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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58636162 No.58636162 [Reply] [Original]

I just sold my Bitcoin and I'm putting the money into a Fidelity mutual fund. GG, crypto jabronis

>> No.58636207

>mutual fund

>> No.58636260

laugh it up low time preference nigger

>> No.58636269

>mutual fund

lmao, enjoy fees and paltry 8% annum

>> No.58636277

Cant be worse than the fees Jewbase charges

>> No.58636299

Not only did I invest in a mutual fund, but it was a MONEY MARKET mutual fund. Minimum risk.

>> No.58636304

fucking traitor putting the money in some stupid mutual negroid fund instead of a funny silly shitcoin like superverse or pepe

>> No.58636341

No fees as far as I'm aware and money market interest rate is about 4.5%.

>> No.58636342

he's right though, mutual fees are retarded because of the fees. buy an S&P 500 etf if you want to be a boomer

>> No.58636378

Its a money market mutual fund. No fees and it's 4.95% apy

>> No.58636380

>No fees
(X) Doubt
post the fund.

>> No.58636384


>> No.58636390
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dummy. over 10x the fees of a vanguard ETF

>> No.58636398
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>> No.58636403

you are such a brainlet lmao

>> No.58636411
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here i'll spell it out for you
shlomo is taking your gains

>> No.58636418

well duh they take a cut from the gains i kinda assumed that

>> No.58636422

You’re also losing money to inflation which is like 10% if not higher

>> No.58636429

And what I'm telling you is the cut is OVER TEN TIMES what a good ETF will take, all for a measly fucking 4.95% APY.

>> No.58636435

The absolute fucking state of the 4chan "business and finance" board

>> No.58636437

Inflation is 3.3%

>> No.58636452

there's no such thing as a money market etf

>> No.58636767

>stock chads sitting on record highs
>cryptocels getting dumped on
it's time to grow up and get into some big boy investments

>> No.58636795

You know what's not a scam? $APUCLOWN.

>> No.58636816

>market interest rate is about 4.5%
That's complete dog shit lol

>> No.58636827

dogshit? sure. Safest investment on planet earth? yeah.

>> No.58636829

Stop being such a panty waist and go get some real returns. 4.5% is less than inflation by a wide margin. Your 3.3% figure is crap also.

>> No.58636867

3.3% is official US government numbers. The interest rate is actually 4.95%, for what it's worth.

>> No.58636896

>3.3% is official US government numbers.
those stats are juked. when mommy stops paying for your groceries you'll see for yourself

>> No.58636906

My nigger, if I was worried about paying for groceries my life would be a whole lot better.

>> No.58636917

imagine fading crypto before the elections when its already known that trump, conan, btc and eth will all pump thanks to the orange man winning

>> No.58636990

good goy

>> No.58637387

Qan would have been a better investment

>> No.58637397
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Unit of account is the primary function of money, it is this function that enables economic calculation, it is this function that enforces the game theory of voluntary trade and frees us from the hobbesian war of all-against-all. A fixed unit of account greatly simplifies economic calculation as price carries information, a unit of account is to a fixed unit of account as a conductor is to a superconductor.

People do not have an intuitive understanding of this magnitude of change, zero is not low, it's zero. There's a troll physics comic where coolface wants portable power so ends-to-end an extension cord and charges it up so the electricity runs in a loop, that actually works with superconductors (SMES), when you go from "low resistance" to “no resistance” weird things become possible, the same is true of unit of account -> fixed unit of account.

We now have an immortal, trustless, stateless, transparent fixed unit of account to ensure all the big, important tallies add up.

You think nothing will change? Old money is already priced out, sure they could still buy some BTC, but they'll never be able to acquire an analogous share, let alone the power to create more BTC. We've already entered hyperbitcoinization.

>> No.58639224
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consumer price index is not inflation, slavemind, inflation is inflation.

>> No.58639351

Silence chud

>> No.58639364

stocks are a scam

>> No.58639365
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>he takes pride in simping for parasites
Sad. Superorganism Economy is now fully in control, bend the knee or be forgotten.

>> No.58640915

You can never go wrong on qanplatform anon

>> No.58640980
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>4.95% apy

>> No.58641029
File: 47 KB, 735x671, Missile-Cryptoe Alert!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad i invested way more in stonks than crypto for these past several years. i need to get off drugs and quit paying so much undeserved attention to that imaginary casino. 85% of my individual stonks have either doubled, tripled or quadrupled since covid-19. i'm profiting off all my cryptos now but maybe have doubled on 5% of them. not bad when i hardly invest in them at all, but still haven't doubled my BTC. bu-bu-but just DCA and hodl they say. it'll be at $100k at eoy every year since covid-19 they said/say LMAO

seriously the only way you can make money in the crypto casino fast is to short and long shit, but 99.9% of those that do that shit get swallowed up, the longer they play that game, especially when they're borrowing against imaginary money with unsecured money backed by real money that can only lead to bankruptcy and no more unsecured monopoly monies for you, bad boy

>> No.58642276

>I bought the tippy-top last cycle and have yet to re-enter

>> No.58644256

YNGMI. I'm still holding my BTC and diversifying with DUA for its low mcap and long-term growth potential, Fag.

>> No.58644284

I sold Pepe and went all in on Brillion utility token. Not interested in memes anymore.

>> No.58644433

It's your money, Anon, why should I care? I'd rather diversify with Peaq, which has the most DePINs prelaunch.