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File: 37 KB, 489x534, caesar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58636626 No.58636626 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf bros, caesar is going to reveal satoshi?

>> No.58636643

Who is that grifter?

>> No.58636646

> Random influensoor sets up 3 months of baiting.
Oh shit oh fuck

>> No.58636656

everyone already knows who it is
nobody will just post shit and start a fight over it, unless they want a bullet

>> No.58636663

He thinks he is smart because he figures out which memecoins are scams. But somehow he doesn't arrive at: all of them.

>> No.58636673

This is just Qanon shit but for autistic crapto fags

>> No.58636681

He will be forced to reveal his shaved butthole before I fuck him up the ass like the little pig he is

>> No.58636687


>> No.58636703
File: 227 KB, 739x415, 1690696719546772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandpa goes off his meds and shorts the wrong ticker so he gets mad as fuck
absolute cinema

>> No.58636714

>2 months and 30 days
What kind of retarded language is this? Just say the fucking day or say in 3 months + or - 1 day because the semantics can make it mean multiple days which is in contradiction to exactly

>> No.58636790

I think this idiot is talking about us.

>> No.58636852

Satoshi is James A Donald aka Jim of Jim's blog. He wrote the RhoCoin white paper and is an insanely based reactionary who is right about everything.

>> No.58636865

i dunno why caesar would be after us. most of us get rugged by the 3 or 4 scammer fucks that run the coins we get faith in when people say, "ok this is the new biz coin i'm launching". we want to just get behind a meme that originated from here but fucking hell the very people he rails against fuck us over. but he's pretty anti racism and BadStuff so by association we're fucked

>> No.58636891

it's a nsa grift and a simple ledger currency they could use before the internet
they wrote a paper on how to rip everyone off using it


>> No.58636916
File: 70 KB, 748x1024, 1000001598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's a video from PM bag holders to prove my point

>> No.58636971
File: 305 KB, 670x1013, Screenshot 2024-06-15 131943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir are indeed a collossal faggot

>> No.58637007

Craig Steven Wright, known Australian, is Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.58637011

very funny.

>> No.58637133

Uh based girl?

>> No.58638290

Another tragic incident of reactionary on reactionary violence. Where are the authorities?

>> No.58638559

I'm sure this will happen, although i've thought for a while satoshi will be revealed and BTC will crash.

>> No.58638894

the real question is does it matter who satoshi is
if the prevaling schizo theory is real that indeed the nsa made this thing from the ground up does it mean anything today
in the end the majority of miners dictate what is or isnt btc as evidenced in the hashwars of old so unless the sha256 is compromised directly how would satoshi even influence btc right now
>inb4 market dump his million coins on open market
that would be an even greater slurp moment than the coof scam wick

personally i think it was hal finney talking to himself so he wouldnt be too bothered irl in the early days

>> No.58639027

watch i can be a twitter star because i declare 99.99% of meme coins are scams and will tell users that
im so smart

>> No.58639034

Lol. CT fags gotta be the most cringe halfwits I've ever seen on the Internet.

>> No.58639039

spoiler: satoshi = NSA insiders

>> No.58639118
File: 84 KB, 1855x1080, SkibidiTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study what frens actually means
Far Right Ethno Nationalists? Yeah. My frens.

>> No.58639144

and obviously this twatter fag is just trolling for engagement hence the 3 months wait so he can drag idiots along to bump his tweets
if anyone had actual and real proof about how satoshi was they would insta share it for the cloud before someone else does, certainly not announce to the world they have it lol

>> No.58639161


>> No.58639310
File: 89 KB, 719x900, 1712422899619967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't use the immortal, incorruptible, trustless, stateless, transparent tally board, use the oligarch controlled known rigged tally board instead!
Dull little statist slavemind.

>> No.58639427


>> No.58639437

I see your posts regularly. I hope newfags do too. You're doing everyone a service.

>> No.58639455

she made this

>> No.58639523

block all schizo posters

>> No.58639569
File: 153 KB, 567x999, 1715049963381299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Just doing my part to counter doomerism and jeetery and help show anons the path. Too many (especially lower net worth) anons see BTC as either only a trade or past the growth phase, but when you see BTC for what it is (world's first trustless fixed unit of account, i.e. incorruptible tally board) you realize it only becomes more useful the larger it grows and as such almost all gains are in the future

>> No.58639692

Literally doesn't matter. Some future date of a big revelation by a faggot influencer/celebrity is always a means to string you along. X accounts with that checkmark get a monthly check for post engagement plus crypto influencers are always trying to pump or FUD the market for the sake of their own bags. Vague chuuni bullshit like that shouldn't phase you if you don't want to be the sheep that gets sheared.

>> No.58639787

The industry has moved on to more exciting and innovative work past the bitcoin from over a decade ago anon.

>> No.58639866
File: 16 KB, 346x346, 1688348984362213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto "industry"
There is only BTC, you clearly do not grok the systemic economic value of a trustless, stateless, fixed unit of account. Return to the Path and the Way lost one, never forget that not holding BTC is equivalent to shorting it

>> No.58640337

Anon, some of the world's biggest bitcoin maximalists had grand ideas for the bitcoin network, kept running into roadblocks and moved on.

You sir, clearly don't understand the value and importance of the biggest innovation of blockchain technology, smart contracts.

>> No.58640373

You don't change bitcoin. Bitcoin changes you.

>> No.58640629
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, 1710548355468954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost one, BTC should only be "developed" under need, wanting need. BTC is not "crypto", BTC is the world's first fixed unit of account. Trustless, stateless, distributed, redundant, incorruptible and immutable fixed unit of account. Perfect Money. Your problem is you conflate your countries (all countries) corrupt kleptocrats with "wealth" or "money" or "capitalism", and lose sight of what money is and why it's vital. Money enables complex economic calculation, when you corrupt money (like I dunno, bail out your plutocrat buddy's industry) you fuck up the calculation! Money is not the problem, Good Money is the solution.
>muh scale
Price carries information. It does not need to scale, aggregate demand will yield the same general price.

Super Wealth can never buy 50% of BTC. Every sat you stack is a sat not in the hands of the psychopaths at the top.

>> No.58640754

Even the pseudonym they chose is based. (maybe they just really like Pokemon, but I like to think they chose it because of its meaning of a divine message/oracle)

>> No.58640758

Babby's first time browsing 4chan and he thinks he's stumbled upon the illuminati. He probably got invited to a telegram with one of you biztards larping as Satoshi