bittensor needs the blokchain to function, and its AI. Tau net has agoras built into the blockchain and aims to create something more akin to true decentalization. WLC is baked inside the blockchain as well and uses its encryption to store the user's biometric data.
Those are some examples but saying that crypto and ai are two different things and that they're "forcing" them together is both stupid and ignorant

>> No.58638802
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i got into the 5fig kool kidz klub with nothing but doge, shib, and a bit of bnb.

>> No.58638814

>five years straight
>never, at any time have I been able to get any sum over five figures
If you had even just DCA spare change over those years into BTC you would have 5 figs by now.
That's a monumental fuck up.

>> No.58638830

You are such a gigantic fucking retard, gigantic fucking retard, holy shit. Grow a fucking brain already