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58637128 No.58637128 [Reply] [Original]

You were dumped by this whale (70k stack) back then in 2020, why are you still holding Link?

This isn't fud guys, I'm really curious about your endgame here

>> No.58637148

Well this guy did it right by switching to btc and eth at the top

>> No.58637174

Because they're all are stockholm syndrome delusional married to my bags baggies. They unironically believe "we are in a club weren't not supposed to be in" type of mentality. Pure delusion and I'll be called a somalian bulgarian porn addicted fudster for saying that. Lmao

>> No.58637176

and people still keep measuring their alts in usd
most successful psyop the exchanges ever pulled was hiding btc (under)performance

>> No.58637295
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>mfw I hold 2k more than he ever held

>> No.58637327

You need to move on, anon. You need to stop thinking about your ex. You need a LAL plan.

>> No.58637344

bawhwhhaha why do you care about something that happened 4 years ago? are you still thinking about your ex getting fucked by hamal? lmao you are over 30 get a fucking grip retard

>> No.58637347

you need to move on from stalking stalkers anon, it's time for your own LALO plan

>> No.58637352

I’m here to facilitate a positive change for all of those people suffering, walking in circles and in pain about chainlink. It’s time for us all to heal.
What new investments make you excited? What makes you look forward to the future?

>> No.58637357

based whale anon probably has sex with his wife everyday in his big american household. very nice, i envy.

>> No.58637362

nigger those are barely retail numbers at this market cap

>> No.58637376

>I’m here to facilitate a positive change
start by not replying to LINK threads, it's time to completely move on from LINK and its stalkers, that's the only salvation for your trauma

>> No.58637403

LINK threads are where all the people suffering are. I make afterlink threads and try and shepherd them into their new reality. When link threads are devoid of suffering, and afterlink threads are full of hope and activity, my work will be done.

>> No.58637407

Just because asset X and Y do better doesn't mean you measure your particular assets Z in terms of asset X and Y.
That's retarded.

Solana outperformed BTC and ETH since August 2020, does that mean you measure BTC and ETH in SOL?
Nvidia outperformed BTC and ETH since August 2020; does that mean you should measure BTC and ETH in NVDAs?

>> No.58637411

>bitcoin went from 3k->69k or a 23x
>eth went from 100 dollars low to 4800 or a 48x
>link went from a 2 dollar low during covid to a 52 dollar high or 26x
Yeah I know that guy probably 'le bought at 20 cents' or whatever the fuck in 2017 but holy fuck the thing that pisses me off about linkgroids is constantly insisting their extremely anemic-growth coin is something fantastic and amazing. Sergey is a faggot, Link did a 300x from the bottom and then pooped out. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.58637413

No one cares about this either you fucking retard.

>> No.58637416

>the thing that pisses me off about linkgroids
Can you list 3 things that would make you happy in a world where Chainlink didn't exist?

>> No.58637418

What's the future for Chainlink? Is it destined to die off like a typical ERC shitcoin?

>> No.58637423

anon, leave your ex alone

>> No.58637424

You meant to quote the fuddies, anon.

>> No.58637427

no, anon, I meant to quote (You)
you can't and you won't save the world, stop being a little child and move on

>> No.58637431
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>What's the future for Chainlink?
Probably pic or something.

You meant to quote the fuddies.
They've been trying to "save the world" by obsessively posting about Link for years.

>> No.58637433

and you've been trying to save the world by begging people to buy your bags, it ain't happening, time to move on

>> No.58637434

I'm helping us all move on.
Here is what I'm doing in my life after LINK:
1) Running: my 5km is down to 26 minutes. Aiming for sub 25
2) Cooking: Getting much more seriously into cooking. My last big success was crispy skinned trout fillets and sourdough bread (although my starter went mouldy. Live and learn!)
3) Building! I'm designing a web3 app of my own! Why sit on the sidelines when you can play on the field?
The more I focus on the things life can give me, without fixating on chainlink, the better my life gets.
And you can all do it too!

>> No.58637435

Fud threads always outnumbered shill threads 10 to 1.
This very thread is a fud thread.

>> No.58637437

the only way you can truly move on is by stop posting in LINK threads
it's time to move on from fud threads and focus on shill threads

>> No.58637441

It's time for the people spamming fud threads to move on.

Link is THEIR ex. Not mine.

>> No.58637443

and it's time for you to move on from your current gfs exes

>> No.58637445

How do I move on from them when they keep spamming her socials every single day?

>> No.58637446

you block them, you change her socials etc
or you simply admit that your gf is a slut lol

>> No.58637449

>the only way you can truly move on is by stop posting in LINK threads
that's exactly right! We all need to move on into a life after link. we all need to stop posting in link threads. it's time to move on.

>> No.58637450

>block them
No, they should move on.

>> No.58637451

you first!

>> No.58637453

they won't
it's up to you entirely to stop focusing on negativity and your gfs sinful past and move on

>> No.58637454

he could transfer his BTC/eth gains from 2020-2024 and outnumber you massively kek

>> No.58637457

>they won't stop
>so it's up to you

No, it's up to YOU to stop obsessing over your ex. Move on.

>> No.58637458

no, it's up to you to stop obsessing over mentally ill people and get over their obsession with your gf
it's time to move on

>> No.58637460

I've provided a space for us to move on, a space of hope and positivity

>> No.58637461

>I'm moving on from LINK by making brand new LINK threads and inviting all the negativity in my thread
that's not how moving on looks like, anon

>> No.58637462

>it's up to you to stop obsessing over mentally ill people
I don't seek them out, they seek me out.

>> No.58637463

you're the one who's entering their fud threads, it's time to move on

>> No.58637464

We invite in the negativity and we transmute it into hope and positivity. That's literally how you save the world.

>> No.58637465

do you think that social media girl whos employed by chainlink and said something along the lines of "a lot of us get unlimited time off" was fired by sergey? There's 700 chainlink employees so buyers must be funding some pretty lavish lifestyles.

>> No.58637466

you can't save the world, kid
focus on your own life and move on

>> No.58637470

>you can't save the world, kid
So why do fuddies keep trying to save the world by spamming about Link?

>> No.58637473

From little things, big things grow. Step one is finding peace in my own afterlink plan. Step two is spreading that peace to the people suffering on /biz/ . After that, who knows?

>> No.58637478

because they're ill
why are you so hyper focused on mentally ill people to the point you enter their threads every day?
only one step is required
move on and stop posting about LINK and its mentally ill bagholding community

>> No.58637486
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>> No.58637493

>why are you so hyper focused on mentally ill people
They keep talking about a coin I hold lmao

>> No.58637494

That's exactly what I'm trying to bring about, anon. We're entirely on the same page. Let's get the community to move into a new dawn, a new era of hope and optimism.

>> No.58637496

and? how is their talk affecting you or your coin?
we're not because you refuse to stop posting about LINK

>> No.58637502

I don't post about LINK, I am entirely dedicated to the afterlink movement

>> No.58637506

>and? how is their talk affecting you or your coin?
I keep seeing it, and it's unnecessary.
They should move on.

>> No.58637508

same thing
anon, it's time for you to grow up and stop seeking universal acceptance
it's time for you to move on and stop feeding the negativity of mentally ill and abused people

>> No.58637510

Don't care USD is all that really matters and bitcoin is an inflation hedge.

>> No.58637511

>stop seeking universal acceptance
I seek no such thing.
All I seek is an end to the mindless spam, and for this to happen people need to let go of their ex.

>> No.58637512

they won't
it's time for you to move on from people who can't move on from their ex

>> No.58637514

Literal opposites. I'm about breaking the negativity of link "discussion" (which is really just the same circular conversations that participants on both sides have had 500 times already) and moving us into a new paradigm, an afterlink paradigm.

>> No.58637516

>they won't
Maybe you won't, but others may finally see the light.

Let go of your ex, anon. Move on.

>> No.58637519

anon, you're not moving on and it's making me feel sad
anon, you've been in every fud thread for years and years, trying fruitlessly to salvage the minds of mentally ill shut in incels
you ought to know better
if I wasn't convinced of your sincerity, I'd say you're being paid to do this
move on, anon, let the mentally ill people seethe in peace and live your life with your gf

>> No.58637520

>you've been in every fud thread for years and years
No, you've been making fud threads for years and years.

Link bad, we get it. Move on.

>> No.58637525

anon, I haven't made a single thread on this board ever
you otoh continuously keep entering threads of people obsessing over your ex
you have the problem
it's like continuously visiting a mental asylum and then complaining about the patients being unhinged all the time
just stop visiting the asylum, anon

>> No.58637526

I'm leading the pack when it comes to moving on. I'm starting a whole moving on movement. I'll see you in the afterlink thread, anon, when you're ready. When you finally decide you want to get out. I'll see you there.

>> No.58637527

anon, I'm afraid you'll never be able to move on

>> No.58637538

There's no need to be afraid, anon. I'll see you in the afterlink thread, when you finally decide that you're ready. No pressure, no rush. See you on the other side my friend :)

>> No.58637542

I keep holding Link because I enjoy the attention i get from kekfuddies every day. I don't really care about money, I just crave the attention i get from you guys. No one has ever been this loyal to me. I feel you're my family now. Thank You for everything.

>> No.58637543

>I haven't made a single thread on this board ever
Plenty of mentally ill people have, target them and not the people wanting to get rid of them.

>> No.58637546

you won't get rid of them by posting in all of their threads, either
move on and stop visiting the mental asylum every day, anon

>> No.58637547

It's amazing to see this message catch on.
It's time to move on, anons. See you all in the afterlink thread.

>> No.58637549

I thrive on adversarial opinions. I gain my best insights from arguing against fudders.
The mind-numbing spam has to go however, meaning you (You) have to let go of your ex. Stop clinging to the past.

>> No.58637554

anon, there are no adversiarial opinions, you're literally arguing with mentally ill patients every day
against such a host, there is no victory
move on and stick to LINK positive threads only, stop entering the mental asylum every day expecting different results

>> No.58637561

>there are no adversiarial opinions
lmao of course there are. Tons of them.
One of them itt is "you have to measure in sats, not USD".

>> No.58637566

kek this.
One of my favorite passtimes is bringing up the Bitcoin suppression and watching this one guy (same guy every time) twist himself in knots trying to deny it like a puppet on a string.

>> No.58637571

anon, no matter how much you say to a mentally ill person that he's wrong and you're right, you won't convince him
move on and stop entering a mental asylum every day, unless you want to become just like them

>> No.58637572

It's about gaining insights for myself, not necessarily convincing anyone.

Move on, anon. Link bad. We know.

>> No.58637575

what insights could you be possibly getting from mentally ill people? are you a psychopath yourself?

>> No.58637576

I just gave you one example from itt

>> No.58637578

what insights did you get from that?

>> No.58637582

People used to say this all the time on here, and in the beginning I just accepted it as a general truth.
But then a number of arguments with fudders made me realize through the Socratic method that it's really just not true.

>> No.58637585

and how exactly is that helping you?

>> No.58637586

It's a very basic insight into market dynamics. It helps a lot.

>> No.58637587

how does it help you?

>> No.58637589


>> No.58637592

>he could transfer his BTC/eth gains from 2020-2024 and outnumber you massively kek
anon there are millions of people who outnumber my wealth do you think I care about that? all I care about is the amount of linkies who outnumber me

>> No.58637593

so it doesn't?

>> No.58637596

>So no?

>> No.58637601

how does that info help you anon?
is not a valid answer, I'm afraid

>> No.58637602

I already answered here though >>58637586

>> No.58637605

you said it helps, I'm asking how
if you don't have an answer you can always move on, I won't judge you

>> No.58637607

>I'm asking how

See >>58637586
I gained a very basic insight into market dynamics.

>> No.58637608

...which helps you in what way exactly?

>> No.58637609

How does gaining insight into market dynamics help me as an investor?

>> No.58637611

yes, more specifically, how does that particular insight about sats not mattering helps you exactly?

>> No.58637621
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>Please PLEASE just sell your Chainlink tokens.

>> No.58637626

You're cute.

>> No.58637635

so it doesn't help you at all and it was just an excuse for your inability to stop visiting a mental asylum every day?
move on anon, you have absolutely nothing to gain by obsessing over mentally ill people

>> No.58637647

>so it doesn't help you at all

see >>58637586
>It helps a lot.

>> No.58637650

how does it help you a lot?

>> No.58637654

By being a basic market insight.

>> No.58637655

in what way is this basic market insight helping you?

>> No.58637657

Many ways.
Basic market insights tend to do that.

>> No.58637658

>Many ways
then it shouldn't be a problem for you to name them, go on

>> No.58637660

I don't have to. It's a basic market insight.

>> No.58637661

you don't have to, but I'm asking you to do so
go on, name them

>> No.58637664

Maybe if you say the magic word.

>> No.58637669

anon, you've been asked something extremely specific, either provide an answer or move on, what is the point of replying with those low effort non answers

>> No.58637670

>you've been asked something extremely specific
But not politely.

>> No.58637672

how does arguing with mentally ill people every day over the importance of sats help you in any way?

>> No.58637675

It helps gain basic market insights, like how measuring in sats is bs.

>> No.58637679

and how did that help you specifically? why does it matter if sats are bs or not? the end result is still the same, you'll keep holding, they'll keep fudding
time to move on perhaps?

>> No.58637682

>and how did that help you specifically?
Say "please".

>> No.58637683

so it didn't make any difference?
I see

>> No.58637684


see >>58637586
>It helps a lot.

>> No.58637686

evidently it doesn't, otherwise you'd be able to explain how it helps instead of wasting so much time

>> No.58637687

>otherwise you'd be able to explain how it helps
Anyone can explain how general market insights help.

>> No.58637688

apart from you

>> No.58637690

There's a difference between willingness and ability.

>> No.58637691

so you're willing to argue with mentally ill people every day and go out of your way to enter their fud threads, but you're unwilling to explain such a basic concept when asked in good faith
yeah, I'm beginning to believe you're part of the problem here, perhaps you might not be as sane and balanced as I thought

>> No.58637694

>but you're unwilling to explain such a basic concept
I shouldn't have to explain the benefits of basic market insights.

>> No.58637732

you shouldn't be arguing with mentally ill people either

>> No.58637734

it's the most successful psyop for a reason thanks to midwits like yourself

>> No.58637742

I don't know of any other project that has the same potential as chainlink.

Everything else is just hype and memes. I don't have the free time to chart watch and panic sell at a moments notice.

>> No.58637755

Sure I should, it helps gain basic market insights.
The mindless spammers should let it go however, move on.

The psyop is claiming sats are more important than USD for valuation.

>> No.58637889

the mindless spammers are the mentally ill people
you are even more deranged than them desu

>> No.58637893


>> No.58637894

because you insist on arguing and entering the space of deranged people, instead of completely ignoring them, like every sane person would

>> No.58637896

Do you consider yourself a mindless spammer?

>> No.58637897

>Building! I'm designing a web3 app of my own!
tech stocks is dying and web3 is higher risk then that. You're fucked in the head m8

>> No.58637898

no, I'm talking about the fudders and their non stop spam

>> No.58637899

Then why are you implying I'm arguing with mindless fudders?

>> No.58637900

because you admitted doing so multiple times itt
then I asked you why would you enter fud threads instead of focusing on shill threads and you simply ignored me
just admit you're as unhinged and unable to move on as they are

>> No.58637901

>because you admitted doing so multiple times itt
quote the posts

>> No.58637906

the post you ignored
and this is allegedly the reason you can't restrain yourself from entering fud thread after fud thread
"adversarial opinions" of "mindless spammers"
you're literally mentally ill

>> No.58637908

Not a single one of these posts shows me admitting to arguing with mindless spammers.

>> No.58637911

yes, apart from the very fact that you have 40+ posts in a clearly defined fud thread

>> No.58637915

I'm talking about my hold, mindless spammers and general fudders should just move on.

>> No.58637918

why are you attempting to talk about your hold in a thread full of mindless, mentally ill fudders that continuously repeat the same tired talking points?
how is that helping you in any way?
the answer is simple, you're equally deranged as the people you constantly complain about are

>> No.58637919

>why are you attempting to talk about your hold in a thread full of mindless, mentally ill fudders
Because I only grow stronger doing so. I gain valuable insights.
Meanwhile they are simply obsessing over an ex, which is destructive.

>> No.58637921

you haven't mentioned a single valuable insight apart from "sats are bs", and even that you can't explain properly
>which is destructive
then let them destruct themselves

>> No.58637923

>you haven't mentioned a single valuable insight apart from "sats are bs"

>> No.58637926

and? you obviously gain nothing apart from feeding off their negativity, ergo you're deranged and mentally ill yourself
who in their right mind would debate with mentally ill people over and over again, when there's no chance of closure at all?

>> No.58637928

>you obviously gain nothing
But you just gave an example of a valuable insight I gained.

>> No.58637930

in what way is the statement "sats are bs" valuable and useful?

>> No.58637933

>in what way is knowing the source of true value useful??

>> No.58637937

what is the source of true value and how does that relate to "sats are bs"?
>inb4 more one liner non sequiturs

>> No.58637939

>what is the source of true value

See the beginning of our argument. Are you slow, or do you just have a poor memory?

>> No.58637942

try again without attempting to insult me, it comes across as weak and deranged
what is the source of true value and how does that relate to "sats are bs"?

>> No.58637944

See the beginning of this argument.

>> No.58637946

I saw it, no proper answer was ever given
are you having trouble articulating your thought process?

>> No.58637965

>59 and 53 pbtids over 5 hours
You’re both mentally ill

>> No.58637970

>no proper answer was ever given

But of course it was.
The choice throughout the argument was sats or USD; see >>58637176 >>58637407 >>58637561

And you explicitly acknowledged that my position was "not sats".
What does that leave?

>> No.58638002

none of the posts you quoted answer my questions
let me try again, because you're doing this as difficult as it can be
what is the source of true value that you managed to extract by arguing with mentally ill fudders, and how does that source ot true value relate to the statement "sats are bs"
I still can't understand why "sats are bs" but that's an entirely different discussion, so let's not get into that

>> No.58638102

I used to be an investor, I was heavily in profits. The next bull market was quickly approaching, after a prolonged period of extreme economic destruction in the macro markets, on top of a scheduled crypto bear market. But thanks to people like you, I wised up - I sold my extremely well leveraged investment because I realized there are people out there with more money than me.

>> No.58638206

Your face is one of the zombies outside looking at the BTC maxi inside.

>> No.58638211

Fuck LINK, better buy SHRL and enjoy returns
Shitty LINK won't anything special

>> No.58638305

>what is the source of true value that you managed to extract by arguing with mentally ill fudders
kek that's not the "true value" we were talking about, you moron.

>> No.58638721

for fucks sake bro, just leave the thread
you've been thoroughly BTFO

>> No.58638738


>I've been holding my LINK stack for nearly a decade now

>> No.58638752

no u

>> No.58638797

Yea I didn’t read anything in this thread but I’m never selling. Fud has ramped up to the absolute max recently and I feel like some big shit is about to come out. They were trading tokenized stock on blockchains using CCIP and nobody here barely talked about it. They are drowning out any real discussion.

Obligatory: fuck jews, fuck niggers, fuck fuddies, and especially fuck jannies.

>> No.58638799
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>Poorfags arguing with poorfags

it's sad that the only method you think will make u rich is desparately holding onto a shitcoin that will pathetically claw its way to a 3% gain after a few weeks only for it to dump 15% in the matter of days.

do any of u even have NW in the 7 figures? post proof or stfu

>> No.58638806
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>> No.58639057

Cope. Btc is the de facto reserve currency of crypto.

>> No.58639092

>I don't know of any other project that has the same potential for mental illness as chainlink.

>> No.58639113

You came back into the thread 7 minutes later to talk shit to someone about an investment you don’t hold to tell someone they are mentally ill?

>> No.58639131

>Btc is the de facto reserve currency of crypto.
No, that would be fiat. Both actual fiat and stables.
Tether alone absolutely obliterates BTC in terms of volume.

>> No.58639158

Just look at the thread dude. Every link thread devolves into a shit spewing dumpster fire.

Spotted the newfag, usd didn't even exist on most old school exchanges, alts were originally traded against btc not usd. Only Btc is traded vs usd.
Saying alt / btc price doesn't matter is the saddest dumb money cope and largest scam ever pulled against retail.
Dumb money celebrates their dead altcoins "pumping" while being completely oblivious to the fact they are actually bleeding real value btc. There's no point to being in alts if you're not trying to acquire more btc, just stick to stocks at that point

>> No.58639173

You said "is" the de facto reserve currency of crypto.
But it isn't, and hasn't been for a very long time now.

And even back when it was that, it was still valued in USD itself, so your reserve currency point is moot anyway.

>> No.58639183

>Every link thread devolves into a shit spewing dumpster fire.
Because retards like you just can't let go of Link.

>> No.58639458

You sound very insecure about your investment

>> No.58640178

so do you

>> No.58640213

Anon WE fucking told you buy LPL stay based and chuddie kiddos pilled






>i am chuddie kiddo pilled LPL

>why didnt I listen to those based LPL chuddie kiddos?






>> No.58641560
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TL;DR guys, you need to sell off your Chainlink before the tokenisation of real world assets.
Just sell it now, I know that the whole point of Chainlink hasn't been implemented yet but there are other assets that have pumped in the past few years and you need to focus on them (even though they've already pumped and a majority of them are overvalued).
Larry Fink doesn't know shit, SWIFT doesn't know shit, nobody that controls the financial institutions know shit, you should buy Disney stocks because they're down right now and they should be way higher than this!

>> No.58641604

sometimes I can't tell if this and >>58640213 are sarcastic "fake fudders" or actual deranged people.
pool's closed.

>> No.58641617

I'm being sarcastic, the other guy is unhinged and spews the same shit multiple times every day because he couldn't stake in the second round.