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58636776 No.58636776 [Reply] [Original]

Any Aussie bros here? Need some help.
I have the autism and financials don't really stick with me well.
I'll be 30 soon and my parents want me to move out. I've worked part time since I was 18 at a supermarket and have $280k in the bank. My expenditure is about $100 a week for board (rent) at home, then about $25 or so for other things like petrol, phone etc.
I've been looking into units + homes etc. online but they are all out of my price range. How can I move out? Is renting the only choice?

>> No.58636796


few options my anon. as a fellow aussie.

i would honestly spend $50k and buy a campervan or something that you can live out of $50-$100k and park it somewhere where you can legally reside....

renting is expensive, you can always get a flatemate or something and share the cost of rent....but who the fuck wants that.

get a camper or mobile home and live in it, you can use your phone internet for all internet etc.

or find a fulltime job for 6 months or so and try and get a small mortgage with the $260K as collateral, up to you.

>> No.58636824

Would there be enough room in a campervan for a desk + PC setup? I'm not up to date on the higher-end phone plans as mines $12 a month but are there unlimited plans or 2TB data caps?

Where is a good place to move and find work? I'm in Adelaide and everything is out of my price range.

>> No.58636948

You’re in Adelaide and you can’t find a unit for $280k?

Presumably you will continue to work and consequently have an income. Are you opposed to getting a small mortgage to get a place of your own around $400k? Are you opposed to working full time? Are you at all interested in skilling up for a more lucrative career? Having the ‘tism doesn’t necessarily need to be as much of a barrier as you may think.

>> No.58636964

>You’re in Adelaide and you can’t find a unit for $280k?
Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.
I just prefer my free time but I could go full time. My manager had a discussion about it once but there aren't any positions available currently.

>> No.58637033

>Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough
All good, I had a look and can find some units and villa sort of things in the mid-300s but anything below $300k seems to taper off severely in terms of liveability.

If you remain working part time, assuming you make about $50k/year you could likely get a really small mortgage. That at least gets you into a residence. I personally am not a fan of the campervan idea, while you would save a lot of money Aus has poor clarity and guidance on what’s considered “vagrancy” so unless you were literally paying someone to park the thing on their land, you could plausibly get moved on by the police regularly or even fined. I live in NSW and apparently you’re supposed to be able to stay in a rest area for free but if you were somewhere public night after night in perpetuity it would get questionable. Then you’ve still got the non-guaranteed supply of electricity and water to contend with, as well as not having a proper bathroom. You’re not in poverty - living in a campervan is what I’d recommend to a genuinely poor person, you have options and a decent asset base for someone who isn’t even 30 yet.

I do get the sense that you’re a person who doesn’t really care for having a big house, flash car, wife and kids, all that shit - that’s fine. But I would probably consider whether the merit of giving up some of that free time for a higher quality of life is worth it.

>> No.58637052

Thanks for replying.
I wasn't considering a camper van, only because the other anon suggested it and wanted some more details.

You are right, I still have my first car, most of my clothes are from when I was a teenager.

I do want a wife and kids but finding a girl is really tough these days, not to mention I'm the most uninteresting person alive.

I have 9 months annual leave so I could go on a nice holiday for a while before diving into full-time work and a mortgage. I'm kinda sick of Adelaide and want to see what Perth or Queensland is about.

>> No.58637056 [DELETED] 

Based autist. Goes to work every day for 12 years and extracts money from the economy. You missed the boat with housing. You should've bought between 2015-2019 when you had at least a deposit. House prices have doubled or tripled in some cases and your buying power isn't much anymore.

>> No.58637127
File: 166 KB, 1200x1000, 579F51C7-83C5-482D-BE90-6D381D73A6D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 yo
>lives with parents
>lumpen wagie at colesworth
> still has first car
> most clothes are from when he was a teenager
> self proclaimed most uninteresting person alive
>only really cares about fast internet, probably a dweeb, a pedo, a “gamer” or a combination of all of these
>very likely out of shape, no tan, crooked teeth, ugly, small dick energy, porn addict
> finding a girl is really tough these days

Jeez I wonder why anon. Must be a jew conspiration against white males…

>> No.58637183

A loser, sure.
Gamer, yes.
Not out of shape.
But yes, I know how little "status" I have in 2024. Even when none of that mattered, I was still a loser in highschool.

>> No.58637185

I owe the ATO 200,000,000 dollars in shit coin debt HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

about to kms, 1 sec

>> No.58637208

be a houso in adelaide
go to vietnam get a hot wife
all in frog coins

>> No.58637244

Dont get demoralized by this faggot anon, he is in worse shape than you guaranteed

If you have the time and arent attached to Adelaide, go around traveling and look for other places that you might like more and are more affordable, always have the property market in mind when visiting somewhere, a small mortage is probably the best course for owning something, or you take the frugal pill for a 1-2 years, work more, live somewhere really cheap with roommates and all, save most of the money and may afford something somewhere without mortage

>> No.58637254
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A class B should be able to yea but it's pretty much game the fuck over for your social life and going to be incredibly lonely without your parents giving you that bare minimum social interaction. Idk how campers do down in Australia, maybe they're insulated much better, but in the states you're gonna be fucking boiling if you get a cheap one and the 38C days start rolling in

>> No.58637400

imagine 38c days with your new vietnamese wife in your house commission flat. hot and heavy ohhh yeah. much better

>> No.58637591

Go all in chainlink and live.with your parents are few more years. Then retire with generational wealth.

Good luck with staking though

>> No.58637789

all in frog coins and live with your 10/10 viet cutie wife in a houso but 100000 xmr

>> No.58637803

You should be able to find a one bedroom apartment for $280k or close enough. Not saying it's a good idea, but it's an option. Can't you get a loan? $280k is a good deposit, you should be able to get a decent 2 bedroom townhouse relatively close to the city or 3-4 bedroom house in the outer suburbs.

>> No.58637835
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I bought RETARDIO instead of a house
I'm smarter than you :D!